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The Capital Punishment
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i'd like to start off with Hello~! i like posting new threads to spice up the debate forum. Now anyways!!! so are you for or against the death sentence and Why?? personally im for it all the way. i even believe it should be more common, more enforced, more casual. yet it's not used as often as i think it should and the trials before the actual death takes FOREVER. im for it because it relieves such a burden on society, on our economy. it's so much cheaper to just murder them then to pay for their housing for their entire lives. jails are Too crowded. i don't think anyone is too happy about having to pay for meals and everyday things for criminals. but this is probably appauling some people, so i will tell you a moral reason. Some People Do Not Belong On This Earth. i believe once you kill a person, you're a on a different playing field, where you thought think it was ok to handle a person's life. and some occassions it is, self defense, and for your country. im not saying this field is a bad field, because sometimes it is ok for good reasons, but it's a field that seperates you from the rest and puts things into perspective. how much sympathy should i, or you, feel for rapists and murderes?? how much do they value???

06-7-2011 at 1:22 PM
I'm honestly not sure how I feel about the death penalty. I feel like in some cases, it's definitely a necessary evil. Serial killers deserve it, as do psychopaths. If there is no chance of rehabilitation, it's better for them, the other prisoners, and our society to not have them around. <br /> <br /> But on the other hand, I think it needs to be a lot harder to give someone the death penalty. I'm sure you've heard the stories of accused murderers on death row who were exonerated by DNA evidence. I think if you're going to kill someone because of their crimes, you better have absolutely solid evidence that they are, in fact, guilty. <br /> <br /> Personally, I'm all for rehabilitation in place of death. Everyone can be rehabilitated (well, minus serial killers and psychopaths, of course). Murderers, drug dealers, con men, etc, so forth - I've got faith that most of these people can find the right path, if they were only given a fighting chance... After all, they are <i>people</i>, even if they have made rotten choices in their lives.

06-7-2011 at 4:28 AM
But a bundle of cells is not an actual person. I prefer to protect the rights of those who are already living. Serial killers and the like should be just left in jail. Like I said before, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Famous quote, and a very true one.

06-7-2011 at 4:25 AM
and cervine, yes an Innocent life-to-be has more rights than a serial-killer.

06-7-2011 at 4:02 AM
hahaha, i knew i would get those kinds of responses, thats why i put, my readers are probably appauled by now. but i believe that people who murder andwhoa there, aren't exactly people anymore. there on a higher level, where they think it's ok to handle someone elses life. some people don't belong. i believe in justice, which isn't blind.

06-7-2011 at 4:00 AM
rehibilitation is so great, but sadly i have lost hope and faith for criminals, not enough show the effort or desire to rehibilitate. im not getting that from tv or movies or such, but from handson experience. i wasn't in jail, just around, my father's job he worked at prisons. anyway, i would fully support rehibilitation instead, but the criminals have to want it first. majority, anyway.

06-7-2011 at 3:59 AM
[removed by mod] Especially comparing this to your abortion views. A bundle of cells has more rights than a living human?<br /> <br /> I am absolutely against the death penalty. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Sure, some people in prison are horrible people who can't be rehabilitated. If they are, well, then they can rot in prison to be honest. It's not right to kill them to make up for what they did.
edit history
2011-06-09 19:03:20 by #1511

06-7-2011 at 3:57 AM
"so your post is...yikes" hahaha, im terribly sorry. but how much sympathy am i expected to feel for rapists, molestors, theives, scammers, and murders? i am Not saying that's what youre family are, i would never insult you like that. in fact, taht's something i forgot to put in my first post...the question part that is.
edit history
2011-06-06 20:57:56 by #12307

06-7-2011 at 3:55 AM
Absolutely against. I believe in rehabilitation. Unfortunately, the prisons in America are as bad or worse than some of those in third world countries, and instead have the bad habit of worsening people rather than helping them.<br /> <br /> Criminals are human beings. I have a <i>lot</i> of family that has spent time in prison, so your post is.. yikes.


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