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Just as a reminder, I am ALSO an owner of this site. Rob has a lot on her plate right now, and though you might have the best intentions of going to her, she doesn't need that currently, especially as I am more than capable of handling most issues. Also, it seems that the mods are not being as respected as they should be. What a mod says GOES... and just because you don't like what one has to say doesn't mean you can go to another, in hopes of an answer better suited to you. IF you genuinely feel that a mod is not treating you fairly, please bring the issue to ME and I will do my best to resolve the issue impartially. I am also aware that some players are messaging Robyn personally about bugs or suggestions, (I also occasionally receive these), which is NOT useful, and your issue likely to be lost under a lot of similar issues. Please use the appropriate boards, as that is what they were created for. These boards are regularly scanned by Robyn, myself and the mods so that your problems can be solved as quickly as we can. Remember... Any issues, that can�t be placed on an appropriate board, please bring to me before Robyn, and please respect the mods! And for those that are interested in following the chain of comand:
Owners Robyn (#1) & Heleasher (#2) - Head Mod Mink (#334) - The Mods - You

06-19-2010 at 6:23 AM
This totally needed to be said. Thank you! :D

06-16-2010 at 9:56 PM
<3 <3 Great post Hel :)

06-15-2010 at 1:34 PM
Very good post Hel. I feel it was much needed.

06-14-2010 at 1:23 AM
Thank you Hel. <3 Especially with being on vacation for the week!


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