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Making food
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I suggest alacrity could make another Custom Accessory Maker type thing, but instead of making an accessory, they make a Custom Food Maker.
My idea was that Alacrity could release a "CFM" for say, 5 bones. Alacrites could pick and choose from different "ingredients" that have different effects on energy, hunger, and health. Each could cost ala cash/bones. Example? Here:
Carrots: +2 energy | -0.2 hunger
Peas: +1 energy | -0.1 hunger
Celery: +1 energy | -0.1 hunger
Potatoes: +3 energy | -0.3 hunger
Rice: +5 energy | -0.6 hunger
Wheat: +2 energy | -0.4 hunger
Ground Beef: +4 energy | -0.5 hunger | +3 health
Ground Chicken: +6 energy | -0.7 hunger | +5 health
Ground Turkey: +5 energy | -0.6 hunger | +4 health
Ground Pork: +5 energy | -0.5 hunger | +4 health
Ground Fish: +4 energy | -0.4 hunger | +3 health
And then there's all the vitamins and minerals. :)
But the rules for it:
1. You must choose one of each food type(meat, grain, veggitables), then are allowed to choose another one.
2. You must not choose all of the highest energy or hunger effects.
3. You can only choose four.
If you have any ideas, please post or reply "Support". :)
My idea was that Alacrity could release a "CFM" for say, 5 bones. Alacrites could pick and choose from different "ingredients" that have different effects on energy, hunger, and health. Each could cost ala cash/bones. Example? Here:
Carrots: +2 energy | -0.2 hunger
Peas: +1 energy | -0.1 hunger
Celery: +1 energy | -0.1 hunger
Potatoes: +3 energy | -0.3 hunger
Rice: +5 energy | -0.6 hunger
Wheat: +2 energy | -0.4 hunger
Ground Beef: +4 energy | -0.5 hunger | +3 health
Ground Chicken: +6 energy | -0.7 hunger | +5 health
Ground Turkey: +5 energy | -0.6 hunger | +4 health
Ground Pork: +5 energy | -0.5 hunger | +4 health
Ground Fish: +4 energy | -0.4 hunger | +3 health
And then there's all the vitamins and minerals. :)
But the rules for it:
1. You must choose one of each food type(meat, grain, veggitables), then are allowed to choose another one.
2. You must not choose all of the highest energy or hunger effects.
3. You can only choose four.
If you have any ideas, please post or reply "Support". :)
YappyFaye (#12993)
11-14-2011 at 6:37 PM
Ooh. Nice. :D

Mizzy (#11754)
11-13-2011 at 5:06 PM
I would support this only if there were more options for "Ingredients".<br /> <br /> With your current ingredients, only 40 combinations of food could be made. Perhaps a "Proteins" or "Vitamins/Minerals" group could be added for a bunch more options.<br /> <br /> My suggestion for this would be to have different levels of "Ingredients." <br /> <br /> A "Standard" Food would cost X Bones and contain 1 Meat.<br /> <br /> The next level could cost more and contain 1 Meat + 1 Grain<br /> <br /> The next would have 1 Meat + 1 Grain + 1 Vegetable and cost more<br /> <br /> The final level could almost be endless. It would contain 1 Meat + 1 Grain + I vegetable and then as many vitamins/minerals as you want. Except each added vitamin/mineral would cost 1 bone.<br /> <br /> This lead to there being a lot more combinations to add to the uniquesness and rarity of all sorts of different kinds of food.
RainbowPawz R.I.P. Lennox <3 (#12766)
09-1-2011 at 8:13 PM
bamby (#11282)
08-30-2011 at 7:42 PM
Support! :D
Lennyk (#7689)
08-29-2011 at 7:19 PM
Support! I think this is an interesting way to funnel cash off of the site. Would like to see this in action!

Steaks (#5484)
08-7-2011 at 3:06 PM
Well not really, because they could use it on their dogs.
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-31-2011 at 4:30 AM
Well, if they weren't able to sell them, then nobody would buy the CFM, being a big waste of an item.

Steaks (#5484)
07-31-2011 at 4:15 AM
<i>"and no one would be able to make a nice profit out of it."</i><br>...Wouldn't people who buy this CFM be using it on <b>their</b> dogs? How about it's made so that you can't <b>sell</b> the food?
edit history
2011-07-30 18:16:17 by #5484
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-31-2011 at 4:12 AM
I don't know. Maybe the select buttons would only allow you to choose certain energy levels..<br /> <br /> And I already answered the second question a page or two ago.

Steaks (#5484)
07-31-2011 at 4:08 AM
<i>2. You must not choose all of the highest energy or hunger effects.</i><br>What will stop people from doing this? And shouldn't people spending the bones on this be allowed to choose what they want?
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-31-2011 at 3:51 AM
Well, you could sell it, but still, users like me use way too much food, and buy a lot of it. :p

nellyღ (#12729)
07-31-2011 at 3:44 AM
What I meant is if you sell the food. xD<br /> ...Can you sell it or is it just for you ? Depending on if you can sell it is where how many copies you should get.
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-31-2011 at 3:32 AM
Nelly, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to get through. In my kennel, 100 would last 2-3 days, and I only have 10 dogs.
Champion (Huskies and Aussies!) (#5870)
07-31-2011 at 2:58 AM

nellyღ (#12729)
07-31-2011 at 12:20 AM
Having as little as possible = More money can be made off it<br /> Having 100+ = Most people will have it, and it wont sell very well.
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-30-2011 at 9:46 PM
Well, the first one I was planning on having that in, but I forgot to put it in. The second one, that's kind of a rip off. Maybe 100 or 200?

nellyღ (#12729)
07-30-2011 at 8:48 PM
But to make people still buy from Gnashers, maybe these ideas could be added ?<br /> <br /> -You can only get it through Random Event<br /> -Each time you use the 'CFM' you make two servings of the food like the CAM does
YappyFaye (#12993)
07-30-2011 at 8:06 PM
Well, it gives another way to earn money, bones, etc..<br /> <br /> As for Gnashers, many users would still buy from that as well. Alot of users would over price their food, and Gnashers would still remain an option.

nellyღ (#12729)
07-30-2011 at 7:55 PM
I honestly don't know if I can support.<br /> I mean if we had this, what would happen to all the food in gnashers ?<br /> I like how Ala's food is set up now. But that's just me.
Nals (#11652)
07-30-2011 at 9:23 AM
Amazing. Support.