Watch your dog whiz around after he eats this stuff. -5 Hunger, +10 Energy, +5 Health, +0.01 Speed
Speed Unlmtd. Chow
you own: 0.
Happy birthday! Awards random rare item when fed to dog.
Birthday Cake
you own: 0.
This magical collar doubles the effectiveness of each training session used when equipped to your dog. Unlimited uses, but effects do not stack even if you equip 20!
Scholar Collar
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(03-6-2024 at 7:20 PM)


You've been visited by the Hec Fairy! Kinda like The Tooth Fairy, but you don't have to put anything under your pillow! 😊
(07-22-2020 at 3:44 PM)
Thanks for the help! Hopefully I can get him to eat one of those and he will actually like it! He's such a picky eater. I really appreciate the feed back! Thanks again!
(07-15-2020 at 6:26 PM)
Your messages were full so I couldn't send a IM. Thanks for messaging me though! He does get some redness in the corner of his eyes and I have noticed a few red bumps on him but his fur is so thick it is hard to see some areas that he scratches. I rotate him through Royal Canine, Pedigree and Purina Puppy Chow because he is so picky he will only eat one for about a week and then he won't eat it anymore so I switch to the next. I don't know if allergies are treatable with dogs or if there are things I can do to make him itch less. Thanks again for getting back to me!
Welcome to BearMan (#31054)'s profile.
currently: Hey Scotty! *Turns head* Jesus man!

Last Seen: 5:29 PM on 05-4-2024, played for 717 days

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Batman(back up)
What am I doing?
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: -11 | Training Sessions: 98
Dogs in ""
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Keeper of The Night Ⓜ️ 447.45 (#262354) German Shepherd 129.51 months male
Just a Word (#314792) German Shepherd 48.18 months female
Newborn Puppy (#436084) Shetland Sheepdog 16.83 months male
Harvest Moon Ⓜ️ 306 (#436028) Shetland Sheepdog 33.36 months male
Heart of Gold Ⓜ️ 306 (#436029) Shetland Sheepdog 33.96 months female
Newborn Puppy (#436284) German Shepherd 6.15 months female
Newborn Puppy (#436285) German Shepherd 6.15 months female
Newborn Puppy (#436286) German Shepherd 6.15 months female
O-Curr Catahoulas:


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