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Usernames that are readable
Started By
I believe this moreso negatively effects the mods and admins than the userbase, but I understand that this can negatively effect you guys as well.
My idea is to have a rule that states that usernames must be able to be read and typed out on your standard English keyboard.
The reason for this being that it's near impossible to find a user who has their name in magical Character Map symbols or in another language like Russian. You just can't find them unless you speak that language, know their ID, or know exactly what symbols they used.
"Cat" would be okay
"Kat" would be okay
"кошка" would not be okay
"Čąŧ" would not be okay
if the person put the English, readable version somewhere in their name, that would be okay too, for example: "кошка (Kat)"
I have had to resort to searching the forums for any replies from other users to the unreadable usernames and it proves to be fruitless u__u
My idea is to have a rule that states that usernames must be able to be read and typed out on your standard English keyboard.
The reason for this being that it's near impossible to find a user who has their name in magical Character Map symbols or in another language like Russian. You just can't find them unless you speak that language, know their ID, or know exactly what symbols they used.
"Cat" would be okay
"Kat" would be okay
"кошка" would not be okay
"Čąŧ" would not be okay
if the person put the English, readable version somewhere in their name, that would be okay too, for example: "кошка (Kat)"
I have had to resort to searching the forums for any replies from other users to the unreadable usernames and it proves to be fruitless u__u
Doom Shroom (#7039)
04-5-2013 at 6:22 AM
Full support. Half the time I can't even read the names, the letters just show up as boxes. It's rude and inconsiderate.
Eden (side) (#7324)
12-4-2012 at 8:24 AM
It's not just moderators who need to track down players! Trying to come in contact with a person who changes their names to special fonts is difficult.

Steaks (#5484)
11-24-2012 at 8:02 PM
Because it's much easier to just see someone posting, recognize right off the bat who they are, and take it from there.
dogfancy0 (#13)
11-24-2012 at 8:01 PM
Why not have it only appear on their profile then? <br /> Then in the forums, ads, and in chat their name is just their display name.<br />

Steaks (#5484)
11-24-2012 at 7:54 PM
Dogfancy, I like the idea but I feel it would crowd chat too much, and it would be a bit of a pain to have to see certain users by two different names when dealing with them
dogfancy0 (#13)
11-24-2012 at 7:52 PM
Why not have it so everyone has to have a set name that only the mods can see, then a display name that can be weird fonts and funny names.<br /> It would be something people do when then join, or even just use their username.<br /> <br /> That way mods can have the ability to search for this set name they can see.<br /> But everyone can still enjoy pretty display names.<br /> <br /> So like Clay would be<br /> Cat Steaks (#5484)<br /> (Clayton)
frug {inactive} (#18136)
11-19-2012 at 10:19 PM
I very much support.<br /> I was buying a reserved dog from someone and it was mixed letters and I was very troubled trying to find there user.
Jack (#12605)
11-19-2012 at 2:16 PM
Unless it is something that is hard-coded where the site no longer allows special characters, I am not especially keen on adding another rule.<br /> <br /> As it stands my impression of users is that they find socializing on the site equivalent to walking on eggshells.<br /> <br /> Most users have broken a rule of some sort or received a warning. At times for something very minor that could be overlooked and was not particularly hindering to someone; or could be interpreted in different ways. While they have the ability to dispute it, it does not quite remove the amount of grief received nor the amount they would have to go through to have it revoked.<br /> <br /> These are my own thoughts and impression, and not criticizing the moderator team, but simply how the rules are set up as is with potential lack of acknowledgement to grey areas or judgement calls before necessarily writing them up. <br /> <br /> I would not mind if something like this were implemented if it was not set up to risk entrapping a user rather than remove the ability of it being done in the first place.<br /> <br /> For the practical side of the issue, most things are dealt with on a then-and-there basis. Apart from socializing or business reasons, I have not actually needed to find someone by display name to sort a formal issue be it bug or administrator (albeit I may operate differently than others).<br /> <br /> I did not explain before because I am not seeking to debate with anyone on the thread. Simply that I do not see the benefits outweighing the negative aspects. <br /> <br /> What is posted here are my explanations to my stance alone; and not a response or expectation of anyone else.<br /> <br /> I am quite happy to go through the extra work of tracking down a user, personally speaking.

Steaks (#5484)
11-18-2012 at 11:04 PM
Seconding that, Aust. I recently had to find a user for another user because they couldn't find their username either lol
Aust (#9721)
11-18-2012 at 9:01 PM
Support. I regularly talk business with a member who has a fairly simple name, but they change the lettering all the time!

Steaks (#5484)
11-18-2012 at 7:24 PM
Might I ask why that is?
Jack (#12605)
11-18-2012 at 7:09 PM
I do not support.

Steaks (#5484)
11-18-2012 at 6:53 PM
<b>"Other languages? Or other fonts at all? I agree with like, Chinese lettering or something where you can't read it at all."</b><br /> <br /> Both, I speak English, a little tiny bit of French but that's it. I can't understand any other languages or read them.
mitch}// (#44)
11-18-2012 at 6:06 PM
Other languages? Or other fonts at all? I agree with like, Chinese lettering or something where you can't read it at all. <br /> <br /> And I never said I memorize IDs, I said I don't use the search feature because I deal with people in the moment, I don't ever need to look people up. I'm not sure where I said anything that resembled me memorizing IDs.
~♥~Mrs-K~♥~ (#33)
11-18-2012 at 6:05 PM
I do not see where I ever said nor implied that I memorize IDs, so I would appreciate if people would cease and desist putting such words in my mouth. Personally this looks more like a huge staff fight than suggestion? Or maybe I've just felt overly hated as of late ^^;;
Snoweh ♥ [Gone Gone Gone] (#856)
11-18-2012 at 5:56 PM
I support!<br /> <br /> Unlike Crevan and Evlon who can memorize IDs, I guess, I cannot. Therefore, I usually search for part of the name I remember. It is very unlikely a user will completely change their name after their join, they usually keep a part of it in their name.<br /> <br /> I don't think completely removing fun fonts should be taken away, but I think that user should put in parentheses, as Clay said, a part of their username, so we can find them if we search them.

Steaks (#5484)
11-18-2012 at 5:27 PM
<b>"And if people have to put their name twice so one is normal..."</b><br /> that wasn't what I was saying. I was saying like.. if I had "Clayton The Cool Guy" in weird letters, I could put "Clay" in brackets.. not repeat the name twice :/<br /> I feel that people should not be using other languages in their usernames as-is because we don't allow typing in other languages on Ala, and I believe making the same for usernames for the same reason.
mitch}// (#44)
11-18-2012 at 5:25 PM
I don't really support this. If a mod needs to contact someone...they should be doing it in the moment they need to contact them. I've never come across a time where I need to go searching for someone. And even if I did, I can't remember names anyway xD<br /> <br /> And I'm against not allowing special fonts. They are fun. Why take away something simple and fun? And if people have to put their name twice so one is normal... it'll get long which will look rather annoying. <br /> <br /> I feel there are other things ala needs to address first that are more important than this.

Steaks (#5484)
11-18-2012 at 3:33 PM
<b>"There are over 28000 accounts on Alacrity. For staff, or any user trying to get a hold of another member with all special characters in their display, recalling the ID number of any given user they need to find -- it just isn't going to happen."</b><br /> <br /> This.<br /> I did a test to find you, Evlon, by your username. I pretended that I didn't know your ID, and that I couldn't search the staff-list for you.<br /> I searched "Sten wolf" in the users and found nothing.. and then searched "Sten wolf" in "words contained in post" in the forums, and I found this thread: <a href=""></a><br /> <br /> If you hadn't posted in the thread, I wouldn't have found you unless I asked around for your ID, or looked through the online players (if you were online). That was the <i>only</i> thread that came up as a result of "Sten Wolf"

Ehm (#93)
11-18-2012 at 3:27 PM
Support.<br /> <br /> Searching based on usernames is not "unreliable in every sense". <i>Yes</i> a user may change their display name at any given time. We are well aware of that. However, most users stick to the same display name, variations of the same display name, or the same small handful of display names.<br /> It's never a guaranteed thing, but I would hardly deem it unreliable in <i>every</i> sense.<br /> <br /> There are over 28000 accounts on Alacrity. For staff, or any user trying to get a hold of another member with all special characters in their display, recalling the ID number of any given user they need to find -- it just isn't going to happen. People don't look at ID numbers unless special circumstances make it necessary -- they look at display names, and remember what they say.<br /> You wouldn't need to search them if you had a post of theirs in chat or a forum right in front of you, to copy & paste their username or ID number. This suggestion isn't about what to refer to people as, it's about being able to find them with the search function.<br /> As far as moderator work goes, while yes the ID number is something both important and handy, as it is unique and unchangeable, I can honestly say that I absolutely do not remember the ID numbers of most people I handle. I couldn't unless I simple started making a list to refer to. Personally, I rely more on our mod notes. I can't speak for anyone else, but I suspect that is the case for most moderators.<br /> <br /> Use of special characters <i>is</i> fun, and I certainly wouldn't want it taken away. But they also cause difficulty for users needing to find that person, and often even for people reading their usernames.