is trying to
private chat with you.

Magical Water Bowl
you own: 0.

you own: 0.

Montgomery Finch
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles!
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It's been awhile since I've talked to ya Hekomi. ^^" How are ya?
is Minotaur going to be having babies anytime soon or available for stud?
I have some VRs I'm willing to trade, ^^;
Hi a LONG time ago you had wanted to breed my corgi Thyroid with one of your corgis well I just maxed him...I am how ever gonna sell him so id you wanna buy him/ stud request it'l be $1 I dont know how much Im gonna sell him for so you'll have to look
It was traded awhile ago, sorry^^;
Hi! I was just letting you know how Allie was doing! (I used to be Mikki. Just in case your wondering who this is xD ) She is doing great! I havent maxed her yet, but after I max Roxie, I am maxing Grayson, then her! So I was just letting you know how she is doing!
Hi, you asked me to tell you if I have new Pitbull Litters. Actually I don't have any right now, but what I wanted to tell you is that I sell nearly all of my maxed Pitbulls and Huskies! (On main and side account). So feel free to take a look, I'm sure it will be worth it. ;)
Hellothe 2nd to last last pittie caught my eye I was hoping we could trade any 2 dogs or 1 for him..You can pick any..Pkease I really like him
Hellothe 2nd to last last pittie caught my eye I was hoping we could trade any 2 dogs or 1 for him..You can pick any..Pkease I really like him
Maby 8-10k
You are asking alot for your pitties.
Gahh, I mean U.R. Dog. Unreleased. But the zebra is rarer. And the blue balloon is a VR, so o3o
Gahh, I mean U.R. Dog. Unreleased. But the zebra is rarer. And the blue balloon is a VR, so o3o
I dunno, but one Newbie Helper said they got their your dog for 50 bones.
No, sorry!
I Sent You A blue Sky Background. Consider It A Thank You present for giving me The Dog Of My Dreams <3
Um..Yeah Thanks Thats Fine :3
how Much Do You Want For her? :3
Forgot to add: You can also wait till the next litter If you don't like this litter :)
Pups are here! Choose your favorite :) There 7k each ^^
All named the same :D
All named the same :D
I Think i Finally managed To Save Enough in My Bank To Adopt Her. How Much is She?
Hey I Saw One Of Your Pitties Of For Trade That Im Partectualy Interested.I Would Like To Reserve
Please :3
Please :3
Heheh, I'm sure she'll make gorgeous pups with whoever. :]
I'm sure 3rd gen. will be as gorgeous as the rest! C: But if do breed Witch, I'll certainly buy one of her pups in a heart beat! xD She is so naturally gorgeous. :3
Haha, I do like a lot of your Pitties. :o Well, if you're willing to sell one or give one away, I'd love to take one. xD Your Pitties are gorgeous! c:
I bred Royce with Larths Genesis today. Sadly one glitch came out the others were basically white. ;-; Butttt... I'm soon going to breed Névoa and royce as soon as I max Névoa. :D Then you get a puppy.
Hey, I got a new litter of Pitbulls. :)
You asked me to tell you, remember? Well, they are not glitched and the TP is not very good, so I would be still willing to lower the prices.
You asked me to tell you, remember? Well, they are not glitched and the TP is not very good, so I would be still willing to lower the prices.
yes he is very nice could I reserve him?
its ok
shes gone
Thanks a lot. It took some time to create them, I am very happy you like'em! -^^-
One questions left; Which dogs pups do you want to have? Or shall I just tell you every time I get pups until you like one. That's also no problem. :)
No problem, of course I do. But my custom pups will be a little more expensive than the pups from non-custom-parents. I hope that's okay. The price I don't know exactly until I see the coat of the pups. :)
ohhh Hekomi! I love her! If you ever have more pits with brindle like that, please message me!
ok can you put the pit up for sale?
I don't even remember if I asked. >_>
Sure. :P Very understandable. :3 Just tell me when you have your answer, I can wait.
Sure. :P Very understandable. :3 Just tell me when you have your answer, I can wait.
how much would you like? I just really would like that pittie!
I will give you more than 30k for this dog
Hi! Maybe I asked this already, I don't know. Dx /Facepalm/ But Wuld you like to breed Caroline and Gryphon again? i still love the pups outcomes. <3
can you reserve the pit bitch with black and white spots and i could pay over time like a rent to buy
is available? I really would like to have her
hey hekomi, are you going to be selling any pups from Siren and Gryph? I really like some of the pups from their litter.
That's one reason why I picked her. Her mother is very pretty. I'll send the money in a minute.
Ok. Thanks for letting me know. It took me a while to pick one out because they are all so cute! I want pup #79650. Do you want me to send the $15k first?
I reported the message bug in the hub but Im getting messages from other people maybe its on your end? ..shrugs... lol
Crazy gremlins :p
Crazy gremlins :p
Ok, I have both a Gryphon & a Kaly pup (2 pups) so as much as I love the idea of one, I think I will pass. I dont want to accidently end up line-breeding.
Gorgeous pups by the way! :)
Gorgeous pups by the way! :)
Its showing full??? I only have 97/200 messages! ROFL
I am keeping Cookies n' Cream, and then the person who reserved got second choice, but there are two really pretty pups left, and you get the next choice. <3
The Pups were Born!!!!! :D
never mined.
I though she was 15k?
WAY out of my price range
yes I I the money but Can't max her. Put her up I'll buy!
lol ok...
lol I went to my sister's room to see if I could find the first ranger aprprentict and the first book I saw was called "Avalon: Web of magic" just now...
Lol whats that book about? 030
Lol whats that book about? 030
avalon... that sounds familiar... I think I read that in a book...
So many beautiful Pitties you own. :o Witch is oh so eve, lovely! c:
*Lays on the floor, holding tightly on your ankle.* Koooommiiiiiiii. Laaaayoooouuut!!! Dx
Hello :)
Ok. I have chosen a pair I want a puppy from. Gryphon x Siren. The pup predicts at great. I'm not sure what gender I want because I have another pup reserved somewhere else, so I'll have to see.
ok please contact me when you are breeding a pittie save me a male pup please!!! :)
18k??? thats a little to much for me maybe less the 15k if its ok with you
would you breed one of your females in heat??
ok thanks I would like to know the price for one how much are they each??
ok thanks I would like to know the price for one how much are they each??
Ok so if I get a female pittie I've been wanting can you show me how to crop its ears??
If I got this dog:77752 would you let me have a female from a litter of cropped ear dogs???
are you going to breed gryphon and siren or not???? becuase that is the pair I really like together if not kalylia is good to :)
ok I reallly like dragon's color so could you possibly breed him with a female with cropped ears???
I also like wryren and nymph
I like gryphon and siren let me look through them and find more
I like gryphon and siren let me look through them and find more
I like gryphon and siren let me look through them and find more
I like gryphon and siren let me look through them and find more
could I possibly get a male with cropped ears from one of your breeding pairs???
could I possibly get a male with cropped ears from one of your breeding pairs???
whats a litter preferance???
hi Iwas just wondering if you could reserve a male pittie pup for me when the next one is born I dont care what color as long as its not a glitch
♠ Balroq & Flicka make some cute pups :D
No prob.... I was bored so I started doing pup predicts with random peoples males.... and I did one with
♠ Balroq xD
♠ Balroq xD
Hekomi.... I bought a pibble and I dont have lots of money anymore, so I cant buy one off you yet when you breed them
Ok. I'll spend sometime tomorrow looking at pup predicts and stuff...
That's fine by me xD But all the predicts with my current males are ugly so until I max her and find a suitable male It will be awhile :)
you to
ok ill give you me money and you send it
Ok... I think I want to make a reservation for a 2nd Generation... I just want to look at the list again and I'll let you know which one I want from...
Ok... If I make a reservation now would i get first pick? I'm just wondering...
How much would you charge for a second or third generation pup?
I was wondering if you do Pit Bull pup reservations. Do you?
Can you RSV you 1k TP pitbull for me?
wow, you have so many lovely pit bulls! I'm a little jealous ;-)
Training and sending home now... :)
how much
Okay thanks. I will make sure I do that though I probably wont sell ether of them;) They are very pretty and I love my Pitties.
Hi I am going through some busy and in a way hard times and may have to sell most of my Pitties:(.
Which may include Megan &/Or Sasha (The Pitties you sold me).
I was just wondering if it was okay with you? Remember I may not even sell them at all (I REALLY Like them). I just want to make sure its okay incase I have to though.
One person wants Megan (Not Sure I will Sell) their name is JazzNBluez (#13065) They said they knew you. Thanks
Which may include Megan &/Or Sasha (The Pitties you sold me).
I was just wondering if it was okay with you? Remember I may not even sell them at all (I REALLY Like them). I just want to make sure its okay incase I have to though.
One person wants Megan (Not Sure I will Sell) their name is JazzNBluez (#13065) They said they knew you. Thanks
Hekomi, your argument is invalid. xD
Ah, that's a good age. If a person was the first thing they saw, they will likely make good pets. If it was following you then that probably means it has imprinted on people (Which pretty much means that they wholeheartedly believe that they /are/ a person. And therefore it should socialize with other people instead of ducks) I didn't have a pond either, we just filled up the tub for Sven once a day and watched him goof around, Always worked great for him. Little yellow fuzzies means they are likely Peekings, my aunt owned two of them.
One thing to be careful of is not to allow them too much access to water they could possibly swim in until they're a bit older (I can't remember the exact age right now) because they can't waterproof their feathers yet (their mom would do it for them in the wild) but since they don't know that they will frolic in water and get very cold very fast. Do you have a heat lamp/pad set up for them?
My recommendation if you want to keep one as a houseduck would be to separate it from the others (because other ducklings can mess with the imprint) and just spend lots of time with it. I always took Sven out for short periods of time and "preened" him with my fingers, just gently rubbing and /very/ gently pinching at his feathers. He began to respond and would gently nibble at my hands/hair, preening me back. Really houseducks make incredible pets because of the imprints, as they will always believe they are a person and will follow you everywhere and cuddle with you. :3 I've always regretted that I didn't get an imprint with Sven, he hatched with chickens so he believed he was a chicken. xD
What kind of food do you have for them? I recommend game bird starter, as regular chick starter doesn't have the right nutrients and can cause deformities. (We didn't know this until it was too late, Sven's foot turned in at a bad angle and he always tipped over it)
And obviously I am an encyclopedia on the subject, so always feel free to ask me stuff.
One thing to be careful of is not to allow them too much access to water they could possibly swim in until they're a bit older (I can't remember the exact age right now) because they can't waterproof their feathers yet (their mom would do it for them in the wild) but since they don't know that they will frolic in water and get very cold very fast. Do you have a heat lamp/pad set up for them?
My recommendation if you want to keep one as a houseduck would be to separate it from the others (because other ducklings can mess with the imprint) and just spend lots of time with it. I always took Sven out for short periods of time and "preened" him with my fingers, just gently rubbing and /very/ gently pinching at his feathers. He began to respond and would gently nibble at my hands/hair, preening me back. Really houseducks make incredible pets because of the imprints, as they will always believe they are a person and will follow you everywhere and cuddle with you. :3 I've always regretted that I didn't get an imprint with Sven, he hatched with chickens so he believed he was a chicken. xD
What kind of food do you have for them? I recommend game bird starter, as regular chick starter doesn't have the right nutrients and can cause deformities. (We didn't know this until it was too late, Sven's foot turned in at a bad angle and he always tipped over it)
And obviously I am an encyclopedia on the subject, so always feel free to ask me stuff.
Aw, about how old do you think they are? If they're young enough they may imprint on you, they'd make good pets then. :3 And are they domestic or wild?
Anyway, this is the site that sells diaper harnesses I don't have much experience with them because my drake didn't take to being a houseduck, I got him too late. But apparently they're great, never read anything bad about them. Another site to check would be The Mother Goose, there's lots of information there. You should be able to find it pretty easily via google.
Anyway, this is the site that sells diaper harnesses I don't have much experience with them because my drake didn't take to being a houseduck, I got him too late. But apparently they're great, never read anything bad about them. Another site to check would be The Mother Goose, there's lots of information there. You should be able to find it pretty easily via google.
I will let ya know
No prob...glad we finally found ya
Sure thing coming home
Hey Hikomi prince and zuria had another litter can check them out or any of the others not listed yet
Heya Hekomi I have 21k in the bank :D
He'll be well looked after ^^
Thank you :D Lovely pit by the way<3 I adore him
Sure :) Just send him back when your done ^^
ohmygosh Komi you have so many pitties. ouo
That is all. ouo b
That is all. ouo b
Kay. :)
Thats fine I was just saying(:
Weeeeeeellllllllll, if ya don't want one, I'd be sure happy to take one. *Bats eyes*
How's my layout comin'? Or have you even started it yet? xD
How's my layout comin'? Or have you even started it yet? xD
If you are selling any immortal pitties I would be interested :D
:o You have, like, way too many pittys. xD
of course! Sending over(:
Thanks! I will send the bone over now!
Can I buy the puppy now please?
A box on the layout? o.o
Oh, and if you can, would you please make a box with at least a 300px height? Pretty please???
I got the bone!!!! I love Doom Shroom! He bought something from my shop on my main account so I could get a bone to get the pittie!
uh I know what you mean!!! That is what is happening with Zuria's litters...not coming out any where near the parents...crazy
I think the 3rd pup was a female so that would be 17k total for both pups.
ya I hear ya.. I didn't keep any out of my first 3rd gen litter they turned out so bad >.< I redid them today and much better pups...
maybe its just today or something...I did two litters with her and all turned out horribly dark no white at odd...Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to
Thank you, sent the pup! :)
I just realized you never paid for the 3rd pup you got from me ;x
Na'kita's litter arrived if you want to pick, there's two pups. One of them has 50% training complete which was caused by a glitch so I'm trying to get that fixed before giving it out >_<
Na'kita's litter arrived if you want to pick, there's two pups. One of them has 50% training complete which was caused by a glitch so I'm trying to get that fixed before giving it out >_<
Hello Hekomi, I just wanted to let you know that it may be a few days until I get a bone, because I am having a hard time trying to sell dogs/items to get bones. But I am trying really hard because I want the pittie pup!
Hey Hikomi...Well Princes second litter was a dud all solids no white marks at all...kind of crazy considering the parents. I will be breeding them again soon...I did however get an open white blue/white black brindle pup out of Kira and Amazing Kit. 76166 let me know if you would like this one instead. Working
OK let me know when you're on, then send the cash and I'll send him over, OR if you're on I can put him up for sale and you can get him that way!
can you max my pittie i know its 15k
can you max my pittie i know its 15k
May i please buy one of your pits i dont have any dogs
Hi, my pups were born if you're still interested. I'm going to bed but leave a message which one you'd like and I'll get back to you in the morning. They will be $15000 each. I won't put them up for sale until you let me know, I'll let you have first pick. Have a good night!
Ok, just making sure.
Ha! Thats cool though!
Ha! Thats cool though!
Yeah!Haha. Oh well. It;s fair, because she reserved or whatever before me. But oh well. Really? She is a pretty pittie! Were you going to keep her? If you were, I would gladly take the other girl.
She/he took both of my favorites D: Oh well! This girl caught my eye though!
Nope. xP I'm trying to save up for a trainer perk. :p It'll help by a lot. :]
Alrighty then! Thanks!
Okay. :) Just wanted to know. In a week from now, if i don't have it, I'll bug you about it. >:D
yeah. If you could that would be great! I already know which 2 I like, so if the other person takes one of the ones I really like, I could get the other. But if they take both, Oh well. I love the others to!
Heh, no it's fine. I can be patient. :B I have an Aviator Cap on Royce, so that a little help. c: <3
Wow! Ok haha. I shall try to get 4 bones then! (Because I am trying to get 3 to get a 2 month upgrade and now 1 for one of your beautiful pups!)
I try to train my dogs but I loose hope in actually maxing them so I sometimes give up. That's my new habit. :L
Oh. Ok. I should ask this before I do anything....How much are you selling them for if you sell them?
Together, they make amazing pups. <3
Yus. :D I'm in love with Blitzen. 8D I can just sit here and look at him all day! xD He's won 20 beauty shows already. 'xD
Haha. xF I hope that bug gets fixed soon.
xD I thought you might get a kick out of this. Look at my boy, Blitzen lineage. If you want. :P
can i buy one of your pits please zzzz
All but the one I decide to keep.
Not to be impatient, but about when are you going to be done with the layout?
Nocht has pretty decent predicts with her. But I am still undecided if I want to breed her. :/
With who? C:
Thank you! And I'm not sure, I don't know codes a whole lot. ^^;
Hehe but of course after my gsd cap my plan is to own a capped dog of every breed for
I want them all. 0.0
If you get to the cap, can I buy ones from you that are like 5k TP each??? *Bounces* :D
Nah, I just don't wanna train my huskies right now. xD Someone already got to the TP cap on them. :(
I can help you. :)
Desire's 64% trained! :D
Nice! xD
Thank you! :)
yeah =/
how much for dragon O.O
xD Oh so picture ideas and color for the background.. Hmm, well if the husky picture you are putting has the husky in snow [like this one], it would great with a light or medium blue background. c:
Hmm, well I just woke up a few minutes ago... And forgot what a husky table is? xD
Ok I made a mistake >_< You already have a pup from Hydra, so do you want to wait till the Kush x Na'kita litter is born.
Shelly, please? :)
Kay. :)
Hullo? :(
You can send Shelly back to mua. :)
My aunt has like every single old beanie baby there is, times 2.
I'm going to keep those items on her until they become hard to find, so I can get some money off them! >:D
I'm going to keep those items on her until they become hard to find, so I can get some money off them! >:D
Look at Desire. xD
I have 111 Webkinz right now. My account expired though. I have like less than 100 other stuffed animals.
I donated all of my other stuffed critters to an old folks home. :)
I donated all of my other stuffed critters to an old folks home. :)
I used to have so many stuffed animals. Like a thousand. :o
I've had a little stuffed Jaguar named Jaggy since I was like... 6. xD
Myeh. My hand is boring.
Sketch notebooks and pencils? xD
I don't know what to talk about anymore.
*Brings sketch book to computer and flips through pages, not wanting to finish anything in there.* What shall I draw?
*Brings sketch book to computer and flips through pages, not wanting to finish anything in there.* What shall I draw?
Joust? Really? You are way braver than me. o.o
Nope. It was so scary. They found.... (Drumroll please) Trash bags. xD The horses wouldn't go near them. We had to go off track to go around them.
*Rolls on the floor laughing*
*Rolls on the floor laughing*
Aww. Thats a cute name!
Guess what the horses we were riding today saw that was REALLY scary.
Guess what the horses we were riding today saw that was REALLY scary.
The one my friend rode was(I'm pretty sure) 9 hands. O.o So cute!
Nononononononononononono. No jumping for me. xD My friend jumped. At first, she was going to ride this giant horse,(HUGE) but it's foot went lame, so she had to ride a pony half the size of it. xD The pony's name was Gretel, and her son(Rode by one of my other friends) was Hansel. They were so cute!
Okay, I think I made that a little too long. xD
Okay, I think I made that a little too long. xD
(Well, it was more of a camp) I got a horse that hated me. -.- His name was Thunder and he reared a little, twice. And cantered. I had never cantered before that. Scare me half to death. -.-
The horse the other days was the best, sweetest horse. Her name was Molly.
The horse the other days was the best, sweetest horse. Her name was Molly.
I did Monday - Friday. Wednesday was terrible, though. :|
Kay! I went and rode a horse today. :) He cantered. That was fun. :))))))))
Alright ^-^
Because I'm interested in one,
if you were willing to do one sometime C:
I would make one myself but I have no clue how to make them with the scroll boxes ^-^
Because I'm interested in one,
if you were willing to do one sometime C:
I would make one myself but I have no clue how to make them with the scroll boxes ^-^
Oooooh! Ooooooh! Do you have a pic of your horses!?!?!?! I wish I could have a horse! Dx
Kk. Just wanted to tell ya. :)
You do know that if you put a pitty on your side account and slap a Chance on both of them,(xD) you'll have a 50% increase in TP from the parents?
do you make profile layouts? ^-^
Wow, that must've been long. I would have gotten frustrated in the process of making it. xD my of course, was only about 2 minutes to make? That because HTML and such came along with it. Thank goodness! xD
It's not as - messed up now. It's a little closer to normal. XD
I actually did my own layout, I'm not very good with html but I'd be happy to help you out if I can :)
Internet Explorer. The writing and the boxes are in totally diferent places.
xD I like my because when I made it, it was simple to put together and I I didn't have to hassle through anything else. Except my background for my layout did not work. :L Oh well. But you did a lovely job on designing your layout! :D
By that, what do you mean? *Is somewhat confused.*
Love your layout! <3 Got done with mine using a simple site but I did a sucky job. Px
I think your thingy is a little messed up. :|
Gah! *Puts pitty costume on*
Are you starting a choir? Can I be in it??? XD *Sings random songs*
No, it's...
No, it's...
Thank you X a million. :)
Thank you so much! Do whatever to it to make it look nice. :)
You know where it says "Mists of Avalon"? Could you change that anytime(Like on the one I'm getting)?
And what sort of price are you looking for?
You know where it says "Mists of Avalon"? Could you change that anytime(Like on the one I'm getting)?
And what sort of price are you looking for?
The litter containing your 4th pup will arrive tomorrow at some point :] then that'll be it for non-related pups till I can get a few more pits to breed.
If I don't happen to be online whenever the pups are born feel free to scribble with the one you would want and a backup just in case xD cuase the person who requested this pairing gets pick of the litter.
If I don't happen to be online whenever the pups are born feel free to scribble with the one you would want and a backup just in case xD cuase the person who requested this pairing gets pick of the litter. or Either one. Suprise me! :)
I'll have it in a few minutes. Thank you! :)
Want me to give you a pic of what I wan't to be on the top? :)
I would be fine with just a basic one. And I wouldn't mind waiting. :)
Actually, right now my laptop doesn't like the internet, so I have to plug a cable into it to get on Ala. DX
*Is so bummed that she didn't get early enough on Ala so she could train Desire a whole 40-something sessions*
Actually, right now my laptop doesn't like the internet, so I have to plug a cable into it to get on Ala. DX
*Is so bummed that she didn't get early enough on Ala so she could train Desire a whole 40-something sessions*
Would you be willing to make one for me? :) I don't know how we can transfer the code, but we could get it. :)
I'll pay for one. I don't have that much, though.
I'll pay for one. I don't have that much, though.
xD Did you find out how to do that from a website, or what?
Oooh! Who did your layout???
Hopefully i will be a great member like her ♥
She was Frozen, by the Admins, for a 80K bone glitch, but really it was my brother playing a joke, since she loved Ala so much, but she says hey!
Its okay!
Hi im Antolianz Little Sister!! Can you donate a Bone?
Yay!Thanks! I will start maxixng now! What dog do you want me to do?I might breed him when he gets old enough, so I will message you so you can see if you want a pup!
Can you use the Give option on Eaarthly Goods to give me the pittie? I gave you the money! XD
Thanks! Let's use the Give option on earthly goods to transfer the money and dog.
Will 5,500 dollars be enough to finish it?
Ok, so I will train a dog or two at a time till they are maxed, and I will do it to 5 dogs. I will give you my Dapper Tophat and I will see how much money I have...
I really want to, but i have to make a custom male first. then i will have a line with brownie and him. ( i have a question; can brownie and my soon-to-be-custom male have a line if brownie is also bred with other pitties?)
What about I train any dog(s) of yours......and lemme see how much cash I have on my other account......
My theme is the scientific name for different trees =P Except for my one female pittie, Brownie, for she is a tribute to my RL dog =)
Woah....I would buy your pittie for sale but I cannot afford him.....DX Would you be willing to hold him for me and go down on the price?
Ooooh! A theme, that's a good idea! Thanks!
hehe. hey, do you have any good name suggestions for him? (and i hope you do not mind, i cropped the ears)
I put him through the predictor with my pittie female (currently with someone being trained) and the pups look amazing!
i'm sendin the bone now! thanks a bunch!
Hi there! I would like pittie 2 that you showed me. I'd like to pay with 1 bone =)
do you have a heat cookie i can borrow i will send it Back ASAP Just im really trying my best for one before my holiday?Would you be so kind to lend me it?
Ok, she said she doesn't want to do that though I was so close to getting a pittie xD
Do you have a heat cookie I could borrow Im going frantic!
Yeh I bet :D
I no this is most likely a no but I am going to ask anyway xD would you be willing to sell one of your pitties for 7 bones? I am looking for one more immortal to have some variety
I saw xD I nearly created one that was purple but I cause I couldn't tell how pups would turn out I left it.
I'm saving up for the next triple special we get so I can create a few glitch pits but I still have no idea how to get all these different colors xD has anyone created a guide? or do people just randomly put in negative numbers
I'm saving up for the next triple special we get so I can create a few glitch pits but I still have no idea how to get all these different colors xD has anyone created a guide? or do people just randomly put in negative numbers
Nah only one person has asked for pick of a litter and that's between Hydra x Kiya.
What do you think of this for a custom?
I'm trying to figure out how to create smooth glitches that this tool >_<
What do you think of this for a custom?
I'm trying to figure out how to create smooth glitches that this tool >_<
can you reserve i have like 600 dollars :(
is it free or pay i forgot
wich pup ?
sent :]
xD you should have said this morning you wanted her :P
xD you should have said this morning you wanted her :P
Sure I'll send her over in a few minutes.
If you want one of the pups from the Hydra x Bloodette litter I have 2 left so just take your pick.
1 of each gender.
Males are 10k females are 7k.
I seem to produce more females than males >_<
1 of each gender.
Males are 10k females are 7k.
I seem to produce more females than males >_<
Thank you for giving my pups a home! I hope you enjoy them! <3
Do you think when you get an unrelated male Pitt to Desire(The one you sold to me) you could tell me so I could buy? :)
D: Poor non pits, I have 12k now!
you have lots a pits 0_0
Looking down your dogs i spotted Gryphon he is one gorgeous pitbull make sure you keep him safe ;) well of course you will your dog soo just stopped by to say he is amazing.
Hi I heard you wanted sme Pits? Well, I'm going to breedmy Gracie soon. She is in another kennel being trained with a perk and scholar collar right now, but if you'd like, when I breed her you can have a pup for about 20, 30k or so. :)
Well, I'm off to bed, the pretty girl has been sent to my other account so that she won't age so much, as I get on this one for most of the day and the other only in the evenings. Good luck with your breeding and happy training!
Only thing I dislike about training is having to wait on them to regain energy ;x.
Bloodette is actually going to have her litter in 20 minutes xD.
Bloodette is actually going to have her litter in 20 minutes xD.
That's exactly the way I was about aussies, my highest before was 7k and she's still bringing in cash with her 240-some wins, so I can't wait to see how this last little guy does. I had an issue finding breeding partners eventually because all the top dawgs were so interrelated and once you get up there in tp it's so frustrating to work back from the beginning again, ya know? I fell just shy of the cap but no way am I going back to fix my mistakes. XD
I love training xP gives me something to do while I wait on litters to arrive and stuff.
Sending them over now.
Sending them over now.
So its #74722 & #74910 you want?
That would be 14k total
You can change the gender all you want xD
I'll let you know when I breed her :] won't be for a while though till I find another decent 3rd gen so I'll just stick a timestop on her for a while.
That would be 14k total
You can change the gender all you want xD
I'll let you know when I breed her :] won't be for a while though till I find another decent 3rd gen so I'll just stick a timestop on her for a while.
Mhm, even though they take more time to train as their tp creeps up, gotta love the trial winnings. XD
Thanks, she's a pretty one! May be a bit before I get to training her, though, need to finish my 8k aussie. ;p
I was only told to keep one for someone xD so you can pick from either.
Sure xD.
I've had 2 litters so far and still have 1 pup from the Loki x Missy & 2 from the Viper x Karma if you want to look at those.
I've had 2 litters so far and still have 1 pup from the Loki x Missy & 2 from the Viper x Karma if you want to look at those.
Im definitely working on it [: I just purchased my first pitbull named HHK Uno. Hes a black and white patched 2nd gen male then I will have about 4 2nd gen pups coming in 3 pick of the litter pups from a girl that im helping max all her pits and another girl that I have pick of the litter from for maxing her female. So Ill have the pups in the next 2 to 4 weeks over here maxed and trained. Im quite excited [: Now its just a matter of fact trying to find homes for all these old dogs I had haha [:
alright [: haha yeah I was looking at the ones you had for sale now and dont quite yet have that kinda money to spend on a dog yet but I figured once their maxed that I will have the cash [: I wanna start breeding pitties and you have such beautiful dogs [: I bought my first one today so yeah xD Thank for putting me down [: I might lerk around a bit later on and see what else you got later on [:
Thank You,
Thank You,
hey I would like to reserve a pup out of â™ Faery (#74898) and â™ Minotaur (#74984) if I could once they have pups.
Yeah that one is an interesting pup! Speaking of pups mine will be due in 27 minutes *w*
They are really cute :D
Yes, and I also breed for beautiful coats. :>
Well right now I'm working on half a line with Crevan XD Its easier on us to split the work, but it acts like two separate lines, as in I take so many starters train and breed to the end of the line, THEN mix them 8D
I have 9 right now and some more on the way e_e
XD congrats. I'm still trying to finish off training my horde of 2nd gens, and waiting on pups from two pairs of customs XD
LOL I always find it easier to do money when the dog is ready, that way I don't have to keep track of who's paid or anything.
I'll let you know when the other two pairs have pups :>
You haven't paid yet, you just owe 18k o3o I'll send him over.
hahah yeah I might do that since it's cheaper to buy items separately with bones, in the long run the bags is your best chance on saving money!! And if you don't get what you want you can just buy it lol the stuff that I don't like usually ends up right my user shop for half off or just tad cheaper than what the monthly store is selling them at and if someone is looking for that item they'll buy it since it's cheaper *.* (easy money right there)
lol same here!!!! I might end up buying all the wolves (is a wolf fanatic) or at least two of them.....I also try now to get every monthly bg even if it's not the best looking XD
lol cool, I wish I had insta-pups! For it's killing how long Torch's first litter will be coming XD
I am hoping for insta-pups to be in the montly shop next month, I am going to buy a few for emergency cases >_>;;
I am hoping for insta-pups to be in the montly shop next month, I am going to buy a few for emergency cases >_>;;
Awesome! I'll be stalking her kennel just so I could see those pups ;D
I know what you mean; I usually look at all the bones that up for auction and see what they cost for auto-buy I got a couple that were worth 22k a few days ago cheapest I have seen in a long while!! 28k is most common as a cheaper price would go. But it's not very often that I auto-buy bones. lol I don't try to bid anymore I just get out bid as soon as I bid on a bone!! Even on dogs that are up for auction when there is one that is exactly the same look and gender but nope the one I bid on all a sudden looks a whole lot better >n<
well Justice has over done markings and would mind toning them have to run them through the predictor and see what the pups might looks like
I have 520k in the bank months and months of saving XDD
I have one male ready to breed of my second gens just can't find a good female to go with him as of yet...:( I was hoping to have third gens by now...
Phish...don't wanna have you waist anything...I just let you have first pick on their next litter..should be in a few days....ya most pups ended up with princes white markings...
lol I am just the opposite! I have lots of ala cash but low on bones. I have a goal to save up 150 bones so far I only have 18 thanks to the pitties xD
What helps if you a lot in your inventory is to go to the junkyard that's on the main stores' page and rid of things that you have like8 of or more or items that you haven't used in several months! I did that yesterday getting rid of all the extra Christmas items and main store items etc. The total amount of money I have received from doing that: 115+k *.*
What helps if you a lot in your inventory is to go to the junkyard that's on the main stores' page and rid of things that you have like8 of or more or items that you haven't used in several months! I did that yesterday getting rid of all the extra Christmas items and main store items etc. The total amount of money I have received from doing that: 115+k *.*
haha that is a heavy brindle or if you want I am planning on doing that litter it produced some nice brindle and white markings..if that is more what you are looking for...
Bone payments work just fine! You are the first person to had offered too XD
Sure, but you'll have to wait until my next pittie litter since Torch's litter is all taken up XD
The prices are somewhere around 15k to 35k depending on the markings and TP of the pups :3
The prices are somewhere around 15k to 35k depending on the markings and TP of the pups :3
Hey only picked up your female right? I have one pup out of Princes litter left but its a female...I can change her to a male for you or I have Trinity x King pup male or Amazing Kit and Kit Kat males..or I do have another litter coming out of Arctic Chiller and Rain...BTE
I'm very sorry, but that one already got snatched up. ): However, I do plan to breed that pair again, and I can guarantee you a pup next litter. Keep in touch? :)
xD So true. He's my smexy little beast. :D
Yus. c: There's a lot of people wanting to breed with Royce. xD
xD I actually ran him and your Kalylia in pup predict. There were a lot of Royce clones. :'D
Of course, before I breed Blitzen, I shall max him. ;) I'll end up maxing him after I finnish up with Nevoa. :3
Will do! ^^ I probably breed him after I have bred my two Pitties. c:
Thanks! I'll send the bone. :D
Pups from Houjou x Mephisto breeding are here please let me know which one you want
Yeah they did
Um.....strike one more kennel slot for me....I just got a shot at getting a pibble pup I wanted. lol
I only have 45 slots but I could use more TS too lol
I think they are cute. I have one on my side that I rescued from the pound. I thought he was adorable :) I just cant have all breeds or Id have no room lol
It's probably cause they're new. :) I started with zois, then added huskies. Now I have corgis too. :) I do have one custom sheltie & a custom GSD. but I probably wont make more of those.
Its fun isnt it :)
LOL No, not 8, I have 7. The other one you saw is a pup of Heroes. :) I cant wait for more puppies :)
Check with Crevan on the batwings. Its a CA she has. :)
I dont know if it would be polite to tell you how many custom pibbles I have. lol Guess you'll just have to count them so I dont sound too bad :p lol
I dont know if it would be polite to tell you how many custom pibbles I have. lol Guess you'll just have to count them so I dont sound too bad :p lol
The way people talk about them, you'd think it already was. lol :p Did you see the new batwings CA? I got it for my male NightMoves :)
I think its just exciting to see all the new pibbles. I love them :)
LOL I know, me too. In fact Im on your waiting list for one :p
Ok I will put you down for one. :) I keep the list on my profile :)
Yes I will be breeding her with Kudzu, a stud on my side that is a friends Im helping max. :) Would you like to be on the waiting list for one of her pups?
its blue coat -128 brown full
and i dont mind but if there second gen they wont be over 1000TP 2 customs make a 600TP
and i dont mind but if there second gen they wont be over 1000TP 2 customs make a 600TP
:D Hehe Okay. Sounds like something I would do
Hey um did you get my message?
LOL, thank you x] It brought me a lot of joy, ahah
can i reserve?
:) They are cute
Lol think I I bought two of yoour papillions because they used to have something like this ∑♠or their parents have something like that
I know :( and at the mo I only have 5k what a cruel world
I am saving my money for 18k
Ok Hekomi your girl you picked out is all yours and is on her way home now...Working...Prince's litter should arrive tomorrow as long as the aging keeps up the way its going now...
Ohh, so that's what the breeder perk does. xD xP
Okay, thanks! xD And I noticed you had a long waiting list for members who want pups, I could let you use a bunny that way there can be more pups, if you'd like. ;D
thank you so much! :D that was so nice! thank you so much!
If possibly, when the next litter of Gryphons next mate, can I have male if there will be one?
Thanks. I'll be sure to remember you when I finally make her or win that contest.
Thanks. I wish I was able to find a more teal or light blue color, but I love this color.
You mean the one I entered into that Custom Pittie contest? Sure I could let you know. I hope I get to make her soon too.
No problem hon. :-3
I will mark her down however I have 2 other people on the list right before you that need to pick first...but I should know my tonight...yes she would have been out of the litter you wanted..
Yep. Thanks! I'll send you a pup when the litter is born. <3
Sure! c: What item would you like from Hardcore Pups? Also, I have a new policy that if you pay in advance, you get a pup first. :3
ok thanks :)
ok thanks :) which ones will you be breeidng?
ok I might try and grab one from an auction whenyou get them
It's okay! :) Sending over the money! :)
Yeah, I might crop them later, but I do like her how she is now. xD Decisions, decisions.
You have lots of Pitties :D
I was just curious... Do you think the little Pit girl I got from you would look better with her ears cropped? I can't decide, so I thought I'd get your opinion on it. xD
Hey ☻ My girl is pregenet
Your first pup out of Perdi should arrive tonight. Please make sure to have money ready by tonight to pick up or prepay before litter arrives to ensure your pup. Working
18k please! :)
Could I trade my Bc custom for a Pit?
Okay, just a second... Yes, I'm having some technical issues. Sorry about sending my little Monster to you. xD I'll send the money in just a sec.
I realized that I had more money than I thought I did, because I had put an extra 18k in the bank... I went ahead and put an extra slot on my account, so go ahead and send her to this one... I'll send the money over. Thank you SO much! :D
Could I buy a pup?
Is Newborn Puppy (#73495) one of the ones for sale? The links on the message didn't work, but since her name is "Newborn Puppy" I'm assuming she's one of the ones for sale? I would love to buy her, I have 18k ready. I'll be buying her on my other account, though, and then moving her to this account later when I have dog slots available. Let me know. :)
Okay ♥
Thanks for maxing the stat on my girl! :)
Well, if you find someone who sells bones tell me
Aw.... must have been adorable ♥
Hmm maybe! I will have to think about it. It would cost a fee, of course.
Your Girls in Heat ♥ Lucky!!!
Hey if you need some MFB, im sure i can find some money somehow ♥
Heh XD i will try ♥ We just have to go faster than others!!
Okay, well. I can try for a High TP pup ♥ Im about to buy a Breeders Perk once i buy some Bones. And i think im breeding with one Of Workings Dog, since we have good Markings together. She is letting me borrow a chance
Yes ♥ Im gonna try and Buy some more Bones, from People, and get a few, but are we going to breed some of Ours together? To keep Lines Clean?
Good, only 3-4 Stats away from maxing my Male ♥ Although, pups dont look good with my other Female,so i think im gonna sell him
Hey ♥
Yea, I'm all better now. C: Thankfully.
I love Rebirths. Helpful. I with there were Rebirths and Lifelong Lockets in real life. xD Then I'd have all my past, deceased dogs immortal and then I'd have about 12 dogs.
I love Rebirths. Helpful. I with there were Rebirths and Lifelong Lockets in real life. xD Then I'd have all my past, deceased dogs immortal and then I'd have about 12 dogs.
My memory is awful. :P I think it got worse after my freak-accident. Rebirths are way better than Background Packs. ;D
Yea, Yellow Sky Background pack I think. :P
I do believe it game me a Background Pack. :/ I was like, bummer. :P Right now, I'm deciding on what to gift you. :D
On my birthday on here in December, I really didn't mention it to anyone til someone saw I had opened my birthday cake. xD
I had no idea it was your birthday. D: Happy Birthday! <3 ^^
Yes, please. The other female is also very beautiful so I'd be interested in her if she might be availible.
Ok :)
If you ever have any more Pitbulls for sale message me :)
:o Is that Gryphons mates litter?
Do i give you a bone?
73493 Could I buy for 2 bones?
ill buy her!!
Ill Buy one ♥
Would you accept 24K for each of your bones in auction?
i hate you ♥ ♥
Where is the MAClocks?
Your Dogs so old!!
I will
Money sent
Oh, okay:) 18k sounds good
Two is a cutey<3333
yay! I cant wait!
Are any from your litter-on-the-way for sale? If so, I'd like to reserve one
I did
No thanks
Are you selling any of the pups?
How much would a pup cost? you want to know something?I ordered bones and got nothing!
Anything similar to Gryphon is fine
I don't mind after Evalon's pick I'll see since it will be all random
Hi is it posible to change order for 2 unrelated 1 male 1 female.. lol lol its funny as I am kinda excited to see them.... thanks Carolyn
That would be great, thank you! :)
umm about 2 :)
Another SC gave my other one to a friend <3
For free sure XD I'm saving for something though
Ooh sure! =P I'm in no rush though really, Pitts are cute but i'm not crazy for them xD I can wait =P
I'll bring extra carrots for them then <_< >_>
I'll bring extra carrots for them then <_< >_>
Just letting you know i plan on stealing Nocht in the middle of the night! =3
I usually get really impatient if its something I really have wanted for awhile. :P Well, all those bones you've used were certainly worth it. Amazing Pitties. ;D
Thanks! ^^ I'm not usually into the whole glitch pups but she caught my eye. I've bee patient to get bones, hopefully it stays that way. xP I'm normally patient. I can imagine that all those custom Pitties of yours cost a lot of ones.
He's certainly gorgeous. C: This pup is soon to be my custom. Sadly, she is 9 bones and I only have 1. xD
I liked Siren and Gryphon's markings, especially Gryphon's. That's why I wanted a pup from them. xP
<3 Oh, yeah, *forgot, has bad memory* I should've remembered because it was on your ad. :P I'm sure they'll turn out lovely. ^^
Thanks. :) If you don't mind me asking, how much will they be? Also, I was going to give you an insta-pups but forgot I already used it. xP
Alright, thanks. ^~^
I would love to reserve a female brindle please thanks..........
female please
can i have a pup
I would love to reserve a pup from Gryphon's(and his mates) litter. ^^ Thanks!
Can I reserve a pup??? :)
How much will your be asking for your Pit Bull puppies? I'd love to buy one. :)
ill Reserve a pup or 2 :)
Hey, I'll reserve a pup
Daw Crappy i forgot i have to sell my spring Fawn!!!
ANyway, good luck on da puppies!!!
ANyway, good luck on da puppies!!!
Ah, yes lol I am giving the dog a bath today and snapping a HUGE tub of beans... it's something to do but it wont be fun >.<
Night Eyes is my first dog on here.. alass no locket though Dx but yes I just customized her so now she shall never leave again!
I got Isabella when she was pretty old and I didnt know what would happen to them and then her health just started dropping and I couldn't keep it up... I was flipping out xD when people told me what was happening though I retired her and made a custom with her exact markings
Nocht and her make pretty pups <3 since they both have brindle some are stripedy =3 and I don't have a rebirth the begin with so I think I am just gonna retire him..
Maybe... or should I keep him? See this is why it took me hours to finally come up with Natalia's design! xD I made 4 then put them all together and added brown
Ehh theres nothing to really do Dx I might have to sell Blanco now that Lavendar died... They were a pair ... ):
i put the ones i dont need for Auction, once is doing really well, the other not so much. ♥
i am so looking for Magical Alarm Clocks
I did that last time but there was no proof that it hadn't shown me and I was active but I swear there was nothing
I have NO earthly idea... but all I know is that this is the 2nd time it's happened but last time I didn't get random TS's...
No but once she died I got 15 random TS's too? o.O
OMG 0.0 I have had this happen before but my dog just died and it said nothing was wrong with her.. it said health complications but she wasn't in red or anything... weird...
Sure! lol they would have to be custom though.. I have this weird thing where I won't breed unless they are maxed and if my dog is a custom then yours has to be too >.< *goes to pup perdicter*
Sounds like a great plan! I sent the collar back thank you again! I did all the training I could with energy dropping and so forth. I have one pit but I love her to death =D I am going to find a partner for her and breed them.. I have only breed dogs with the same person lol
haha thanks...It took a lot of planning and storing not to mention bones and ala cash to get them done that
Ok I will mark you down for a pup out of each of their litters.
Thank you! And :o they should make some cute pups!
either way doesn't matter. I can mark you down...did you have a specific male or female you would like the pup from?
Thank you so much(: and which ones are you going to breed together?
That's amazing! I have a question for you then.. Would I be able to borrow your scholar collar to use my training sessions and then send it right back to you?
Hello(: I basic trained Natalia today so right now I have 31 TS's let me know if you want them!
Haha niceeee. xD
Cats and Dogs.... That's it. "D
Lol. x3 I love cats Dogs, and kinda sorta the owls. I could honestly care less about the rest. xP
Wow. xD I barely get by with my upgrade, xP
Wow. xD I barely get by with my upgrade, xP
CS is amazing, the user... Eh. I have a few pets, but they aren't very rare. xP
Dannngggggg. x3 I got mine for free with the upgrade. :p xD
Dannngggggg. x3 I got mine for free with the upgrade. :p xD
I have been on CS 24/7 when I have a chance with the faire. Loveee it! :3
Ooo, good idea. o.o
Lol, I only have one, can't do that. xP
Ooo, good idea. o.o
Lol, I only have one, can't do that. xP
my Fav is V ♥
Lol yeah. xD I'm not so popular on CS, but i got all of the queen cats and dogs, so I continue to get trade requests. >_> They shall never be for sale!!!!!! Hehe. o3o I love CS though, Love watching them grow!
Oh wow, lol. xD I put the aviator cap on a dog that I sent out to train.. I should probably ask for that back, so I can try to max my pittie... Hm. Low TP dogs are the best, and the worst, My 15TP is the beautifulest dog (other then Caroline) I've ever see. The colors on him are amazing! :)
Oh wow, lol. xD I put the aviator cap on a dog that I sent out to train.. I should probably ask for that back, so I can try to max my pittie... Hm. Low TP dogs are the best, and the worst, My 15TP is the beautifulest dog (other then Caroline) I've ever see. The colors on him are amazing! :)
Gryphon is Ah-mazing!!!! XD
Yeah.. I'm on Chicken Smoothie, and one declined trade request and I'll get some hate mail. The block button is like my best friend. >_>
YAY! :D I have some of the first stat maxed, and on my other account, my 15 TP dog that was just so pretty I had to buy, is almost maxed. just needs a few more. ^_^
YAY! :D I have some of the first stat maxed, and on my other account, my 15 TP dog that was just so pretty I had to buy, is almost maxed. just needs a few more. ^_^
Well that's true, everyon (well, 90% of the site) here is nice and understanding. I'm pretty sure that they won't beat you up about it! o3o
True true. I barely have enough to train one dog... Much less four! xP Then again, I get by. I'll work things out.
True true. I barely have enough to train one dog... Much less four! xP Then again, I get by. I'll work things out.
Oh wow. 2K. I had to Take Bailey back, she had been with her trainer over a month and barely got one done, I am maxing her myself now. >_> Pita is taking a while, but she's further along then Bailey was, so I'm leaving her there.
Yeah... I hate having to max them sometimes... I am very impatient, so what I did just made me wait even more. Dx
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Dx I jumped in too fast with the TP and now I'm trying to climb back out of the whole. Bailey and her Sister Pita were my biggest mistake. top 10 or 5 Top Dawgs, yeah. But it'll take forever to max the pair. One is training with another user.
As much as I really do, and I am tempted to snatch them all up, I can't. I need to max all my current dogs, and get out of the economic hole I fell into. xP If they had a lower TP I might, but I just can't train anymore. Have too many dogs on my hand... Need to stop buying. xP Sorry. :(
Just wanted to let you know that I finally got the pit they way I want her(: Stop by and see Natalia!
If you use internet explorer for it I find it works better X3
lol I hate summers like this.. I was working last summer and this summer there is nothing.. I am one of those people who needs to do something or they go more insane then they already are Dx could you put up with IM for a little while?
xD I have nothing to do lately.. I am on the computer more than I want to be.. and it is so hot out lately I can't do anything! I am giving the dog a bath tomorrow(: At least I won't be completely bored to death.. at least for about an hour =3
If it's before noon I doubt I will be on :3 I stay in the bed for a while than I get up and do somethings before getting on lol but just let me know(: I am here to help
I actually just did ;)
Yep but feel free to stop by I might just force some free ones on ya! xD
Thank you! and guess what I got bones put on 8D I am soo happy and thanks so much I can train them tomorrow too if you want(: sending him back now
She is out of energy.. do you want me to send her back now?
lol I can't use it though! I only get specials when I can't get them.. it stinks and lol not even one..?
I have a double bone special right now but I dont ahve a card Dx and did you say you liked the puppies? I will give you a deal lol
No problem the more the merrier xD I will sell anything (almost) to get bones right now
*flails* I really want to make my own but I am going to look!
Custom Pits??
Mine? Dx I need them sold I want a pit so bad they are adorable
Ok no problem =3 I am just trying to save up for my own pit(:
at least another hour depending
I have food >.< it's fine
I have room now!
No i meant a TimeWatch from you
I'll buy one more, later XD
Do you have a Magical Alarm Clock? I can buy.
im already Buying one for like 15 BOnes, but i can always get more ♥
ready to buy one, i bought a MWB, XD
hey can you get me one XD ill do like 200K for it
drat XD are they in Monthly?
How much are they ♥
Hey im getting mine Maxed, once your is im ready XD and i can buy the Perk
Thank you ♥ its gonna be a Girl, what should its Name be?
37 Left, about to spend 17 XD
OMG so cool. My brother is at a Party.
Totallly ♥
me too XD im getting 1 more!!
I have 26 TS left :)
Ive maxed out 2 and a half stats (I used some rev. that I didn't need.). If you want me too I can wait or send him to you and do out of kennel.
I have a skunk that I have no use for c:
When I am done, send the bones over. Send the dog now ^^
If you send him over than he'll get 1.2-2.0 points, but out of kennel training is only at the max 0.4 points.
All 95 of them ^^
250 each, or 2 bones.
I do have a collar.
You can stanch all of them :D (Though I used one) 95 TS left.
Ok I will(:
Would you like a dog?
Just gotta get rid of a dog.. I am selling 3
Ok let me know when you're back
Alrighty =3 I just loaded up on the canned foods incase you said yes lol
I usually don't do that >.< I almost never go to my side account anymore unless to do that lol and I could feed them while they are here if you want
0.0 thats a lot of spots and ok let me check and make sure I can just get rid of one dog so yours won't run >.< that would be horrible.. and I have 48 :3
Sorry I didn't understand any of that other than the 2 bones xD I just woke up excuse me from my slowness lol
I would love bones as I am trying to make my own Pit =3 but I can understand if you didn't want to do that... and I need to sell the last 2 dogs on my profile before I can accept any at the moment
I know it's not many but 48 XD
Made 2 XD
Lucky you have an AMur ♥
Thats what i did with mine ♥
XD your getting there!!
Im making my 3700+ TP dog, to earn money for Trials
i Dont know, at first like 20-30K i bet, but someone will be like 1K, and then its all downhill.
I can get a Pup from the litter right?
You can Tag them all i dont really care about that. Also im gonna get my Spring Fawn out of my shop.
You can Tag them all i dont really care about that. Also im gonna get my Spring Fawn out of my shop.
Only 1 chance, an di know that member has enough Money ♥ If we breed i could just borrow one of yours right? just for the breeding?
im doing a Male, and im asking about buying Chance with $
Okay, BTW i should buy breeders perk right??
Well, i think you should stock up on Bonies, and ill do cash.
im expecting Bones to sell fast, and maybe go to 30K ea.
Insta Pups perhaps, MWBs?
You sure? Cause once they come, prices go flying
Okay, cause one is up for 400K. What else do we need?
yep XD how many Scholar Collars do we need?? i can buy like 2 more for 500K ea.
Well, i buy bones for around 15-10K ea. (i dont know how i find people who sell for that) and i dont spend them, i resell, that gets me alot of money, selling for 15K ea. profit ♥ And that lets me buy more, that continues until im at 1 mil ♥
I know how to make sales ♥, so i have like 17 in auction already and i have 22 i should put in auction making it 39 x 25K, should get me around 1 mil. :D do you think we can fund that?
I have around 800K again, and I still need to put 22 bones up for auction.
Just 1. I think I will only need 68, 18 for Custom, and 50 just incase I want more.
im gonna have a Total of 80 Bones okay??
just put some up for auction, (Planning to make profit) Hahaha!!!!
Thanks, we got a new dog, and he is sort of very protective of me, so i dont know how well my brother will do, anyway im at 150 bones and 100K.
No i dont have that.
I wont be on much my brother is coming back from the Navy for 60 Hours, so i want to spend alot of time with him.
I wont be on much my brother is coming back from the Navy for 60 Hours, so i want to spend alot of time with him.
im trying to get 40 bones from
Rawritskitty (#15987)
for 600K
Rawritskitty (#15987)
for 600K
get those Chances off them Paps ♥
Yea, but at least you already have Chances and stuff and Breeder perk, which i have to get ♥
its okay more money for us ♥ im only at around 110 bones XD
my other partner left me ♥ Uh! makes me so angry!!! but yea, thats cool ♥
im so broke im at like 700K XD
Okay, im talking to another member about buying some bones
want me to stock up on em?
yes i understand ♥
okay, ill have the bones if we need something
im only going to buy one Pit Bull a Male one, so okay?
We can breed together, my other partner left me, do you plan on doing cropped or non cropped first, (as well as docked.)
That was pup was cute :D And awesome if we'd use chances :)
Scribble me when you max her and stuff. I'll make Oreo have $1 stud so whenever you max her send a stud request then just scribble me and send over the chance. ^^
Scribble me when you max her and stuff. I'll make Oreo have $1 stud so whenever you max her send a stud request then just scribble me and send over the chance. ^^
Depends on how many people are selling when you have your first litter. I seem to recall the first huskies going for 15-20k maybe? Idk, it was quite a bit. I'm really not sure about pricing ahead of time, personally I would just tell people to wait. You'll wanna see the price other ones are going for.
yeah right now i dont have a tablet or anythig but im a pretty good drawer on the computer without oe and makeing nice desings so im trying to sell those for bones or cash but o one will buy i am so close to finishing one that i started yesterday
i get 72 a day i suck at training dogs but i can try my best
I can no max dogs very fasst so bye hte week or so i should have atleast 16 pittie puups
I know Ant and kool ad es ill be making atleast 2-6 custom pitties
Oh ok im breeding pitties
what oes inquire mean
Yeah I just tested them they would have black and white pups might be black coats with piebald and black merle though but I'd like some high TP pups. So if you dont like them I could pay for the ltter and have all the pups. Its lunch time here so I'm logging off for lunchen. :)
Ok Tyroid wont be maxed for a long while all I have a skunks... But when you finish training â™ Avalon could she breed with my new stud named Oreo I got him premaxed from player #44 sence they sold a pup I had wanted and he had cost me 2 bones to get. He has TP:2239 and is old enough to breed. :3 Could we do that?
i should be here 21st, and im keeping track on my profile ♥
Okay your in, ill put you on the list ♥
me and my other people are doing both, you have Chances we can use??
your like the 3rd Person to ask that ♥
New CA Bear ♥
Like my CA diesel???
Kay, sending them over. :)
heya!!! so do you plan to sell any bones for 10-15K ea?
Can I just pay you the ten bones now? X)
okay i could go down to 25 ♥
i removed it, it is 30-35 bones
Hi! I have a baby griffen in my shop
Hey <3
So im putting Spring Fawn at about 17 Msg me when your on♥
Yeah Thyroid and Carl are my two favs of the litter I'll start training him tommorrow. :)
She is cute if I'm looking at the right pup...which male was it you think could make awesome pups with her? If you name him I could start maxing him tommorrow. :3 And later when both maxed breed them...
Sorry I don't think I would sell them but if I do I'll tell you first. :)
Hey would you sell Bones for 10K?? Prices are getting lower and Lower im loving it !
SO no spring Fawn??? NOOOOOOO that was funding the artist for drawning my doberman CA
Do you like Owls??
Well i have a friend who might buy it, i was really hopping you wanted a Peacock, BTW i might have to bump up da price XD poppin at 20 Bones XD
Work up 2-3 Hours ago XD Hey so if you dontw ant a Peacock, do you want a Spring Fawn???
I really need 80K or more XD so im willing to sell my SF for like 13 Bones
I really need 80K or more XD so im willing to sell my SF for like 13 Bones
i know XD blah!!!
They arent XD
Hey if i bought Time Stop, would you pay 3 bones for it♥
HEy Peacocks are expensive noe Sale is ova XD So do you still sell bones for 10K ea??
i help train i egt like 50 Sessions a Day XD
i give you dog
Yes but you need 4!! Please XD
i know!! i need you to buy a white one, i want a blue one.. -pets white peacock- you know you want it XD
hey your on!!! congrats, so i got 2 white peacocks now _dances-
Yeah, they said it was a server bug, but they got it fixed now. :3
is your sales Chat working??
i have to go on a walk XD i have a Peacock, up just incase you change your mind XD
oh wow XD
you should do it 1 bone a slot XD
Also i can sell you White Peacock, can you pay 15-10 Bones
well, i have so much money but not enough bones XD cause i sell bones for money XD
i would really like 9, but i guess 8 would do
i have more than enough just say the word, and ill go buy it, then put it in my user shop for the bones
if you can give me 10-9 Bones im in :D
i have a white one XD i have almost enough money to buy swirls, how many bones would you pay for those??
i have bought so many of those bags, i have almost 1 of every Peacock
i was really looking to do it now.
well, i would buy 200K worth
do you sell bones 10K a piece, if not i can go back to my frined selling for 10K a piece
*grabs her golden spork and cracks her knuckles*
Shall me and Chessy have a spork battle to the death?
Heky, will you be my internet wifey?
Aaaaah... Go on the xD. Message me when you'd like it sent over :)
i hope you dont mind im trying to sell some, i really really want a scholar collar
didnt even look in the monthly shop until now, im stupid :O
Okay sorry, i also have the ultimate pack you can offer in bones on that too :D
thanks, also if you need lowered just say so, some prices are expensive :D
i have stuff in my sale for the monthly shop :D trying to sell that to buy bones :D (wait the upcoming monthly shop?)
once an item in my shop sells, ill come back to you, ill friend you as bone seller :D
sent it :D
sorry family problem, so im ready when you are okay?
send the bones while i withdraw from the bank :D
yes it would
can i buy 15? maybe??
how many bones for 20K can i buy??
Ok.... But now My hope is gone
Aww.... :(
That was nice of them c:. you derserve it.
The custom item Dearest(
don't have :P), bunnehs, chinchillas, cats, Rainbow Cupcakes, the Black Faced lamb, Pied Blue Peacock, Spring Fawn, Bandana of Youth and uhh, the Apricot Swirl Striped Skunk.
don't have :P), bunnehs, chinchillas, cats, Rainbow Cupcakes, the Black Faced lamb, Pied Blue Peacock, Spring Fawn, Bandana of Youth and uhh, the Apricot Swirl Striped Skunk.
So, how was ala back then? Do you enjoy it as much as CS? And what are your most prized items that you have?
So, how was ala back then? Do you enjoy it as much as CS? And what are your most prized items that you have?
I knew it xD.
You're 'Komi from CS right?
*is confuzzled*
*is confuzzled*
ill send over 20k
ok that sound good!
haha lol i thought you were selling ALL of them for 25k HAHA! lol i was totally wrong!!! whats the very lowest you would go for 1 of the bones?
i saw you wanted to sell 4 bones for 25k. ill buy them
Welcome to Hekomi [MOA Pits] (#26)'s profile.
currently: working on figure out all this silly layout stuff. e___e
Last Seen: 11:37 AM on 09-30-2012, played for 136 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?

In this Kennel you will find top quality pitbull studs, bitches and pups. Each pup is guaranteed to have great TP, good markings, maxed parents and will be non-inbred. Each pup parent's will be maxed and equipped with Chances at the time of breeding, along with two breeders perks. This ensures maximum TP from the pairing. Most of our pitbulls will have strong brindle, and brown/black/red coats are preferred. Any eye colour is preferred. Medium white markings are encouraged.
All dogs come pre-tagged! If they come without a tag I ask that you send them back for tagging and I will refund 10% of what you bought them for. If you tag them with your own tag I will be quite displeased.
Please do not ask me to buy my dogs unless they are actually labelled as for sale. If not, they are not for sale and probably will never be.
All dogs come pre-tagged! If they come without a tag I ask that you send them back for tagging and I will refund 10% of what you bought them for. If you tag them with your own tag I will be quite displeased.
Please do not ask me to buy my dogs unless they are actually labelled as for sale. If not, they are not for sale and probably will never be.
Symbol Code
? - MOA Dog
? - Maxed Custom
O - Maxed Dog
† - Dog in Training
Mists of Avalon has four main custom pitbulls, and I have brought in more dogs as we have expanded. Below you will find links to each dog as well as their standard mates.
√Nocht x Kalylia
√Gryphon x Siren
√Sir Pibblesworth x Lady Vivienne
Second Generation
√Wyvern x Nymph
√Manticore x Harpyie
√Minotaur x Faery
√Centaur x Satyr
√Cerberus x Pegasus
Fawn x Graeae
√ Balroq x Elf
√Dragon x Medusa
Warlock x Witch
Loch x Nessa
Daragh x Drow
??? x Neo
Third Generation
√Cyclops x Hydra
Seeker x Unicorn
Dwarf x Hobbit
Fourth Generation
??? x Gossamer
Currently we have no dogs for sale.
If you are interested in pittie pups, 2nd gens will be 18k or 1 bone.
3rd gens will be priced accordingly.
If you are interested in pittie pups, 2nd gens will be 18k or 1 bone.
3rd gens will be priced accordingly.
Besides breeding and selling pitbulls, MOA also offers some training services. Training sessions are in kennel, with Trainer's Perk, Scholar Collar, an energy companion and a rejuvenator.
Currently we are closed for training services.
Training Prices for Maxing
0-300TP - 10k/1 bone
301-500 - 15k/1 bone
501-700 - 25k/1 bones
701-900 - 50k/2 bones
901-1100 - 65k/3 bones
1101-1300 - 85k/5 bones
1301-1500 - 120k/6 bones
1501-1700 - 140k/7 bones
1701+ - 160k/10 bones
Training Prices for Individual Sessions
0-500TP - $200 per session
500-900 - $250 per session
900-1500 - $275 per session
1500+ - $300 per session
To reserve a dog, please either scribble or message me to inquire about breeding. Most of the time I will gladly breed a pair for you.
If you have reserved a pitbull, or other dog, the information will be found here.
If you have reserved a pitbull, or other dog, the information will be found here.
bunnygirl3413 (6883) - Pup from Siren x Gryphon
Fallowstar (#16854) - Pup - male
Remedy (11937) - Pup from Minotaur x Faery
Dogfancy0 (13) - Nocht clone
Hekomi, or more commonly known as "Komi" is a twenty year old university student. She is currently studying Classical Studies at one of the top rated Canadian universities. She loves all animals and owns two horses of her own. Her mother and herself manage a barn in her hometown, where they board two other horses as well as their combined three. She also has a llama, which she adores, named Swarlos.
Komi is currently working two jobs, full time at a provincial park, and part time teaching swimming for her entrepreneurial business.
If she needs to be reached, please message/scribble this account. She can also be contacted at chickensmoothie as "Hekomi & Jeweled" or aywas as #11733. For any other contact information, please message.
Komi is currently working two jobs, full time at a provincial park, and part time teaching swimming for her entrepreneurial business.
If she needs to be reached, please message/scribble this account. She can also be contacted at chickensmoothie as "Hekomi & Jeweled" or aywas as #11733. For any other contact information, please message.

Manipulated image was done by Hekomi [26].
Coding done by Hekomi [26].
If you are interested in a layout please PM #26 to inquire.
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
0 | Training Sessions: 194
Dogs in "Mists of Avalon"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
«♠ Nocht (#72588) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 90.42 months | male | |
«♠ Kalylia (#72599) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 117.72 months | female | |
«♠ Gryphon (#72601) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 94.68 months | male | |
«♠ Siren (#72607) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 128.58 months | female | |
√♠ Nymph (#73240)
![]() |
American Pit Bull Terrier | 96.99 months | female | |
√♠ Wyvern (#73494) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 88.35 months | male | |
√♠ Harpyie (#73861) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 83.55 months | female | |
√♠ Pegasus (#74344) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 79.83 months | female | |
√♠ Manticore (#74642) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 77.15 months | male | |
√♠ Satyr (#74722) | American Pit Bull Terrier | 74.19 months | female |