Your messages are full. Please submit an issue to the issue hub sending it to the admins about your bone purchase.
(10-30-2019 at 8:57 AM)
You got it. :)
(10-22-2019 at 3:25 AM)
I have far too many TS per day to charge, haha. Who are you looking to get maxed out, love?
Yeah? That sounds awesome lol
I’ve not RPd in months, at the very least, so I’m pretty rusty xD
I’m trying lol
Damn. It’s been a lonnng time since I’ve RP’d lol
That's alright. When you get the time, the rp is there, lovely.
Hey lovely, it's been a while. Wanted to remind you of our roleplay.
Sending another reminder to you saying I have replied to our forum. Hope to see you soon.
Replied (: it's sort of all over the place. xD
Poke :)
It's been a while xD
I wanted to send out another notice to you that I have replied on our roleplay. Hope to see you soon. (:
Ha, Alright :P
Computers are a pain.. that's why i use my iPad xD
I think im gonna go with Enchantress.
Also, is Stars pack regular wolves?
I hope they are, because otherwise I'm gonna have to introduce another character, and I don't want that yet xD
I was wondering if I can bring another DC character in, just for this part?
I was going to go with Enchantress or Poison Ivy? I thought it would be cool to fight a witch :D
Oh my god xD
Can we make it Joker has an old grudge against the pack leader? xD
I'm very sorry I had to leave so quickly, I hope your on again tomorrow :)
Get better soon :)
Sorry, I gotta go.
I'll reply when I get the chance :)
Will you be on tomorrow?
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic? xD
Ah, Joker. He knows how to work with girls... Jack however.. needs more experience.
Well then. Mistah J knows how to break fights up, and he can start them in the blink of an eye.
Well, now Jokers split up the fight.. just as Jack was getting ready to attack her again xD
Well, now she's paralysed for it xD
Jack is... brutal. I'll give him that xD
Oh, god.
Jack... Jesus Christ xD
He has severe anger issues, he's insane, but he's awesome lol
Jack reminds me of the Joker... because he is basically the animal version of the Joker xD
Now he's peed off xD
This is going to be... interesting. This hyena will fight to his last breath.. and then probably fight some more xD
Poke :D
Mr Jack in assassin mode is not good for anyone xD
He's a silent hunter, and I love him for it.
I'm sorry :( that sucks :(
Poke :)
Nah, it's not your fault :P
All better now?
Poke :3
Jacks dying inside ;-;
Yep. I'm never happier than when I'm playing as the Joker xD
Are you enjoying the RP? :3
Poke (idk if you got it yesterday lol)
Nah. He was bored so he was waiting to cause trouble.
Thank you so much I'll take good care if her. :)
Poke :3
The Jokers pretty relaxed. He doesn't really care xD
Poke :3
Lol. Jack would kill any animal that set foot in his territory.
Poke :3
Whatever xD
She won't escape, not from him lol.
Why does she want to escape so much?
He's like the safest person to be with xD
Poke :3
Joker's having fun.
Poke :3
You're doing good xD
She's not gonna escape, just putting that out there XD
Poke :3
My replies vary lol
Me too xD
I get too into them and need replies xD
Poke :3
((I use this to alert when I've replied xD the scribbles can be kept or deleted. Is this okay?))
That's no good. Not at all
I'm not either. I push it back as much as possible
I get up at 5 every morning. Lol
Lol. It can be dry though
Basic electronics and radar
I started last week.
After it I'll probably have to wait a little before I go into the second school I need
I (finally) just started my school. But I only have nine weeks to go
It's so much harder for me to stay around. All my friends here have seemed to disappear
Oh how I've managed to somehow forget to check into chat daily.
Then again, I have my computer.
I sent a lease request for your stunning girl Niara!
Im back if you have the USD for the rewinder
Plus everything I offered before.
Okay well a monthman gives +2 health ever 30 minuites. But I just spent some bones on accident and I only have one now. I can offer that, an immortal female sheltie, piece of ultra cake, whole Apple pie, bag of dog biscuits, anything you might see on my dogs. I have like a jungle background d too. If not it's ok sorry(: but thanks!
That's fine! I was just scrolling around kennels and saw him. He's a keeper, Id say!
(01-6-2016 at 11:51 AM)
Alright sweet
(01-6-2016 at 1:44 AM)
Sure! That sounds great. I will be sure to send you a message once she's done. We could split the pups :)
(01-5-2016 at 10:28 PM)
No I wouldn't, sorry. I'm currently training her.
so far, everyone likes it. lol
did you see the full art?
Yes XD My bad, love. My autocorrect on my phone irritates me!
Could you breed Niki and Mason for me? =)
I have a sleigh bell harness!
*whispers* there's only two
i put it on the first dog in the ol kennel
Have you seen the new one?
Sure, why not ^^ I'll transfer her over to you as soon as you send the payment. Sound good? :3
Could you do 8? I actually miss calculated. I will need at least 8 bones to do what I'm looking to do ^^
(10-21-2015 at 4:02 PM)
i usually do, but I'm not this time around ): next time I open I will be, though!
(10-21-2015 at 10:10 AM)
Thanks! ^^
im just trying to get sort of a background image. but the land and the sky just dont seem to agree
i cant seem to get things to look right
and i swear. something about me and art just dont seem to agree
(10-18-2015 at 11:39 PM)
"The bitch is pregnant! The pups will be born once the bitch turns 14.57 months old."
You'll get the first pick, and up to as many pups as you'd like.(;
(10-18-2015 at 11:31 PM)
Oh okay. We could do that then XD
She'll be set at $1
(10-18-2015 at 11:21 PM)
I don't mind paying the fee ^^
(10-18-2015 at 10:04 PM)
Since they are both maxed, would you like to breed Autumn Tormenta and Nautical now? c:
Mind if I request a breeding between Crushed Desire and Arianna? In about 3 days.
could i see 480.96 (#306902) as an adult?
(09-27-2015 at 8:50 PM)
Yea, they're stunning! <3
We'll have to work out a breeding c:
have you tried with other people?
twice isnt enough. you have to learn it.
what makes you fail the most?
so was i when i started. it only took me about four years to get here. but dont make me fight other players cause i will likely die
what i think happened is that i added a block or two too many in a horizontal plane and didnt notice until most was already done.
despite having messed up SOMEWHERE in the grand scheme, it still looks good. lol
four hours that took. i say it turned out pretty well
Chibiterasu says "love me or i eat you"
I'm open for offers on it, but the lowest I'd go is probably around 20 bones, maybe a little less. ^-^
(06-20-2015 at 10:18 PM)
Sorry for the pause! I got sidetracked and forgot about you.
His current RS is about 1,051, so:
TP fee: 10,510
Skill fee: 7,000
Care fee: 490
Total: 18,000
Estimated days of training: 5
(06-20-2015 at 9:54 PM)
Alright. What's his ID? I don't need a link, just the 1-6 digit ID. ^_^ I'll check him over and give you a price.
(06-20-2015 at 9:48 PM)
I'd need the TP and skill completed percentage in order to give you an accurate price for training. At the moment, I'm working on a 2,400 TP and I have 4 dogs for other members on hold, plus my own whenever training slows down. If you're willing to wait, say 10 days, I'd be very willing to max another pup for you. ^_^
don't know it said you were "OFFLINE"
but but but. You left. hmmmm…. NINJA. STAY AWAY. lol
Alright! =) I would gladly make one, however, I have no bones whatsoever at the moment. XD
When you breed your Zoi gal, I'll definitely want a pup! 8D
Hi Elizabeth. I have a Bear Spirit in my shop that I put up for you. I'll take it down tomorrow since I've been holding it for a while (since it was first released).
- Lexy
Far too Many, close to 200 of them all up
I would have no issues giving her to you while she's in heat, like right now because she kept me up lastnight meowing x_X
Great Dane Puppies!
puppies ID tags
(04-26-2015 at 11:16 AM)
Thank you for buying 'Nikita {ℳ} 682.82'! She was one of my first dogs, and I used a rebirth on her because I loved her too much to let her go. Please take good care of her, and if you no longer want to keep her, by all means contact me. I'd gladly buy her back for the same price. Thank you. :-)
every once in a wile ill clean out my invontory i tend to buy one of each costome and hold on to it for a wile
I have 187 left for 18,700 if you're interested!
your welcome I have a lot of TS that they just sit there collecting dust xD
I trained her for you in 4 stats did I do something wrong?
ferry has been trained in 4 stats
No problem! Her coat is gorgeous!
hey... would you be interested in a GSD maxed female?
Clicked on eight by mistake XD yes, I like the coloration on nine. I think I'll work some brindle and white on him.
I really want to make nine, but, need to get rid of a lot of static >,<
I sold them to snivy. I haven't been getting good sales in their pups lately (their pups are mainly all re money I get besides training), and decided it was time for them to go.
So, I've decided to make either Jack customs, another pair of GSDs, or some more huskies.
I'm in love with this one: 293887
Oh, sorry! XD I was asking if you would be willing to breed those two for me (GSDs).
Do you think you could Niara and Mason for me?
Hi I just bout the magical rubber ball from you and for son reason it also clicked on buy the pixie stix for a bone is there any way I can send you that back and get my bone back ? I'm on a tablet playing this and its very touchy.
Someone bought him before i could take him off sale, i only got the female left ''/
Okay, she's pregnant with Mason's pups.
I don't mind. I am not for sure if she's ready to bred again though or not, but we can try.
Hi i could train your dog. And my salary is 1000 per day. So are you ok with me train your dog. Am new so i need money for my dog.
Finishing up the layout image now :)
Your lucky you have the cute fox bundle!
Help me get my dream corgie?
nvm it wont freaking let me :(
Im giving you a pet cause it wont let me pick none just send it back after im done okay?
how do ii give you my last bit of money? I tried clicking give but it says: No such player
I cant get the corgie it says no match but im fine with whatever :)
I hope I can get my wishlist stuff, And the corgie I want I WANT A CORGIE IN RL SO BAD :O
eliza I will take anything :)
Maximus and Donatello have finished training and have returned home. :)
thanks sorry i missed one i sent it over
let me know when i can send them
its ok anyway what i was saying is i named a pup mouse jr, i am willing to give you all the other puppies from mouse and dust storm plus 32,000 ala cash if i can keep the one pup
Mail box is full. As stated in my shop. 75-100 USD firm for Chance.
To me, I'll send to jack afterwards :)
Jack is going to do the breeding for us :)
The 2 Chances companions, and an account with 2 breeder perks. Everything they need to be top babies :)
I'm not keeping lol, I want the puppies on tip top shape :) so I'm going to make sure the breeding has everything on them to make amazing top pups :)
Psst send me your mouse :)
Next time she comes in heat you can have all of the pups, IF one doesn't catch my eye XD
If you ever need a dane Let me know, I'm selling one that is first gen and has a nice coat, I can give to you for free.
Thank you Eli :) now I have 45 for my forever upgrade ❤
Well when you have more and you feel generous just drop some off my kennel XD
(01-24-2015 at 11:13 AM)
I have a maxed Great Dane for sale in my Unkenneled. She is maxed, but spayed as she was a pound rescue. No need to scribble back if you're not interested but if you are she is 7,500 ala cash.
Give me all of your bones XD Jk jk
YOur dog is maxed, Sending him bck! ^^
YOu messages box is full
But yeh we can breed them, they get Pretty Puppies, and with a TP a bit over 600, and if they one of the pups i saw in the predicts i'll propably buy a pup from them :p
Your messages box it full X3I shall accept the stud request as soon as she goes into heat :)
And I sent your girl, enjoy her :)
Its beena while since I last looked at the b-day cake prices. I think 1 cake and a the clock will be fine haha
Send over the items, and I'll send the pooch over :)
The dogs is yours if I get the two cakes and the clock.
I'd want the cakes the most, the butterfly is a no-go.
Well let's see she is a young fully maxed custom with passable markings. Will you be looking to pay with cash/bones/items or a mixture?
I'm pretty sure the blue one has an offer already, and go ahead and submit an offer on the pink/black custom.
Which Shibas are you talking about?
I have a scholar collar and 20 ts left today. Could I train your dog?
Thanks! I'll send the money over. ;)
then as molly said in chat, put it in the issue hub if you think it's wrong
just read your comment in chat, have you logged since you checked how long you've been playing last time?
I will give you 18k for the b day cake :)
The lowest i will go on her is about 7k
Could my dog and Oreo breed? I would like to keep one pup of my choice and you can have the rest if you want. You will have to put Oreo up for stud for me C:
the cheapest is 25 bones or $3,600,000 ala cash in the search ^__^ just trying to make sure you get your value worth
I would've sold my birthday cakes instead of using them And when I sold one SoMEONE ONLY GAVE ME 300KFOR A MAIGAL DOG BOWL! I got ripped off :(
just letting you know birthday cakes are worth a LOT check the average sales in the search shops menu
Wow I DID NOT know they were THAT rare :( Sorry to say anything :(
I can add in a bone and 20k!
I would pay a Red Dingo only 35 in the whole Alacrity! :)
Of course :D Which dog(s) do you have in mind?
any really, Maxed ones are in groups Wings fully Grown and Forever Living Feathers
i have a few male GSDs you can breed with
She's a great dog, but I'm sorry, I only breed my dogs with maxed dogs.
um sorry but he's my custom and when he breeds outside a kennel it must be to another custom female...sorry :/
Wait I cant sell him he is for a contest prize but would you like Royal? For 11k?
A Borzoi of mine Thunder for 15k since he is maxed or Painted Moon for 2k
well i only had to run predicts with one of my boys before i fell in love with the pups. i would like her to breed with Shintsū unmei if thats okay :3
hm, mabye with another on of my GSDs..let me look around and run predicts
I am very willing to train your pups. You can send them right over, do you have any training items? As I have only started training I am still saving up to buy the items required.
I have a Borzoi that is female and I could spay her for you her TP is 1227.09
i'll take 148221. but can you send it to my side account. account number 8388
(06-4-2012 at 9:48 AM)
Thank you for teh birthday wishes! :D
by cheap I meant under $500. x3
Alright thank you. And by any chance do you know anyone who has an is willing to sell a philosophers stone? I am in desperate need >.<
I got two(: that many be all you are able to do at the moment. Otherwise we will have to wait a week and you can send the last one.
have you sent it to the exchange yet?
I can just send you the money :P and yes I will accept the request
"Sell the one newborn pup so I can get it ok?"
Sorry I have no idea what you are meaning by this
It's RebelYell101 you can reserve the exchange to me and do all 3 at once(:
Oh I was meaning 20K for all.. I will do 50K I guess though
Ok then.. so I will send you the 20K and you'll send me the 3 clouds?
all three and I am interested in Check Mate
20K for the clouds and I will look
20K each and which horses exactly?
Humm, I may be interested in the clouds, depending on how much you are charging. Also do you have any horses you are willing to sell? If so please give me your username along with the horses names(: I am looking for immortals and unicorns mainly
Depends on what they are(:
Was it a mistake to IM me?
(06-3-2012 at 12:49 AM)
As my advert said, I'm looking to spend ala cash not bones. Thanks though.
Sure, what's the ID of the female? :3
Thanks for purchasing my puppy <3 Hope you have fun with her~
(05-30-2012 at 9:16 PM)
okay :3
(05-30-2012 at 9:14 PM)
(05-30-2012 at 9:02 PM)
oh okay, let me know if you ever sell Hikari
(05-30-2012 at 8:59 PM)
which gsd are you selling?
I saw your post in sales about wanting a GSD, are you considering selling one of yours?
(05-20-2011 at 10:15 PM)
I'm from foo...
Hm. :| Well I dont know what to say. I go to accept the request and it says "This bitch cannot breed again intill 72.51 months old!"
Oops it said she cant breed intill 72 months?
Wow, horrible typo's lol I ment I accepted the breeding request. (;
I aceppted the bredding request. (;
Welcome to Alacrity, Elizabeth-Star! Make sure to find the time to read the Rules and the TOS at the bottom of the page, then, wander to “Help Me!†and watch the videos there. That section can answer many of your questions and has links to other pages, including the Alacrity Wiki page with more helpful guides.
Any questions you can't find the answer to, you can submit to the Issue Hub, found under “Help Alacrity!†or on the “Help†page. Just send it to the “Newbie Helpers†and we'll answer it ASAP!
We're happy to have you here, we hope you like the site as much as we do! Stop by chat and say hello to everyone and remember that the newbie helper team is here to help you get to know the site. :)
Wow! You already have 3 dogs!! Lol! I only have 2!: )