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A special teddy bear to commemorate reaching 10,000  user accounts on Alacrity!
10k Teddy
you own: 0.
A bushy tailed friend; let's hope your dog doesn't get sprayed! Gives +2 energy boost every half hour.
Chocolate Chip Striped Skunk
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(09-12-2011 at 12:26 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
Hey just send me a letter about random stuff and we'll pick up conversation from there since idk what happened to my letter... :/

Anyway, its just gotten more confusing. See, I'm mostly friends with the so-called “popular” girls in 6th grade, and I think thats why my old friends hate me. They think Im "popular" now so they expect me to forget all about them. Either that, or its because I told Madi and Alyssa Im an Atheist... idc which either way they're stupid reasons. I can believe what I want and hang out with who I want.

But its not ALL my old friends its just Cady, Alyssa, Madi, and Angie. Ik Madi and Angie hate me, just from the way they look and talk to me. You know how some people talk to little kids? Like in that obnoxious high voice tht either makes the kid giggle or stare at them like Wtf? Thats how they talk to me like "Hiiii Laurenn!!" in tht voice...

Then theres Cady and Alyssa. Cady used to tell me stuff Alyssa said about me behind my back, like, "She told me you stuff your bra" or “She told me you did it w/ Jordan” kinda stuff, and she even yelled in front of like half my fifth grade class tht I take birth control pills (you should have seen the looks people gave me tht moment :p), then at lunch told me her and Cady were just joking around and she didn’t really mean to be that loud. But Cady broke her bff necklace she had w/ Alyssa and threw it into her pool. But NOW shes saying that Alyssa always liked me and that its Madi and Angie who hate me... which I already know because they told my crush I like him!!

Cady also told me the things the popular girls said about me, and of course I comfronted Jessie about it. But Jessie told me that it was all a lie so I asked her cousin, George, about her and he said she isnt mean like that, not even to the people she doesnt like. Since the only person I'd ever seen her tease to hurt is this 13 year old 6th grader who doesnt even know wht deoderant is... and I wear tht, brush my teeth, et cetera. So now either Cady or Jessie is lying....

For now I hang out w/ the so called “popular” girls at school, hang out w/ Cady after school regularly, and walk to and from school everyday with Alyssa. All three of us are even going to the movies this weekend. But either way Im avoiding Madi and Angie as much as possible, although I’ve snuck a few dirty looks and scowls at them on accident. I mean, I don’t means to be a brat, but that’s just how upset I am. They have been my besties since 1st grade, and now all of a sudden they hate me? Do things like that just happen??
(08-31-2011 at 1:55 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
Ugh... its so boring though!! So far here's the creepy stuff thats happened:

First things first: All the older kids stare at me. They dont stare at anyone else. Just me. O.o

Our homeroom gangsta stares at me, always smiles at me, and laughs at everything I say. W.T.F.

Jeez, do people always freakin lie??

I see a lot of kids w/ dark circles around their eyes... Imma keep away from them... O.o

I saw one of the nicest teachers screaming his face off at some kid in the hall. Me and Axel were like "Ummm... glad thats not us..."

On the last day of school I told a few friends I would be the one with the dent in her locker.... well, guess what? My locker already has one, so now whenever I close it I have to kick it so it shuts.

We hardly get any chances to talk to people in other grades, which sucks because I have a lot of friends in 7th grade, but all we can really do is say "hi" and wave to each other in the halls...

Yeahhh.... funn
(08-28-2011 at 8:01 AM)
Chilla and Pitts
I'm so scared! Middle school... omfg I have to walk there and from school and theres this guys ik would just LOVE to kill me right now... Im afraid he'll jump me on my way home... D:
(08-24-2011 at 2:47 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
U havent?? Mann... If you dont get it in a few days I'll write another one and idk why i was grounded to be honest :P Im such a fail and Nopee i start Tuesday :/
(08-18-2011 at 2:44 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
We reported it, but they weren't very helpful. It was an orange Nano. Idk whats with my username I have to fix it. xD I did get your letter and I wrote back. And yes, I was grounded. XDDDD So whatsup?
(07-30-2011 at 5:14 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
I'm back!! Sorry they had NO internet connection there and then I got grounded for complaining... not the best vacation ever. Ziplining was only like 85 ft. up in the air. The rapids during Whitewater rafting were not big enough for me. Horseback riding was boring because some lady there had never been on a horse before so all we got to do was walk for 2 hours... and then our cabin got robbed!! Not we're short of 2 cameras and my dad's iPod. :p Not. Fun. xD Well, Im back now and I sent my letter. TTYL :))
(07-11-2011 at 11:29 AM)
Chilla and Pitts
But I can use my moms phone for Alacrity and Facebook so we can still talk :)_
(07-10-2011 at 8:27 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
It didnt come today :( Im leave for vacation tomorrow so I wont be able to write back until Friday or Saturday
(07-10-2011 at 2:06 AM)
Chilla and Pitts
I always do but she still says no. :( And okay then I should get it tomorrow or Monday :)
(07-8-2011 at 4:07 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
No, I dont have a phone :( But my mom lets me use her's. I could give you her PH is you want, but dont text it. She hates that lol :)
(07-5-2011 at 7:08 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
Well my mom said she will have to go with me and yup it was on May 10th :)
(07-3-2011 at 10:33 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
And... (checks reflection in mirror) I dont have any wrinkles, so Im pretty sure I'm 12! xD
(07-3-2011 at 10:32 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
You're coming to ERIE?!?! :D Cool! Idk if I could meet u... maybe... I'd have to ask my mom. How close will you be?
(07-1-2011 at 12:11 AM)
Chilla and Pitts
I got it and I wrote my letter back but I didnt send it yet I need a stamp. :)
(06-12-2011 at 4:33 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
Haha okay. xD
(06-8-2011 at 2:12 PM)
Chilla and Pitts
Wait for them to get a stamp. XD
(06-7-2011 at 1:50 AM)
Chilla and Pitts
Have you sent it yet?
(05-22-2011 at 1:59 PM)
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Heyy! Long time, no talk. :) I'm more active on my side account, so PM me when you get on. :D
(05-7-2011 at 7:52 PM)
Hi =)! just stopping by to say hi i feel like i don't do that enough with really any of my friends ~Peny
(05-6-2011 at 8:36 PM)
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It's okay. At least you told me. LOL I've been waiting forever wondering, "Grrrr where is she?!?!?!" XDDD :)
(05-6-2011 at 8:36 PM)
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It's okay. At least you told me. LOL I've been waiting forever wondering, "Grrrr where is she?!?!?!" XDDD :)
(05-4-2011 at 9:29 PM)
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Heyy! :)
(04-26-2011 at 1:23 AM)
Hi did you ever play on foopets? Can I add you I want to add as many foo friends as I can.=)
(04-25-2011 at 10:25 PM)
Hi There!

Welcome to Alacrity Animal! The first place it would suggest you go check out is the TOS as well as the Rules. The next place is the Help Section. If you read the FaQ and watch the videos as well as take a peak at the Wiki, you should be well on your way to understanding this site. =)

If you need any help finding anything, or you have a question you can find the answer to, feel free to submit it to the Issue Hub under "Help Alacrity". If you send it to the "Newbie Helpers" We will get you an answer as soon as we can!

If you need any help at as the Newbie Helper team (people with ?s by their name like me) are here to help you out. Don't be shy, we don't bite. C=

Also, don't forget to stop by Chat (under Socialize) whenever you have a chance! Everyone there is always friendly, and looking for someone new to talk to. Plus the Forums are a great place to find some Guides, as well as a place to get to know the wonderful community we have around here!


(04-25-2011 at 4:32 PM)
To set your font color, click on your name on the left hand side of the screen, scroll to the bottom, and where it says "Chat Font Color:" type in the hex code with the # sign, and save your profile. :)
(04-25-2011 at 4:02 PM)
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(04-25-2011 at 4:02 PM)
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Heyy Animal check out my story it's on my profile. :)
(04-25-2011 at 3:33 PM)
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Hi Animal! :D
Welcome to Animalgreatfriends (#13721)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!

Last Seen: 12:29 PM on 03-1-2012, played for 79 days

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Hi everyone I am Animalgreatfriends I am from foopets so if you knew an Animalgreatfriends there well here I am making my new internet life here! I love getting messages trust me! Feel free to leave a scribble~!

Anyway I have a youtube account here feel free to subscribe :D http://www.youtube.com/user/crystaljewel100?feature=mhum

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 10
Dogs in "My Kennel"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Daisy (#54664) Border Collie 50.25 months female
Lucy (#54673) Jack Russell Terrier 52.95 months female


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