The NEW Riddler
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There is a debate going on about the new Riddler, and how the artists are taking our own opinions on it. Personally, the new riddler is just so bland. It's a dog with a tongue hanging out, very clearly panting.

So, do you like the new riddler? Or do you dislike it? Please post a nice, descriptive comment why or why not. We wouldn't want to be accused of having our own opinions, now would we?


My Opinion;

The Riddler is boring. Why? It's pose lacks excitement, as it's just standing there with a paw lifted in the air. This is such a common pose, and seen almost everywhere. Couldn't you have thought of anything better? Maybe it jumping or having a pose that looked like it had creativity put into it? Also, I think you could have chosen a better animal than an Aussie. Didn't we have a Suggestion thread for the new Riddler? I'm more than sure it WASN'T an Aussie. And going on to the facial expression, it looks as if it's just panting, rather than looking anything other than that.

Also, what angers me is the fact that most all the artists believe that we don't appreciate what they've done when we do. You can't just say that our different opinions are hate comments and mean we are unappreciative of your work. We ALL have different feelings on things, and you shouldn't say that because we don't agree with you that we are hating on the work.

05-30-2011 at 7:51 PM
I dunno, decided to address the initial post.<br /> <br /> By this point, I'm wishing I hadn't, and banging my head on my desk in frustration.<br /> <br /> Jambers; the news page is a bit of an inappropriate place for it. Wysper did say that the discussion could be moved, and here we are, expressing our opinions openly, unhindered.

05-30-2011 at 7:41 PM
I don't understand why you guys are going after the staff, if you don't like what they try to do for this site maybe then all you guys should leave (just my opinion don't hurt little wolf puppy!)

05-30-2011 at 7:38 PM
Gueist asked a question i answered. Thats how it got from art to the current topic.

05-30-2011 at 7:33 PM
How did this get from talking about the Riddler art to "The Staff are acting like gods?"

05-30-2011 at 7:30 PM
Yes but where does it say that speeking our minds weather it be in agreement or not is "NOT" allowed on the comments section of the news page? If they want only positive feedback they should change the wording of that particuler forum from "Comments" to "agree with us"

05-30-2011 at 7:25 PM
"You are welcome to take it to the Debate or General Discussion Forums, but please not here."

05-30-2011 at 7:12 PM
"Guys, while the comments are great... a Critique of the new image was NOT asked for. I understand your concerns, but the News post is not the best place to discuss it. You are welcome to take it to the Debate or General Discussion Forums, but please not here. :-) Thank you! ^..^ Wysper"<br /> <br /> You have to go to read all replys to see it.

05-30-2011 at 7:08 PM
I'd really like clarification. Can someone please tell me precisely where a member of staff was attempting to suppress opinions? I saw opinions that didn't hold the Riddler image in high regard, and I saw opinions showing dislike for <i>that</i> opinion, but I scanned through and I can't see where anyone was told to shut up or that they absolutely weren't allowed to speak their mind.<br /> <br /> All I see is Carni asking for <u>a little more tact</u>. Seriously. Here's her initial post so it can be re-read.<br /> <br /> "Thank you, Geist, and others who support the change. It's good to know that the hard work by the art team to improve the site is appreciated by some. :} The resistance to change is understandable, but people could be much more tactful with their opinions. I hope they will be in the future, when the efforts of the art team continue to bring about additions and improvements." <br /> <br /> Here's your reaction to it, Eden.<br /> <br /> "Carni; That comment angers me. Who said we didn't appreciate it? We are simply giving what we thought about the image, it's our opinions. As always, I'm sure we will grow used to it, but not everyone is going to like the same thing. Others are different. I'd hate to argue, but we DO appreciate all the work you've done, and it makes me angry that you would take our different opinions as "hate" and "unappreciative"."<br /> <br /> I don't get it. My own reply was slightly more acerbic than Carni's, but I'm not a member of staff (I stepped down as site artist months ago), and that reply is obviously addressed to Carni.. and your initial post in this thread seems to be aimed at her. So.. I'm left scratching my head. <b>Where does Carni even mention hate?</b><br /> <br /> This is reaching an astounding level of ridiculousness.<br /> <br /> <img src="">

05-30-2011 at 6:59 PM
I think the Riddler art is wonderful, the artists did a very great job with it. I mean it looks like a real dog that's playful and happy. I say it is just perfect really and I don't understand why everyone is saying it could be done better. <br /> It looks like a dog on Ala like a mascot, and I say that adding like a silly hat, or making it's pose a lot more lively could be overkill. I am going with the artists, cause they did a really great job with this and it doesn't really need changing it's not like your going to see it every single day and have to look at it 24/7 it's just to make a page more Ala I guess. <br /> <br /> I don't think it looks boring at all it looks like it's got it's own hidden personality and the fact that it's an Aussie brings out the more agility side in Ala I mean Aussies and Border collies are great in agility courses right? I just think that we should be grateful that the Ala artists came up with something as great as this as the new Riddler. I don't care if no one else agrees it's just my own opinion
edit history
2011-05-30 12:04:35 by #5511

05-30-2011 at 6:23 PM
I have made some adjustments to the Riddler's face, since that seemed to be the main point of complaint. The tongue is shorter, the dog is winking, and the visible eye is now green as a very vague nod to The Riddler from the Batman franchise. X} You may refresh your pages to see it.<br /> <br /> I'm not one to allow my emotions to get in the way of room for improvement. However, this is the last change that will be made to the image. If you still dislike it, that's fine. You're allowed to dislike it. I just aim to point out that being gentle and civil with suggestions on improving an item is much better than ripping a piece apart or being overly critical. And taking -one- incident and the words of one or two staff, and using it to claim that the art team doesn't care about what the users want, well...that's honestly uncalled for, especially considering how much stock we put into user suggestions for items/themes/etc.<br /> <br /> You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as they say.<br /> <br /> It's also worth mentioning that we had planned to use completely different images for the "I win" and "you win" pages, so that you get a fun, visual reaction to each outcome. So for the complaints about how it doesn't fit the "you beat me" or "I win" messages, the plans to overcome this were already in the works. :P
edit history
2011-05-30 12:09:05 by #66
2011-05-30 11:34:22 by #66

05-30-2011 at 5:52 PM
I personely don't care for the image as much as i did for the other one. With the old Riddler yes it was cartoony but I liked the cartoon look. I also like how the old riddler didn't really have a breed. It could be inturpreted to be a spicific breed. Now its an Asturalian shepard, case closed. The Artests did work hard on the image and the coloring is great! If I liked Australian Shepards I would want it to look something like that. But overall, I prefer the old picture, I'm acculy regretting pressing f5.

05-30-2011 at 3:15 PM
I think it's cute, just it doesn't seem like "I'm The Riddler and no one can beat me!" I say it is cute but it just does not fit the Riddler type. I do think that there is something with the eyes though that freak me out. It lacks emotion when the words it says like "BAAH" doesn't seem to fit the Aussie and the New Riddlers natural appearance...
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2011-05-30 08:17:28 by #7514

05-30-2011 at 2:10 PM
Like I said in the news post it is 100% maginficent art. It is gorgeous! But it would have been nice if it had a little something else besides a dog. I remember we had a big suggestion thread on what we want next for the riddler (I really wanted a sphinx even though it does not match Alacrity ;P). But I am sure this will do, I will get used to it :-)

05-30-2011 at 10:55 AM
I don't really care about a silly dog on the top of a page, I just want to guess something and then win a prize if I got the answer right...

05-30-2011 at 8:46 AM
Yes, the art is very well done, and I do appreciate the effort put in to it by the artists, but it is just a very generic image. <br /> <br /> It could be any image on the site. <br /> <br /> I would just prefer something that was unique and interesting and "felt" like a Riddler.

05-30-2011 at 8:33 AM
As for my opinion on the Riddler, I think he's rather cute, and the art is good, but he needs more flair to him. Brighter colour, maybe a silly hat or somethin', bring back the frog, give him a slightly more excited pose. He's just too ordinary for someone who sits around telling riddles all day.
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2011-05-30 01:33:48 by #1395

05-30-2011 at 8:28 AM
<b>Please keep the debate civil and on topic. The topic is about the riddler image not who is behaving rudely. Telling some one they are "full of crap" for their opinions is rude and uncalled for.</b>
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2011-05-30 01:29:52 by #33

05-30-2011 at 8:24 AM
"I personally think you are full of crap."<br /> <br /> Well, now who's being rude? You can't get on people for saying they think the face looks weird on a dog drawing and then turn around and tell someone you think they're full of crap in a post complete with capital letters and exclamation points.

05-30-2011 at 8:23 AM
Woah woah woah. You aren't one to preach anything about rudeness when you go and say things like 'I personally think you are full of crap. ' o_O Just wow.

05-30-2011 at 8:23 AM
Alliieennss (#1160) - Homemaking and decoration is an art. That's what home designers do. <br /> <br /> I personally think you are full of crap. I sincerely doubt that if you went for dinner at a new persons house that you would would point out flaws in their food. <br /> <br /> It is absolutely not socially acceptable... at least not in the U.S. anyway. I suppose I can't speak on behalf of other countries. <br /> <br /> Also, art isn't even the point. The point is being rude and giving opinions where they aren't asked for. <br /> <br /> There is a MILLION different examples. If you have a friend who is fat you don't just like wait until you are at taking a walk and be like "HEY your fat"... If your friend gained weight and it was something you were concerned about you'd maybe think of having an intervention. Or if they asked you would politely tell them. You don't just come out and tell people what their flaws are though. You HAVE to admit there is a TIME and a PLACE to do things like that. Like when you are asked?!
edit history
2011-05-30 01:24:00 by #14176


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