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Testing Chat
Started By
I know we have the testing forum, but, it is a different color than the chat. Since the colors become lighter in chat while on the forum they're darker, the color is a waste.
My suggestion is we add another chat, the Testing chat where you can test font colors! So then the other chats aren't spammed with bright colors, and people can determine, and see, if the color is good enough for chat or not.
Post if you agree or disagree. :>
My suggestion is we add another chat, the Testing chat where you can test font colors! So then the other chats aren't spammed with bright colors, and people can determine, and see, if the color is good enough for chat or not.
Post if you agree or disagree. :>
Eden (side) (#7324)
10-24-2011 at 10:24 PM
Sorry no support. LOVE your idea, though Shin. DO make a Suggestion thread so more people can see your idea!
Ravyn (#98)
10-23-2011 at 1:42 PM
Support Shin's idea.<br /> <br /> And to the whole new chat thing, it'd be another chat to take care of, and most of the people who test fonts in chat are newbies who don't know how to switch chats in the first time/are posting for the first time or something, so instead of directing them to the forums, which is pretty straightforward, we have to explain how to switch chats, accounting for both main and side chat. So it'd be a hassle for the NHs as well as the mods, in my opinion ^.^;
Tiger (#42)
10-14-2011 at 8:31 AM
It would just create another chat room for people to sneak into when its unattended to break rules etc. You can change the color of the BG of your text on the testing threat in the forums and test your colors there.
edit history
2011-10-14 05:32:19 by #42

Steaks (#5484)
10-11-2011 at 6:16 PM
I support. It's such a pain to go find the forums and post there when your layout is a different colour :T Then I gotta go into my profile, change it from Earth Day to Original, go back and find the thread, choose a colour, post, see how it looks, go back to my profile, change it from Original to Earth Day, go and then change my default chat colour.
Kaitie (#9885)
08-5-2011 at 5:56 PM
I support and I think a test chat would be better than switching the test thread background color because if there was a testing chat, it would be easier to go to and easier to test on. It's also more convenient to point out "there's a testing chat too" as opposed to "there's a testing thread in forums. Its under this and that" along with someone usually needing to link it.<br /> <br /> Long story short: Support xD
Three Whispers (#7424)
08-5-2011 at 5:49 PM
Support times a million! The fact that the forums and chat are a different color are the bane of my existence :( I really just want to find my old green font again!
Silverstream(The Chat Gremlin >8U) (#7268)
08-5-2011 at 5:45 PM
Bea1113-is a christmas tree (#15242)
08-1-2011 at 4:23 AM
I support,Shin's idea is good,but you're probably right nelly,it would most likely take more coading to do. BUT,shin's idea is also better because think of how many times people accedentaly post sales chat stuff in chatrooms. I'm sorrta' on both sides here. :/

daenerys (#5594)
07-31-2011 at 5:19 AM
No support. I feel as if we have too many chats as it is. I agree with Shin's idea, however :)
Three Whispers (#7424)
07-29-2011 at 8:15 PM
Yes, yes, yes! Support a million bajillion times

nellyღ (#12729)
07-21-2011 at 8:43 PM
Shin, wouldn't that take a lot more coding ? Especially since Kitty would have to make that one forum have chat background, that might take a little longer. <br /> I don't see the trouble with one more chat, but that's just me.
Shinobu (#196)
07-21-2011 at 8:41 PM
Eh, I'm not sure about adding another chat. Maybe we can get the test thread background changed to match chat background? That way we can still test in the thread.
V (#12310)
07-21-2011 at 8:41 PM
I totally agree, Nelly!! 100% support :P
Larthan (#8598)
07-21-2011 at 8:40 PM
Agree :3
Honey (#915)
07-21-2011 at 8:40 PM
Support~ I thought of this a while ago and I never made a topic about it. xD
Darksplash (#12901)
07-21-2011 at 8:40 PM
I agree! I think this a good idea. :)
Onyx (#15336)
07-21-2011 at 8:40 PM