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No breeding until maxed
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I've seen SO many people breeding their dogs and they aren't maxed. It irks me so much! Their just creating dogs with Horrible TP that no one is going to want to buy. I'm sure a lot of people are going to agree to this, because I know some people who have commented about my advertisements on think before you breed.
Dogs shouldn't be breedable until they are fully MAXED.
Dogs shouldn't be breedable until they are fully MAXED.
Midnight Roses (#11006)
04-18-2011 at 12:13 AM
i disagree<br /> people shouldnt be forced to max there dogs before breeding sometimes TP's dont imprint on a player. this site would probably loose alot of people because of that. People should be able to choose when to breed their dogs. i also agree with unkown claws if someone only wants to breed with high TP dogs than they can put a note on there account or ala can put a button in the site. people should be able to breed as they please.
Jack (#12605)
04-16-2011 at 5:19 AM
I disagree.<br /> <br /> People play games for different reasons; and a website like this is no different.<br /> <br /> No one is being harmed through the enjoyment of breeding for glitches, breeding for patterns, or even just out of sentiment to have pups.<br /> <br /> TP is only one aspect of many on this website, and I think that the right for others to play for a reason that differentiate from yours should be defended and not scorned.<br /> <br /> It would be selfish to force your own will on everyone else by forcing everyone to conform for your comfort.

Soul (#96)
04-15-2011 at 11:05 PM
I disagree.<br /> <br /> Firstly, it's not any one player's right to dictate how others decide to play the game. If you want to breed for beauty alone, that is your right to do so. <br /> <br /> Secondly, if we only allow breeding of maxed dogs, do you see how quickly the monster TP's are going to spiral out of control? It's hard to train the ones we're having already and some breeders try to breed for manageable TP. It would be just awful to sign up and be faced with training a monster TP dog with your measly 10 sessions per day. Training a 280TP dog back then was challenging enough! <br /> <br /> Lastly, if the point of the game is realism, not every dog is going to be a champion and not every breeder is going to uphold high standards and breeding ethics. That's just the nature of the beast. Half the fun of the game is the social dynamic of being a great breeder and pairing up with other great breeders - the same could be true for those wishing to breed for low TP or looks alone.
Stone Oak Germans Kennel (#11122)
04-15-2011 at 5:16 PM
Also if they are lower I fix them so no pups come in.
Stone Oak Germans Kennel (#11122)
04-15-2011 at 5:15 PM
I say no I breed my GSD not max and give them away with lower stats for fun!And I breed maxed ones only for breeding perposeis and only with AKC coats.
Shinobu (#196)
04-15-2011 at 4:24 PM
I have to disagree also; sorry. Its unrealistic. There are plenty of people who breed for just looks (for example: Blue pit bulls which have a higher aggression toward humans than normal because they're so badly inbred).<br /> I personally did the same thing when I joined. I half-trained one of my dogs and requested stud from someone else. The puppies were horrible but I learned from my mistake and have bred some of the highest TP dogs in my breed.<br /> Making it mandatory to max out a dog isn't fair or realistic. New players will lose out on that learning curb we ALL had to take and no longer have the choice of breeding dogs their own way.<br /> <br /> There's also the issue of TP monsters. I've seen players half train a horrendously high TP dog and breed it to an average maxed dog to get above average puppies a normal player can max within reasonable time. With mandatory maxing; that ingenious method of smart breeding will be useless and we'd have no choice but to buy more foundations with lower TP to balance out the kennel. That's going to basically kill the market for high TP dogs for old-time players who use such a method.<br /> <br /> I do like the suggestion that Claws has of setting it on our profiles; but making it so it HAS to be done isn't really fair
edit history
2011-04-15 06:26:13 by #196
Roo (#8507)
04-15-2011 at 3:40 PM
I agree, but I agree hesitantly. I think it's an excellent idea for those of us who care about TP as well as looks (and those of us who have the trainer perk, scholar collar, and the means to buy MWB), but for those players who may not be able to donate real money to buy the trainer perk/MWB and have a hard time earning and saving Ala Cash, it would make this site a lot less fun for them. All that aside, I think it is <i>definitely</i> an excellent idea and I'd be thrilled if it was implemented.<br /> <br /> And Shadow Wolf, I think XXDr means that it would be great if it was completely impossible (like, in the coding, or whatever) to breed without the dog being maxed (which I love).
Riverside Kennels (#253)
04-15-2011 at 3:26 PM
I think there should be a button that you can set on your kennel where you can only breed maxed dogs, and if someone still requests, the button will automatically just reject the request.
catgirlfun (#9961)
04-15-2011 at 11:01 AM
I think there should be a thing you can set on your profile (like a sign or somthing) 'I'm a high TP breeder' and 'I'm a design breeder'

Leekar (#91)
04-15-2011 at 10:13 AM
As much as this irks me too, I can't ever see this actually being enforced. =x

Celestial's Dakonic Shepherds (#3992)
04-15-2011 at 7:02 AM
I support, completely!

Steaks (#5484)
04-15-2011 at 6:57 AM
I support. & Akebai, if you breed a 12TP dog and sell it "cause it has pretty colours", that doesn't stop someone from breeding it and selling 8TP dogs.<br>I think it should at least be strongly encouraged and suggested.
akebai (#7047)
04-15-2011 at 6:46 AM
I (respectfully) disagree - not everyone plays this game for the agility side of things. The genetics means that you can reasonably play just to breed for various colours. As there is a quick way to get rid of anything unwanted without selling it to someone else, it's not really a problem?