Same-sex Marriage/Adoption/Lifestyle (expanded)
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Should same-sex couples and families have the right to be joined in marriage with its benefits, or be contained within civil unions? Are the rights in civil unions adequate enough for dedicated partnerships or families to support on or not?

Should civil unions be allowed at all?

I want to bring up this debate as I am doing serious research paper required for the end of the year about ‘Social Justice’ and would like to see all sides of the spectrum.

Please, give posts with meaning than just putting ‘Yes! All the way!’ or ‘No! It’s wrong!’. Thank you.

Has been expanded!

Edit: Expanded to include same-sex lifestyle/adoption/marriage.

06-16-2011 at 5:48 PM
100% for gay marriage. And, I believe that New York is one vote closer to legalizing it. Did a huge debate on it and besides the religious views, one can't come out with a good con for gay marraige.. On top of that, most cons are either prejudice or make absolutely no sense. My favorite is when people says that children need a "normal" family with a father and mother. But believe it or not, most families are becoming split families because of divorce/death in one way or another. Therefore, does that mean single parents can't take care of kids?<br /> <br />

06-16-2011 at 3:42 AM
according to the government, Yes. the government is selfish, won't give if it doesn't think it will recieve. if you will not give them a taxpaying baby then they don't want to give you tax discounts. that's what they want not what i want, of course.
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2011-06-15 20:43:25 by #12307

06-16-2011 at 3:09 AM
"dont let gay couples or childless couples (homo or hetero sexual) get tax discounts"<br /> <br /> I'm glad you support gay marriage, but that is a load of bull. I don't plan on having kids, whether I marry a girl or a guy. Does that mean I shouldn't have tax benefits? Besides the fact that this isn't what this debate is about, it's still a little unnerving to hear that.

06-16-2011 at 3:04 AM
so i thought about and i was like what is the governments reason for saying no to gay marriage; and this is what i found.<br /> <br /> ***i do NOT believe/support in the following, i am 100% for gay marriage****<br /> <br /> ' anonomous politition against gay marriage states, "Marriage is a lot of things, including a discount on taxes. IRS discounts married [heterosexual] couples because they are likely to bring another tax payer into this world. I'm not saying all straight married couples have children, but the odds of straight couples having children are more than gay couples having children. And majority is against gays adopting. Our hands are tied."' <br /> <br /> so it's a money ishue. my response is change the law and dont let gay couples or childless couples (homo or hetero sexual) get tax discounts. but apparently that's trying to change Two laws and our government is afraid of hard work. please keep in mind i don't support what that politics guy said, it's bull.

06-12-2011 at 4:25 AM
Straight? You have the right to marry.<br /> <br /> Black? You have the right to marry.<br /> <br /> Not civilized? You have the right to marry. <br /> <br /> Related? You have the right to marry.<br /> <br /> Gay? No, you cannot marry.<br /> <br /> Asking for marriage rights is not a special right. <br /> <br /> It's a right that's given to ALL humanity. <br /> <br /> I dislike when people make marriage sound like it's a very special right. <br /> <br /> Yes, yes, yes, I know, it's very special. No sarcasm intended there.<br /> <br /> What I mean by special is when people think that only certain people should marry. It's not a right people can keep from others because they're different. <br /> <br /> When people argue that homosexuals don't have the right to marry, I see it is as discrimination. <br /> <br /> It's as bad as going to a black couple and saying they can't marry because they're black and slaves.<br /> <br /> Discrimination is discrimination. <br /> <br /> I can pull articles and articles from the depths of the internet to support. <br /> <br /> And also, I really love my girlfriend, Kaitie, who I plan to spend the rest of my life with. And when I see people lifting marriage out of our hands because we love each other, I feel insulted and violated because I'm being reduced to where I'm having a right stolen from me. <br /> <br /> A right that's given to humanity in the 14th amendment in the United States of America. <br /> <br /> But, hey, times are changing, and people are opening up, I'm glad that they're seeing that love between the same-sex should be recognized and supported. =]

06-12-2011 at 3:20 AM
*Cervine, it was originally narrowed because Shay was writing a paper on that specific topic. Her paper is now over so I don't think she'd mind if we opened it a bit more? =)<br /> <br /> Shay already knows my stance~<br /> <br /> I see nothing wrong with same-sex marriage. It's not like denying same-sex marriage will stop people from wanting to be with the person they love. It will not get rid of all the same-sex couples that wish to be together. The only thing it will do is give benefits to a couple that love each other as much as any straight couple can. People should be able to be united with who they love. <br /> <br /> For adoption, again I see nothing wrong with this. People adopt for many different reasons like infertility or medical reasons that allow them to not have children. Same-sex couples are like those people. They can't have children of their own and some would like to be a family. Adopting would give homes to the many children that are lacking families. Some people argue that two parents of the same sex would leave children without a father figure or mother figure but what about single parents? Some kids don't have parents at all and live with other family members. I'm sure if you asked around, most of the children just want a family, stability, and love. Why deny a bunch of couples that are willing to recognize their dreams?<br /> <br /> I am going to go off on another topic related to gay rights. I think some people go about it all the wrong way. I have my darling girlfriend Shay that I love with all my heart but I am not in any ways an activist. I want to just be able to enjoy my life with her like anyone else. Some people make it seem like same-sex couples should get special treatment but they shouldn't. We are are equal, even the struggling minorities. I'm not going to yell at someone who thinks that same-sex couples shouldn't be together. I'm not going to call them names. I'm going to respect their thoughts if they can express them in a decent way. If someone says "I don't believe in same-sex couples because God says it's wrong." That is fine with me. I can agree to disagree. It's when people use their beliefs to belittle people and make them seem like a lesser person than them. <br /> <br /> Thanks for reviving this Cervine~

06-12-2011 at 1:56 AM
I'm bumping this up, cause I'd love to see this debate renewed. I love debating this. Also, I'd like to see it extended a bit. I know the topic title is just gay marriage, but I'd like to see some discussion on things like gay adoption and the like as well, if that's alright. It would give it a little more fuel at least.<br /> <br /> So, just to restate my position to make this post relevant: I am completely pro-gay rights. There is nothing wrong with being gay, and I have never come across any good arguments against gay rights at all. I am bisexual, so this is a personal issue to me, and I can tell you first hand that it is not a choice.<br /> <br /> So, continue?:3

05-19-2011 at 5:28 AM
vitrous, actually there are multiple stories of virgin daughters being given up as to avoid gay sex. isn't the Bible just Fun? And oh no! i love shrimp!!! XD Ice Wolf, i wish you would actually read the bible and decide for yourself rather than to get advice from your teacher. back then, gay people acted nothing like they do now. you have to understand everyone, that those rules were made for a certian time period. things have changed. back then it was ok to do a lot of immoral things. frankly i LOVE osodesol's post entirely. religion should be 1000% seperate from government. and i love canada!!! what i think is wrong, is we talk about God in our pledge of aligence, expect not everyone believes in that God. how can then let that go by so easily??????

05-18-2011 at 6:41 PM
uhm, being a lesbian, as well as almost every other societal minority, I believe in human rights. which include the right to choice, life, and freedom. whether or not YOU agree with homosexuality shouldn't matter when it comes to marriage, human rights, and equality. As someone said previously, religion and the state are seperate (or are supposed to be). How can one say that certain human beings should not have certain rights because of who they are? That's like saying blacks shouldn't marry, or those that are disabled shouldn't be allowed at school, like - that's ridiculous.<br /> <br /> I don't care if you're gay, straight, mentally insane, religious, caucasian, bulgarian whatever. The choice of whether I marry or not is not your choice. It's mine.<br /> <br /> Not to mention,<br /> I'm not sure what the whole fuss is about, seeing as there is a hugeee divorce rate... which is also "agaisn't God".. is it not? I need to brush up on my bible a bit. I'm just tireddddd of this topic. Just let people live and get out of their bed if you don't dig that they've got the same junk.<br /> <br /> <br /> Thank baby Jesus I live in Canada.
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2011-05-18 11:50:04 by #14401
2011-05-18 11:44:58 by #14401

05-18-2011 at 3:01 PM
"I'm not saying that I only pay attention to the part about gays. "<br /> Ohh! No, I wasn't saying "you" as in you, Ice Wolf. I was saying you in reference to fundamentalist Christians who think that because it stated it in the bible, it's a sin, but other stuff from the same book somehow doesn't apply. Selective rule following. :P It wasn't directed at you.
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2011-05-18 08:01:55 by #9181

05-18-2011 at 2:51 PM
I'm not saying that I only pay attention to the part about gays. I asked my religion teacher once what the catholic church teaches about gay people. She said it is okay to be gay as long as you don't act like one. I said before I do not believe this. And I know the bible says a lot of things you shouldn't do that sound rediculous :/ I didn't intend for it to seem I only pay attention to one part, it was an answer I got from my religion teachers when I asked the teachers (and our religion book).
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2011-05-18 07:52:16 by #180

05-18-2011 at 5:06 AM
Ice Wolf, the mention of homosexuality in the bible comes from Leviticus. <br /> <br /> Hilariously, Leviticus also states that blended fabric (polyester), shrimp, shaving your beard, round haircuts, football, wearing gold, divorce and several other trivial things are sins worse than murder. :D But, yaknow, only listen to the part about gays because it's convenient.

05-18-2011 at 1:45 AM
Actually, it is completely natural. I'm used to that argument as well as the religious one.XD I have counter arguments for pretty much anything relating to gay rights. The religion argument doesn't work because of seperation of church and state, and it is completely natural. Something like 2500+ animal species have documented homosexual behaviors.

05-18-2011 at 1:41 AM
The one reason why I hear that gay people should not be considered equals (from the catholic church, mind you) is that it is unnatural and goes against god's plans. This is not my opinion, but my religion teachers keep telling me this.<br /> <br /> I do agree that gay people deserve this right, I know so many gay people I can't even count.

05-18-2011 at 1:35 AM
It's known that the term 'marriage' has been rooted before Christianity, but the term was pretty thoroughly adopted by religion where it can -seem- like it was born with religion.<br /> <br /> We can at least settle with that I would hope or we might be getting off on a different subject here soon. <br /> <br />

05-18-2011 at 1:29 AM
Bridgette&Josh, if you wanna get into the term itself, you're wrong again - the Bible was originally written in Koine Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and so forth, so the word "marriage" did not technically originate from the Bible. The concept of marriage has been around long before Christianity, and the word itself is merely the current English term for it. A term everyone should have the right to use. <br /> <br /> I understand what you're saying about the terms. But gays should have the right to use the term marriage. Even if we swap to civil unions and "leave marriage to the religious leaders", we're still basically telling homosexuals that "no, you're different and not allowed to use our word". It's still unfair and prejudiced.
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2011-05-17 18:32:53 by #1395
2011-05-17 18:32:02 by #1395

05-17-2011 at 4:39 AM
i will tell you Why government will not allow same sex marriage. they're homophobes. they don't want to accept they exist and have right to take part in governing our country. just like with women and different races. have you seen how other government people act once they learn one of their collegueges is gay??? actually i think everyone has a little gay in them. they are going against the constitution Completely and will be ALMOST overthrown for it. They people have spoken, but the government is scared wittless.

05-17-2011 at 4:35 AM
Bridgette and Josh::: Marriage has been along for much Much longer than Christianity. if you're thinking it derived from a Monotheistic religion such as Catholicism and Judiasm then Yes. as for thinking it's unfair for gays to want christian acceptance, the Bible tells us Over and Over and Over again to Love Everyone Equally and to encourage Everyone to take Some part in the religion so they're closer to our God. Marriage has Nothing to do with God, it's a promise between two people (supposedly before God). the fact is christians Are supposed to accept everyone. and to deny lovers to not make a promise to each other is childish. christians don't own the right for lovers to make promises to each other.

05-17-2011 at 3:30 AM
LoL westboro church is not the norms. They have very little support for their totally psychopathic utterly insane conquest. Ugh don't even get me started on them. I feel such hate for them it consumes me. We just had a big debate on westboro church on Aywas. OMG how I loath them.

05-17-2011 at 3:01 AM
I don't have time to respond to all of that as I need to get some sleep, but this stood out to me:<br /> <br /> "...who were just angry with the idea of it but not putting to much thought into it you are going to have christian crazies who feel utter hate for you and want revenge for you taking something that they believe is theirs..."<br /> <br /> Uh...we already have that? Do you not realize that?XD Yeah, people would be ticked off if we got marriage and would be protesting it, but that's nothing new. *coughWestboroBaptistChurchcough*


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