General Player Maturity
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I'm seeing a disturbing trend lately. Many players are complaining and commenting that "swearing" and mature themes are being used on the site. (However, it is known that swearing is prohibited except in the designated areas (18+ board). And even that replacement swear words (freakin', crap, etc.) should not be used in case a younger player should see. Such players often claim that Ala is a "kids" game. It is not.

Alacrity was (supposed) to have a mature player base, and those under 13 are not even allowed to play without parental permission.

Such players seem ignorant to the rules and designated places, and seem to expect that rules be bent specifically as to their wishes just because they may be younger. Obviously, that would be a stupid and non-feasible approach to the situation.

The 18+ board is just that, for mature players and the 18+ crowd, who are NOT offended by mature content. Every day I see more players entering the board that clearly do not belong there, or even may state such things as "THIS IS ON A KIDS' GAME?!!?"

Should these players have the right to complain?

05-17-2011 at 4:56 AM
nitrous i know right? crap, pissed, freaking, you know we Try to keep it PG and that's not even good enough!!! should we replace them with Rainbows, Cuddles, and Unicorns??? i wish they would cut us some slack, with the replacement words as i refer to them

05-16-2011 at 1:51 AM
*Gives up* I was just sharing my point of veiw.

05-16-2011 at 12:49 AM
Warrior, your definition of cursing is <i>completely</i> different than almost anyone else. Swearing is not allowed in chat. "Pissed", "freaking" and the like are not curse words, but you insist that they are.

05-16-2011 at 12:42 AM
There's a related thread over yonder: <a href=!&boardid=7670 rel=nofollow>[LINK]</a>

05-16-2011 at 12:08 AM
Ala is meant for older players, so therefore replacement swears will come up. It is stated in the TOS and the Rules that Ala is for players 13+, and if they aren't, they must have their parents permission to play. The parents should be aware that this site is geared towards more mature players, and its their choice to decide if they think their child is mature enough for this game or not. There should be no surprise in the content discovered on Ala, as there are warnings.

05-15-2011 at 11:30 PM
Oh jeeze. We have younger kids telling us, older players what to do? How to say Gods name? Oh. My. God. What happened to Respect your elders? If they don't like it, or are not mature enough to handle it, then they need to leave.

05-15-2011 at 9:57 PM
I was never in the 18 + section. It was said in chat. <br /> <br /> Dr Meredith Grey - Exactly. Roo - not trying to sound that way.

05-15-2011 at 9:44 PM
If you are really sensitive to swearing then why are you willingly putting yourself in a position to be around it and then trying to change other peoples beliefs? <br /> <br /> I wouldn't come to you and demand that you swear if you don't like to... why is it ok for you to to come to me/us and demand the opposite?<br><br><br /> Do you feel that your beliefs are more important than others beliefs? Do you feel that if you do not like or agree with something that EVERYONE needs to change to benefit you? <br><br><br /> Sounds pretty selfish to me.
edit history
2011-05-15 14:46:12 by #14176

05-15-2011 at 8:04 PM
Sorry; guys. I AM new here; i'm trying to do my best. I'm not trying to say that I'm better than anyone I'm just saying I think because my parents never cuss around me then I have never done it. I guess that I'm kind of - really - sensitive about that swearing. I'm really sorry. *#.#*

05-15-2011 at 8:31 AM
They absolutely should not complain. This is a game that caters to young adults to adults. From what I have seen and can tell we all go to great lengths to respect the children that are here. The whole website is censored to insane extents and everything is well moderated. <br /> <br /> However, while we go out of our way to respect children, where is our adult respect? We adults have thoughts, feelings, etc... why shouldn't we have a place to be ourselves and share content that isn't suitable for children. Because children play we adults should simply pretend that we are not adults to cater to children? I don't think so.<br /> <br /> I think the site has a mutual respect for everyone. I think the people who are complaining should realize that not everything is about them. It's not like the 18+ board is accidentally stumbled upon. It is CLEARLY marked, it gives you a warning, and there are rules within it before you can see anything that everyone who enters the board should be reading. There is no accidents if children are in there. The fault is with their parents and if they are the ones complaining they are being obnoxious and rude.<br /> <br />It reminds me of the internet in general. Sure, you can go to and probably not find anything questionable but what if you go to a 18+ website. Is the entire internet suppose to change JUST IN CASE a kid stumbles upon it? No... honestly this is the real world. Ultimately, I do not care if kids want to complain or not. They are kids. Small people who are not entirely grown who still need direction. Since they are not my kids I will happily point them as politely as possible to someone who cares because I don't. I also don't feel that if children are asking for things that they should be TELLING adults what is right and wrong lol. It's all very ironic to me. <br><br> Also, in life in general I have a live and let live clause. If what you are doing isn't directly effecting another person and making things difficult for them then it falls under live and let live. If a person is having a conversation in a coffee shop with a friend and chooses to curse quietly that is well within their rights and should be respected. If a person is screaming and cursing and following someone around so they can't get away from it that is a different story. If you don't enjoy cursing and someone is cursing... it's simple you don't talk to that person and you don't join a conversation. If you put yourself into a situation you don't like it is your own fault.
edit history
2011-05-15 01:44:46 by #14176
2011-05-15 01:36:09 by #14176

05-15-2011 at 7:32 AM
Exactly, Clay. I remember Rob was called out for "using god's name in vain" by a younger player. I mean an admin! I really envy her ability to handle such things without lashing out.

05-15-2011 at 6:31 AM
i don't think cussing is bad. it's expressing emotion. people think it's "disrespectful" for some reason.

05-15-2011 at 4:42 AM
I don't believe they have a right to complain. They have to be 18+ in order to enter the forum/threads with the swearing in the first place :P<br>I've noticed a lot of new players coming into chat and mouthing off to other players/mods and it's really offensive. IDK why they do it though.

05-15-2011 at 3:55 AM
Well, why shouldn't we swear? I'm honestly curious. They are just words that people have labeled bad.

05-15-2011 at 3:11 AM
no one should swear really

05-15-2011 at 1:04 AM
She's implying that cussing is bad, and that because she is a Christian, she doesn't cuss. Therefore, not cussing because she's Christian means she's better than us because cussing is bad. It's kind of twisted, but that's what it's coming across as.<br /> <br /> Just a side note, I'm Catholic but I still cuss occasionally. After all, cuss words are just that - <i>words</i>. They may mean nasty things, but they're just words. I don't see the big deal.. *shrug*

05-14-2011 at 9:41 PM
now now, nitrous, i don't think she meant "because im christian im better" she saying "because im christian, i don't cuss" Theres a difference.

05-14-2011 at 7:01 AM
Warrior, not everyone subscribes to your christian values. Many people here are atheists, I am one of them. And considering the general christian agenda, I consider this a huge case of the pot calling the kettle black.<br /> <br /> Don't ever insinuate "maybe it's because I'm christian", you're basically saying that because you are religious you're better. <br /> <br /> And please refresh yourself in the topic of debate forum rules. This isn't a place to use "Lawlz" or "ooooo". We have actual words for these, and your post is a pretty good indication that either you don't take this seriously or can't be bothered to put any effort into your "debating".

05-14-2011 at 4:09 AM
i think cusswords are Not rude or disrespectful, i think it's freedom of speech as well as just emphasis. i think there should be someplace on the interenet for people to cuss without getting preached at. just because we say the cussword, does not mean that the little kids have to. they know right and wrong they would have learned the cuss word anyway from tv, just because they might learn it from us doesn't mean we're encouraging them to say it. i say that if a little kid enters they 18 yr old zone, they shudn't nag about what they see, they don't have to join or do it to, they can just go. the complaints are completely out-of-line and a waste of the 18 yr old members' time.
edit history
2011-05-13 21:12:21 by #12307
2011-05-13 21:12:15 by #12307

05-14-2011 at 12:57 AM
Well it is your right whether or not you curse, but you can't make that decision for others. And you certainly can't make that decision for others on the internet. Which may well have been why Rob put the censors up in the first place, just to be safe. Even though most people would not curse because it's in the rules, there are some people who would.


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