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custom by #5484: The Cane Corso, also known as Italian Mastiff, is an Italian breed valued for it\'s hunting, guarding and personal protection skills. They are commonly used as bandogs or hogdogs.
Cane Corso
you own: 0.
In such a rough environment such as the apocalypse, your dog's collar is gonna see some wear and tear.
Torn Leather Collar
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles! [view all]
(09-3-2023 at 4:04 PM)
mama of 4 little Santa's Elves
Hey Jay:) Are you still on? A lot of stuff is different on ala now! I cannot even figure out how to vaccinate!!! How is everything with you? Hope all is well! If you ever come on just message me back even if it is really late! LOL
(01-2-2023 at 7:02 AM)
Vet tech Merry and Bright
Oh Jay:( :( I am so very very sad and sorry to hear that news:( Poor girl. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with her! It is just not enough time with her, I understand. I wish dogs lived much much longer! It is so very hard to say goodbye. Please keep me posted. I know I am not on very often but I will try to check back more often. Zorro had a wonderful Christmas! He got way to many toys but I got him a large toy bin for all of them! LOL He still takes them out and leaves them all over the house of course! Now I just have to teach him to put them away. Take care Jay and I wish you a Keisha the best!!!
(11-20-2022 at 6:32 PM)
Vet tech Merry and Bright
Oh Jay I am so sorry to hear about Keisha:( How old is she? I know they say DM usually shows signs when a dog is 8 years or older. I hope she lives a nice long life. I hope everything is going well for you! Zorro turns 5 years old today:) Wow I cannot believe the last time I was on was the end of August! Take care! I will try to be better and come on more often.
Welcome to Jay Black (#36798)'s profile.
currently: Glad to be back! :)

Last Seen: 7:13 PM on 07-25-2024, played for 1375 days

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Bay Jlack
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My name is Jay, im 20, i'm trans and I use he/him pronouns. I currently live in Scotland with my GSD, Keisha. She's my goodest girl, and she even has her own instagram that you can visit here! if you'd like to see her.


     I am the proud owner of to 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 hamsters, but here I will include the familes pets too ^^
                                                                            Keisha’s my 8 year old German Shepherd. She’s my goddamn world, but she’s also a work in progress. Extreme dog aggression, and hadn’t had a day of training till the day I took her on. I have big plans for her, and intend to turn her into an ideal dog.
                                She has her own Instagram, over at KeishatheGSD
                                                                            Pixie’s my 8 year old chihuahua, who barks far too much. More than the german Shepherd, honestly. She definitely thinks she’s bigger than she is, she’s a right wee character.
                                                                            Harley and Cali the Kittens:
                                                                            We got these two amazing kitties on the 11 November 2016. They live at my dads house, so every time I see them they've grown a lot. Cali is the black male, and he is much bigger than his sister Harley.
                                                                            Mars and Luna the hamsters:
                                                                            Mars and Luna are our two Roborovski hamsters that we got on the 25th March 2017. They’re the smallest pains in the asses I’ve ever come across, but they’re pretty cute.
                                                                            Bam is my papas cat and he is getting really old. We have estimated that he is around 14 years old. He is diabetic, and requires medication every day. He is a really sweet cat and we all love him very much.
                                                                            Charlie passed away on the 2nd March 2015 after 14 long, happy years. He was my Grans  dog but the entire family were utterly heartbroken. He was very special to me, because he was there my entire life, and I saw him as my own dog. I will remember him for the rest of my days and beyond, and look forward to reuniting with him when my time comes.


 ~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~


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~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~


                                               ~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~


      ~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~Only writing this so I know where to type if I ever want to fill it~~~~~~

displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care: 233 | Training Sessions: 260
Dogs in "Training"
- in heat | - up for auction | - up for sale | - up for bone sale | - up for stud| - pregnant dog
Preview Name Breed Age Gender
Queen (Maxed) (#302871) Border Collie 393.83 months female
Purple Rain (maxed) (#326360) Border Collie 325.41 months male
Knox [M] (#370423) German Shepherd 19.65 months male
Cloak [M] (#428510) Siberian Husky 21.33 months male
Foundation Border Collie (#428672) Border Collie 18.87 months male
Omen (Train) (#428675) German Shepherd 16.17 months male
Newborn Puppy (#428761) Border Collie 13.95 months female
Newborn Puppy (#430165) Border Collie 7.95 months female
Newborn Puppy (#430164) Great Dane 7.95 months female
Newborn Puppy (#430161) Catahoula Cur 7.95 months female


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