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Same-sex Marriage/Adoption/Lifestyle (expanded)
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Should same-sex couples and families have the right to be joined in marriage with its benefits, or be contained within civil unions? Are the rights in civil unions adequate enough for dedicated partnerships or families to support on or not?

Should civil unions be allowed at all?

I want to bring up this debate as I am doing serious research paper required for the end of the year about ‘Social Justice’ and would like to see all sides of the spectrum.

Please, give posts with meaning than just putting ‘Yes! All the way!’ or ‘No! It’s wrong!’. Thank you.

Has been expanded!

Edit: Expanded to include same-sex lifestyle/adoption/marriage.

02-6-2012 at 11:12 AM
"If a girl loves another girl, she can and no one can stop her. If a dog loves a dog it can. "<br /> <br /> I was disheartened by that comparison too. I don't want to be valued like a dog :/

02-6-2012 at 7:37 AM
"It doesn't matter. "<br /> <br /> Oh yes, it does matter. Peoples beliefs are keeping others from pursuing their own beliefs and happiness. How does that "not matter?" Do people who think it isn't right have the right to keep others from getting married?<br /> <br /> "If a girl loves another girl, she can and no one can stop her. If a dog loves a dog it can. "<br /> <br /> Please don't use this comparison. Dogs don't love each other in the same way people do.

02-4-2012 at 6:36 PM
It doesn't matter. It depends on your beliefs. If a girl loves another girl, she can and no one can stop her. If a dog loves a dog it can. It all depends on heart not looks, the way you do stuff or you backgrounds. It all depends on who you love and how you love rjem

07-11-2011 at 5:47 PM
I think same sex marriage with its benefits should be allowed Because these people ar'nt doing nothing wrong all they did was find love and which many people wish to do.

07-11-2011 at 3:43 AM
i don't get what the big huff is. if you love someone, you can't help it. i mean, come on. i have many LGBTS friends,and they are all amazing people. and i don't get why Same Sex marriage isn't legal in all of the US states. i'm not christian, and i don't think it's fair that people that don't like something ban it. they accept other races, but not sexual orientations? that's pretty messed up in my opinion.

07-8-2011 at 2:00 AM
Meredith, I know. I was raised religious, even if I'm not now. I was merely giving them the verse they themselves referenced.

07-8-2011 at 12:38 AM
""Here you go.<br /> Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.""<br /> <br /> that context is mistaken, that was given to God's people, the isrealites. they were held to an Extremely stricter and higher standard. besides, the bible contradicts itself constantly, because it was written by different men with their own interpretations. that statement was an interpretation. the point of the bible it to make your own interpretation.<br /> <br /> edit: i just saw wyspers post, so this will be the last time i say anything of the sort.
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2011-07-07 17:38:54 by #12307

07-7-2011 at 11:26 PM
Wysper, just to point out: there are other questions up there to which the debate was relevant. I don't think Shay intended that to be the <b>only</b> discussion allowed in this thread. The title alone shows that.

07-7-2011 at 3:15 PM
I don't normally take part in any Debate, because I feel I should always be able to step in and help settle one down if need be.<br /> <br /> That said, I have to say this: Please remember the question for the debate is: <b>Should civil unions be allowed at all?</b><br /> <br /> Please stick to that topic only for this thread. :-)<br /> <br /> <hr><br /> <br /> Now, my opinion is this:<br /> <br /> Union's between two people should be allowed to be anything THEY wish it to be. If two same gender beings want to declare their love and commitment to each other for the world to see, then they should have that right.<br /> <br /> Males and Females did not magically appear on this planet with instant wedding rings. If that was the case, we'd have a SINGLE person to be with, and that would be that. We don't. We are not hard wired to be with a specific other being, it doesn't happen that way. <br /> <br /> When a deep meaningful connection is made of the heart and mind, it doesn't matter if that other being is male or female, at least it shouldn't.<br /> <br /> So, I guess I am very very FOR this topic. <br /> <br /> ^..^<br /> Wysper<br /> <br />
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2011-07-07 08:16:09 by #9

07-7-2011 at 12:38 PM
Also, I'm pretty sure Jesus said A LOT more about divorcd being bad. Why aren't you fighting about that?<br /> <br /> Add on top of that that the Bible has a ton of contradictions. I have a link where someone linked all of these contradictions, but I'm on my phone and its 8:30 in the morning, so...xD

07-7-2011 at 8:01 AM
That's exactly the point, Kira. Not to mention, the bible says nothing about allowing same-sex marriage. But what it does say in regards to homosexuality is grim, violent, and extreme. <br /> <br /> So yes, I agree, what the bible has to say about this whole subject is extreme and unacceptable, and it seems to me that most people who try to use the bible as support for their opinions don't even know exactly what the bible says about it.
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2011-07-07 01:02:32 by #6

07-7-2011 at 7:45 AM
<em>"<br /> Here you go.<br /> Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."<br /> <br /> It doesn't say anything about marriage, at least! It says to kill them."</em><br /> That's really more than just a bit extreme, wouldn't you think so?

07-7-2011 at 7:31 AM
Here you go.<br /> Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."<br /> <br /> It doesn't say anything about marriage, at least! It says <b>to kill them.</b>

07-7-2011 at 7:25 AM
Fallen, for one, if you're going to quote the bible, maybe at least put in the effort to find the exact verse, as well as chapter it's from for full context.<br /> <br /> Also please consider the time in which the bible was written, and that society at that time deemed it acceptable to stone people to death in public streets, to sell their daughters to men at ages as early as 12-14 years, and was severely dominated by men. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> That aside, however, the bible is not a viable reason to say people can't get married. If it was, then everyone in the world would be Christian, and the bible would be strict law, which means no one is allowed to eat shellfish, either, or pork, and being a gay male is an instant death sentence.<br /> <br /> The bible does not apply to law, or at least it absolutely shouldn't. Separation of church and state is there for a reason. If you want your argument to hold any water, you're going to have to come up with reasons against gay marriage that actually apply to -all- people, of every race, orientation, and religion, and not just on a moral basis, but on one that -all people- can relate or agree upon.<br /> <br /> As it is, there is no argument against gay marriage that can hold that kind of water.
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2011-07-07 00:33:32 by #6
2011-07-07 00:27:24 by #6

07-7-2011 at 7:13 AM
"who are we to say that man and woman belong together? yes i believe God started off with adam and eve, but that doesn't mean that's how it Has to be. saying man and woman are the only sexes that should be put together, is saying it's all about sex. private parts don't apply. God says over and over and Over again how the body is pretty much meaningless. souls don't have a sex."<br /> <br /> I think God said "a man shall not lie beside a man" or something like that...

07-7-2011 at 7:07 AM
who are we to say that man and woman belong together? yes i believe God started off with adam and eve, but that doesn't mean that's how it Has to be. saying man and woman are the only sexes that should be put together, is saying it's all about sex. private parts don't apply. God says over and over and Over again how the body is pretty much meaningless. souls don't have a sex.

07-7-2011 at 4:39 AM
In fetal development, the brain is assigned as male or female. This assignment is both completely natural, and unfortunately does not always match up with the genital assignment the fetus develops. This is when you get females who identify as males, and males who identify as females, and even people who can't identify as either because the brain was either never assigned a gender, or became a mix of both.<br /> <br /> Sex is not complicated, but gender absolutely is. Transgender and genderqueer people are, quite literally, men and women and "other" trapped in a body that doesn't match up.<br /> <br /> If you, everything that makes you who you are, and the fact you identify as female, was suddenly thrown into a male body, would you be okay with it? You are a female, attracted to men, and now you are forced to take on a homosexual identity if you want to pursue men as companions/partners. Or, you can go completely against who you are and who you are attracted to, and trap yourself in a relationship with a woman for the sake of being "normal."<br /> <br /> I can tell you from experience, and from knowing many gender-different people, including my husband, that it is a living hell. <br /> <br /> Point being, they still have every right to marry who they want to, and shouldn't have to sacrifice who they are and their happiness to appease other people. It's cruel and and inhumane to expect them to conform to what you think is "right" when what they do in their lives and with their bodies is none of your business and will in no way bring you or anyone else to harm.
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2011-07-06 21:41:06 by #6

07-7-2011 at 4:34 AM
Considering you aren't actually taking into consideration anything we are saying and just being ignorant, yeah, it is a waste of time.

07-7-2011 at 4:32 AM
"Don't try to correct me, because that is basically what you are saying."<br /> <br /> If I no longer have the right to give my two cents because you already know what point I'm trying to make, then I can just leave this thread. A debate where I can no longer voice my side of the argument or argue against the opposition's is a waste of time.

07-7-2011 at 4:29 AM
Did you just ask me what qualifies me as a transman?<br /> <br /> I am transgender. Do you honestly not know what that entails, or are you being intentionally obtuse? You're not just female one day, then walk in, get a surgery, and are magically a man. Most transmen haven't had their surgeries and intentionally choose not to (my case) because the results of said surgery, due to current technology, are not up to par. Many of them wear a prosthetic. As many men who are born men do, due to horrific injuries, etc.<br /> <br /> Also, a "herm" is an intersexed individual, the term "hermaphrodite" is never used and is generally very insulting to those individuals.<br /> <br /> <img src="http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/2122/imadf.jpg">


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