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Alacrity Valentine's Contest
Started By
Hello Alacrity!

We're excited to announce that we're having a site-wide contest just in time for Valentine's Day! You can enter in only one of two areas: Art or Poetry. Both will deal with the theme of "A Valentine for Alacrity".

Art: Any visual art relating to the theme can be posted. It must be your own art, but beyond that, be as creative as you can think!

Poetry: You don't need to rhyme or have a meter. Just stick to the theme and you can write whatever comes naturally to you.

All posts must be made to This Thread by 11:59 Ala time on 14 February 2013. Anything later will be disqualified.

There will be four winners for each category, one each chosen by a site staff group. The prizes will be as follows:

Moderators: Magical Dog Whistle
Helpers: The Professor Plush
Artists: Custom Accessory Maker
Admins: Magical Lifelong Locket

And to prove that anyone has the talent for this - in case you feel intimidated about entering your own - here is my own attempt at both:

Aussies are Red
Pit Bulls are Blue
It's Singles Awareness Day
At least I have my Shiba Inu

02-15-2013 at 10:26 AM
Closed, we will post winners on Sunday or Monday. :3

02-14-2013 at 11:28 PM
Gah! I keep having a tough time getting this post to edit right xP!<br /> http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y286/LAsDarkFireWolf/AlaV-Day2013_zps0ac68b91.jpg<br /> <br /> Happy Valentine's Day Ala!
edit history
2013-02-14 23:31:14 by #27774
2013-02-14 23:30:08 by #27774

02-14-2013 at 8:15 PM
My life was composed of varying shades of monotone<br /> Every type of grey black and white<br /> With no shine of day or dark of night<br /> <br /> My artist created me with an expert hand<br /> with trillions of pixels and billions of bland<br /> <br /> I begged him to spatter some red on me<br /> or some brown<br /> or a nice green, and he didn't leave me be<br /> <br /> He gave me a dollop of cream and brown,<br /> and a hefty dose of loud and proud<br /> he slathered me with wet nose kisses<br /> and snatched away my listless<br /> <br /> Now that i have you,<br /> I'm a splash of yellow<br /> because you in your playfulness is not so mellow<br /> and kibble doesn't disappear on it's own<br /> and dog hair doesn't just hop into my comb<br /> and most of all, I am no longer alone<br /> <br /> I did not wish to die a pale, pale, white<br /> but to live smothered in glorious, glorious brown and bright

02-14-2013 at 11:02 AM
<img src="http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/8985/alafin.png" border="0" height="315" width="400"><br /> <br /> i'm cutting it a little close, but this is my entry :3
edit history
2013-02-14 11:02:58 by #623

02-13-2013 at 9:35 PM
Beauty as my heart beats strong, <br /> I know it now will never be wrong, <br /> For you are mine as I am yours.<br /> <br /> Forever above the stars we fly,<br /> Eternal passion we cannot deny,<br /> Come with me my darling dear,<br /> Take my hand and never fear.<br /> <br /> Nary shall a teardrop fall,<br /> For together we can stop them all,<br /> <br /> Love we shall for ever more,<br /> Go we now to tear down our walls. <br /> <br /> Happy hearts forever burn,<br /> Lets us be so we do not yearn,<br /> <br /> Our hearts are filled with a love <br /> That cannot be learned.<br />

02-13-2013 at 6:32 PM
Here's my art entry: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/613/alavalentine.jpg<br /> <br /> Good luck everyone, and Happy Valentine's Day! (And/or Singles Awareness Day, haha, that's what I'll be celebrating)
edit history
2013-02-13 18:33:28 by #22620
2013-02-13 18:32:44 by #22620

02-13-2013 at 4:46 PM
<img src=http://i46.tinypic.com/20ze5gj.jpg alt= /><br /> <br /> <br /> In that big blank spot there should've been:<br /> "Happy valentines day to those who can't spend it with their loved ones". No, it wasn't a poem, it was just a few words that I wanted to add (like in the cards). If you need anything to be zoomed in, please let me know, I'll be more than happy to take pictures of the area you want to see closer. <br /> I'll explain the pic a little if you don't understand:<br /> Edme, the Sheltie you see here, has received a Valentine's Day gift from her mate, Mason, who is in the war. She has little ones on the way, and Mason will hopefully be back home when they're born.
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2013-02-13 16:53:56 by #27042
2013-02-13 16:50:49 by #27042

02-13-2013 at 1:11 PM
<img src="http://s11.postimage.org/3ml97gmir/my_valentines_duck.png">

02-13-2013 at 12:06 PM
We're allowed to do traditional too, right? o3o

02-13-2013 at 12:03 PM
Me too! Now I know how to. I'm happy with it.

02-13-2013 at 11:59 AM
Glad to see you were able to post that Flip

02-12-2013 at 8:40 PM
<img src="http://i49.tinypic.com/8x8wgm.png">

02-12-2013 at 8:38 PM
<img src="http://tinypic.com/r/8x8wgm/6">

02-12-2013 at 1:12 PM
*~^*Posting for Poetry*^~*<br /> <br /> Ah, this month is special alright,<br /> For you may wish with all your might,<br /> Perhaps your desires may be granted tonight.<br /> Just some hope is needed from you,<br /> In order to make your wish come true... &lt;3

02-12-2013 at 11:21 AM
Here's my attempt at poetry. Hope you like it. Good luck everyone! ;)<br /> <br /> Puppy Love<br /> <br /> .As the sun arose on that fateful day<br /> .A tiny pup peeked out to say<br /> .Oh where, oh where could my beau be?<br /> .And when she looked out to see<br /> .Where he should have been<br /> .He hadn’t been there, but since when?<br /> .In his place was a note<br /> .The color of grey, to match her coat<br /> .How thoughtful he was<br /> .To leave her a note, just because<br /> .However, upon taking a peek<br /> .The message inside made her shriek<br /> .“To Maisy, my beautiful girl,<br /> .I have a quest for you, just give it a whirl.”<br /> .She continued reading<br /> As her heart continued beating<br /> .About how she was to find<br /> .Another note of the same kind<br /> .She glanced about hoping to see<br /> .Just where the little note could be<br /> .As she prepared to gaze<br /> .She spotted a maze<br /> .Walking over to it with a frown<br /> .She smiled when she looked down<br /> .And saw a small trail of bones<br /> .As she let out several soft moans<br /> .She ate the whole trail<br /> .A couple of bones tasting quite stale<br /> .When the last bone proved to hold<br /> .The note colored gold<br /> .Munching the bone she quietly sat<br /> .Quickly reading the note that<br /> .Said to meet him at their<br /> .Favorite spot to share<br /> .She pondered that thought<br /> .As she struggled to find the place she sought<br /> .She felt enlightened <br /> .As the possibility brightened<br /> .And she ran back home<br /> .Not wanting to roam<br /> .There he lay in their bed<br /> .A bright red ribbon upon his head<br /> .As she crept to his side<br /> .There she saw in his paws to hide<br /> .A small pink rose<br /> .And as he reached out to touch her nose<br /> .He paused beside her ear<br /> .And he whispered just for her to hear<br /> .“Happy Valentine’s Day my Dear,<br /> .Please, do come near<br /> .As we lay here all day as if to say<br /> .We love each other, and that’s the only way.”<br /> <br />

02-12-2013 at 7:08 AM
<a href="http://i50.tinypic.com/3461i50.jpg">[link]</a> ^w^..sorry for the big picture, tell me if i should resize it
edit history
2013-02-12 19:56:53 by #16
2013-02-12 07:10:05 by #28330

02-12-2013 at 12:18 AM
<a href="http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=3516ech&s=6">GSD Valentine ♥</a>

02-11-2013 at 3:40 PM
Here's my scanned one: http://i.imm.io/We5B.jpeg<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> EDIT:<br /> Here's my colored and finished one, but I guess it doesn't really count, since it's after the due date. Oh well, I'd like to show it :3<br /> http://i.imm.io/WiYz.png<br /> <br /> EDIT:<br /> Ooh, just did this one as well :3<br /> http://i.imm.io/Wjbz.png
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2013-02-15 09:18:47 by #11675
2013-02-15 08:42:32 by #11675

02-11-2013 at 11:19 AM
I'm going to enter into poetry with <br /> <br /> Gypsy Soul<br /> -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*<br /> <br /> I'll admit the day I met you, I don't remember quite,<br /> The first time that our eyes met seems to have slipped my mind.<br /> <br /> <br /> But you'd blame me not, for surely by now you've forgotten too<br /> That one embrace we shared, my arms wrapped around you.<br /> <br /> <br /> But,<br /> <br /> <br /> I love you for your gypsy soul,<br /> You wanderer.<br /> You rogue.<br /> You're a stray.<br /> A castaway.<br /> Not one to be in vogue.<br /> <br /> <br /> Sometimes in my fantasies I find you once again<br /> A few good times, a backward glance, inevitably it ends.<br /> <br /> <br /> All the things I love in you are all the things I'm not<br /> So many things I'd want to be, but they cannot be taught.<br /> <br /> <br /> I love you for your gypsy soul,<br /> You wanderer.<br /> You rogue.<br /> You're a stray.<br /> A castaway.<br /> Not one to be in vogue.<br /> <br /> <br /> I won't pretend your sitting out there somewhere missing me<br /> I hate that you've forgotten but I love how you are free.

02-10-2013 at 10:14 PM
Everyone please remember to read the contest guidelines. :-)


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