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now i understand that this may be a little touchy for some people i DoN'T want to step on anyones toes or upset people so please keep that in mind when replying. im kind of stuck in the middle. because i believe that people need to accept the *cringes* consequences. if you have sex, you should accept the consequence of possibly becoming pregnant. murder is also a great defense against it. However, there are Many gray areas, or acceptions. maybe the fetus will be born with a serious illness or defect that the family is unable to bear, whether it be finicially or emotionally or they don't want to do that to a child, but maybe the child wouldn't have minded theres no way to tell until it grows up and tells us its feelings on its handicapped life. maybe its seriously endangering the mother. then it would be understandable. if it waswhoa there, then it's not fair. because murder is horrible, but she was frankly *Forced* to 'accept' the possible consequence of getting pregnant against her will. a lot of mothers do it because it's inconvient or they doubt their parental abilities. inconviency is a poor excuse, but who am i to say so? those situations Vary Greatly. but i think (Almost) every woman has what it takes to be a decent mother. no mother is perfect, and i believe that it's very considerate in a way, not wanting the child to have a bad mother. but lifes about learning, maybe the mother needed to learn how to be a mother. However, i am aware of the Strain it puts on the country if a child is abandoned or orphaned, but sadly maybe the right way isn't always the easiest. lastly i want to say i know how many mothers are here on this site, and please know i have full respect for your choices and i hope this topic doesn't offend you in the least bit, and i hope other members remember to be sensitive on this touchy subject in order to prevent someone's feelings getting hurt.

06-6-2011 at 1:08 PM
<i>"I pay taxes same as anyone ealce. Would you really say no to taxes that help single mothers go to school to get a better life for there child?"</i><br /> <br /> Actually, yes I would. Don't have children if you cannot care for them. The world is overpopulated, we are running out of resources, and there are already enough people spongeing off the government and causing taxes to rise. To say "it's okay to pop out a baby, everyone else can pay for it!" is extremely irresponsible and encourages people to breed like rabbits just to get money. (Not all people mind you, but I have met SEVERAL who say they will keep having kids just to get government money so they don't have to work.)<br /> <br /> As for taxes funding planned parenthood abortions, they actually do very few themselves as they refer people to actual clinics. If I remember correctly, less than 3% of their funding goes for abortions. If you look long term, an abortion would cost hundreds of dollars whereas forcing someone to have a child and suck off government would cost somewhere in the thousands and more. Considering abortions are generally done to save real lives from serious problems, I see no problem in it being funded by taxes.<br /> <br /> "At least with the schooling something good comes out of it, insted of a death."<br /> <br /> It isn't killing anyone, it's killing a parasite/clump of cells. Not an actual baby. Before 24 weeks, there is no nervous system, no thought, no self awareness, nothing. Just a clump of cells that simply exists. That's why I am for early term and not late term unless it's a certain circumstance. I don't think anything that can feel or think should be hurt. I also don't feel that any woman should be forced to allow anyone or anything to use her body against her will.<br /> <br /> Robbing a bank and unintentional pregnancy are no where near the same. Accidents happen (I hardly call robbing a bank an accident.) and no one should be forced to have to deal with a mistake for 18 years because they were intimate with someone. I have been with my fiance for four years, and we choose to express our love to each other in the most intimate of ways. Should we be punshied, have our entire lives destroyed, etc just because our protection failed? I think not. Say I did get pregnant and was forced to have the child, it would most likely be injured, possibly fatally, because of certain reasons in my home which I will not be mentioning here. How is that ok? Abortion prevents more people being brought into an overpopulated world where they will be hated, abused, and unwanted in so very many cases. (Adoption is just not an option as the US system is already clogged with children needing homes. Heck in many of the DHS places there are children sleeping on the floor because there are no room for them. If they don't get adopted they are thrown on the streets at 18 and often turn to violence and crime.)
edit history
2011-06-06 06:39:09 by #5641
2011-06-06 06:36:19 by #5641

06-6-2011 at 9:27 AM
Please don't compare unintentional pregnancy to getting drunk and robbing a bank. Please please please <i><u>please</i></u>.

06-6-2011 at 7:42 AM
Uh, you do know that money mostly comes from taxes right? If you can't pay for your own child, don't expect the rest of us to foot the bill for you.<br /> <br /> I pay taxes same as anyone ealce. Would you really say no to taxes that help single mothers go to school to get a better life for there child?<br /> <br /> I hate children and never want my own, so why on earth should I have to pay for someone elses?<br /> <br /> I find this funny i really really do. Abortion is curently being funded by what now? Oh thats right Taxes!!! Plained Parenthood. Yeah thats where they get there money from. So look at it this way. At least with the schooling something good comes out of it, insted of a death.<br /> <br /> <br /> Edit: Also theres a fun little bill going around Washington right now, so that all abortions will be "government funded" Now i dont like abortion. But if its in a tax i cant do much but pay for them can i? Talk about fixing someone ealces mistake insted of makeing them deal with it.<br /> <br /> If you got drunk went and robed a bank do you really think the judge would let you off? Or would you still have to deal with the conaquences of your actions? <br /> Yet if you get drunk, and do end up getting pregnant, all you have to do is walk into a doctors office say oopsey, and they fix it for you. Imajon if the judge did that. Someone who was drunk robs a bank, kills someone, says oops sorry i was drunk, and the judge let them off scott free.
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2011-06-06 00:54:22 by #8362

06-6-2011 at 4:56 AM
<i>"There are alot of government programs that are put into place to help single mothers. Everything from hospital bills to day care. The government will PAY for a childs day care if the mother is at work, they dont have to pay a cent if they are in a particuler tax bracet. Not to menchion food benifets, and money benifits for bills. Emergency relefe help funds, if you have a shut off notice, the government will step in and pay it."</i><br /> <br /> Uh, you do know that money mostly comes from taxes right? If you can't pay for your own child, don't expect the rest of us to foot the bill for you. That line of thinking is exactly why there are people like Octomom and other mothers out there sucking off the government because they think "everyone else can pay for my children so it's okay!" I hate children and never want my own, so why on earth should I have to pay for someone elses? (I'm not saying that it shouldn't be allowed in some emergency cases, but allowing yourself to pop out babies just because of that line of thinking is NOT ok.)<br /> <br /> Edited out by mod.<br /> <br /> Edit; Having said that I am absolutely all for early term abortions, but not late term abortions unless they are required to save the life of the mother.
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2011-06-06 01:15:09 by #33
2011-06-05 22:14:32 by #5641

06-6-2011 at 1:13 AM
wow ok i didnt go to school online, i went to the accual school. Oh and you can do the same with the government grants. Oh and just as we are on the subject, i highly dought you went to Harvered as well. so its not just me who didnt go.<br /> <br /> Oh and leave my kids out of this please. I did not bring them up once on this thred. If i had i would have no issues with it, but i didnt.
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2011-06-05 18:17:43 by #8362

06-5-2011 at 4:32 PM
I'm going to try not to heavily insult anyone here as best as I can.<br /> <br /> You cannot compare online and community college to major universities or Ivy League schools. You just can't. Did you graduate from Duke, Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cal, Dartmouth, MIT or Stanford with three kids? I'd put every penny I ever made on the fact that you didn't. There is an <i>immense</i> difference between earning a degree online and graduating from Harvard. Anyone who can pay can go to a community college or college online. I personally have dreams much, much bigger than that. I can't go to law school, work long hours, intern and eventually join a law firm with a child. <br /> <br /> And even with your argument that you can go to college with kids, again, Harvard =/= Online Courses. <br /> <br /> No reputable law school will take me graduating online.

06-5-2011 at 7:22 AM
Well good for them, but not all women are able to do that. <br /> <br /> Are you shure? Or do they simply not try?<br /> <br /> There are alot of government programs that are put into place to help single mothers. Everything from hospital bills to day care. The government will PAY for a childs day care if the mother is at work, they dont have to pay a cent if they are in a particuler tax bracet. Not to menchion food benifets, and money benifits for bills. Emergency relefe help funds, if you have a shut off notice, the government will step in and pay it.<br /> <br /> On top of all this there are grants for mothers going back to school. Did you know you can get payed to go back to school if your a single mother? they pay for the schooling, the daycare, and give you money for your bills. <br /> <br />

06-5-2011 at 6:34 AM
Well good for them, but not all women are able to do that. Again, on my backup account cause its kind of hard to log onto mu main account on my phone.xD

06-5-2011 at 6:09 AM
And if she doesn't have support from either family or significant other, and is still young and now alone to take care of a child, where do you think they are going to end up?<br /> <br /> My aunt is a single mother of two. My cosen Jacky single mother of one. They do the best they can and no one asks them to do more than that

06-5-2011 at 5:35 AM
Yeah, you two were lucky then, weren't you? Edited by mod. But not all women are able to do that. Especially if they don't have support from their family or from a significant other. Because there are a lot of occasions where a man will find out a woman is pregnant and will run in the other direction. Not always, obviously, but it's not altogether uncommon. And if she doesn't have support from either family or significant other, and is still young and now alone to take care of a child, where do you think they are going to end up?
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2011-06-04 23:09:23 by #33

06-5-2011 at 5:29 AM
good post Dr. meredith Grey

06-5-2011 at 5:18 AM
Cause, quite honestly, a baby can ruin a lot of things and prevent people from doing what they want in life because they are too busy taking care of the child and have to find a job, or more than one job, to take care of it, and may have to drop out of school.<br /> <br /> I have 3 kids, i went back to school recently and graduated. My sister, she got pregnet in highschool her sinor year. She still finished school, shes now working on going to collage.<br /> <br /> A woman should not have to drop all of her dreams and goals just because her protection failed, or she got drunk and made a mistake with someone she barely knew.<br /> <br /> I agree she shouldn't have to drop them, but prioritizing would be nice.

06-5-2011 at 5:02 AM
But you see, at the point where they could be considering people, abortion is already illegal as that would be third trimester abortion, which is only legal in the case of saving the mother's life. Before that point, they are not yet human and cannot yet survive outside of the womb.<br /> <br /> And if a woman aborts a fetus because of her situation not being ideal, I think she's doing a smart thing. Especially if said woman is in college. Cause, quite honestly, a baby can ruin a lot of things and prevent people from doing what they want in life because they are too busy taking care of the child and have to find a job, or more than one job, to take care of it, and may have to drop out of school. A woman should not have to drop all of her dreams and goals just because her protection failed, or she got drunk and made a mistake with someone she barely knew.

06-5-2011 at 4:32 AM
QUIT: i know consequence has a negative conotation but if you read my post in full you'll see i told them i used consequence because it's the only word i could think of and i wish that the readers ignore it's negative connotation. im saying i believe that people need to take responsibility for their actions in most cases. how that is unbelievable, i can't see. some situations are hard yes, but timing isn't everything. the ducks don't have to be all in a row. the mother could do the best she could, she has no idea how well it could end up without trying. and as i have covered before about fetuses not being people, that's where most people are wrong. in the later period of the pregnancy, the fetus has enough sense to develope likes and dislikes and emotion and attachment to the mother. enough to be called a fetus with a soul
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2011-06-04 21:34:56 by #12307

06-5-2011 at 2:13 AM
Calling a fetus a person is like calling a slice of bread mold.<br /> <br /> They aren't the same thing, and the former ONLY becomes the latter if conditions are right.<br /> <br /> yah and someone dosent murder it, of corse evryone gets mad if a woman throws her baby in a trash can, yet because of a few months its considered exceptable. <br /> <br /> You're shaming women for having sex. Don't do that.<br /> <br /> Its not about shaming women, its about them takeing responcibilty for there actions.
edit history
2011-06-04 19:15:53 by #8362

06-5-2011 at 1:13 AM
Also, I laugh when people say it's murder. Calling a fetus a person is like calling a slice of bread mold.<br /> <br /> They aren't the same thing, and the former ONLY becomes the latter if conditions are right.

06-5-2011 at 12:55 AM
"f you have sex, you should accept the consequence of possibly becoming pregnant."<br /> <br /> You're shaming women for having sex. Don't do that. What consequences does dear old daddy have to own up to when he knocks a girl up? Child support? Maybe. But often times not. The man doesn't have to carry a baby to term, endure doctors visits, morning sickness and the stress labor and pregnancy puts on a woman's body. <br /> <br /> Is the other party not responsible? They definitely should be! Saying you don't believe in abortion because if you have sex you deserve it is unbelievable. <br /> <br /> Accidents happen to the safest of people. I personally am not in the mental state to be able to have a child. If I were to become pregnant at this point in time, I'd have an abortion. Plain and simple. <br /> <br /> I'm not going to subject myself or the child to the kind of life it would have if I were to carry it to term. I'd love my kid unconditionally, I'd want the best for them. And the best for them isn't living with room mates with a mom who's a broke college student at 18 or 19 years old.

06-4-2011 at 9:58 PM
"what i don't think many of you know, is that yes, at the beginning, the fetus is soulless, because it has no emotions or no feelings. But. after a certain (i forget how much to be honest) the fetus does grow a soul."<br /> <br /> I don't believe in souls, so this is a bit moot for me. I'm not going to ask for hard evidence backing this up because I'm probably going to wind up with someone quoting the Bible at me, which I've already read more than once in full and put absolutely no stock in.

06-4-2011 at 9:16 PM
I'm not exactly sure how this relates to what we were talking about.>.><br /> <br /> I say its not the the way to go if your only thinking of temporary ways for safe sex. <br /> <br /> But your right we have gone way off topic

06-4-2011 at 4:49 PM
Those are risks with any type of surgery though, and I'm not exactly sure how this relates to what we were talking about.>.>


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