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Shop Purchase Notifications/Messages
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I think we should have not only have notifications for dog purchases and scribbles, but we should have messages for items being bought from our shop. The messages should say what item was bought from your shop and for (the price), not just "(person's name) bought something from your shop. It would help me a lot to tell what isn't selling. Respond in the comments if you agree with me or not and why.

Steaks (#5484)
10-11-2011 at 2:00 AM
Errr huh?<br /> There already is "1 Tennis Ball was purchased from your shop for $5" in user logs.<br /> I personally wish it would say something like "1 Tennis Ball was purchased from your shop by user #5484 for $5" so that we can ask for our items back on accidental purchases. :T<br /> <br /> I don't think "are you sure?" notifications for scribbles are necessary, because I'm pretty sure you have to type something in the scribble box to submit it -- someone please correct me if I'm wrong here.<br /> <br /> Also, there <b>are</b> "are you sure?" notifications for shop purchases, but I can't see it being too necessary for dog purchases. The buy a dog button is kind of out of the way, not like the way they are set up in user shops. In user shops, it's a bit difficult to NOT make accidental purchases unless you slowly maneuver your cursor around/between items.. lol