Change a dog's gender and make a desexed dog able to breed again with this magical biscuit.
Magical Dog Biscuit
you own: 0.
Lifelong fun for a lifetime friend. Makes a dog immortal.
Magical Lifelong Locket
you own: 0.
This magical collar doubles the effectiveness of each training session used when equipped to your dog. Unlimited uses, but effects do not stack even if you equip 20!
Scholar Collar
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
no wall scribbles just yet!
Welcome to Trailblazer (#23830)'s profile.
currently: Looking for art!!!

Last Seen: 10:33 PM on 09-29-2013, played for 8 days

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What am I doing?
- Mountain Peak Kennels -
Welcome to Mountain Peak Kennels, here my main goal is breed and train champion GSD, BC, and AS dogs.
I'm fairly new, but I hope to figure this site out soon enough ^^
You can call me Blazer, Wolf, Storm, Trail anything really C:
My fursona is a female GSD named Kenai, any art you want to do of her is greatly appreciate <33
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 14
Dogs in "Mountain Peak"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Bullet (#99659) German Shepherd 59.25 months female
Luke (#132409) German Shepherd 31.14 months male
Titan (#142250) German Shepherd 13.35 months female
Trek (#142257) Australian Shepherd 16.59 months female
Scout (#143441) Australian Shepherd 11.19 months male
Blazer (#144488) Siberian Husky 10.17 months female
Steel (#144970) Border Collie 6.84 months male


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