The Pit bull Problem
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I am not doing this post just for pit bull abuse, I can\'t stand any animal being hurt, but for some reason pit bulls have a very bad rep. You hear about pit bulls on the news most of the time it\'s negative. Pit bull attack on baby, baby injured. This is the owner\'s fault for leaving the child unsupervised. People think worse and worse of pit bulls when stuff like this happens. Explains why so many places have banned pit bulls. Watching Pit bulls and parolees has surely opened my eyes to see how kind these dogs are. after they go through so much. These dogs could be dog-fighting dogs, most of the time they bounce back, some may be dog-aggressive though so through eyes of humans it\'s the dogs fault. This sure sickens me to think, the best breed in the world is getting put-down like this.
I really think this isn\'t right and most of the times it is not the dog\'s fault at all! Like I said pit bulls are so kind and loving I hope to start a rescue for pit bulls when i\'M OLDER!! Anyways enough of the lecturing, the debate is.... Is it right ban this breed?

08-6-2012 at 7:01 PM
The pit bull was a dog made for fighting. It is their first instinct. The term 'PIT' bull refers to the place where dogs fight. Or, the pit. As, the pit bull is not a true breed, nor is it regestered as one. Though, when most people think of pit bull, they think Staff. Bull terrier. Pit bulls are truely a mix of many different kinds of dogs bred together to make a fighting dog. That, is the soul reason they bred pit bulls. To fight in the pits. Making it their first nature. No matter how friendly the dog can be, it is so easy for them to turn. I don't think it is right for them to be banned. But, I 100% agree with muzzle and leash laws.

08-6-2012 at 6:39 PM
<i>People who say the American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog who was made for dog fighting they dont know.</i><br /> Pit Bulls were, have been, and still are bred for dog-fighting. Google "Colby line Pit Bulls" and you can see how far back just ONE of the fighting lines go.
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2012-08-06 18:39:40 by #5484

08-6-2012 at 4:26 PM
Dissection time!<br /> <br /> "My uncle has a pit bull.That dog wouldnt hurt a fly."<br /> <br /> Perhaps flies don't bother it...<br /> <br /> <br /> "People who say the American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog who was made for dog fighting they dont know."<br /> <br /> Where are you sources? Please tell me something other than 'personal experience' or 'I just know,' I'd like to know for... Personal research.<br /> <br /> <br /> "The truth about the dog is that it was crossed with an American Bulldog and a Terrer."<br /> <br /> Fairly irrelevant? <br /> <br /> <br /> "It was also known as the Pitbull Dog or the Pit Dog."<br /> <br /> It was also known as a bulldog.<br /> <br /> <br /> "If they attack people on sight it is because thier owner doesnt know any better and taught the dog to do that."<br /> <br /> False. Some dogs are naturally human-aggressive, it's a fact of life. Owners aren't always at fault for the actions of their dogs. <br /> <br /> <br /> "Not to mention an American Pit Bull Terrier saved a woman from her huspand who was attacking her on the street."<br /> <br /> How exactly does this help? There's thousands of cases of dogs of various breed saving their human companions. Newfoundlands, Saint Bernards, German Shepherds, American Pit Bull Terriers, and more - they all have some sort of rescue to their name. It isn't exclusive to this breed and therefor doesn't contribute to your argument as a potent statement.<br /> <br /><br /> "Now I must go bye and stay hapy and safe :)"<br /> <br /> Have a good day.<br /> <br /><br /> I'm not trying to sound rude so please don't take it that way.
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2012-08-06 16:30:46 by #25644
2012-08-06 16:29:24 by #25644

08-6-2012 at 3:51 PM
My uncle has a pit bull.That dog wouldnt hurt a fly.People who say the American Pit Bull Terrier is a dog who was made for dog fighting they dont know.The truth about the dog is that it was crossed with an American Bulldog and a Terrer.It was also known as the Pitbull Dog or the Pit Dog.If they attack people on sight it is because thier owner doesnt know any better and taught the dog to do that.Not to mention an American Pit Bull Terrier saved a woman from her huspand who was attacking her on the street.Now I must go bye and stay hapy and safe :)

08-6-2012 at 12:35 PM
A+ post, Matthew, couldn't have said it better myself.<br /> <br /> But just as a small lil thing, when I say "Pit Bull" in this thread, I'm referring to the APBT :P

08-5-2012 at 11:51 PM
I apologize if any of the below appears rude.<br /> <br /> Pit bull is a collective term for various breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, etc. <br /> <br /> IMO, Pit Bull and Parolees is actually a fair program. Tia is a wonderful woman who knows her breed. <br /> <br /> The American Pit Bull Terrier ("bulldog") wasn't intended to be human aggressive. Regardless of what says, human-aggressive bulldogs generally were culled. Not to glorify the act of dogfighting or those who partake in it - I find it vile - dogmen of the past treated it as a sport. You had your portion of people that liked man-biters but most dogmen needed to be able to handle their dogs. <br /> <br /> "Everything bad about this breed is mainly just a stereotype." <br /> This statement gets under my skin like nothing else can. It promotes the (rather false) fact that pit bulls are the dog for any family. No, many breeds underneath the term pit bull have high drive that doesn't make them suitable for families with small children. While eager to please, they tend to be hard-headed in training. If they think they can run things better, they'll attempt to. They are incredibly strong, both mentally and physically, and need the proper amount of stimulation for such. Inexperienced owners assume they can leave their children alone in the room with the dog... They're not vicious, but who knows what a baby may look like in the eyes of a dog, regardless of breed. Easy, chubby prey? A best friend? You can't honestly tell. It's better to exercise caution than have the worse happen. <br /> <br /> I can't tell what's worse, pet bull owners, which are essentially described in the paragraph above, or those who wish extinction upon the breed. Both contribute negatively to the breed no matter if their intentions are good. <br /> <br /> Also, owners who don't spay/neuter. Puppies are incredibly cute but it's not worth breeding your dog. You only contribute to poor genetics (nothing against your surely handsome dog) but you're also overproducing. There's plenty of pit bulls in this world as it is. The time for quantity over quality is fading so start working on quality dogs again. <br /> <br /> This is coming for a person who owns an American Pit Bull Terrier and regularly shows ADBA and UKC standard dogs. I fully support this breed and I'm anti-BSL, but I also attempt to educate myself on the history of the dog breeds I own and I wish others wouldn't be so quick to assume their pit bull is the sweetest baby ever. Some dogs can be sweethearts (mine is one of them), but they have their moments. <br /> <br /> That's the most I can put together at the moment from my jumbled mess of a mind. I'll update this later with further thoughts on the matter.<br /> <br /> EDIT: "I own two female Pit-bulls and can full heartedly say that I have met more vicious Chihuahuas." On a personal level, I feel inclined to agree. However, which dog is more likely to do more damage if the dog is vicious? The Chihuahua can shred something but pit bulls are very, erm, capable dogs.
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2012-08-05 23:54:08 by #25644

08-5-2012 at 11:41 PM
<i>"The way a dog behaves is how the owner trained it to act. Like toddlers, they are sponges. They absorb information and, if they are told it’s a good thing"</i><br /> <br /> This is a common view people who are pro-pits have, but it is an ignorant one.<br /> These dogs are not simply "trained" to be "mean"... if they were, people would not stick to just APBT, Staffordshire, Central Asian Shepherd, Tosa Inu, etc for fighting. All three of these breeds have one thing in common: <b>they were selectively bred to show gameness and dog-aggression</b>. Their entire history is built up around that.<br /> <br /> Like I've said previously, I have spoken to actual dogmen before and it is a LOT of work, time, money and breeding to get a fighting dog. They are extremely serious about what they do, and if it were as smple as "training a dog to be mean", they would pick up any mutt off the street or your always-common Labrador Retriever.<br /> <br /> EDIT: Also, not every Pit Bull will be a good fighter. Some may not even go at the other dog.<br /> <b>It's all in the breeding and encouragement to bring out certain aspects in the dog</b><br /> <br /> It would be like me saying that any German Shepherd can herd, or any Collie can herd, or any Bulldog can attack a bull, or any Dogo Argentino can catch a hog.
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2012-08-05 23:50:50 by #5484
2012-08-05 23:44:09 by #5484

08-4-2012 at 9:29 PM
Pit-bulls are not vicious animals. I own two female Pit-bulls and can full heartedly say that I have met more vicious Chihuahuas. The way a dog behaves is how the owner trained it to act. Like toddlers, they are sponges. They absorb information and, if they are told it’s a good thing, they’ll keep doing it. You can’t ban bad parenting (if only), so how can you reason banning a specific breed of dog? <br /> <br /> “Give a Pit-bull a try before sentencing them all to die.”<br />

08-4-2012 at 3:13 PM
I also believe we need to educate the dog-fighters.<br /> Based on what dogmen have told me, they believe that we are anti-dogfighting because we "incorrectly" believe that beat and kill their dogs for not winning through extremely graphic means. They think we dislike dog-fighting because we are uneducated about the activity.<br /> <br /> Nah, lol, I'm against dog-fighting because I don't believe that there is anything to gain for the dog by putting it through such extreme pain :P

08-4-2012 at 10:22 AM
I agree entirely. Just look at movies like Bambi and 101 Dalmatians. When people saw Bambi, tons of em went anti-hunting (which isn't a bad thing, I'm just pointing out how easily media changes opinions), when they saw 101 Dalmatians, people went out and bought Dalmatians without any thought, and when Osama Bin Laden was taken out, the dog that worked alongside the Navy SEALs was a Belgian Malinois.... and now people think they're the best dogs ever as housepets.<br /> <br /> It's horrible, what media does to people, ESPECIALLY when it is showing something good in a negative light, or misleading people this way. As my civics teacher once said back in highschool, "if it bleeds, it leads".<br /> Banning these dogs in places like the UK and (where I live) Canada is only making the problem worse; we have people that would normally have no problem owning a dog, seeing "Pit Bulls are bad" on the news and suddenly they're set in their ways about "bad breeds".<br /> <br /> The "gangster" wannabes see "this dog is tough, is a killer, and is illegal" and incorporate it into their tough-dude lifestyle, encouraging the dogs to show aggression to one another and people (though, the dogfighting is sometimes used to settle arguments/differences) and then we have irresponsible people owning incredibly strong, potentially lethal dogs that are encouraging human-aggression in them.<br /> <br /> Though let's not turn a blind eye to one of the main problems in regards to the Pit Bull's demise; serious dogfighters/dogmen. I've spoken to them and people who support dog-fighting before, and they truly and honestly believe that fighting dogs/breeding fighting dogs (dogs that have proven to be good fighters) "preserves" the breed, and that they are "working the dog for what it was intentionally made for".<br /> You take that, take a "tough dude", malicious teenager, stick a Pit Bull in his hands and you've essentially given him a loaded weapon.<br /> <br /> Humans are ruining the breed, plain and simple.<br /> <br /> We are destroying it as fast as we possibly can, all while trying to shove the blame off on the poor dogs. The dogs do not choose to be bred into a fighting lifestyle, they don't choose to have fighting dogs in their pedigree, but we are so quick to jump and say "well, some dogs are mean!" and "he wants to fight!".<br /> <br /> However, I do agree with the fact that some dogs (APBT) are simply born dog-aggressive.... but this is entirely due to the fact that we humans have encouraged this aggression in them and have selectively bred dogs to show dog-aggression. The only difference between saying "this collie just LIKES to herd sheep!" and "this Pit LIKES to fight other dogs" is that we consider one to be good and the other to be bad.. in the end, they were both <i>selectively bred</i> to be good herders or fighters.<br /> <br /> I wish that we can one day save the Pit Bull Terrier, but I don't believe it's going to happen. We ban these dogs all over and it doesn't stop the dog-fighting issue, we need to educate kids and adults about the breed and teach them that dog-fighting is wrong, while they're still young.<br /> The unfortunate part is that a lot of times when kids grow up in households with family involved in dog-fighting, they don't see anything wrong with the activity and oftentimes end up being involved in it themselves.
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2012-08-04 10:30:55 by #5484
2012-08-04 10:26:37 by #5484

08-4-2012 at 5:31 AM
I live by the rule that bad owners make bad dogs, living in the UK, pibbles and their types are already banned, however they are still popping up all over the place, ive been lucky enough to meet a few when theyre still at the innocent age before theyre ruined by their ganster wannabe owners, i honestly believe, if this anti pitbull stuff can be stopped, start by educating the public with proper facts, show examples that these dogs can be good if brought up correctly, we recently had a tv show over here about staffies, and they just ripped the breed to shreds, the amount of staffs that were probably dumped after that program. The media needs top stop taking advantage of them too.

08-3-2012 at 5:56 AM

07-21-2012 at 7:20 PM
<i>"As I said, saying pit bulls are nice is not doing any harm."</i><br /> It does when the Pit Bull shows it's terrier side against small animals or children. :(<br /> Labeling a breed that IS dangerous (let's not deny it, a Pit Bull Terrier is extremely dangerous if it's instincts kick in) and is prone to DA, Small-Animal Aggression, and sometimes HA "always nice" and "nanny dogs" gives people the impression that they are a great dog for the average joe to bring into a house with cats and kids.<br /> When the dog shows it's natural side.... erpp... whoops! I guess Pit Bulls are "bad dogs" and "should be banned" now!<br /> <br /> EDIT: My cousin's ex's dog is being PTS :(<br /> Pit Bulls are banned in my city (as well as dogs like Amstaffs, Staffs, and dogs that look like these)<br /> My cousin is jealous and vindictive about the dude about issues I won't mention here, and as a way of screwing him over, called the city about his dog and falsely labeled it as "vicious". The dog is 8y.o APBT and has never hurt a human or an animal, but is being put down. It's a very sad issue.
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2012-07-29 15:01:56 by #5484
2012-07-23 01:09:13 by #5484

07-21-2012 at 7:13 PM
<i>Yeah. Everybody is so offended when all pits are labeled rude, but not when they're labeled all nice. </i><br /> <br /> Because this isn't a current issue. There are no laws being passed about pit bulls because people label them all to be nice, there is no media hype and mis-reported facts, and there is no abuse of the animals for being called nice so someone wants a tough dog that will 'fight'.<br /> <br /> The labeling is not 'rude' either. The argument being made is the breed is inherently bad and needs to be illegal. The argument being made is that they will bite and kill people without warning. The label is not as innocent as pit bulls being rude.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Generalizations, blanket statements, yes they're bad. But they happen all the time, and certainly just not for pit bulls. As I said, saying pit bulls are nice is not doing any harm.
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2012-07-21 19:14:46 by #472

07-21-2012 at 4:48 PM
*fan lol

07-21-2012 at 4:48 PM
"But what I'm getting at is people saying that ALL pitbulls are sweet, loving, kind, loyal. Yes, and I bet SOME are. But you can't put that label on ALL Pit Bulls"<br /> I agree, this drives me up the wall. These people hate when people make blanket-statements like "all Pit Bulls bad", but have no problem calling all Pit Bulls "nanny dogs" or whatever<br /> <br /> Yeah. Everybody is so offended when all pits are labled rude, but not when they're labled all nice. But, yes, I also agree that some pit bulls are nice. But I'm still not a fat :3

07-21-2012 at 4:36 PM
xD I'm wondering what exactly you're reading in Shadow's posts that sound sarcastic? I'm assuming, that since you mentioned her being a 'sarcastic jerk' after her argumentative link, you find "I suggest you do more research into before you go quoting it like its full of facts." sarcastic? I don't see it as sarcastic =x<br /> I see a completely valid, serious statement.<br />
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2012-07-21 16:37:10 by #379

07-21-2012 at 4:35 PM
<i>"But what I'm getting at is people saying that ALL pitbulls are sweet, loving, kind, loyal. Yes, and I bet SOME are. But you can't put that label on ALL Pit Bulls"</i><br /> I agree, this drives me up the wall. These people hate when people make blanket-statements like "all Pit Bulls are bad", but have no problem calling all Pit Bulls "nanny dogs" or whatever. <br /> <br /> <br /> Also guys, <b>stop insulting each other, keep it civil</b>.
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2012-07-21 16:35:47 by #5484

07-21-2012 at 4:33 PM
And Fleet, being one isn't debating either.

07-21-2012 at 4:33 PM
Shadow, I've changed my moods, you just can't look past the first post. <br /> <br /> As for this debate, I'm done. Clayton, if you would like to continue, I'd love to do it privately. I can't say I debate often, so you'll have to excuse me:)


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