is trying to
private chat with you.
#34234 wants for nothing!
Profile Scribbles!
[view all]
Thank you! ๐ฉท
excuse me, hello, hi, i cannot believe i am back on this site somehow and it is your fault <3
Messages are full X'D
Thank you for training one of my dogs! c:
Ope sorry! Cleared out my messages. Should be able to send one now. :)
Oh I didnโt even realize you did more than one! Wow I donโt even have the words.
Thank you so much for maxing Emerald it really made my week. You are so kind. Is there anything I can do for you in return?
Thank you for maxing and training my dogs!
Thanks you so much for maxing all my doggos!! ๐ it really helped a lot!
omg I came back after years of being away and just now saw your gifts from 2016! Thank you so much!
Thank you for maxing a few of my dogs!
Thank you for maxing my dogs!
Hi! I turned my dog transfers on :)
Thank you so much for maxing my dog! oh my goodness. You are so kind!!
Thank you for helping me train! I really appreciate it! :D
I just noticed what you did & that was really nice ๐ฅบ
you made my day thank you baby
you made my day thank you baby
What i just got done reading
//walks up and hugs//
I think you needed a hug, so here's a hug.
I think you needed a hug, so here's a hug.
Here something to cheer you up.
Along with a squirrel:
Here a hippo too:
Have fun with ~Poprocks~ dog# 394747 also thanks for getting {Earth} from the pound
Have fun with {Sherbert} dog# 370146
Sent you a trade on cs let me what you want for it.
you should put your suggestion about extra inbox storage in the suggest something forum
All the dogs in my training group after Vitalini. <3
Oh! Thanks for telling me that! I'll definitely look to sell some bones, I've already sold 2 for 400,000, but honestly I've just about gone through that from buying slots and accessories so I'd like to sell more, I didnt think I'd go through the alacash so fast- I buy them often to make custom dogs. I only have foundies because I want to start gens from the very beginning :) Right now my favorite pair is my custom corgis, I cant wait to breed them when they're maxed. I'm gonna do custom Shelties nex! I'm excited my TS are going up then, I've bought a few slots and I'm upgraded right now. It's hard to chose which dogs to train for the day right now
Well I appreciate it so very much! I only have 25 TS a day, and I have no idea how to get more- while I have lots of dogs to train haha, I keep seeing adorable pups that I need to have! If you ever do clean your inbox, feel free to drop me a message; I'd love to chat!
I tried to message you but your inbox was full, I just wanted to thank for for training my pups up a bit! (I believe it was you!) <3
Hey how much for training?
I have a dog I need maxed. how do I transfer//sell her to you?
ooh okay, I just unkenneled all dos that need training so feel free to pick and choose^^
Hey! would you be interested in helping me train some dogs? I can pay^^
Yes please! Except Stan and Disturbia because theyre already maxed out
All of the nonkenneled dogs except for Disturbia some are already basic trained and Ive started their training as well
Hello! I was wondering if oyu could help me with my new Zoi pups training!
Hey! Just wanted to stop by and say I hope you're doing well <3
Thank you^^
Oh even better! How much would you like for the training sessions?
Hello! I was wondering if you could max a couple of dogs for me. I have a capped german shepherd and a second generation Zoi.
Thanks for training my dog for me! A dog with higher tp's are hard to train by yourself ;)
Would you be interested in about a dozen Pound Pups? They are on my side.
That's fine by me
Well if you ever dont need or want them I'll be happy to buy them back =)
Lol that works thank you
Need dogs? I have some that arnt selling
Thanks for the training!
will do! & again, thank you so much
thank you so much, for helping with training my dogs c:
nope , help yourself
ok you can train any of my dogs
are you still offering free training?
Uhh.. 381510 and 381512 ^^
Hope you enjoy the puppies! Thanks for purchasing! ~Sherlock
Hey, friend. If nobody else has asked you to help out with training, I have a few dogs in my unkenneled section Iโd really appreciate some help on :โ) Iโm trying to get them all maxed by Christmas lol
I have a few new pups im working on basic training now. It would be awesome for them to be maxed too
Lady Lannister (she onky has one skill left) the foundation borzoi, Mouse and The Dark Knight
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! Would you like some ala cash for the ts?
but it doesnโt allow pop ups
No, you
but it doesnโt allow pop ups
No, you
dOnT SPeAk tO mE ThAT wAY
I do what I want, when I want
Fight me
Oh, well. Thatโs a situation. Throw your phone.
Thatโs nice.
But also please never say that again, omfg.
I do what I want, when I want
Fight me
Oh, well. Thatโs a situation. Throw your phone.
Thatโs nice.
But also please never say that again, omfg.
Holy wow, thank you so much for all of the wishlist items <3 <3 Much love to you
Thanks for making out so many of my babies!! ; _ ;
Your welcome to throw any extra ts on my doggos Iol
your messages are full what breed of cappie are you looking for?
I saw you wanted to use your ts on a cappie. I have one if youd like to throw some on her. Her name is Lady Stark
Hi again! Your inbox is full right now so I couldn't message you. I wanted to let you know I just got two new dogs that need training: Pumpkin and Love.
Sorry for the late reply, thank you for the birthday wishes and gift! :)
Would you be willing to lower price of
Mirri! It's so great to see you again! How you been?
I've been somewhat alright, better than before but at the same time not? Aha it's confusing but I'm getting through ;; How have you been?
*glomps* I missed you ;;
Thank you for helping me train two of my dogs, that was very kind of you!
If you get this message me pleaee I'm interested in some dogs ^-^
Thank-you Mirri; and bye I suppose
Been having an awful time so this really brightened my day; I hope you get to see this message.
Thank-you Mirri; and bye I suppose
Been having an awful time so this really brightened my day; I hope you get to see this message.
Messages are full!
Do you have any available spots left for training? :)
Do you have any available spots left for training? :)
Your messages are full. If there's anyway we could still get in touch please PM me ;; Much love from me to you <3
Wow.. wasn't expecting that...thank you so much!
- sorry about that (and all the spamming)
Whoops, I was a bit too quick there, and accidentally sent her over with items (a bathing cat companion and waterfall background)
Haha, thanks - I'll send her over now then :)
Your messages are full, but I was just wondering if you have the room for one more dog? (with like 630 TP) :3
btw your messages are too full and you have too many peaker corgis
fix yourself
fix yourself
guess what
this dork got into the highschool they wanted
this dork got into the highschool they wanted
Thank you. Now the question is what would you name a dog if you was going to name it after you?
I see you like my green huskies <3
Thank you! ^^ I apologize about the late response
s orry
can i enter for both things
can i enter for both things
15 pages
Ah, okay well I hope you get enough. If I get more bones I'll send them to you. Also thank you :)
Yes but also for being a friend. Merry Christmas and happy new year!! (I have no idea what I'm doing anymore)
Thank you so much.
just him
just him
btw 360333 is the cutest thing ever omg
Goodnight, then
I just felt like scribbling ^^
Thank you for the giveaway gifts <3
I enabled dog transfers. Thank you! ^^
Alright. Did that. ^^ Thank you so much. I do hope to enjoy playing this site.
Would these two be alright?
Would I be possible to be able to claim two of your Siberian Huskies? If that would be alright.
Hey! Thanks for mentioning this site. It actually looks pretty cool. I do have a question though. What are "glitches" here? Sorry. I was really curious.
Thank you for the TS's on my dogs! Happy Holidays!
Thank you for the bones! :)
Thank you for the items! It is much appreciated!
Mir, As you can see Iโve sent you {the rest of} the items in my inventory and all of my money. Iโm leaving ala for good because thereโs sadly just nothing left here for me. I hope you enjoy everything I have given you as a parting gift from me <3 Iโll miss you so much! Be good :)
Thanks for picking me in your giveaway :o
Thank you so much for the items Mirri!
Thank you for choosing me to be a part of your holiday giveaway! The bones mean a lot to me!
Thank you so much <3 That collar was Sorely needed, now i can train four at once <3
Thank you so much! If there is anything you would want in return, just ask!
MXXYYYY omg I just decided that I wanted to get back into this site and I saw the message about Queen Bluey and omgggg but I'm back now ily I'm sorry for suddenly disappearing~
god damn it clean your inbox
Lol you're right about the scene one, I haven't lately cause of the image issue.
Thank you so much!
'You cannot block a moderator.'
dont block 1
its forbidden
dont block 1
its forbidden
Thank you so much! :-)
Alright, haha.Sorry, they're cleared now.
You need to clean out your messages :P
Shoot me a message when you've got it cleaned out please :3
Shoot me a message when you've got it cleaned out please :3
Dog #333867 has finished training and has been returned home. That's all your dogs finished. Sorry this one took as long as it did! Life/school/harvest season/winterizing the farm kept me away from Ala more then I wanted. :(
I mean, yeye, true.
Excuse me!! ๐
Who'd you think filled my inbox, huh? :P
Who'd you think filled my inbox, huh? :P
your messages are full ! c:
Hiss hiss you evillll
i h8 u
also thank you my mirr
also thank you my mirr
my throat is so sore help
heck yea i will, and ye on my computer, with my fancy heckin tablet
heck yea i will, and ye on my computer, with my fancy heckin tablet
i mean
if you want
I like the ghosts
if you want
I like the ghosts
i mean about halloween things on furvilla
btw i'm number 3
btw i'm number 3
uh i'm good for now ty tho
Ye you r >:)
G a s p
Thass rude
Thass rude
Message Count: 190/200 |
I'm s o r r y xD
Hey if you do the cs event can I buy the pets, tokens and items from you?
Your messages are full, but the dog's ID is 360660 :)
your messages are currently full my dear ut yes ill give it a try :)
Thank you for the help~!
awe thank you! also i saw you are looking for art? why dont you send me a message if your interested. my da is mollyf50
I put 1359 ts on 343158.
446 used on 343158 today ^^
446ts put on 343158
448 ts on your 5000tp doggie
450 used on your cappy
446 ts used on capped
You inbox is full! I used 1008 TS on the capped dog
Inbox is full. Just wanted to ask you about the september cs pets.
Your mailbox is full ^^'
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyy birth
Oh, wow. Thank you so much, that helps me out a ton! I'll check out your giveaway!
Happy birthday friend!!!
I'm far away from the phone which is why I am saying it here
I'm far away from the phone which is why I am saying it here

No problemmm, I'm glad you like it ^^
Yes, you are much appreciated ^^
Yes, you are much appreciated ^^
Thank you
Oh my! Thank you so much! It's very appreciated <3
Dog #335446 has finished training and have returned home.
Thank you <3
thank you so much! i hope you have a nice day!
Your messages are full
I just wanted to say thank you!!!
Just letting you know I found the Scribble blocker code!
Thank you so much. ;v; I actually haven't been having a very good day, so that was a lovely thing to come on to see.
Thank you so much for using your training sessions on Oscar!!!! I appreciate it!
Thank you so much! It really helped me
Oh my goodness, thank you so much! I really appreciate it! :)
Ohmygod you have no clue how much you've just helped me! Thank you so much!
actually no; thank you for yelling at me for outrageous prices that i have full control over but i'm not going to change manually :)
because i don't like to manually set prices because then that gives people an opportunity to yell at me via scribble or PM for 'outrageous' prices
thank you mirri for pointing out a flaw in the shop reader :)
thank you mirri for pointing out a flaw in the shop reader :)
thank you :D
do you feel better now that you've actually slept
Thank you so much! ^.^
Thank you so much! You're such a generous person! :')
Thanks sooo much!
Can ya send it?
Sure, n
Proudly used 15 TS on your unmaxed 2 TP neutered Shiba.
((He's maxed now))
((He's maxed now))
I sent a request to breed Denver with one of your males.
Thank you for training sessions, very kind of you.
Wow, thanks a lot! That was really helpful :)
Thank you so much for the training sessions, it really helps!
Wow, thank you! ^^
Oh my gosh! Thank you haha I been trying to maxed these dog and slowly passing away.
I am so excited!
I am so excited!
Thank you so much for the training sessions they have helped a lot!! Your so sweet :)
awsome thank you!
Oh, wow thank you Mirri!
Thank you for the gift!! I look forward to playing more
Thanks a billion! I literally thought you gave me the money for my birthday, which is today XD
Thankyou so much you are too sweet! Definitely made me smile! Again thankyou so much!
Thank you so much for maxing out one of my dogs and training the other two!! I was totally surprised from your generosity. Definitely made my day <3
Thank you, luvvy! :)
Thank you so much!
Dang mir 0.0
Thank you so very much :D
Your messages are full love :)
:) :) :) :) :)
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Okay, no worries ^^
I'm in no rush. Take care of yourself first :)
I'm in no rush. Take care of yourself first :)
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much!
Ah kk. I was just curious about your background code(Not the image; just the code) and the floating image code/scribble blocker. I lost the copy file I had ;-;
Maxed Pup C!
Mirri, I hope you're feeling better!
I have some coding questions(willing to pay) but your inbox is full; can you shoot me a message when you've cleared them some?
I have some coding questions(willing to pay) but your inbox is full; can you shoot me a message when you've cleared them some?
Dog #334506 has finished training. I've sent them home.
Thank You so much! this is amazing! Today was the first time I've been on in a year so this is a lovely welcome back :) I usually only come on during the summer because I'm busy with school
Thank you for the TS gift! Very helpful. :)
Dog #325428 has finished training and has been returned home. Be warned that he has given me trouble with his health and I've had to rebirth him twice. He's maxed, vaccinated and fed so hopefully he won't be anymore trouble. I had health items on him, but he still dropped health pretty bad. Good luck. :)
Dog #325428 has finished training and has been returned home. Be warned that he has given me trouble with his health and I've had to rebirth him twice. He's maxed, vaccinated and fed so hopefully he won't be anymore trouble. I had health items on him, but he still dropped health pretty bad. Good luck. :)
Thank you sweet squirrel~
Now, I am off to fly in a rocket
Now, I am off to fly in a rocket
Thank you so much, Mirri. I admire you're generosity here on ala. Very sweet of you. Love ya.
~ Allie
~ Allie
Thank you so much!
Most dank thing ever.
It's own meme.
Most dank thing ever.
It's own meme.
Verrry dank
I watched it.
It was beautiful.
I watched it.
It was beautiful.
Really? XD
Really? XD
I must watch it
I regret not having my earphones.
I regret not having my earphones.
I don't even know XD I will watch it in the morning xD
Just.. remind me.
It looks glorious.
Just.. remind me.
It looks glorious.
You will be redeemed.
If you watch a Pepe video.
This video that I do not think I've ever ever watched xd
You will be redeemed.
If you watch a Pepe video.
This video that I do not think I've ever ever watched xd
Do not question Pepe.
You will be suspended from memes.
Do not question Pepe.
You will be suspended from memes.
I am the meme King.
I am the wonderfrog.
I am the meme King.
I am the wonderfrog.
*morphs into Pepe for no reason*
*morphs into Pepe for no reason*
Heck. Thank, fren x)
Thank you for the amazing gift!
Thank you! :D
thank you for your kind gift!
Whoa dude that is awesome~
Dog #307959 has finished training. They have been returned home. :)
c lear messages
Your messages were full, however, I was able to find the squirrel avatar in my previous messages!
message full but can i breed with one of your ghost husky with my ghost husky name ghost for 2,000?
Thank you so much!
Dog #334565 has finished training and has been returned home. :)
Thank you so much for using those sessions on Rusalka! :D
Maxed the second dog in the kennel and began on the third.
thanks!!!! nice and can always use that..
Aah, thank-you Mirri
Awe!! Thank you so much!!
On what?
Awww. ;u; thank you! You didn't have to >u< that definitely made my day though!
Awe thank you <3 I wish I remember where I got it from but I don't..hmm
heck heck you scared me. thank you so much !
I need an pharmacist
Aww thank you so much! I'll make sure to pass the love on and post what I gave to someone else in return.
Oh my goodness I am so sorry I didn't mean to refresh the page!
Omg I actually was having a rough day and I just saw that, thank you so much, that means a lot that you went out of your way to do that!
Omg I actually was having a rough day and I just saw that, thank you so much, that means a lot that you went out of your way to do that!
Dog #307961 has finished and has been returned home. :)
oh my gosh thank you so much! That is super nice of you:) HUGGLES
Thank you so much! I could not be any happier than right now!!
message full and ok just don't forget to train them some day i do not want to lose 5 bones
Dog #329397 has finished training and was returned home.
Ok thats fine ^.^
Hello. I was wondering if it would be possible for you to max a 2000tp Borzoi for me.
Maxed this babe!
Maxed this babe!
Dog #333563 has finished training and has been returned home. :)
This dog has been maxed!
This dog has been maxed!
Of course! Haha, I get lazy with training and it's easier to lay them all on out of kennel. cx
hmmm can't mods get them back possibly? Especially if she does not come back on:)
messsage full but i got some one to train them but you can train polo the pit bull
Also, you're welcome ;)
Lol that's weird. Your messages are full so you can't send messages?
My inbox is empty, :P
My inbox is empty, :P
haaaa I only have 9 gems. cx
Sadly I don't have another dog
Brutus please
oh are you trying to get something back from them then?
Could I buy your ts if no one else got to them first? Thank you so much
yes I can however I have not tried to message them in a while. I have been training other peoples dogs:) Have they not messaged you back ?
Of course!
And yes! I do!
And yes! I do!
Just wanted to let you know that I maxed this babe!
145.30 // Breedable (#346521)
145.30 // Breedable (#346521)
Thank you!
Thank you very much! :) I never expected such an amazing gift!
Thank you ^^
No, just whenever it suits you :)
No, just whenever it suits you :)
xD that's actually Remi, Jonea's dog.. it's for her birthday :')
I've gotta take it onto the computer, and it won't be finished on time :(
I'm glad you liked them though lol
Oh, awesome :) That'd be great, thank you very much ^^
I've gotta take it onto the computer, and it won't be finished on time :(
I'm glad you liked them though lol
Oh, awesome :) That'd be great, thank you very much ^^
Jump through a hoop and supply a healthy dose of squirrel memes, along with $200,000 lmao
You are too good to me. <3 Thank you so so much!
yep I will take them for Fernweh I will just send over the 125k:) Thanks again Mirri:)
Thanks again Mirri!
Thanks Mirri! I would like to purchase them again today:) I will just send over the 125k if for some reason your Ts are all taken today then you can just put them on tomorrow:) Just put them on Fernweh again! Thanks! Going to send the money right now:)
Thank you! I love that cow so much. But here the highlight of my day.
Went into a clothes store and there was these two guys sitting in the front. Walk pass them and was looking at dresses when I wanted to go buy a soda. Took my youngerโsister with me. Almost made it to the door until I tripped in the air right in front of the dudes.
Walked it off but was laughing so hard while the men looked at him like I lost it XD
Went into a clothes store and there was these two guys sitting in the front. Walk pass them and was looking at dresses when I wanted to go buy a soda. Took my youngerโsister with me. Almost made it to the door until I tripped in the air right in front of the dudes.
Walked it off but was laughing so hard while the men looked at him like I lost it XD
Eh I feel like someone hit me with a bat. Haha not very good but I'll be better.
Free used. Since you play the game more than I you can buy stuff with it or make a paintie something like that
Free used. Since you play the game more than I you can buy stuff with it or make a paintie something like that
Sorry about last night. I was in savage mode.
How was your morning? I am also sending the FD to you like I promise
How was your morning? I am also sending the FD to you like I promise
sure 17th would be great:) I will send over the 125k:)
Hi Mirri:) Will you be selling them tomorrow too? Ts? IF so I would like to buy them and have you put them on Grumbles dog Fernweh. Fernweh is on Grumbles main account:) IF your selling let me know and I will send over the 125k tomorrow:) I think you know her account# but if you do not look on my main scribbles and she has posted there:) Sorry so long. Thank you;)
I'll buy them for 125,000. Could you put them on Copycat than throw them on Welcome
I would love to buy all your ts
I'm great! Thanks! :)
Hi! How are you?
Okay, when should I pay?
I'm willing to buy until Sage, the dog on my side, is maxed.
I could use all of them, how much?
Yes =)
You are too too sweet. ;v; Thank you so so much. I really really appreciate it.
THANK YOU THOUGH! I maxed a few stats on the 3900+ TP Babe!
THANK YOU THOUGH! I maxed a few stats on the 3900+ TP Babe!
I will send them over now c:
I will send them over now c:
It was a orange glitch Shiba. I changed his name to Pumpkin Sunset than he was retired.
Yeah I brought a Shiba with one on him. I'll send it back to you
I have read your chat and I have brought a dog with a steampunk pony. If it's the player name and ID then I'll send it back
Ahh that's okay! Thanks for the help you have given! I will let you know when you are finished if I still need any help :) Thanks again
I am sending Uitiwaaen to #14978 so that he can be trained faster, so you can either train from there or pick a different dog in my kennel. I will be sending a high TP to this account from my side later today if you would like to do that. :)
Thank you so much for maxing my male!
Oh my goodness, bless you. <3
Yes those two :)
I'm currently working on Uitwaaien ( And another, the other that your scholar collar is on someone else is helping me train.
The training is getting close to done, it was a pretty high TP so it is taking a bit haha.
As of March 24th, 2017, I am temporarily inactive again.
View off-Ala contacts below.
View off-Ala contacts below.
quack quack its jesus
hey do you have a borter colle
Mirr, are you okay?
would you mind
s treaming
would you mind
s treaming
It is good. Cookie and creams it would help if my wifi just stops.
I'm about to just quit everything including this phone. It's getting on my last nerve
I'm about to just quit everything including this phone. It's getting on my last nerve
My self-confidence just poof. Now I'm gonna eat a crap load of icecream
e_e maybe
moolah B))))
Yeah...I sounded awful
OMG look at that squirrel
As of March 17th, 2017, I am semi-active.
View off-Ala contacts below.
View off-Ala contacts below.
Ahh, thank you so much. <3
I want to, but money
I also don't trust it to not expire by the time it gets here, even though its packaged to arrive still edible.
I don't know if my parents are still at the store, but next time we go, I'll see if we can pick them up.
I also don't trust it to not expire by the time it gets here, even though its packaged to arrive still edible.
I don't know if my parents are still at the store, but next time we go, I'll see if we can pick them up.
'amazon fresh'
aggressively buys all the meat and milk substitutes on the site
I wish
aggressively buys all the meat and milk substitutes on the site
I wish
oh okay
wtf, why did you get infraction points anyway?knowing everything is not a thing
s igh
wtf, why did you get infraction points anyway?knowing everything is not a thing
s igh
When you get more TS I'll take some :)
i'm your main chickld
i'm your main chickld
Keep 4 in the same kennel please
Which female? I'm a scatterbrain. And yes!
Deal! Can you do one at a time so I can move scholar collars around? The first one is "Keep F" in my second gen kennel
However many you are willing to part with at $75 :)
Can I buy some training sessions from you?
Why are you so sweet to me. I'm actually about to cry. Thank you so so much. <3 If you are really okay with that, I will be PMing you a list in a moment. cx I really appreciate it. <3 Thank you.
I did. You are too sweet. <3 Thank you so much. ;v;
I am (probs too late oops)! But if you are looking to take a mental health break, I wouldn't want to mess with that!
As of March 4th, 2017, I am temporarily inactive.
View off-Ala contacts below.
View off-Ala contacts below.
This User, Mx. Mirridiot (#34234) Is Taking A Mental Health Break.
There May Be A Slight Delay In All Responses, Thank You For Your Patience
There May Be A Slight Delay In All Responses, Thank You For Your Patience
is snowin
the double post XD
Thank you. ;v; You just saved my broke butt. cx
Still one more.
He had an accident, so I will start training him again on the fourth.
He had an accident, so I will start training him again on the fourth.
ye, das cool. congrats.
y e
love that we communicate in a series of 'ye's
ye, das cool. congrats.
y e
love that we communicate in a series of 'ye's
y e
Many flowers. But really, that's cool that you can store pictures somewhere.
do it
just do it, it's pretty. make that your main and the normal one your side
Many flowers. But really, that's cool that you can store pictures somewhere.
do it
just do it, it's pretty. make that your main and the normal one your side
p ictures
is it bad i want these two sims I've made to be actual characters of mine
because i love them
is it bad i want these two sims I've made to be actual characters of mine
because i love them
awesome :)
Damn it. I missed you.
I sent 5 Revitalisers because I wasn't sure how many you want me to send. Just let me know if you need to borrow a few more :)
I sent 5 Revitalisers because I wasn't sure how many you want me to send. Just let me know if you need to borrow a few more :)
hello, i've been informed there are pictures
I might need to find some screamo. I am sure I need some right now. Since today is a very horrible day
*boops nose and runs*
*boops nose and runs*
Yeah I might need a list. I also like to yell when I sign so make it the worst
Nooooo stupid computer.
Nooooo stupid computer.
I kinda need to be mean to someone. I haven't been to no one so I might go find someone.
Yeah but I couldn't hold my phone and it almost drop on my face.
Yeah but I couldn't hold my phone and it almost drop on my face.
That is stupid. I'm sorry to be all up in your business
Yeah it was just stiff. The stupidest unless thing. I should break it for real next time
Yeah it was just stiff. The stupidest unless thing. I should break it for real next time
So how did your essay go? Did your teacher graded it yet.
I was meaning to ask before I freaked out over my stupid finger
I was meaning to ask before I freaked out over my stupid finger
Well, get a good grade mentally then.
Of course it's now a power killing storm
Of course it's now a power killing storm
N I c e
You get a good grade on that essay
I just slept for around two hours, whoops
not really, b ut motivated
first im going to do something for myself. something quick, not really a big project.
also its 73 degrees here, i love it
not really, b ut motivated
first im going to do something for myself. something quick, not really a big project.
also its 73 degrees here, i love it
i have absolutely no motivation for the animation, so screw it
I'm here, where's struggle stream gen. 2
I'm here, where's struggle stream gen. 2
I've sent the heat cookie back over to you ^^
i made another SC account for like memes and stuff
so PM me your user and ill add you again on that one
so PM me your user and ill add you again on that one
Eh deleted it I go alone.. I don't need no one nor I don't want anyone to join me anyway
Yeah I did. I accidentally deleted the last message.
Sorry ;-; I'll leave now. Good luck
Sorry ;-; I'll leave now. Good luck
oh XD
rip my sense of intelligence
rip my sense of intelligence
active text?
*dabs with*
i love my avatar tho
Ethan dabbing
i love my avatar tho
Ethan dabbing
same tbh
i finished a Mark video a few minutes ago and now im just watching Sky play Super Smash
Tyler's editing skills tho
im also dying because crippling depression is striking back with everything that i told you about via SC :')
i finished a Mark video a few minutes ago and now im just watching Sky play Super Smash
Tyler's editing skills tho
im also dying because crippling depression is striking back with everything that i told you about via SC :')
watching youtube XD
watching youtube XD
come to me, but spray yourself with bug killer first
im k i dding you're fine
motivate me or something else
i aint the sharpest bork in the bork
i aint the sharpest bork in the bork
wassup nerd
Thank you so much for training him!!
Haha, I'm just glad he's maxed :P
Like I said, it would have taken me much longer :3
Haha, I'm just glad he's maxed :P
Like I said, it would have taken me much longer :3
yeah rain is ://// i hate it. i dont mind light rain but when its like you stand outside for 4 seconds and you're soaked, its not so much fun.
:D Awesome!!! Thank you!
Yeh, true lol
Sorry x)
Sorry x)
I'm doing pretty okay ^ - ^ kinda fed up because it keeps raining here so going outside isnt great and then i can't let my bunnies outside
hEllo how are you
Dogs in "Dogs in training (And/or dogs close to death)"
Why did I find this funny? XD
Why did I find this funny? XD
Great! :)
Sounds awesome lol
Sounds awesome lol
Awesome :3
I hope you get it haha
Awesome :3
I hope you get it haha
I don't even get that much TS in a day XD
I get 170.. Welp.
I don't even get that much TS in a day XD
I get 170.. Welp.
Oh, wow :o
That's amazing lol
Oh, wow :o
That's amazing lol
Hmm.. the one you used for the Capped dog?
Omg x)
How many TS do you use on a dog per day?
How many TS do you use on a dog per day?
Honestly, don't know how you do it xD
Honestly, don't know how you do it xD
:o that's amazing!!
From Elvis to Michael Jackson in a matter of seconds
ty, i love this
ty, i love this
Yep x)
Oh, great!! :D
How long have you been training him/her for?
Oh, great!! :D
How long have you been training him/her for?
Yep, that's definetly true :)
It would take me so long to train a 2000 TP dog, never mind a 4000-5000 TP dog lol
It would take me so long to train a 2000 TP dog, never mind a 4000-5000 TP dog lol
Aha, okay, if you're sure lol
That's exactly what I was thinking xD
That's exactly what I was thinking xD
Haha, it's cool. Just send the 700 and the 900 TP dogs over, if you wish :3
Better to get the higher TP dogs done first lol
And. Yeah, I should be lol
Hopefully.. :P
Better to get the higher TP dogs done first lol
And. Yeah, I should be lol
Hopefully.. :P
I usually don't cause I like to sleep early and get up early. But if you need me around those times than I can
Umm. Sure, I'll give it a shot lol
You want to send a couple over? I think I can take 2 :3
Maxed your paps and sent them home :)
If you want, you can Let me know if you have any dogs you need trained x)
If you want, you can Let me know if you have any dogs you need trained x)
I am not judging xD
Oh how much I hate it.
I have extra 171 TS you can have (if want). All my dogs are maxed so I'm stuck with these. Feel free to let me know which doggy I can put them on.
I have extra 171 TS you can have (if want). All my dogs are maxed so I'm stuck with these. Feel free to let me know which doggy I can put them on.
I got this stupid husky who won't work with me >:/
I can't find the right background..this is why I hate ghost huskies
I can't find the right background..this is why I hate ghost huskies
I am not! >:(
Do not judge me! :(
(Also, what? xD)
Do not judge me! :(
(Also, what? xD)
Awesome, thank you!
umm... that's faster than I could've done it, im not judging you,, i'm judging myself xD
umm... that's faster than I could've done it, im not judging you,, i'm judging myself xD
Yeah he a rude kid. He stressful and I hate it
I really want to hit my brother :)
He just scream at me and called me a fat ugly pig
He just scream at me and called me a fat ugly pig
That hitting me with a stick is still available
Here a question I am asking myself. Am I really about to spend 500K?
The answer..yes
The answer..yes
Hit me with a stick Squirrel
So there's a lot going on?
Hey, it's okay. I feel like that too sometimes.. and it makes me really. nervous.
(Which is why I try to avoid all contact with family members.. just so they don't ask me to do too much at once.)
Hey, it's okay. I feel like that too sometimes.. and it makes me really. nervous.
(Which is why I try to avoid all contact with family members.. just so they don't ask me to do too much at once.)
You okay,
You okay,
I am trying to get back up to a million. I had it until I brought a new doggy :-:
Money sent :3
Thank you :D
Thank you :D
I hope so
o kay
but can i go to canada
but can i go to canada
yeah I think that might be a good idea. Unless your me and spend like crazy..
okay, come here, i'll go to canada. We'll all be good
..some was my fault. Spending 350K you are nuts but hmm I have no clue
y E
i'm going to explode, it's so hot
It's 66*.
Its sweltering, help.
My window is open with the fan on, and my parents aren't letting me put on the air conditioner
i'm going to explode, it's so hot
It's 66*.
Its sweltering, help.
My window is open with the fan on, and my parents aren't letting me put on the air conditioner
im just gonna keep watching till its over
Awesome! I'll work on her when rollover hits!! C:
Ahh me toooo. I used to never come on and now it's one of my two mains. Cx
Thank you! Though it is low, so it isn't that great. Cx And you are too sweet. ;v;
Here is the boy who needs it, thank you! <3
Ahh me toooo. I used to never come on and now it's one of my two mains. Cx
Thank you! Though it is low, so it isn't that great. Cx And you are too sweet. ;v;
Here is the boy who needs it, thank you! <3
No TP limit here! C: I will try my hardest.
And yeah! I totally understand that, it just seems that I responded to her ad and sent them over right as she left. Cx It's a little amusing.
I actually finished maxing one and I'm really close to getting the other. Maybe three days? (Too bad out of kennel training doesn't put so much of a dent into training)
And yeah! I totally understand that, it just seems that I responded to her ad and sent them over right as she left. Cx It's a little amusing.
I actually finished maxing one and I'm really close to getting the other. Maybe three days? (Too bad out of kennel training doesn't put so much of a dent into training)
Cool! Just wanted to let you know I have room now! I should be able to start soon!
Just need to finish maxing the babes I sent to Allie for training. (my custom Aussies!) She hasn't been on so I've been using my TS. I hope she comes back soon. (Good thing they don't age if you don't log in)
Just need to finish maxing the babes I sent to Allie for training. (my custom Aussies!) She hasn't been on so I've been using my TS. I hope she comes back soon. (Good thing they don't age if you don't log in)
Hey hey! Are you still looking for trainers? C:
Zoom me up please
Zoom me up please
Of course XD but it also true my friend.
jesus, loud
i'd just like to say that one ofe the songs in Heathers is just an 80's funk yoga tape.
i'd just like to say that one ofe the songs in Heathers is just an 80's funk yoga tape.
oh yeah. im special i forgot c': i would buy bones from others but I'm pretty damn broke so its out of the question
*your page has been greeted by a wild Markimoo*
mirr, i do it all the time. It's fine
it's f i n e
you're f i n e
it's not a big deal
it's f i n e
you're f i n e
it's not a big deal
ye, you've shown it to me twice on maps and maybe once on snap
you show it to me all the time, and it's disturbing
o kay
o kay
I'm sorry
come to me
come to me
I finally ate at 12 or so.
I feel horrible, but hey, whatever
I also got in contact with an old friend
I feel horrible, but hey, whatever
I also got in contact with an old friend
yeah hopefully. its also the money side of things too. I wait for bone specials personally so I'm not literally spending $100 to get my 400TS xD
Uh, satan has been curled up on my lap for the past hour
neither of us have eaten
we're both hungry, but we're also both lazy and warm.
Uh, satan has been curled up on my lap for the past hour
neither of us have eaten
we're both hungry, but we're also both lazy and warm.
I'm doing pretty well, had a bit of a rough week but I brought home a new rescue hammie so it kinda makes up for all the bad stuff that has happened c':
training is hella fun. I'd want to set something up but first I wanna get at least 400TS for that. I have almost 300 which is an achievement for me lol
training is hella fun. I'd want to set something up but first I wanna get at least 400TS for that. I have almost 300 which is an achievement for me lol
thank you! how are you doing? c':
hI hi i hate to be a pain in the butt but how did you get your chat to be the original colour ? i've tried changing the background but then it just changes everything and I'm getting angry xD
That should be your status. Do it.
I will tell you who you are.
I will tell you what all of this, that you are is.
And I do know what this is. I'm just not gonna tell you xD
I will tell you who you are.
I will tell you what all of this, that you are is.
And I do know what this is. I'm just not gonna tell you xD
Ya Nasssssiiii.
Ye, I know. People can be roooood.
And I'm the same, I'm so quiet around strangers... but.. um.. this is a perfect example of what happens around friends xD
Again, same. I probably go way too far too, so it's okay xD
Yesss XD
Ye, I know. People can be roooood.
And I'm the same, I'm so quiet around strangers... but.. um.. this is a perfect example of what happens around friends xD
Again, same. I probably go way too far too, so it's okay xD
Yesss XD
Oh my god xD
That would have been amazing xD
Don't worry, we are all mean, terrible friends.
JuSt WaIt fOR thIs NeXT GIf.
That would have been amazing xD
Don't worry, we are all mean, terrible friends.
JuSt WaIt fOR thIs NeXT GIf.
Omg. Not Helping x'D
mY sTOmach HuRts.
mY sTOmach HuRts.
i DoNT eVen KnoW.
You are welcome >:D

please dont
they'd be so confused
and you'd probably pass out
they'd be so confused
and you'd probably pass out
noo rip doggos
they might say that, i hope not
they might say that, i hope not
you go eatti your spaghetti
i went into this, and just kinda had no plan besides the character's personality and the meaning of the story
We ended up with a pointy eared fur-child, and a flop-eared fur-child.
I don't have objections
School: "ew no furries"
me: "ew no humans"
School: "we cant show this"
me: "i spent a month on this, excuse me????"
i went into this, and just kinda had no plan besides the character's personality and the meaning of the story
We ended up with a pointy eared fur-child, and a flop-eared fur-child.
I don't have objections
School: "ew no furries"
me: "ew no humans"
School: "we cant show this"
me: "i spent a month on this, excuse me????"
huehuehue i choose good stuff B))) I have a touch of OCD so everything as to be perfect, I changed the cat boxes like 15 times because the colour didn't fit. i think i spent an hour coding and even longer on the cat bc im smart of course
this is how i feel tbh
this is how i feel tbh
no you may not B)))))))
im kidding dont hurt me pls
im kidding dont hurt me pls
ow, get cough drops
jenna and julien, only people who ask what pronouns their doggo uses
jenna and julien, only people who ask what pronouns their doggo uses
I mean, actually, i have to press a button to get it all together, so i guess it does?
im taking a small break and im gon work on the first half
I just finished putting together storyboard for the opening to my animation, yeeeeee
zoom zoom, sanic?
the images are absolutely beautiful
kill em mirr-ger
also, drama went amazing. We all had a big laugh at my lines and I was a very grumpy, yet memey, old man.
I also got my friends and I a table at a restaurant, so we can all go for dinner after friday's dance.
kill em mirr-ger
also, drama went amazing. We all had a big laugh at my lines and I was a very grumpy, yet memey, old man.
I also got my friends and I a table at a restaurant, so we can all go for dinner after friday's dance.
O boi
Julien is great
I feel absolutely horrible right now. I'm half curled up around Satan because my stomach hurts, and I don't want to get up
Julien is great
I feel absolutely horrible right now. I'm half curled up around Satan because my stomach hurts, and I don't want to get up
Your welcome. The other should be home today soon.
Yeah boi! One doggy maxed sending them home now
im sorry it crashed again
im just gonna
stay away for now
ill come back at like 10:30-11, im gon read more fanfic
k ty
bye, 'night if i fall asleep
im just gonna
stay away for now
ill come back at like 10:30-11, im gon read more fanfic
k ty
bye, 'night if i fall asleep
Goodnighty Mirri. I'll talk to you in the morning
Whatever happens
Remember me.
Cause I am dying
Remember me.
Cause I am dying
aw, you should eat something if you havent yet
aw, you should eat something if you havent yet
I'm sorry mirr, are you feeling any better now?
how'd i end up here, what
me: okay lets see the comments for this meme
someone else: Donnie Darko?
me: yes child
how'd i end up here, what
me: okay lets see the comments for this meme
someone else: Donnie Darko?
me: yes child
it's a m'y day
That sound exciting. Well I'm off to bed again.
I'll see you later
I'll see you later
Hello dear Mirri
I am doing nothing since I have nothing to do. I'll be sitting here for a while
I am doing nothing since I have nothing to do. I'll be sitting here for a while
Mhm, the meeting crashed
What even is your brother
He sucks, I'm sorry about that
He sucks, I'm sorry about that
I got home but bro not kidding about this.
I literally jump out of my car when we got back and bolted into the house like a mad man
I literally jump out of my car when we got back and bolted into the house like a mad man
Very good time for a very bad boi
Ye, accurate
Ye, accurate
Nah spend it all. You need to buy everything for no reason.
But I am in the middle of no where help me :/
But I am in the middle of no where help me :/
l oud shrugging
i've gone off on a tangent of watching inspiring videos while drawing a new character.
o boi screamy. 8.5/10
i've gone off on a tangent of watching inspiring videos while drawing a new character.
o boi screamy. 8.5/10
ik you don't watch SU and probably don't care for the vids of it I send you, but this song is helpful
I guess but it' strange XD
Nah spend it all. Everthing
Nah spend it all. Everthing
Why is this a thing? ;-;
I might try for rollover but I haven't decided yet
I like how I said I was going to leave but yet I'm still here
I might try for rollover but I haven't decided yet
I like how I said I was going to leave but yet I'm still here
I'll be on maybe tonight. I just found out we are going to eat out with family. So I don't know how long that would be
I might get off for the rest of the night. I need to think about where I am going to go tomorrow.
Now I'm going to stuff myself with food until I get sick. Bye
Now I'm going to stuff myself with food until I get sick. Bye
lets feel awful together
would you like lactose pills
or ibuprofen/petobismal
would you like lactose pills
or ibuprofen/petobismal
if you do not want to see your mom again
i would try to understanddddddd
i would try to understanddddddd
Yep x3 they're all getting so old.
At the start of the year I had 5 dogs in it.. whoops.
At the start of the year I had 5 dogs in it.. whoops.
Nah, only the fit survive :P
Yeah, sorry. I came back to 15 CHW ;-:
ye boi
ye boi
me and you
what the honest hell did you just send me
i have mixed feelings
but they're mostly positive
but they're mostly positive
Deleted a few, lovely.
Ehhh.. you got any under 1000TP?
Ok :)
Ok :)
I've been asleep for three hours
Now I'm just really groggy and annoyed
Now I'm just really groggy and annoyed
how to make vegan spicy tuna sushi
yes please
im not vegan but i dont like fish, but i want this
yes please
im not vegan but i dont like fish, but i want this
I maxed your dog and sent her back :)
If you're still needing dogs trained, feel free to send another over :D
Also, do you want any of these glitch husky pups, before i retire them?
If you're still needing dogs trained, feel free to send another over :D
Also, do you want any of these glitch husky pups, before i retire them?
Yeee old doggo
Go old doggo, live your dreams.
Go old doggo, live your dreams.
Good idea, you do that
Still, just in case it happens
Still, just in case it happens
Ye boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
O h I didn't even realize the time. You should sleep, I should awake
The being in sync thing is actually really cool, I've done my best to log in every day, and stay off a day if you end up offline for a day, which I don't think has happened in a while
That's creepy sounding, but you do what you gotta do
O h I didn't even realize the time. You should sleep, I should awake
The being in sync thing is actually really cool, I've done my best to log in every day, and stay off a day if you end up offline for a day, which I don't think has happened in a while
That's creepy sounding, but you do what you gotta do
100 More days
This is the year I hit 666 days played
Makes sense, with the way it's starting out
If I didn't love the simplicity of my ID number, I would just never log back on this account to preserve the beauty
This is the year I hit 666 days played
Makes sense, with the way it's starting out
If I didn't love the simplicity of my ID number, I would just never log back on this account to preserve the beauty
Awesome!! Thank you!
Ah, okay. That makes sense.
Well, damn. That sucks.
Well, damn. That sucks.
I don't understand why you don't just set an alarm for rollover and sleep xD
Ya lucky xD
Ty, much appreciation xD
Shhhh.. you saw nothing. It's fixed now, but you saw nothing xD
Don't worry dear I won't fail you. I promise
Ah okay I got yah. Maybe but I need to go through the pain. I need to sweat and learn to go over boundaries.
Send them right over
Send them right over
Alright if you are okay with it. I am willing to train 344788 and Gidget
My morning was fine until I wasn't able to make crystals today in my science class. Then my mother kept stressing me out when I got home. So I could be better
I mean I knew it was coming. I just didn't know it was this week. So I don't feel anything but I will be sad to see him go. I don't get to see him that much anymore since of Gerald but I guess it will be alright.
How the squirrel doing ?
How the squirrel doing ?
This kid is 14 and he anger me a lot. He leaving but god the faces he give me.
So I found out my father is leaving Thursday to go back to Pennsylvania
So I found out my father is leaving Thursday to go back to Pennsylvania
I got another kid to play with him but he has that I don't give a crap voice and it's kinda annoying
This kid has killed me. XD so much energy for a three year old
Lots of chocolate. That pretty much what it is
No you are not. You just need a long break with a soft bed with no one bothering you.
Here I'll share some of my cake. Getting my third piece right now
Here I'll share some of my cake. Getting my third piece right now
That's pretty exciting! Congratulations. Nothing happen at school just the same old.
I kinda wish I had a life where I would have fun but that would be a miracle
I kinda wish I had a life where I would have fun but that would be a miracle
I got a headache from school but eh. Anything exciting happened?
Boring but I'm happy your here. Very happy what would I do without my Squirrel?
Be a lonely cow yess.
Be a lonely cow yess.
yeee boi
kickt it
bop it
kickt it
bop it
I got up late, I was convinced it was 9:00, it was only 7:45
i nailed that math test
i crushed it
i probably did horribly, but i CRUSHED IT
I got up late, I was convinced it was 9:00, it was only 7:45
i nailed that math test
i crushed it
i probably did horribly, but i CRUSHED IT
How are you paretn?
Hello mi mirr
She could be a queen.
How are you today?
How are you today?
Miss. Bluey is gorgeous
my team won the Super Bowl
Knew they'd do it
Those disgusting, sweaty, oversized dwarves
my team won the Super Bowl
Knew they'd do it
Those disgusting, sweaty, oversized dwarves
It better than none. That's sucks you have to wait another month to buy more.
I still can't believe you took on three cappies. Respected mam I respect you.
I still can't believe you took on three cappies. Respected mam I respect you.
I have 84 TS left. I am getting more tomorrow as I bought a few more dogs slots. But eh I'm not much of a fond of TS that much
Oh alright. :( I hope you feel better
Would you like to talk about it? (Though pm)
Are you sick again?
God I was up then I feel back to sleep ;-; I'm sorry
Of course! And thank you! c:
I'll pm so no one can read our conversation
Are you free to talk?
That's all of them. Thank you
I just want to let you know this is pushiment. (For me) if I can't keep my mouth shut I don't deserve a second chance.
I am sending back all your dogs. I just need to let you know before I go ahead and do it
They didn't, which I find kind of odd? They basically scraped out the inside of the tooth after giving me a ton of meds, and said you're good. We have extra strength pain killers in the cabinet. I've gotten used to them, but they should work.
Actually really good, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected.
My tooth hurts really bad now, though. They took away the decay and put a medical filling in it, and cleaned the others.
Now i'm listening to the edgyโข version of Highschool Musical
My tooth hurts really bad now, though. They took away the decay and put a medical filling in it, and cleaned the others.
Now i'm listening to the edgyโข version of Highschool Musical
no it's because i'm full of Novocaine.
but close enough
but close enough
i cant feel my face
Sure! I'll set it to that!
oh jeez, here we are again! hah! How about all the backgrounds? I love giving my dogs scenes, ya know. And the hospital IV. the duckling, maybe? And the bubble eye ^^" The rest you should sell to people and get money for <3 xD
Yup!! Everything's going over to 10072. Thank you so much, Mirri!
Let me know on 10072 when you're inbox is clear, and I'll message you the amounts of everything. (I kept track so you could just clear everything out)
Let me know on 10072 when you're inbox is clear, and I'll message you the amounts of everything. (I kept track so you could just clear everything out)
Your inbox is full!
But I do suppose that might be alright. ^^ What were you thinking?
But I do suppose that might be alright. ^^ What were you thinking?
oh baby lord jesus spare this squirrel
is that how praying works
is that how praying works
pretty much, just colder
do you have any interest in watching me draw some old dead dude, because, i have a project to do?
pretty much, just colder
do you have any interest in watching me draw some old dead dude, because, i have a project to do?
cant you just give it to the police or somethin
It was snow-storming practically, now it's bright, happy, sunny, and snow-free.
Welcome to my state.
cant you just give it to the police or somethin
It was snow-storming practically, now it's bright, happy, sunny, and snow-free.
Welcome to my state.
why is my mirro at the doctor
To tell you
i'm sorry for killing harambe
but when i meme, dat boi's never
i'm sorry for killing harambe
but when i meme, dat boi's never
Alright, thank you :)
Haha... it shouldn't be that long lol
Uh.. it depends how quickly you want it done haha. I'd just say not over 1000 TP :3
Okay :3
Well, I have space for two more doggos to train xD
There. I have finally maxed the corgi haha
Just let me know if you are wanting any more dogs trained :)
Just let me know if you are wanting any more dogs trained :)
;-; I started out simple then I made it harder on myself. Then I got this. (My character Road KILL)
Later I might do art for 25 (Alice) I want to get her drawn for this book I'm writing.
Later I might do art for 25 (Alice) I want to get her drawn for this book I'm writing.
I have turn a poor thing into a weird thing ;-;
I am drawing a galaxy bulk. Why? XD
were you looking to buy 5 bones for 625k?
God damn it xD
No you don't. xD
I'm regretting it already... but you're still a slave, ha xD
I called you a slave, fite me.
Damn it XD
Damn it XD
Silence, slave.
You can fite me.
I swear I will talk in Russian all day and you'll be be confused af.
I swear I will talk in Russian all day and you'll be be confused af.
ะญัะพ ะฝะต ะทะฝะฐัะธั ะฝะธัะตะณะพ, ะฝะพ ััะพ ะดะตะปะฐะตั.
I strongly reccomend usingThis. Google translate sucks.
I strongly reccomend usingThis. Google translate sucks.
Humans, I know that much.
I'm trying my hand at painting elven queen.
Agreed, I'm a big fan of the soundtrack. Asgore's battle theme is probably my favorite.
This one?
what're you up to?
I'm trying my hand at painting elven queen.
Agreed, I'm a big fan of the soundtrack. Asgore's battle theme is probably my favorite.
This one?
what're you up to?
arting, and stuff
Currently blaring undertale music in my ears since it's good at calming me down sometimes.
Currently blaring undertale music in my ears since it's good at calming me down sometimes.
ey mirr
I come back from dinner and you're gone
I'm doing decent mirr, doing decent.
I'm doing decent mirr, doing decent.
not now tho
not mark now
not mark now
whats the peppa pig one
do i want to know
no i dont
apparently it's just unlisted.
whats the peppa pig one
do i want to know
no i dont
apparently it's just unlisted.
w hat
okay then
do you know how long until the livestream goes up (mark's)? I'm just gonna watch an old one if I can
okay then
do you know how long until the livestream goes up (mark's)? I'm just gonna watch an old one if I can
Mirr mo I'm a kiddo
Trying, told my dad.
He didn't care much, but eh
Trying, told my dad.
He didn't care much, but eh
I found the cosplay I want for pretty cheap, $33, no shipping cost. Comes from China, and If I buy it now it'll come sometime early-late march. Seller has really good reviews.
Please, I'm just hoping I can get birthday money. If I get 10-20 from my Grandmother, which I normally do, and more from other family members, I can go and buy a visa pre-paid, and get it.
I found the cosplay I want for pretty cheap, $33, no shipping cost. Comes from China, and If I buy it now it'll come sometime early-late march. Seller has really good reviews.
Please, I'm just hoping I can get birthday money. If I get 10-20 from my Grandmother, which I normally do, and more from other family members, I can go and buy a visa pre-paid, and get it.
m irr mo
Oh boy here they come. :D
36767, preferably
If I could reserve two slots, that'd be great
And I was expecting a 1000 messages this morning. LOL
ty for my doggos
would you like more
would you like more
Aggravated sighing
I kept getting up throughout the night
I'm not terribly tired but I feel horrible
I kept getting up throughout the night
I'm not terribly tired but I feel horrible
Ty for helping my brain not explode in confusion
Good Pandora
I have 26 minutes left, I just have to get past 10:50
Ty for helping my brain not explode in confusion
Good Pandora
I have 26 minutes left, I just have to get past 10:50
I think I completely messed up on the idea of the ts companions
I thought it was +2 every day
Monday: 1 ts
Tuesday 3 ts
Wednesday 5 ts
Pandora does that a lot to me
Rest in music
I think I completely messed up on the idea of the ts companions
I thought it was +2 every day
Monday: 1 ts
Tuesday 3 ts
Wednesday 5 ts
Pandora does that a lot to me
Rest in music
You're welcome! c:
My brain hurts
Pandora stop
My brain hurts
Pandora stop
I could pay roughly a million for 8 bones, get 8 slots, or I can spend roughly a million on a companion, and over the course of the year get a years worth of ts
The companion seems more beneficial to me
The companion seems more beneficial to me
Gosh darn it Mirri
You have a tabbing problem, stop being a hoarder squirrel. Close that music
I found a ts giving companion for under a million
I'm going to buy it
Then regret it
You have a tabbing problem, stop being a hoarder squirrel. Close that music
I found a ts giving companion for under a million
I'm going to buy it
Then regret it
Mirridiot and noodle
Capping out JRTs since 2018
Mirridiot and noodle
Capping out JRTs since 2018
This is fine
Me and my 24 dog slots
68 ts
We can definitely create a capped line
No problem
I swear I'll end up paying more to board dogs than to train them
Me and my 24 dog slots
68 ts
We can definitely create a capped line
No problem
I swear I'll end up paying more to board dogs than to train them
Makes no sense because I only have 109/200 messages. Cleared out some of my other inbox folders. Maybe it'll work now?
Thank you I'll go through them in a little bit.
Alright. Do you have anymore sunset you don't mind sharing with me?
Thank you. My art teacher is usually strick so i might not be able to use it but I'll try.
I can do 250K each one but not 300K that's just crazy overpay.
Oh I wish. I would love to help you out. There is a bone UFA but that's for 300K and I don't think bones are worth that much.
np, messages cleared
Money: 0 :') I feel so rich right now.
ty for my doggos
Dude we are twins ;-;
I miss you too. Now I'm going to sit here with my hurting chest.
Finally I awakene from my sleep :D now I am a zombie
I can do that. Feel free to send them all over.
5 or 10 is okay. I just don't want to be buried under dogs.
Maybe a few just don't kill me with them XD
Your welcome but doesn't mean I don't miss them.
Goodbye babies. Mirri will take care of you (sniffles)
They was good kids even if they don't pay rent.
Goodbye babies. Mirri will take care of you (sniffles)
They was good kids even if they don't pay rent.
If you stream I'll stop this madmess
All sent back. I still have the sick one I'll make sure to send her over at rollover.
We are
Honestly, I'm in the mirrdle.
Should I stay or let it go?
Mirby I'll just do whatever.
Who knows? Perhaps Mi'll just go back
Honestly, I'm in the mirrdle.
Should I stay or let it go?
Mirby I'll just do whatever.
Who knows? Perhaps Mi'll just go back
Alright then.
We took the picture.
We are a nooble
I am the you, but as a dot in the mirr-or
We took the picture.
We are a nooble
I am the you, but as a dot in the mirr-or
Did you take the picture
You didn't draw it
Mirri I'm scared ;-; why are there two of you?
I only love one not too.
I only love one not too.
Give me your CSS code
Do it
Walk 16+ hours
I'll make you a vegan feast
And there'll be cats
And doggo
Do it
Walk 16+ hours
I'll make you a vegan feast
And there'll be cats
And doggo
Homework done :)
It's going to happen, I want it to.
I need to be able to get past midnight for once.
Energy companion?
I mean, I have three JRTs I need trained so
I need to be able to get past midnight for once.
Energy companion?
I mean, I have three JRTs I need trained so
It's only five questions but I really don't like history and don't want to do it but I guess I must.
I'm staying up tonight.
All night, or at least till 3 am, rollover.
I'm going to do it, no matter how tired I get.
Bring it on sleep
All night, or at least till 3 am, rollover.
I'm going to do it, no matter how tired I get.
Bring it on sleep
i meant tp, but ey
training open?
training open?
Why. Why must I forgot the most important things. :') now I can't sleep until I get it done.
i guess not
id get them for you
but my FR bank is sad too
but my FR bank is sad too
it was 30k
thats not much
i have less than 500k left
thats not much
i have less than 500k left
i take it back
there's a money companion for 3 million in flea's shop
i want it
i don't have enough money for it
there's a money companion for 3 million in flea's shop
i want it
i don't have enough money for it
im here
im awake
im here
im awake
Do you feel okay enough to stream? If not, that's perfectly fine.
Y ep
I want to go back to sleeping
But it's 6:40
I want to go back to sleeping
But it's 6:40
Excuse me what
Get off my mirr
Don't crush mirr
Get off my mirr
Don't crush mirr
Did you just
I am the dusty meme
Good mirr
I'm wide awake bring it on tired-ness
I am the dusty meme
Good mirr
I'm wide awake bring it on tired-ness
I made slight progress, need more motivation
it's 8 pm and i haven't even started to finish my room.
I'm just watching GMC
s igh
time to clean
I'm just watching GMC
s igh
time to clean
Willing to show me it?
eyyy i was actually gonna procrastinate and art
can i join the darkened art corner of art
can i join the darkened art corner of art
Faceup, want to do art stuff
darn even the squirrel knew the truth
i mean technically i was only cleaning for 20 minutes, i have to put everything downstairs to get washed and shove some stuff in the closet, a friend's coming over so my room has to be...
darn even the squirrel knew the truth
i mean technically i was only cleaning for 20 minutes, i have to put everything downstairs to get washed and shove some stuff in the closet, a friend's coming over so my room has to be...
I just spent an hour rubbing off a doll's face. Half of it.
Still need to finish cleaning,
For the most time, same
I just spent an hour rubbing off a doll's face. Half of it.
Still need to finish cleaning,
For the most time, same
i take it back
this song isn't really that good, get out of here 2004. This is the 60's-80's station.
this song isn't really that good, get out of here 2004. This is the 60's-80's station.
i'm aggressively cleaning my room to 80's music
The only thing I actually like that's come on is MJ. Everything else is decent.
The only thing I actually like that's come on is MJ. Everything else is decent.
Here's your heat cookie back, 11 or so hours later
I like that
I like that
Men: 0
Mirr: 69
Mirr: 69
I read 'organic' as ''orgasmic"
Please no
Because it's natural puppo
Please no
Because it's natural puppo
NASA puppo
NASA puppo
Sent over
Quick question, could I borrow your heat cookie?
Quick question, could I borrow your heat cookie?
Did you want the other two? I'll just be retiring them if not, and that's alright with you.
Haha, yeah. Trying to keep her around as long as possible :P
You're welcome :D
Yeah, you can send more over :)
I think I have space for 2 :P
You're welcome :D
Yeah, you can send more over :)
I think I have space for 2 :P
Sent your two dogs back :)
Also sent you an extra Survivor`s Martingale Collar for Bluey c:
Also sent you an extra Survivor`s Martingale Collar for Bluey c:
Corgis are born.
OMG I love it :)
How much do you want me to send send over?
(I can't think straight, and I can't remember -.-)
How much do you want me to send send over?
(I can't think straight, and I can't remember -.-)
K, let me finish up trailing
I'll try
I'll try
Nope no thanks
I'm bored
I'm bored
I can't easily do that one, it's their aunt's phone, not theirs
my friend really needs to hurry up and respond to this text
Well, nice
You mentioned fires, then left for a few hours.
you alright?
I wish school would hurry up and so I can wait minutes before I can go home.
You want?
You want?
Okay :D
YAY! I'm so proud of my boys. (I'll donate soon)
Would you like to share that with me? :3
Dude me too. You should go get us food.
Yessss. Feel all my love.
//hugs tight back//
//hugs tight back//
MY BEST FRIEND (That's right people. Mine not yours)
I'm sorry XD
MY BEST FRIEND (That's right people. Mine not yours)
I'm sorry XD
Uh.. on would probably be easier xD
And at that stage literally all of his photos had those sunglasses xD
So... is on okay? Haha
And at that stage literally all of his photos had those sunglasses xD
So... is on okay? Haha
//agressively M'MIRR's
Yes you do. Thank you for listening to my horrible day. Which doesn't make it better as my arting skills just upset me more.
I threw all my love on your doggy. Mostly because it's my fault for breeding them..
Love=TS but who knows. I mightove them too.
I'll stalk your children too. All the children..
Children=Dogs (oh god) how much bigger can my hole get? Call people I'm the first talking dinosaur
Love=TS but who knows. I mightove them too.
I'll stalk your children too. All the children..
Children=Dogs (oh god) how much bigger can my hole get? Call people I'm the first talking dinosaur
Great. I think I might head off to bed now. Will be woken up at 1 and I need at least a few hours of sleep. Help my soul and wait I'll message you it cause it still cracks me up.
Oh noo I broke you XD but just don't give anyone a bear hug and you'll be good.
Oo I love this story. A old crush of mine wanted to hug me but it was a bear hug. So I said sure why not.
Oh..My god.. I thought I died. It hurt like I been shot in the leg or something. The pain was awful. Just imagine a football player. Go down below of how strong they are and you get your guy.
It was months. Just when I thought it was better my boyfriend decided to play football with me. Well I trip so did he and slams his head into the same spot :D
Hell came back
Oh..My god.. I thought I died. It hurt like I been shot in the leg or something. The pain was awful. Just imagine a football player. Go down below of how strong they are and you get your guy.
It was months. Just when I thought it was better my boyfriend decided to play football with me. Well I trip so did he and slams his head into the same spot :D
Hell came back
take my parents and their 'no social media' rules.
I spent like an hour or two coloring, drawing, and sketching this thing
I hate myself so much
he is my son
also no that color palette is going to kill my eyes, so chances are I'm changing it. That was just an experiment since I want a galaxy theme for him, and those markings
take my parents and their 'no social media' rules.
I spent like an hour or two coloring, drawing, and sketching this thing
I hate myself so much
he is my son
also no that color palette is going to kill my eyes, so chances are I'm changing it. That was just an experiment since I want a galaxy theme for him, and those markings
it'll all be fine
everything is a'okay
it'll all be fine
everything is a'okay
That's it for me, I mean. if you don't want stuff, you can just send it to me, if you don't want to junk it or sell it. My friend on here, Heichou, we usually send things to each other that we don't want, so if you send me things, I'll probably send them along in a chain of good deeds ^^"
you finished two art pieces today
i started one and gave up for the rest of the day
i started one and gave up for the rest of the day
you inspire me
I don't know where's that is but fine.
I will find ya and fite ya.
I will find ya and fite ya.
Hah, fite me!
thank you
Omg xD
That idea was so messed up, but it made me laugh, and I needed that :P
That idea was so messed up, but it made me laugh, and I needed that :P
I want them all to Die so I can have more dog slots!
(I'm a great person xD)
(I'm a great person xD)
it'd be too much
Hoarder - noun
definition: Mirri.
Hoarder - noun
definition: Mirri.
ok you have 135 dogs boarded here :)
oh my god
i t ' s
n o t
j you s t
p h a s e
m o m
oh my god why
i t ' s
n o t
j you s t
p h a s e
m o m
oh my god why
no, son, i'm..
d a d d i n g you
and i never really liked mah-jong all that much lol
d a d d i n g you
and i never really liked mah-jong all that much lol
oh wow thANKS MIRRI
I took a little bit of a hiatus some odd years ago. Maybe like a year and a half? Something like that.
you should magically transport some candy canes to Maine friend
you should magically transport some candy canes to Maine friend
Hi! :D
You never did tell me, no! I'll go and add ye right now pal
"kermit's a nassy boi"
You never did tell me, no! I'll go and add ye right now pal
"kermit's a nassy boi"
mirriiiIII ! !!
h en lo you stinky boidiot
h en lo you stinky boidiot
Good morning Boidiot how are you?
ayyo boi
yo nassy
yo nassy
I'm not broth, I'm the entire soup
My messages are a cup, yes
Hey :)
Ahh I love your avatar. So I feel weird like hey go in a hole or something? It is strange....
Telling you this is might not be on as much today. So the stream might be cancel due to my lacks of being stable.
Telling you this is might not be on as much today. So the stream might be cancel due to my lacks of being stable.
Haha, I know, but still ๐ Lol
Oh, sorry x3 I completely forgot to retire these pit bulls ;-;
Thank you for training them, though, and no need to worry about the vaccinations :3
Thank you for training them, though, and no need to worry about the vaccinations :3
Nice! :D your so close (sorry i jumped off) guess I'm going to go for a few. I'll be back (going to watch YouTube)
hello :0
hello :0
I love your avatar BTW
:o please don't die on me.
Hello friend. So my phone is still charging but I'll be on here for a few.
same lol
Hello my dear. Trico loves you (I love you more but she can love you also)
hngg <333 Thank you so much aaaahhh.
hngg <333 Thank you so much aaaahhh.
WOW thank you so much for all the gummy spiders!
I....don't think I do LOL. They should all be smooth.
Also, bottom of my kennel there's a bunch of newborn puppies, take your pick :)
Thank you darling!!!
Trico loves you.
Your welcome ;)
But the thanks goes to you all the way :D
But the thanks goes to you all the way :D
I just told El Iiiiii'm Tyler this, but I love what you did with your username xD And your avatar :P
there you are, m'parent,
You said you hated it
so i burned it
You said you hated it
so i burned it
I am Satan XD
yo waddup
there's your decent looking person with slightly past ear length floofy curly hair.
there's your decent looking person with slightly past ear length floofy curly hair.
Mirr! How are you?
Oops i will clear them out. Thank you SO much Mirridiot!!
thanks for maxing my doggies
That blew me away, this blows me away. People like you both are what help makes games like this great. :) I think I about threw off my feet at this point.
i might b mad
hAha your tag omg
Do you want to send me #335651?
It's all good xD
I feel like you're watching me from the shadows, especially after both those attacks..
Good morning
Good Morning :)
Yes in the mouth of the blue whale. Well I'm heading off goodnight โก
Awe your gonna make me cry. Let's just go cry on a boat, in the middle of nowhere together.
Your welcome you mean a lot to me so I have to pay back. Your a good friend and I love that. I know I didn't say it a lot but you are like family to me.
Your Halloween drawing This is a preview as you are the third friend I drew for :)
It will be done before halloween.
It will be done before halloween.
Mine is a Cow but hope this gif helps :)
Alrightly your turn :3
Squirrel right? (Hoping)
*Animal* Oh noo I forgot it xD
Favorite go
yes pls
my mom was so done with me
I kinda just ran down the stairs
whipped at my mom
then went back up
my mom was so done with me
I kinda just ran down the stairs
whipped at my mom
then went back up
I made one myself XD I bought a manikin head just to make these because memes
Harambe died for your sins, woman,
I guess she doesn't have a harambae
They call it gorilla glue because harambe was what held our nation together.
I guess she doesn't have a harambae
They call it gorilla glue because harambe was what held our nation together.
Thank you
" I want to lick the back of your hand "-Rhett
" Do it "- Link
Listen to today's gmm
No picture, just the sound
" Do it "- Link
Listen to today's gmm
No picture, just the sound
Oh. My. God.. I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean for it to be that big XDD

_ /) mo / ) |/)\) /\_ \__|= ( ) __)(__ _____/ \\_____ | _ ___ _ || | | \ | | \ || | | | | | | || | |_/ | |_/ || | | \ | | || | | \ | | || | | \. _|_. | . || | || | Mx. Mirridiot || | || * | * ** * ** |** ** \))ejm97/.,(//,,..,,\||(,,.,\\,.((//
You can't escape the Halloween names.
Thank you that made my day XD
RIP Tango
RIP Mirri
tell harambe i said hi
RIP Mirri
tell harambe i said hi
whats wrong with you, who hurt you, are you okay, should I call a doctor, I think I need to call an ambERLAMPS
mirri i'm dead
mirri i'm dead
Thanks for buying my dog <3 take good care.
ofc i remember you :P you are the fizzlecakes and i am the sizzlecakes
Your free hug has arrived. Enjoy and pass it on. :)
thank you for training Huckleberry c:
A good book series. Called hold me closer necromancer. You should totally check it out I remnant it to you.
Your pictures of Rhett are just so beautiful.
Hey Mirri!
Awesome pic of Rhett.
Good Mythical Morning!
Awesome pic of Rhett.
Good Mythical Morning!
Thanks Mirri parent <3
Also happy 700th to you!
Also happy 700th to you!
your layout is hella rad ok bye
Thank you for listening Mirr <3
I'm literally just trying to slow down my training queue at this point. xD I'll *maybe* work on Rusalka after I max out Phoebe, Octavia, and Rynn. x_x
And I'll have to work on Meraki on the side. Because I told myself that that dog would be maxed a long time ago, but here I am.
And I'll have to work on Meraki on the side. Because I told myself that that dog would be maxed a long time ago, but here I am.
Me a Month Ago: "I'm not getting another capped dog for a long time. Too much work."
Me 2 Days Ago: "You know, I really like money."
Me Now: "Isn't Rusalka pretty?"
Me Inside: Please save me. *coughimighthavetobuymoreTSfromyouinthefuturecough*
Me 2 Days Ago: "You know, I really like money."
Me Now: "Isn't Rusalka pretty?"
Me Inside: Please save me. *coughimighthavetobuymoreTSfromyouinthefuturecough*
my mirri c: <3
my mirri c: <3
<3 bb
It says you're gone. I hope not gone forever. ;; <3 I'm back! For good this time! XD
That would be great! But just one small problem...

Mirri must not be gone, they must come back!
Mirri must not be gone, they must come back!
Welcome to Elle (#34234)'s profile.
currently: Look at all the lonely people. Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name; nobody came
Last Seen: 12:24 PM on 07-6-2024, played for 2075 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?
Hello~ My name's Elle. I am a 20 year old Leo.
I used to make so many beautiful, fantastic layouts all the time, but I haven't considered myself an active member since January 25th, 2018. I still pop in most days for training, but that's all I do. I don't have any plans on returning to coding, unfortunately. However, if you ever have any questions, I've not gotten too rusty.
I first joined Alacrity in 2011, but I wasn't an active player until 2013. I made this account on May 28th, 2014, and I've been online most days ever since.
I've gone by a variety of usernames, from MamasMoths to Crooked Gem to Neurillogical. No more username hopping for me, though.
Training has always been my "thing" here. I get over 2,800 TS per day, and they unfortunately often times go to waste because I'm constantly running out of dogs to train. Please feel free to PM me about training services; I never charge at all, and I never plan to.
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
548 | Training Sessions: 2898
Dogs in "~ My Monstrosities ~"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Breeze (#387794) | Papillon | 147.20 months | female | |
{RK} Chocolate Duck (#398507) | Papillon | 191.07 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#401485) | Papillon | 151.68 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#401484) | Papillon | 151.68 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#405371) | Papillon | 139.14 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#405372) | Papillon | 139.14 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#405374) | Papillon | 146.73 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (#405370) | Papillon | 139.14 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#405368) | Papillon | 146.70 months | male | |
Newborn Puppy (#405373) | Papillon | 146.70 months | female |