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Thank you so much!!! :)
Bought your Rotti CA. :3
Go Rotti's! <3
Go Rotti's! <3
Haha that's because my shop is so overloaded I will send you a copy :)
I had fun raiding your shop xD /flee
Sorry for the delay, but yes I can get you the CA if you are still interested. She is 15 bones :)
Sumo is beautiful! Your breeding ability never ceases to amaze me. XD
You have a really nice collection of CA companions if you plan to part with any will you let me know before you out them in your shop? Like Rictus or the gypsy vanner :)
I went on a "shopping spree" in your shop >.>, Darn it, I never spend bones! :P :D
I wanted to say thank you for breeding shiba's with high TP. It's so hard to find other breeders also breeding them with chances =.=
Sure I'll take him. :) I'll send the money over and you can send me the dog whenever. ^^
Are any of the invisibles still for sale? :)
Omg!!! Thanks you so much!! Your so wonderful *hugs!* thanks!!!
I'm really happy to have gotten that brindle Jack Russell Terrier from you. Back when I first started to play alacrity, that girl, specifically, make me want a brindle so badly- and it was SO HARD to find one back then. Back then (and even still now) JRT breeders were few and far between. I ended up getting one of her...great grand pups or so, after constantly checking for them. It died long ago. I can't express how happy I am to have this girl, and I just thought I'd tell you that.
sent the bg and wolverine~ :D
Yes I am x) It was six bones, right?
I have a Helldog Fire on hand, but I'd have to put in a request for the bg and wolverine copies.
Thank you <3
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Last Seen: 6:01 PM on 03-10-2024, played for 927 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?
My Rottie Boy; © LINCOLN (NO COPIES)
01.) I will NEVER breed any UNmaxed dogs, nor will I accept breeding request from any either.
02.) My dogs are bred Customs to Customs, 2nd Gens to 2nd Gens, 3rd Gens to 3rd Gens and so on.
I am trying to better Ala by breeding High TP dogs. I only breed my Dogs with the Chances. There is way to many confusing dog lines when I look for a puppy to add to my program. None of these dogs have high TP and if they do, they're like 3rd/5th Generations. I breed for Coat, TP, Speed & Drive. If I feel a puppy wont be adopted because of its coat, I will retire that puppy. When you buy from me, I promise you will be adding a new amazing puppy to your breeding program. I will never crop ears of any puppy that is for sale. I give the new owner the option to do so. If you purchase one of my dogs/puppies and retire it right away, I will add you to my No Sale list. Don't buy from me if you don't want the dog/puppy.
The cost to adopt from me depends on the puppies TP and Coat. All my puppies come with High TP, basic trained and vaccinated. The cost to adopt is as follows
Customs = 3/4 the Cost to Create it
Invisible: $80,000-$125,000
2nd Generations = $5,000+
3rd Generations = $10,000+
4th Generations = $25,000+
5th Generations = $35,000+
6th Generations = $45,000+
Prices are based on TP, Speed, Drive and Coat
Symbols for my pets:
© - Custom
✔ - Maxed TP
✘ - Currently Training
HTML Guide
Creating A Custom From A Pup Predictor
01.) I will NEVER breed any UNmaxed dogs, nor will I accept breeding request from any either.
02.) My dogs are bred Customs to Customs, 2nd Gens to 2nd Gens, 3rd Gens to 3rd Gens and so on.
I am trying to better Ala by breeding High TP dogs. I only breed my Dogs with the Chances. There is way to many confusing dog lines when I look for a puppy to add to my program. None of these dogs have high TP and if they do, they're like 3rd/5th Generations. I breed for Coat, TP, Speed & Drive. If I feel a puppy wont be adopted because of its coat, I will retire that puppy. When you buy from me, I promise you will be adding a new amazing puppy to your breeding program. I will never crop ears of any puppy that is for sale. I give the new owner the option to do so. If you purchase one of my dogs/puppies and retire it right away, I will add you to my No Sale list. Don't buy from me if you don't want the dog/puppy.
The cost to adopt from me depends on the puppies TP and Coat. All my puppies come with High TP, basic trained and vaccinated. The cost to adopt is as follows
Customs = 3/4 the Cost to Create it
Invisible: $80,000-$125,000
2nd Generations = $5,000+
3rd Generations = $10,000+
4th Generations = $25,000+
5th Generations = $35,000+
6th Generations = $45,000+
Prices are based on TP, Speed, Drive and Coat
Symbols for my pets:
© - Custom
✔ - Maxed TP
✘ - Currently Training
HTML Guide
Creating A Custom From A Pup Predictor
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
-2 | Training Sessions: 824
Dogs in "AK~Kennels"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
©Zion ~ ✔ (#349977) | Great Dane | 12.16 months | male | |
©Chelsea ~ ✔ (#350526) | Great Dane | 11.13 months | female |