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Players Using Dyes While Trying To Sell A Dog
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Hello there, the reason im writing this is to address what i think is a problem. I've seen many times players selling dogs with dyes on them. To seasoned players this is something we know to avoid, but to new players they might not know what a dye is and could buy a dog thinking that is the dogs natural color. There could be many solutions to this problem. First, Make it against the rules to sell a dog with a dye. Second, maybe even code it to where any dog in the auction who has a dye on could be disabled while it in auction. Any Thoughts,Agreements,Disagreements is welcome im just trying to get this issue out there and hopefully get it resolved. Thanks for your time.
*edit* I really love the idea of putting a banner on there. and i see making it against the rules would not solve anything. but a banner or a auto dye disable thing may work just fine. :D
*edit* I really love the idea of putting a banner on there. and i see making it against the rules would not solve anything. but a banner or a auto dye disable thing may work just fine. :D

Marilyn Pearl (#9907)
02-24-2012 at 11:54 PM
Alcemistnv [567 candy corns] (#3906)
11-13-2011 at 8:11 PM
I third what Geist said.<br /> <br /> As a newbie I ALMOST fell for that, until I looked in the stores and saw the same dye. What could also happen is that as the dye is fading it gives a different look and if the Markings are hidden, who will know if the faded color is correctly the dog's coat. So support Geist :D

Steaks (#5484)
11-13-2011 at 7:24 PM
Seconding what Geist said.<br /> <br /> Though making it against the rules to put a dyed dog up for auction won't stop everybody [I still see people freezing dogs in auction], the "THIS DOG IS DYED" thing would help. Some glitches may look dyed but really aren't and I think the "dyed" banner would keep glitches from being reported

GeistNoir (#4246)
11-13-2011 at 7:19 PM
I think if the dog is for sale, it should at least trigger a banner up top saying THIS DOG IS DYED. Making it obvious is important. It's very easy to overlook things when you're new to the site.<br /> <br /> I bought a dyed dog as a newbie. :|
Nitrous (#9181)
11-13-2011 at 7:15 PM
Support. When I was new, the first dog I looked at was dyed. I quickly picked up on it and didn't purchase the dog, but at first glance it looked like a good buy because it was so unique looking. <br /> <br /> In the very least, dyes need to be disabled when a dog is for sale, end of story. It's a complete and total scam. The buyer has no way of knowing what they're buying unless they put the markings into the custom maker -- and what if the owner hides its markings?
Pelottava (#1395)
11-13-2011 at 6:02 PM
I wouldn't say make it against the rules necessarily, but if there was a way to see the coats of dogs for sale even if people have a dye on them it would be really useful.
Eden (side) (#7324)
11-12-2011 at 11:31 PM
Definitely no support. Why would you make it against the rules? That is a large step too far, in my opinion.<br /> <br /> Maybe, instead, the dye could be listed in the dog's item description. Or a seperate sub-header named "Dye" and put as "none" or "[dye name here]".<br /> <br />

Steaks (#5484)
11-12-2011 at 10:52 PM
Support. I would never fall for this but I pity those who do.
Nafia's Side (#7514)
11-12-2011 at 10:44 PM
It should not be against the rules in case someone forgots but it must say on the dog page it has dye, like with any regular item.