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Dog races?
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Note: This is not based off any real-life racing events. Thus, it should not imply any assumptions based on real-life racing events.
Since speed and drive are nearly useless at the moment, why not make a trial like competition just for them? :3
Dog races would be races in wich dogs compete. The speed stat of your dog effects its maximum speed, and its drive effects how long your dog can maintain its maximum speed. If a dogs drive is way to low, it may not even finish the race.
When a user holds a dog race, he or she can decide the number of entrants, the number of winning places, and the length of the race track. The length of the race track effects the outcome of the race.
dogs with high speed but low drive are more likely to win short races, while dogs with high drive and low speed are more likely to win longer races.
Maybe, if the programmer(s) wanted to do a little extra, users with a perk could arrange race series, where winning dogs from a set of races can move on to the next race in the sequence to race against each other, with the prizes being higher. These race series could contain up to 5 tiers of races, with a maximum number of 10 entry level races, or so.
Edit: Perhaps implement a feature where non-competing users can bet on the outcome of races? :D the payout rate could be decided by the dog's previous win/loss ratio, compared to the ratios of the competing dogs.
Jackdaw gave me some very good ideas. Perhps users creating races could also choose the difficulty of the terrain in a race, which would effect how much TP effects the outcome of the race. Also, perhaps the races pay in points, not alacrity cash, and there could be a shop to spend them at, with items that you can't obtain elsewhere on the site.
If a point shop is implemented, I would like to see full range of prices on items, from things that can be baught after one race, to legendarily hard to obtain items, so prohibitively expensive, that it might take an entire team of dogs their entire life times of active racing, to save up for some items.
Another idea: Team races, where teams of dogs compete, rather than individuals. The player or players creating a team would have to consider the stats of all the dogs in their team. if more than one user's dogs are in a team, the entry fee and prizes are divided up between the users, based on whose dogs are contributing how much to the team.
Edit again: If you REALLY want to see this implemented, advertise for this forum post, to draw in more supporters. ;3
Since speed and drive are nearly useless at the moment, why not make a trial like competition just for them? :3
Dog races would be races in wich dogs compete. The speed stat of your dog effects its maximum speed, and its drive effects how long your dog can maintain its maximum speed. If a dogs drive is way to low, it may not even finish the race.
When a user holds a dog race, he or she can decide the number of entrants, the number of winning places, and the length of the race track. The length of the race track effects the outcome of the race.
dogs with high speed but low drive are more likely to win short races, while dogs with high drive and low speed are more likely to win longer races.
Maybe, if the programmer(s) wanted to do a little extra, users with a perk could arrange race series, where winning dogs from a set of races can move on to the next race in the sequence to race against each other, with the prizes being higher. These race series could contain up to 5 tiers of races, with a maximum number of 10 entry level races, or so.
Edit: Perhaps implement a feature where non-competing users can bet on the outcome of races? :D the payout rate could be decided by the dog's previous win/loss ratio, compared to the ratios of the competing dogs.
Jackdaw gave me some very good ideas. Perhps users creating races could also choose the difficulty of the terrain in a race, which would effect how much TP effects the outcome of the race. Also, perhaps the races pay in points, not alacrity cash, and there could be a shop to spend them at, with items that you can't obtain elsewhere on the site.
If a point shop is implemented, I would like to see full range of prices on items, from things that can be baught after one race, to legendarily hard to obtain items, so prohibitively expensive, that it might take an entire team of dogs their entire life times of active racing, to save up for some items.
Another idea: Team races, where teams of dogs compete, rather than individuals. The player or players creating a team would have to consider the stats of all the dogs in their team. if more than one user's dogs are in a team, the entry fee and prizes are divided up between the users, based on whose dogs are contributing how much to the team.
Edit again: If you REALLY want to see this implemented, advertise for this forum post, to draw in more supporters. ;3
Angyl Paws (#25572)
08-17-2012 at 1:28 AM
Vision (#9146)
08-11-2012 at 11:45 AM
Support! Racing jackets would make cool prizes as well :P Like, low-level, win one race kinda thing. But a fun new idea for "dog clothes"<br /> <br /> Perhaps basic colors could be say, 5 points, and patterns could be like 10? (or something fitting the points given out)

Confused Owl (#11367)
06-25-2012 at 11:03 PM
Aqualeaf (#22419)
06-24-2012 at 4:37 PM
Support!<br /> <br /> The only thing I would change is the "whole team of dogs while lifetimes" because it could either lead to no one getting the high point items or everyone hoarding for said legendary item, therefore few cheap ones are bought and they become less commonplace. <br /> <br /> <br /> Oooh, maybe items could rotate in biweekly kinda like the monthly shop?
---ƉαяκƧσиɢ--- *Still* the Ala penguin :3 (#11030)
06-24-2012 at 3:10 PM
Support! It sounds really fun!
Fleatato (#19933)
04-21-2012 at 9:41 PM

Haiden [Husky & Sheltie Breeder] (#18607)
01-27-2012 at 11:40 AM
Support ;)

Chris, the Rebel Wolf (#20665)
01-21-2012 at 8:15 AM
Blue (#8892)
11-21-2011 at 4:05 PM
I definatly support this!
gone (#1160)
11-21-2011 at 1:34 AM
Support! Sounds like an awesome idea.

Mizzy (#11754)
11-19-2011 at 2:11 PM
I think this would be a great idea! I would definately buy a "perk" or whatever so that I could make these races and race my dogs as well!<br /> <br /> And I think the idea of a points shop would be much more beneficial to the Ala economy (especially if the amount of money for making/entering the race was a bit higher) because instead of just spewing out money, with a lot of hard work, players could get some really cool items without any more money being added into the economy.
YappyFaye (#12993)
11-14-2011 at 6:51 PM
Eden (side) (#7324)
11-6-2011 at 4:22 PM
Jack (#12605)
11-6-2011 at 4:21 PM
I would prefer to see this feature rewarding points with a unique point shop exchange system rather than straight Alacrity cash.<br /> <br /> Alacrity was centered around agility trials, breeding quality dogs, and TP based priority.<br /> <br /> I don't think it should reward even near the amount of money trials would as to not thwart the efforts of those who have bred/trained high TP dogs or take away from Alacrity's focus on agility.<br /> <br /> That's not to say you can't sell point shop items for money though once exchanged (if implemented). ^^
Nafia's Side (#7514)
11-6-2011 at 3:40 PM
I give my full out support! Trialing is too hard to earn enough money and this would be a good way, since trials are based on TP low TP dogs with good speed/drive can do something good!

Celestial's Dakonic Shepherds (#3992)
11-6-2011 at 3:37 PM
I support, and race with my own dogs. (And I've been to many events, not one person treated their dog like a expendable way to get money. Some may do that, but the sport itself is not cruel. No, I'm not active or have real life experience in Greyhound Racing)<br /> <br /> I like Clay's suggestion as well, if the dog has excess weight it could slow them down so it would give us an opportunity to do more with our dogs, more care, more realistic. Because so far I've had no way of telling if my dogs are over weight or not and it drives me nuts a bit.<br /> <br /> There could also be things we can do, bike ride, toss a ball, play tug, to help our dogs lose weight to get ready for racing instead of just reducing food.<br /> <br /> Also some bigger races, like say if we held nationals, the dogs can get racing blankets and muzzles.<br /> If you want to be even more realistic there could be a "muzzle" training spot like the agility ones that you train in to make the dog more comfortable in a muzzle and preform better.<br /> <br /> We can hold different types as well. For example with my own dog I do:<br /> <br /> Sprints<br /> A short straight track<br /> <br /> Oval Track<br /> A longer track that is in a oval shape<br /> <br /> Lure Coursing<br /> The dog chases a lure on a field set up like a real life rabbit hunt. They're judged by how well they follow the lure, amongst other things. Speed and drive could play a larger part in this. As well as the "Focused" and "Confident" traits. <br /> <br /> Back on the weight thing, I think if the dog is overweight then the chances of possible injuries (nothing serious, just like normal injuries) should be much higher, just like in real life. For example I keep my dog trim when we run and x-rayed his hips and elbows before we started.<br /> <br /> <br /> Just some more food for thought, I'm not saying all these should be implemented it's just, well, food for thought. :)<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
E-boney Jangles {Ala's Skeleton} (#7336)
11-6-2011 at 2:13 PM

Kalid (#101)
11-6-2011 at 10:30 AM
what if when you raced, you had a chance to increase your dog's speed or drive? I think that alone could lure people into it. <br /> <br /> and thank you for rewording. it's much appreciated.

Bobbie (#1625)
11-6-2011 at 10:22 AM
By dog racing, I meant that it is 'racing' done by 'dogs', I will reword my post.
Roo (#8507)
11-6-2011 at 10:21 AM
Well, when you word it as "Dog races would be dog races, obviously" and the most common type of dog racing is Greyhound racing, then it would stand to reason that a person would immediately think of Greyhound racing when someone says "Dog races!" Even though you do state (now) that it's not based off real life events, it would still be hard for me to accept it if it was added to Ala.<br /> <br /> I think a better suggestion would be <a href="">lure coursing</a>. While still a competitive sport, it's more in the name of fun than money.