Lifelong fun for a lifetime friend. Makes a dog immortal.
Magical Lifelong Locket
you own: 0.
A fancy accessory for your canine artist! This pendant will allow you access to one free CAM per month, non-stackable.
Paint Palette Pendant
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(02-8-2014 at 7:01 PM)
No sorry :/ That's all I've got atm.
(12-30-2013 at 1:24 PM)

Molam (Chibi Nyanko)

(newbie helper)

Yes please ^^ Hes the prettiest dog i've ever bred ^^
Welcome to C e r y (#8376)'s profile.
currently: Selling this account! Check it out here: http://www.alacritysim.com/forums.php?boardid=12932&category=Account%20Sales

Last Seen: 1:30 PM on 04-3-2021, played for 390 days

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Side account:
C e r y n i t i a n S a l e s K e n n e l
What am I doing?

Looking for a Paint Palette Pendant. I have CS pets and cash, Ala cash, and Bones!

- Welcome to R.U.N. Kennels! -

Here are R.U.N. Kennels, we just run the place! What I mean is, we have no specific purpose, like breeding or training per se, but we do a mix of all things.

My normal tradition, as of starting last year, is that all dogs unkenneled must first be maxed, and once they are, they graduate to the official R.U.N. kennel. Though, some dogs in the R.U.N. kennel are not maxed. They are in there because they are some of my first few dogs I ever got.

If you see a dog you like, feel free to either scribble me or PM me about it! Just because there isn't a price tag, doesn't mean I wouldn't sell them to someone that will love them and take good care of them. Though sometimes I may like a dog too much to sell it, and I hope you understand that.

Now, onto training, breeding, and selling!

- Training, Breeding, Selling -

Like most kennels here on Alacrity, I do offer some services! I can train dogs, I breed, I sell, and a few other miscellaneous things I'll mention in a minute.

- t r a i n i n g -

At the moment, I'm only taking in one dog for training. I only train dogs with TP's of 600 or less, because I don't have many training sessions and I have many of my own dogs to train.

0-200 TP -- 4k
300-400 TP -- 8k
500-600 TP -- 13k

Slot:; Open

- b r e e d i n g -

Nothing special here. For breeding, I only ask that you pick a dog of mine that is MAXED [or almost maxed, so I can max it], and that your dog you want to breed is maxed as well. I don't breed unmaxed dogs. If you simply MUST breed with one of my unmaxed dogs right away, then it's up to you to pay for it's training by another member.

If you'd like to reserve a pup from a litter, please scribble or PM me. Reserving a slot for a pup costs a little bit, depending on the pup's TP, and you'd add on the reserve price onto your pup's price.

- s a l e s -

This section refers to selling dogs and items.
For items, if you see an item in my shop you want but can't afford, PM me an offer. I can take CS pets/currency for items as well, but I much prefer Ala.

For dogs, I have a few rules if you buy my dogs:;

- do not resell for more than you bought it for [unless it was intrained and you maxed it or something]
- do not retire/pound them! Please just message me and give them back if you don't want them anymore.
- please, do NOT breed them if they aren't maxed! I cannot stress this enough!
- please, love and care for them c:

If any of the first three rules are broken, you will be put on my personal no sell list. I would much rather prefer not to, but I will if I must.

- a r t s a l e s -

I do draw art, and you can find examples here.
On my about me I have prices in USD. They would be the same in bones, but I can take other things like rare items as well.

slots:; | open | open |

- Profile Fun -

Below is where my little doo-dads are. Just for gits and shiggles c:
Fox by Cery

Don't forget to feed my fish! They're always hungry, and don't forget Shelldon and Shelly! They also appreciate a pellet or two as well~

This game is super fun! And the music is calming c:

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 3 | Training Sessions: 64
Dogs in "R.U.N."
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Jiro (#413034) German Shepherd 2.01 months male


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