Will cause your bitch to go into labor!
you own: 0.
The African dog with a painted coat, this is a highly social animal that lives in packs, and is an efficient hunter. While equipped, your dog will have maximum Sociality, Self Confidence, and Attention Span.
African Wild Dog
you own: 0.
Beautiful decorative designs, so your dog will fit in with the friendly Aboriginal tribes in the Australian outback!
Aboriginal Body Paints
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(03-22-2013 at 4:47 PM)


Hello there, GemsbokDeer, and welcome to Alacrity. I'm Sundays and I'm part of the Newbie Helper team, and I'm here to provide you with some useful links to help you get started with Alacrity. :)

The Rules
The Terms of Service (TOS)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Issue Hub

Please read through the guides and rules, they all have pointers which are designed to help you get started on Alacrity. I'd also advice showing your face in the chatbox to get to know the members of Alacrity -> we try to be a helpful community and I'm sure they can give you some tips and tricks.

If you have any questions about Alacrity, please submit them to the issue hub under the Newbie Helper tab, and one of the team will answer them ^^. I hope you enjoy Alacrity :)
Welcome to GemsbokDeer (#28994)'s profile.
currently: playing Alacrity!

Last Seen: 2:54 PM on 03-23-2013, played for 2 days

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displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 0 | Training Sessions: 10
Dogs in "My Kennel"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Winiinea the Water Sprite (#205304) German Shepherd 21.54 months female
Uriel the Angel (#207296) German Shepherd 19.62 months female
Azreal the Demon (#208084) German Shepherd 17.04 months male
Newborn Puppy (#211749) German Shepherd 0.33 months female
Newborn Puppy (#211716) German Shepherd 0.54 months male
Newborn Puppy (#211717) German Shepherd 0.54 months male
Newborn Puppy (#211750) German Shepherd 0.33 months female
Newborn Puppy (#211751) German Shepherd 0.33 months male


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