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Under New Ownership
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Hey there, everyone!

Per the news post, here's the thread to talk about Alacrity's new ownership!

What's appropriate for this thread:
• Questions
• Discussion and/or polite debate
• Support for our new team members
• Concerns you want addressed about the new ownership of Alacrity

What's not appropriate for this thread:
• Discussions not pertaining to Alacrity's new ownership
• Flaming or Trolling
• Conduct not pursuant to Alacrity's Rules and TOS


To answer a few questions that have been repeatedly asked:

No, Robyn is not leaving. She will remain as a coder/programmer for Ala.

The art will remain the same. Yay!

Henry is the name of Ala's owner, but he does not have an account here. It is not certain if he will create one in the future.

05-11-2012 at 6:28 AM
i dont think anyone knows his plans beond the "fixing the bugs" plan. dont get me wrong fixing all the bugs and coding errors would be great! <br /> <br /> but what after that? introduce more stuff so he has more errors to hire people to fix??

05-9-2012 at 2:24 PM
Sure thing :)

05-9-2012 at 11:40 AM
Alrighty, thank you for the reply. I also apologize for acting out but it is a sore subject for me as well, one that I wish to leave in the past. Now, shall we move on? haha

05-8-2012 at 4:49 PM
<i> personally felt attacked by your message and was rather insulted</i><br /> My intent was not to insult or attack you in any way, and I apologize if my reply came off that way.<br /> It's just that when people come to Ala from Foo and say things along the lines of "well I don't want it to turn out like Foo :(" or "well the owners of Foo were bad.. so I don't know how I feel about Ala's owner", we tend to get a bit mad.<br /> <br /> <i>I may not be a welcomed member yet because I have yet to incorporate myself into the site like many others</i><br /> Everybody on Alacrity is a welcomed member, no matter how long they've been on the site or how social they are on here. <br /> <br /> J'aime stated my thoughts perfectly.

05-8-2012 at 4:10 PM
As I stated in my original reply I was banned not even 2 weeks ago, on the anniversary of pay to play so yes, it is also a sensitive subject for me. However, I wasn't making any comparisions, just stating my previuos site experience.

05-8-2012 at 4:03 PM
MusicNote, Foopets is a very sensitive subject on Alacrity. A good majority of Ala's members came here after being banned, treated unfairly, etc. on Foo. So there is a large percentage of the site population that dislikes Foopets and don't like seeing Ala compared to Foo at all.

05-8-2012 at 3:20 PM
I made no comments relating the two, just mentioned that I was from there. I never once even asked if the site would eventually go pay to play because I read through each page before making my comment, where that question was answered time and time again. I personally felt attacked by your message and was rather insulted that I would be scrutinized just for the mere mention of Foopets. I have read it over and had a friend look through it as well, in no way did we see me insulting Ala by comparing it to Foo, just me pointing out the experiences I've had with changes of ownership along with my questions, which I still see as valid ones.<br /> <br /> I may not be a welcomed member yet because I have yet to incorporate myself into the site like many others but I can only do so much at a time. I am making that effort to become an established member so I do believe I am allowed to make comments freely, as long as I abide by the site rules, without being attacked for my view points.
edit history
2012-05-08 15:22:15 by #9859

05-8-2012 at 12:24 PM
I know, and I understand that, I just get tired of people saying "but... but <i>Foopets</i>!!" when Alacrity isn't like that at all :( Alacrity will never become a pay-to-play site, it supports itself on it's own currently just by people donating.

05-8-2012 at 12:11 PM
I wasn't intending to insult Ala by comparing it to Foo. All I was saying was that change of ownership scares me because of my previous experience with it. I'm always willing to give any one a shot and I do know that change is sometimes necessary for a business to grow. I'm not naive on the subject, I was just simply voicing my concerns along with valid questions.

05-7-2012 at 5:30 PM
It is extremely insulting to compare Alacrity to the negative aspects of Foopets.<br /> <br /> This is the staff list of Alacrity: http://alacrity.wikia.com/wiki/Staff_List<br /> All of who look for bugs, look for rulebreakers, fix bugs, ban rulebreakers, fix crons, update the site, work on coding, etc. This isn't like a site hanging on by a thread/one person, it's a bunch of people who are dedicated to making this site as good as it can be.
edit history
2012-05-07 17:32:22 by #5484
2012-05-07 17:30:27 by #5484

05-7-2012 at 4:06 PM
I was also a member of Foopets up until very recently (11 days ago to be exact, the day I was banned for unjust reasons. Still fighting that actually) so any mention of new owners has got me scared because I am working on making Ala my new "go to game". I understand that right now Henry's focus is just going to be fixing bugs and issues but that can't be a long term goal can it? What is the 1 year plan? 5 year plan? I'd hate to get started and three years down the road I am wrapped up in a game I can't part from but resent all the same.

04-22-2012 at 10:39 PM
I'm glad to hear that the new owner is putting honest hard work into the site and I hope Alacrity improves from it.<br /> <br /> I don't see how Jambers question is silly. A lot of us are wondering how this new hands-off owner will effect our site. As far as we have been told via the news, we as the players know that one new coder was added and we were given a vague list of things planned to be worked on. Expecting us, as the players, to know what all the new owner and coder have done behind the scenes is, in itself, 'silly'. We aren't as informed as the moderators or other staff members.<br /> <br /> Some of us do miss the family feel our community once had and lost since Rob hasn't been around and actively talking to us like she once had. I'm not saying I expect the new owner to be all buddy-buddy with his players and sit in chat with us, I'm just pointing out how some of us older members are sad to hear that Ala will continue to feel less like one big family.<br /> <br /> I'm sorry, I was just rather put off by how a question on a thread dedicated to questions and concerns on our sites new owner was called silly.
edit history
2012-04-22 22:40:24 by #91
2012-04-22 22:39:53 by #91

04-22-2012 at 6:16 PM
it would be nice to have an owner who talks to the investers in the site though. and its not a "silly question" and you never acculy answered my question, so im guessing you dont know if hes going to stop in once in a wile and say hi eather.

04-22-2012 at 4:52 PM
The question "will he just be like every other site owner and sit in the background not talking to the people who invest in the web site?" is a bit silly, as we both know that not every site owner is uninvolved with their website. You've been playing Alacrity a long time Jambers, you know Robyn was always heavily involved in Alacrity. That negates that entirely, but regardless, there are a lot of sites in which the site owner talks to the players a lot.<br /> <br /> To me it doesn't matter if he wants to talk to the players or not. There are some people in this world that are doers, not talkers. Henry's proven that he is a doer. He's hired more coders out of his own pocket to help with the site, he's retained Robyn to keep the feel of this site the same. He's worked hard to give us a faster, less buggy site. That speaks so much more to his commitment to Alacrity and the players here than just coming in and talking to us. That's what's most important.

04-22-2012 at 4:11 PM
Well we get to meet this new Henry person at some point? Or will he just be like every other site owner and sit in the background not talking to the people who invest in the web site?<br /> <br />

04-21-2012 at 7:52 AM
Edited for irrelevant content
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2012-04-22 16:56:02 by #1511

04-14-2012 at 4:07 AM
Edited for irrelevant content
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2012-04-17 21:04:52 by #1511

04-13-2012 at 3:03 PM
hi i'm new here

04-2-2012 at 1:17 PM
ala has been working pretty well.<br /> But then we have the occassional 503 errors ( I believe they are)

04-1-2012 at 11:24 PM
Well, Clay, your nice kitty animations show just how fast Ala does for you, doesn't it? xD &lt;3<br /> <br /> But still, I can't help say that the site is still a little slower than usual sometimes, although the work is, yes, awesome. :)


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