#27944 wants for nothing!
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(02-23-2014 at 11:02 AM)
Hay der, I was looking at your dogs, and, I recognized Singing Blues, wasn't he one of the ones in the auctions? Hah, almost bought him but I bought Lucky instead. c:
(01-3-2013 at 8:23 AM)

illusions of dreaming

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Welcome to Sundown (#27944)'s profile.
currently: Looking Lost

Last Seen: 1:31 AM on 12-12-2016, played for 36 days

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What am I doing?
I signed up a billion years ago and never came up. Getting on my feet again, and pretending I know what I'm doing :D
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 1 | Training Sessions: 22
Dogs in "Sundown Kennels"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Red Thread (#192047) Siberian Husky 25.27 months female
Shadow Edge (#229349) Shiba Inu 111.21 months male
Neith (#244954) Borzoi 24.66 months female
Valentino (#250090) Borzoi 36.15 months male
Royal Affair (#254883) Shiba Inu 39.60 months female
Singing Blues (#257194) Siberian Husky 22.08 months male
Newborn Puppy (#258611) Siberian Husky 11.22 months male


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