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#34234 wants for nothing!
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(09-8-2023 at 3:48 PM)
Thank you! 🩷
(07-23-2022 at 8:05 PM)
excuse me, hello, hi, i cannot believe i am back on this site somehow and it is your fault <3
(06-1-2021 at 10:54 PM)


Messages are full X'D
Welcome to Elle (#34234)'s profile.
currently: Look at all the lonely people. Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name; nobody came

Last Seen: 12:24 PM on 07-6-2024, played for 2075 days

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Hello~ My name's Elle. I am a 20 year old Leo.
I used to make so many beautiful, fantastic layouts all the time, but I haven't considered myself an active member since January 25th, 2018. I still pop in most days for training, but that's all I do. I don't have any plans on returning to coding, unfortunately. However, if you ever have any questions, I've not gotten too rusty.
I first joined Alacrity in 2011, but I wasn't an active player until 2013. I made this account on May 28th, 2014, and I've been online most days ever since.
I've gone by a variety of usernames, from MamasMoths to Crooked Gem to Neurillogical. No more username hopping for me, though.
Training has always been my "thing" here. I get over 2,800 TS per day, and they unfortunately often times go to waste because I'm constantly running out of dogs to train. Please feel free to PM me about training services; I never charge at all, and I never plan to.

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 548 | Training Sessions: 2898
Dogs in "~ My Monstrosities ~"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Breeze (#387794) Papillon 147.20 months female
{RK} Chocolate Duck (#398507) Papillon 191.07 months female
Newborn Puppy (#401485) Papillon 151.68 months male
Newborn Puppy (#401484) Papillon 151.68 months female
Newborn Puppy (#405371) Papillon 139.14 months male
Newborn Puppy (#405372) Papillon 139.14 months male
Newborn Puppy (#405374) Papillon 146.73 months female
Newborn Puppy (#405370) Papillon 139.14 months male
Newborn Puppy (#405368) Papillon 146.70 months male
Newborn Puppy (#405373) Papillon 146.70 months female


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