Pushes a bitch into heat on the next 30 minute interval and keeps her there until you remove the Cookie. Infinite uses!
Heat Cookie
you own: 0.
This bandana seems to be embued with maturity! Turns your puppy into an adult while equipped.
Bandana of Maturity
you own: 0.
Scientists theorize that baby rexes may have been covered in a layer of feathers, molting them away as they grew older! Gives +5 energy ever half hour.
Baby Tyrannosaurus Rex
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(07-10-2017 at 7:31 PM)

K [ShiverCritter]

Thanks for buying my dog, take good care of her :)
(03-3-2017 at 3:53 PM)
How are you doing? have not heard from you in a while....
(08-20-2016 at 6:55 AM)
P.S having a cat profile picture on a dog breeding site is an act of bravery.
Welcome to FlaccidFiish (#40796)'s profile.
currently: Wow its been a while..

Last Seen: 11:53 AM on 12-18-2020, played for 308 days

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Snowfur322{shadows side}
What am I doing?

''I might be a potato, but I have standards.'' - Markiplier
''My job is to yell at things.'' - Jacksepticeye
''I guess you can't kill what has been kill.'' - PewDiePie
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 2 | Training Sessions: 44
Dogs in ""
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Orion (1,266 TP) (Peeker) (#354558) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 63.07 months female
peeker4 (#375496) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 19.57 months female
peeker3 (#375497) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 19.59 months male
peeker2 (#375499) Pembroke Welsh Corgi 19.59 months male
Newborn Puppy (#375802) German Shepherd 15.90 months female
Blue Glitch Cap (#402895) German Shepherd 97.23 months female
Beautiful Blue Glitch Cap (#402896) German Shepherd 97.26 months male
Newborn Puppy (#409190) German Shepherd 1.44 months male
Newborn Puppy (#409070) German Shepherd 4.77 months female
Newborn Puppy (#409072) German Shepherd 4.77 months male


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