Same-sex Marriage/Adoption/Lifestyle (expanded)
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Should same-sex couples and families have the right to be joined in marriage with its benefits, or be contained within civil unions? Are the rights in civil unions adequate enough for dedicated partnerships or families to support on or not?

Should civil unions be allowed at all?

I want to bring up this debate as I am doing serious research paper required for the end of the year about ‘Social Justice’ and would like to see all sides of the spectrum.

Please, give posts with meaning than just putting ‘Yes! All the way!’ or ‘No! It’s wrong!’. Thank you.

Has been expanded!

Edit: Expanded to include same-sex lifestyle/adoption/marriage.

07-7-2011 at 3:27 AM
In my opinion, male and female should be able to marry, regardless if they have kids or are able to. The way I see it, male and female are supposed to be together because they can have kids, not that they have to.

07-7-2011 at 3:24 AM
lol dangit beat me to it.

07-7-2011 at 3:24 AM
Also, should straight couples with no intent of reproducing be barred from marriage, also?<br /> <br /> You do know the world is dangerously overpopulated with humans, right? We're not going to go extinct any time in the near future.

07-7-2011 at 3:21 AM
Yes, but the world is already overppopulated with humans. And you never answered my one question about whether infertile couples should be able to marry by that logic. Should they? They can't have children either. What about elderly couples that can't have children? Should we deny them the right to marry? You raise that question in a courtroom and you will probably be laughed at. Because marriage isn't about having children. You don't have to have kids when you get married. Marriage is about love.

07-7-2011 at 3:19 AM
I didn't want to have kids, and my partner didn't want to have kids, before we ever got together. But it helps that neither of us can conceive. Biologically, I don't have a Y chromosome, but I'm a man (transgender). I live as other men do.<br /> <br /> I'm not gay, I'm bisexual, but that really makes no difference. So. Due to that chromosome thing, and my birth certificate reading as being born female, I can't marry my partner where I live. We have been together for seven years. Do you support this? Cases aren't always as clean cut as male/male, female/female, but personally? That makes no difference, anyway. It doesn't matter if you're a pair of gay men, or a transman not allowed to marry the woman who should be your wife. You are telling these people, and you are telling <b>me</b>, that they/myself matter less than people who, according to your specific set of morals, are in the "right." You are telling them, and me, that they/I don't deserve something that is generally considered a basic human right.<br /> <br /> Are you telling <b>me</b> that I don't deserve to be able to walk into a courthouse with my girlfriend and get a marriage licence?

07-7-2011 at 3:18 AM
"<i>I was just trying to state my opinion, which is that I don't think gay marriage is right, since humans (not lizards, fish, ect) cannot have a child without a male and female.</i>"<br /> <br /> However, marriage is not about having kids. Should straight couples who chose not to have kids also be denied marriage? Also what about couples like BlackFox pointed out? (Eldery, infertile, etc.)

07-7-2011 at 3:17 AM
Ok, let's give this another try.<br /> <br /> I was just trying to state my opinion, which is that I don't think gay marriage is right, since humans (not lizards, fish, ect) cannot have a child without a male and female.

07-7-2011 at 3:16 AM
<b>Ig-no-rant; lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact:<br /> uninformed; unaware.</b><br /> <br /> Considering most of the arguments being brought forth against gay marriage, which are completely unrealistic and not based on anything but lies, I would say that would be the right term to use here. I personally would have gone with "uninformed' but everyone is different. <br /> <br /> "<i>while I was only stating my OPINION, not my so-called fact, then this isn't a debate."</i><br /> <br /> Debates are about facts, not opinions, and I would appreciate it if stayed that way. If you want to post an opinion that is not based on any sort of facts, this is not the right forum for you.
edit history
2011-07-06 20:17:29 by #5641

07-7-2011 at 3:15 AM
"Who's to say? To allow or not to allow gay marriage is strictly opinion. If it wasn't, it wouldn't belong in the debate section. Just because someone doesn't agree with you and you even try to understand any other point of view does not give you the right to insult people."<br /> <br /> See, that's the thing. I don't think it should be a controversy anymore than interracial marriage is a controversy, or interfaith marriages.

07-7-2011 at 3:14 AM
All I did was call you ignorant, which through your own posts, you have proven to be truth.<br /> <br /> But let's refocus. If you can actually come up with an argument that can hold.

07-7-2011 at 3:13 AM
"And at least my insults are the truth."<br /> <br /> Who's to say? To allow or not to allow gay marriage is strictly opinion. If it wasn't, it wouldn't belong in the debate section. Just because someone doesn't agree with you and you even try to understand any other point of view does not give you the right to insult people.

07-7-2011 at 3:12 AM
"my insults are the truth"<br /> <br /> If you're going to shun the people who don't think you're way out of the conversation and tell them that their opinion is 100% false without a doubt, while I was only stating my OPINION, not my so-called fact, then this isn't a debate.

07-7-2011 at 3:09 AM
Yep. Taking the middleman right out of the bargain. And at least my insults are the truth.:3

07-7-2011 at 3:08 AM
"...implying..."<br /> She implied. You straight up called her ignorant.

07-7-2011 at 3:07 AM
....She compared me to people who have sex with animals and love toasters, implying that I have a mental disorder, which I do not and I take insult at people who have no idea what they are talking about insultinng me.

07-7-2011 at 3:06 AM
"...feel free to stop directly insulting me."<br /> <br /> Actually, you were the one who directly insulted her. "With ignorance like yours..."<br /> She never did directly call you a name, whereas you called her ignorant.

07-7-2011 at 3:03 AM
Also, I'm pointing one thing out. There are several species of lizard where there are ONLY females. And they are fine.<br /> <br /> Stop being a....huh. All the words you deserve to be called are filtered here. Hm.. Whatever. Stop acting one and acting mature, and feel free to stop directly insulting me.

07-7-2011 at 3:02 AM
You can say "IF" all you want, but that doesn't mean that's what will happen. That's a silly thing to disallow gay marriage because of.

07-7-2011 at 3:01 AM
I'm just saying IF.

07-7-2011 at 3:01 AM
<i>"If everyone was gay, no one would have kids, and a long time into the future humans would die out."</i><br /> <br /> Allowing gay marriage is not going to magically turn everybody gay and cause them to stop having kids. That is a huge myth.
edit history
2011-07-06 20:01:54 by #5641


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