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Apply to account rather than Item?
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This would need some added suggestions to refine the idea but you know how to use the scholar collar you have to put it on the dog. It's inconvenient. Wouldn't it be nice if it just applied to your account rather than having to be on a specific dog? Maybe when you buy one it could be reflected on your account more like a perk and less like an item? And if you sell it of course the perk wouldn't stay?
This would be good to prevent accidents from selling it, uglifiying your dog with it because lets be honest it's not exactly cute, and would also prevent accidents like giving it away ;)
nOther items might be good for this also. Anyway I dunno just an idea.
This would be good to prevent accidents from selling it, uglifiying your dog with it because lets be honest it's not exactly cute, and would also prevent accidents like giving it away ;)
nOther items might be good for this also. Anyway I dunno just an idea.
Roo (#8507)
09-30-2011 at 12:55 PM
I only have one scholar collar and I've been doing just fine having only the one. Sure, it's a slight inconvenience having to shuffle it around, but at least you have one.
Lady Kiba ◖: (#48)
09-30-2011 at 11:40 AM
"Well Lady I can't afford to buy a bunch of SCs just for convenience"<br /> <br /> And I should not be gypped out of one because I can. Everyone else is just as capable as making money to buy one as I am. If it bugs you about changing it that much, save up and get another one, or more.
Eden (side) (#7324)
09-28-2011 at 8:59 PM
No support. As Quagga said, we have the Trainer perk that can be bought, which gives the same use as a Scholar Collar plus extra little perks.

Steaks (#5484)
09-28-2011 at 6:12 PM
I don't really support. We already have a perk that is attached to your account that trains like a scholar collar. Trainer Perks.<br /><br />If someone has trouble repeatedly selling it then they need to check things thoroughly before they click any buttons :\<br /><br />Also, if they keep losing it, all they have to do is go into chat and say "I lost my SC!!" and they'll have at least 3 people searching through their dogs. Not only that, but they can look through their own user logs to see the last dog they trained.
KaT (#5747)
09-28-2011 at 6:02 PM
Well Lady I can't afford to buy a bunch of SCs just for convenience x] In fact this one was given to me. You could sell them or keep one on each account, it's not like it would hurt you/
Lady Kiba ◖: (#48)
09-27-2011 at 11:27 PM
No support. I have three scholar collars for the sole purpose of not having to shuffle one around on mutiple dogs. This would make my other two compleatly pointless.
Aust (#9721)
09-27-2011 at 5:00 PM
I kind of support and I kind of don't. I agree with Kat. I have 1 scholar collar that I switch between both of my accounts.
Bridgette&Josh (#14176)
09-27-2011 at 4:24 PM
"I think you should have to put it on a dog still but I think it should effect your whole kennel.... I mean, why not? It just saves some time switching from 1 dog to another" <br /><br /><br />That's a great idea. Just thinking of ways to make it more convenient and less prone to mistakes.
Mrs.Kat-Clause (#1521)
09-27-2011 at 4:24 PM
I think you should have to put it on a dog still but I think it should effect your whole kennel.... I mean, why not? It just saves some time switching from 1 dog to another
Quagga (#7224)
09-27-2011 at 4:09 PM
No support. We have the trainer perk already, and I think it best as an item.
Roo (#8507)
09-27-2011 at 1:40 PM
I actually like the scholar collar as an item... And I'm very thankful it exists! Plus, I think it's cute. So no support. Sorry :)