is trying to
private chat with you.

Magical Dog Biscuit
you own: 0.

Arctic Fox
you own: 0.

Dappled Piebald Gypsy Vanner
you own: 0.
Profile Scribbles!
[view all]
-scribbles everywhere-
Wild. <333333333333
And thanks, I'll need it. ;;
And thanks, I'll need it. ;;
Anychance I could buy or breed with
That looks promising, but I see they have Anglos, but not Arabs. I hope they don't use that foal for all breeds unless they do what some sims do and change the name of the breed more than the image of the horse. I tried one like that once - rather disappointing.
What do you have to do to get a copy of the Vola the Kitty and the saddle breed?
High, ing curly (brown) kinda big eyes (brown) , small red lips
(still me this is my mainaccount) ehmm can you just like put her in the background? (did i give you her description ?)
Hello. No probs.
If you'd like you can send me the sketches and I 'll complete it, you will get credit.
If you'd like you can send me the sketches and I 'll complete it, you will get credit.
Helo! So the background?
Mind messaging me it once you find it? xD
Hey Wild, I heard Xylax's NH application he submitted a few tries ago was pretty hilarious, do you still have it? C:
So you will start tuesday or now? Please send me always the link of the img like this we wont waste time after re doing it
Ok than lets do that you show me a bit by a bit.
Clor rooms = we must see how the drawing will be
Drawings = like paw prints and some paint on the floor and on some canvas some monnalisa version canine and some unfinished canvas ..
And also if it possible to do a curly girl with brown eyes staying there with the dog, like "hugging" the dog, the background will be applied on a Sheltie. You can see him, his name is Painter.
Clay figures: just some paws and, a pembroke corgi clay figures and some prive on it
Breeds of dog waiting: springer spaniel, weimaraner, pitt bull and a border collie with 100 and more usd in their mouth waiting that the shop opens *the door must be half wood half hpglass and on the glass the must be written "sorry, we are closed" and in the other way "Yay! We are open"
Clor rooms = we must see how the drawing will be
Drawings = like paw prints and some paint on the floor and on some canvas some monnalisa version canine and some unfinished canvas ..
And also if it possible to do a curly girl with brown eyes staying there with the dog, like "hugging" the dog, the background will be applied on a Sheltie. You can see him, his name is Painter.
Clay figures: just some paws and, a pembroke corgi clay figures and some prive on it
Breeds of dog waiting: springer spaniel, weimaraner, pitt bull and a border collie with 100 and more usd in their mouth waiting that the shop opens *the door must be half wood half hpglass and on the glass the must be written "sorry, we are closed" and in the other way "Yay! We are open"
Ah now i noticed the 2 background exemples, ok awesome i am sure the background will be awesome.
Wanna do the join me thing?
Wanna do the join me thing?
Bg exemples. I saw that horse down and it is awesome.
Lol osery but it is for my dog painter and it must be really detailed too..
How much time would it get??
If you want you can do itNOW and give me a code like this i see while you draw and i tell you what to change in the moment
How much time would it get??
If you want you can do itNOW and give me a code like this i see while you draw and i tell you what to change in the moment
*how much times
*how much times
Yeah i own a cam xD forgot about it but i own it..
I wanted this (. Bg ) NOTE: can i have some exemples, because if i dont like it i wont pay xP
The artwork consists on drawing an artist studio with brushes, art works finished AND finished, clay works, if it possible a door that out there and canine clients with dollars in their mouth money waiting that the artist studio open and more.
Ifit possible a big window with the view on tour eiffel >.>
how much would it take all?
I wanted this (. Bg ) NOTE: can i have some exemples, because if i dont like it i wont pay xP
The artwork consists on drawing an artist studio with brushes, art works finished AND finished, clay works, if it possible a door that out there and canine clients with dollars in their mouth money waiting that the artist studio open and more.
Ifit possible a big window with the view on tour eiffel >.>
how much would it take all?
Ok i will give ya the ferris wheel :3
Okay :3 can i pay little bit a day ? Like 5k for 20 days? I know i have 500 k + but i have some debts :s
So tou draw it or shall i bring you the image?
Willyou give me both copies?
So tou draw it or shall i bring you the image?
Willyou give me both copies?
Ehmm.. Look at my dog's item.. There are all the most rare
Oh ok! Just a question once i give you the image how much will it cost?
Hmm.. Than can i change "order" and ask how much would it come a background of an artist studio with brushes, unfinished arts, completed art, clay works, eisel around?
If it is too much i will Ask you (if you can) what is the CHEAPEST CA you can do me.
If it is too much i will Ask you (if you can) what is the CHEAPEST CA you can do me.
Sorry i cant i am using an ipad now and i wont use computer till 2013 3: what does it shows you?
Thank you Wild!
Hello sorrynfor the distrurb, but are you doing CA? I just need you to put a CA of a photo of my dog :3 no drawing or others..
I dn't know how to do it 3:
I dn't know how to do it 3:
no problem :)
not yet, I will send it back
Yeah you sent a bunch, but they went all out of heat before I could get on. If you get them into heat again, sure.
It's me, doggers. I have the money
Wew no problem c;
Wow! O: And if you could, that would be great. <3
Ooh you did? o: I've been looking for a two-tailed husky, but I have no idea where to find one.
Haha, it's fine. xD And not really. o: I haven't really done anything with my dogs lately.
I've been fine! Quite busy lately. And you?
Hi there, Wild. <3
Can I give you a gift since I am quitting?
Hi there. I'd like to apologize for the extreme delay in CA copies. However, I've ordered & received them - so you may send the remaining 10 bones and I'll send Shadow over (:
So where to discuss this? In the forum? Not that I'm the forum type but it's pointless in sales chat as I would only be talking to myself.
Is it allowed to talk in chat about probably changing breeding program and maybe selling certain dogs when they are not for sale nor will be in the next few days?
No, there will be free acounts, but there's no date set for them yet. There's a lot of things we want finished before we fully open.
yes I am, I just have to wait for a different girl to go into heat(gave her a heat cookie, so she should soon) then I will send a request for him
yaaay random hugs. i return this random hug -hug-
Anytime! :D
Nova is in heat again
Well if it was 63 days/bones in total and you've already sent 30, then it comes to 33 bones. ^^
Thank you for letting me know ^^
I'll have a look to see if I'm interested in any
I'll have a look to see if I'm interested in any
Haha oh, okay, I'll keep note of that! XD
lol indeed. So, how are you?
Thanks. I just had the best of luck. The odds were totally in my favor!!
yes, I just found an amazing dog. She has a tp of 5000+ and she is a copper coated zebra!!!! Can you believe she was only 5k?
Hi Oracle jeez I havent been on alacrity in over two months!! I guess I am just enjoying life :) Anyways I dont think I will need your help anymore. I have decided I am quitting alacrity. I do not know when I will be able toi but it will happen pretty soon. Enjoy life and Alacrity thanks for all your help, you are really my only dear friend and I hope you take care.
Aha, hows the training going? XD Just put 75 TS into Bailar for you.
AHAHA it says she isn't in heat was for the 5th gen male cat right??
It's fine ^^
They're so cuuute XD Sorry for double scribbling, ^^;
Yay! 8D
Are you keeping them all? If so I don't blame you XD
Ah okay :) Well, awesome!
Do they? I can't see markings, and am honestly ot that skilled at recognizing Aussie markings on sight. BC markins, sure, but not aussie xP
Thank you for letting me know, and Oh my goodness they are beautiful *_*
D'awwww theres some cuties there <3
It says your bitch is too weak to breed right now :(
thanks! Hang on i should let me get a slot.
Why chu doing? ^^ I am bored, and in the mood to draw something. xD
Hey, Wild. :)
Glitch off :) let me know when puppies arrive. Because I TOTALLY need another dog -sarcasm- <3
Thank you(: And if you ever want to breed again, feel free to message me saying which dog and I will lower the price for you. I usually keep them high so I don't get a ton of requests
It did(: I hope they turn out great. Would you mind letting me know when they arrive?
I don't mind at all ^^
Would you like to try sending another one? "No pregnancy resulted in this breeding"
Which do you like best :P You get second pick of litter, and I have my girl already. Natasha <3
Who you want?
Ohhhhh okay! Well, I just finished Diction for you, I'm content to wait until the others are done. XD
I should mention-- I'm not in a HUGE rush, just wondering how far into the training you are. ^^ I don't mind waiting.
Hey, are you almost done with the Amur? :P Just curious, I was going to use it to start training again. XD It's been... 15 days so far I think? Since June 22.
Puppies are here :) What do you think?
| would :) Peak was a gift so I'd like to continue that tradition <3 First I have to find a mate though. May check with Xy xP
Yeah that's for sure xP I need to find her a mate.
Speaking of which, when I breed her, would you like a pup?
Speaking of which, when I breed her, would you like a pup?
-snugs- hopefully she can bring in some money trialing now
Hooray! <3 thank you love
Successfully gave $24000 to player #1383.
Sent it again, should I issue hub it Because I remember sending it before...
Sent it again, should I issue hub it Because I remember sending it before...
Yeah I could have sworn I did O.o can you tell in user logs?
Money sent! :) Uh, can I have Peak now? xP
Oh your prices went up while you had her xP Okay, sending
yeah :) that's be an awesome gift for player appreciation or something from alacrity ^^
Aw :( I think alacrity should bring back the glitch customs during a big holiday or something, and keep them for a few days
no worries ^^ Never seem to get a ghost pup from their litters xD
This dog is already maxed out in this area!
WOOO Peak is done! <3
WOOO Peak is done! <3
pups were born, would you like one? :)
okies ^^ thanks though
since Eiri is almost max, do you think you can train another after him?
She was too weak to breed, and now shes out of season. Sorry ;c
Thank you! :D
Hooray! I'm excited to have her back home :)
consider him yours :)
the pups were born! Let me know if you would like one! :)
thanks again! if you have any open space please let me know. my traing is backed up
sent the money thanks
I only have three males, an unmaxed foundation, a 30TP, and a maxed custom. Though, the custom is a glitch so I'm not sure if you still want to breed xD. If you want to see him, his ID is 135013.
hey could you send me back that timestop that came on my dog your training?
Alrighty, sent both and payment over. :3 Can I have a prairie dog equipped on Chai? Tidan already has a rataphant on him, so if you could leave that on, that'd be great. (: Thank you so much!
Would you mind if I sent over Tidan {522 TP} and Chai {609 TP}? :3 & what are the extra fees for companions?
yay x3 i'll go ahea and send hom. then tell me how much it will be please. thanks so much x3 you help a lot
..ok :) Sorry, I didn't know you were that busy
enjoy :)
the pups were born, would you like one? :)
Could I send over two dogs? :)
Oh I was using the CT and grabbed the URL and changed all the "adult"s into "puppy"
*poke* Hi! c:
Yeah, thank you!
Yep, and Craigslist is one of my favorite sites. <3
Well, it was Psych, but no I'm looking at free kittens on Craigslist. <3
Alrighty. <3 Thanks! xD
Oh my.... XDDD I'm watching this hilarious show.
Oh my.... XDDD I'm watching this hilarious show.
I want to make a CA of my character. She's based on Naruto, she uses the clothing, ect., of a Narauto character, but isn't actually in the manga/anime as I made her up. Would I have to get permission from the Naruto creator to make her, or no?
I agree! They are so awesome and confusing. XD
Wild, I'm being lazy. xP Can I ask you a question about the CAM rather than make an issue in the issue hub?
Wild, I'm being lazy. xP Can I ask you a question about the CAM rather than make an issue in the issue hub?
thanks :3
Lol. xD My only thoughts are that she's awesome and that I have no idea why I can dock the tail if it's already docked!
okay, can i be put on the waiting list for a 290TP aussie, mabye more dogs late
Anyways... whacha think of my dog Pebble? :D
Anyways... whacha think of my dog Pebble? :D
-pokes- any slots sopen for training o.o...
Yep. Plus, the feralness can be passed through genes. Learned that first hand when the kitty that ran away hated humans. Come to find the mom was domestic but the father was a stray living nearby. e-e
Same here. It's depressing. :/ I try to rescue every stray cat I find, but it's hard... For one, they hate being caught, for two, if you catch them they're a lot of work, moreso than tame cats. You have to get them their shots, gain their trust, ect...
It's such a sham that all these gorgeous cats are abandoned or given away because they're too much responsibility or the land lords don't want pets in the houses. It's so unfair. :/
Awww. :/ Yep, cats will be cats. Sadly and frustratingly. xD
Pretty good.
My ten month old kitten has disappeared, haven't seen him in nearly two weeks, and my pittie puppy was rehomed, but on the up side we're looking for a new kitten and thinking about getting a horse next year. <3
My ten month old kitten has disappeared, haven't seen him in nearly two weeks, and my pittie puppy was rehomed, but on the up side we're looking for a new kitten and thinking about getting a horse next year. <3
How's it going? :D
Wild!!! *tacklehuggleglomp*
You should be!!
Ehehehe joking. But yeah mythology is awesome <3
Ehehehe joking. But yeah mythology is awesome <3 are my new favorite person xP I am obsessed with mythology and symbology <3 must be some kind of Norse myth/Marvel/Thor fan...I LOVE YOU
:D :D
Thank you, doll!
Goodness, now who will the lucky dog be? :D
Thank you, doll!
Goodness, now who will the lucky dog be? :D
I hope you have a good one, Wild. :D <3
I hope you have a good one, Wild. :D <3
Gah, I had that account frozen! Please send it to this one now. Sorry!
Ooh, they're gorgeous! =D Would I be able to buy Lantana? She was exactly what I was looking for out of the litter; smooth aqua, floppy ears and rosethorn. ^-^
Thank you :D
Hm, I think I like Expediation :>
I don't care :>. I like all of them, your choice ^^
Oh wow you're right they're wonderful!
Thanks Oracle :D I luv you, anytime your free I have yet again more dogs :) Sorry to bother you so much:(
Alrighty. ^_^ I refunded you the stud fee; let me know when the pups arrive! =D
Would you be interested in breeding Faith to my stud Lucius? I have a chocolate bunny and easter bunny that could be used if you'd like,and we could split the litter, two pups each? :3
I did the math and I beleive that 5067 is my total for the pups. I've sent it over :) Thanks!
Oh sheesh, a lab? e.e They're terrors when it comes to energy.
He still has his canines and molars to go.
Alrighty. ;)
So what's new? Koda randomly bit my nose today while I was carrying him. :/ It hurt, but didn't break the skin. Scared me though, because we were around three toddlers when he did.
So what's new? Koda randomly bit my nose today while I was carrying him. :/ It hurt, but didn't break the skin. Scared me though, because we were around three toddlers when he did.
;D Ramen be TASTY!
Lol, anyways, I contacted you again for two or three reasons. One, I'm looking for a ghost dog and I can offer some rather expencive items (I.E., Rejuvenator, Aviator Cap, ect.), two, we haven't chatted in a while and I wanted to say hi, and three, I wanted to tell you that I am NOT, in fact, only contacting you because you have Badger. I often get the feeling people talk with me only because I have Saki and I used to have Disaster, and I'd hate for you to feel the same. I really love getting to talk to you, and to tell you the truth, you're one the only mod I actually go to just to chat with, with no deals or inquiries to start off the discussion. Though, I must say, this time I did come to ask about the JRT. xP
Lol, anyways, I contacted you again for two or three reasons. One, I'm looking for a ghost dog and I can offer some rather expencive items (I.E., Rejuvenator, Aviator Cap, ect.), two, we haven't chatted in a while and I wanted to say hi, and three, I wanted to tell you that I am NOT, in fact, only contacting you because you have Badger. I often get the feeling people talk with me only because I have Saki and I used to have Disaster, and I'd hate for you to feel the same. I really love getting to talk to you, and to tell you the truth, you're one the only mod I actually go to just to chat with, with no deals or inquiries to start off the discussion. Though, I must say, this time I did come to ask about the JRT. xP
I eat Maruchan ramen that's cooked on the stove. xD I add the packet after I drain half the hot water and add some cool water, but if that's still to spicy, just add the packet while it's cooking. <3
Searching for ghosties, watching Psych, and eating ramen. x3
What's up? ;)
Hiya Wild!
Hey. I'll send him over in thirty minutes. My laptop is acting up. Sorry :/
Yeap! Sending him over now. Sorry lol
Alright :) I'll send them over ASAP :) Thanks Wild
sure :3 that fine with me.
ok ill send her over her name is jad and she is a pitbull
Thanks :3 ido you have a slot open for another one? i gots some more that have TP in the 300's
Hey Wild :) Still have space for those girls? I got another pup to if you can squeeze him in :)
sorry i havent been on in awhile. if you still have a spot open i have one pup left needing trained
Lol Gotcha! I'll send you the BC girls in two days :)
Sounds good :) Do you have space for three? I'm getting a new pup later :)
No problem, I can't thank you enough for what you have done for me :) I wuff you Oracle :)
I'v decided to keep both. When can I send them over :D
Sly please :)
*squeak* There were two little girls :) I haven't decided which I'm keeping, but they have a little over 400 TP :)
thanks :3
.. Oh yeahand can you give one or both of my dogs a clocwork companion? :)
..How's it coming? I have decided to stay here on ala. Even if I can't get on that much.. I couldn't leave my friends.... YOU!!! It would be sad! :(
Awesome :) How much would it be? And when can I send him/her over?
Well, I have my first litter of Border Collies coming in tomorrow. :) I planned on getting the pick maxed, but couldn't find a trainer with an opening. So I have no idea of the TP of the pup I'll be having you max :/
Would you be able to add me to your waiting list, please? I have two 535 TP dogs I'd like to have trained if it's alright. :3
Pardon me for asking Wild, but do you happen to do maxings?
Thank *you* for the rose :)
yeah xD love my doggies.
ths where my bones go too x3 but my side holds doggies as well so i can't use it as space because its a very active account. i train, breed and all that too..
oh.. XD
alright... how can you manage that XD..lots of timestops?
hey wild :3 do you plan to sell any of those beautiful GSD pup :3
Would you be interested in possibly doing a breeding between Faith and my stud Berlin once she's maxed? :3
Thank you , the money was sent
Thanks :)
Awesome! i'll send her over and the money!:)
Ok. I did it. Thanks soooo much for maxing my dog:)
How do I turn on transfers?
How do I turn on transfers?
How do I turn on transfers?
How do I turn on transfers?
Ok, That will work. Thanks:)
Ok, That will work. Thanks:)
Do you mean send her to you, you max her, and breed her?
Noe :3
Well aren't they just adorable c;
awesome, thank you soo much! :D
Oops, they fill up so quickly. x__x Thanks for letting me know~ <3
Sly and slick? :D
There she goes (:, and I know xD I need to put most of mine out for studding, but making sure all 288 dogs are maxed and ready to go takes me a while xD.
Thanks again~
-Dr. X
Thanks again~
-Dr. X
Oh dear, no pregnancy ;c, perhaps try again?
Also, greatly appreciated c;, I rarely get requests, so its always exciting (:
-Dr. X
Also, greatly appreciated c;, I rarely get requests, so its always exciting (:
-Dr. X
Jasmine is currently too weak to breed, please scribble me when she is healthy again (:, also, please do let me know when the puppies arrive. I'd love to see them.
-Dr. X
-Dr. X
alright :3 sending dogs and money x3
alright :3 how much will it be?
would you like me to send just two or one? if two i can send the aussie and a 331TP GSD
lowest TP is my custom aussie. he's got one skill maxed aready. highest is a 2k pitte, the other TP ranges betwwn that. mostly in the 400s
do you happend to have training spots avaliable?
Could you possibly max 2 dogs?
I don't really know.. I barley get on here anymore, and I really don't do much on here :( Idk...
Thanks :) I'm thinking about qutiing ala.. :(
lol of course! He's up for sale already :P
Hey Wild, I starting to run out of kennel space so I am getting rid of some of my older dogs (also to help further my breeding lines getting rid of some parents) was wondering if you'd be interested in buying Thor from me. I know that you like him if you can't buy him I would be willing to give him to you ^.^
I knew you would :)
Same with me, kinda busy, but I still find a way to come here on Ala. Right now days are going by so fast I loose track :)
Hey Oracle saying hi again cause I have missed you :) How's life? Busy still? I am very busy :( But, all in all I still try to find time ;)
Enjoy the pup, Oracle. Glad she went to a good kennel instead of me having to sell her off to the old folks home. The litter was interesting, at least haha.
Well, I was just gonna straight up retire the whole litter, but if you really want her Oracle, you're certainly welcome to her. Does 3K sound like a fair price? You send the cash, I'll send the pup. And I'll even leave her untagged. :p
.. When your done with my dog I need some more maxed :D OHHHH and I hi!!! Iv'e missed you sooo much!!!! :D <3
oh ok then nice meeting you
i would be a trainer but what is the lowest TP dog you have
thanks :D
She came out of heat :/ want to stick a heat cookie on her or wait until next time?
I have found that a +5 energy companion, Rejuvenator , autofeeder, and golden leash work really well as a training set, letting you train 4 + times a day.
Your welcome! You are a wonderful trainer! :D
O wonderful!! What do I owe you?
Of course. :D <3
Shall I send him down ?:D
Go pick out your favorite Pap from the litter. <3 Pup 1 has Rosethorn. c: They all have 8-9 markings :P
Uh huh. DX Sadly.
I wish Instapups were as cheep as they used to be ,XD I am so excited about her pups!!!
Thank you. ^ <3
She's in heat and Maxed <3
Happy Easter :) <3
Thank youuuu! <3
yes please :DD
Ok thanks :)
Alright but if you ever do just ask. They are a big hit right now :)
I can give you an Admin plushie.
I have: Jackdaw, Cat, Ferret, Kaeli and Duck
I have: Jackdaw, Cat, Ferret, Kaeli and Duck
Awesome! (: Back to this one please. ^-^ Thank you again!
Ok thanks :)
Not to be a burden, can you take felicity to be maxed? :D
Yay! Thank you! <3
Lol.. people these days.. :D
Whoa... *O*
Taylor is lovely. And his Pups with Emerald are amazing <3333
Could we breed them when she gets maxed? C:
Taylor is lovely. And his Pups with Emerald are amazing <3333
Could we breed them when she gets maxed? C:
thank you
the tps are 501, 471, and 711
/tackles and makes desperate face
She is a lost maxed, and I can't find a mate for her. I'm out of Paps that are
A- Young enough
B- Not realted
C- Maxed
Isis doesn't have any...
And Jackdaw doesn't breed out of kennel.
You think you could help? she is my favorite Girl. :S
She is a lost maxed, and I can't find a mate for her. I'm out of Paps that are
A- Young enough
B- Not realted
C- Maxed
Isis doesn't have any...
And Jackdaw doesn't breed out of kennel.
You think you could help? she is my favorite Girl. :S
LOL :) I spill food over myslef all the time don't feel bad :D I love you anyways <3 Sometimes I get food in my hair!!???! XD AHAHA lol
Very true XD but yet again school is tiring
ok please let me know when you do
i was wondering if you have any training slots open?
I'm good, but also busy, I swear each week of school goes by faster and faster each time :D Which I'm not complaining, but the weekends go by WAYY too fast :(!
Hey how are you? Looks like you made some new friends :)
hello, may I be put on the waiting list for training? the dog is a 5.5kTP GSD(: thank you!
Thank you :-)
I was hoping to find A stud to breed now.
I will keep him in mind,
I like him very much
I was hoping to find A stud to breed now.
I will keep him in mind,
I like him very much
Okay Great (:
I sent a little more then usual because you have done so many for me! :D
Of course. <3 (:
O wonderful!! I am all out of foundies, but have a few second gens that need to be maxed, are you willing to take one of them? Around 500 TP.
Awesome, I'll send them and payment now. :3 It's 4x the TP of the dog, correct? Do I need to send anything else with them?
I saw an advertisement from another player's card for your training services and was wondering if you were open? I have two Paps I need maxed, both under three months old; a 198.5 TP and a 591.79 TP, if you have room. If not, would you let me know when you do?
I saw an advertisement from another player's card for your training services and was wondering if you were open? I have two Paps I need maxed, both under three months old; a 198.5 TP and a 591.79 TP, if you have room. If not, would you let me know when you do?
Sent. (:
Ok! I can wait thanks!:)
LOL i dont own any thing like that :P
Hehe... If you want her you're welcome to have her. (:
Three? Oh crap did I add another one? I thought there was only two..
Eh. Whayever.
Thank you/. (: I have a female, I don't need her.. If you want her tell me (Newborn Puppy in the unkenneled dogs) I'm headed to bed though. Night! <3
Eh. Whayever.
Thank you/. (: I have a female, I don't need her.. If you want her tell me (Newborn Puppy in the unkenneled dogs) I'm headed to bed though. Night! <3
Good. <3
Go sift through my pap pies. o3o I have like 50 that need to be sold, or maxed, or are in heat, or whatever. DX YOU NEED TO SEE THEM. (:
sent her over , do you need energy companions for her ?
Is there a way i could pay it in little bits?
No, thank you!
I see you train dogs and I was wondering how much it would cost to train this girl:
Sent :)
Including the vet fees :)
How much is it?
Your the best oracle :D <3
Sent over Berkeley :) I will send over the others when you have room :D Thanks :)
Thanks, when you can I need Felicity, Kosco, and Berkley maxed, not all at once but whenever youcan I will send over some money :D
ah! that is the dilema then lol do you have a heat cookie on your dog? so then i can get his health back up and then i will accept the request if that sounds good for you XD
is it possible of rhim not too be able to breed because of his health? does it have to be at a certain amount? because thats the only thing i can think of that would make it not work :)
what does it mean if it says the stud is too weak? thats never happened to me before. i checked mood and energy and they are fine but it wouldnt let me accept the request
Thank you!! Do you have room for another?
ok he's back :)
so i have a question. i have never used the rebirth before so whn it says to have one of your current dog bring an old pal back do i click on one of my present dogs and then chosse Gandalf? i just wanna make sure i do this right XD
yeah i'll buy a rebirth :) give me one sec and i'll let ya know when i have got him back XD
yes that was one of my dogs why?
Yeh, third time Lucky! I sure want to see these pups after all these trys. LOL
Darn sill a no go. :(
Lol, very true!
<3 If we bred them, they'd have nothing but natural pups. I was hoping for glitch roses, but oh well. <3
Out of every dog I've tested her with so far, yours is best. <3
No, I'm looking for a glitch rose. =P Just a sec. <3
Lol, I'm not really sure. xP Toxic seems to glitch everything on her predicts. E.E
sent the money and the dog, thank you :D
now is fine. how much?(:
nah, i've decided to sell that one. could i send him over now?(:
i meant she will start him in a few days :p she has to max 3 customs first. I have to max a 660 TP dog first XD
xD Me either, but they both have to be maxed which will take about a few weeks. I can start on mine in about a week or a little less and Isiss can do him in a few days :)
oh yeah, could i change the 2kTP dog to the 1.5kTP GSD? and i've added a timewarp to him.
me too :)
Yes! Hopefully they have gorgeous pups <3 If you want a puppy out of their litter you can have one :D
The puppy from our litter that i kept, has found a mate!
sent the money, thank you so much! :D
okay, may i know how much it is again?
Tis ok, I'm pup testing. Toxic' still a pup too. xD
Lol. So.
I'm bored. =P Does Wild have any rose pap guys?
I'm bored. =P Does Wild have any rose pap guys?
Lol, yesh. >:D Fluffy's real name will be Fred or Duckling. Lol. But he's gonna grow up thinking he's a chicken..... xD Exactly my plan.
*sigh* Nothing. Bored as ever. XD Let's see..... I have my mind set on buying some chicks and mixing one dukling in. Heehee, I'm evil. XD "His name shall be Fluffy, and he shall be mine."
Good for Wild! =D <3 Good luck!
So, anything new?
True, but she's utterly frustrating. I can breed her to this awesome dog and either get the ugliest pups ever or copies of the stud. Both are horrible, because if you get this amazing stud, you don't want his coat to be coppied a jillion times. I'm through breeding her lol. XD
Lol, I've given up hope for her. XD I nly really keep her now because of how awesome she is. =P
No problem. :D <3
Not a single one. DX
Lol yes. xD
No problem, I should have the copy soon. :D
Lol. xD I'm gonna have at least one run off to the pound, but it's ok.... I have moneys. And I can always just send one to my side to avoid it. =P
Me too, so many pups.... ;_; *dies* At least four need to stay so I can see if they're peekers, but the others can be pounded at the end of today. xD I dun want dem.
Thanksies! <3 I love that rose. I was like OHHHH MAII GAWD! when I found it..... XD I tried it out with different whites and blacks and finally settled on that because white mottled and black small spots effected the rose. Otherwise, she'd be spotty. xD What's new wiff you?
Thanks! Do you like Toxic? It took me like two hours to get that coat... =D
Lol, yeah. It got me a year long upgrade and Toxic Rose, with three left over. Now to get moar. xD
Nothing much. <3 Sniv is paying me 30 bones to find and get them a ghost, so I'm happy to say my search is going well.
Mmk, I'll go order another copy right now. <3
Good night, Wild. <3 I see I caught you just after you logged off, so just scribble me tomorrow. I've got a busy day, so I might reply a bit late, but that's ok. <3 We should catch up, it's been a while.
*poke* I'm evil..... xD
Thanks, and take your time on Thumper, I know it takes forever to max, I am maxing someones dog it is taking a while :P
Wonderful! Thank you!
O great! Can I send over another one?
sent the dog and money =)
ok great! can i send the dog? and how much will i owe you
Do you have room for another one?
Yes of course! How much?
TP: 418.29
do you have any training slots open?
no problem. i needed the money cuase im also doing a training kennel. :)
alrighty. ill send it over okay?
well the lowest price is 20k or 1 bone. but i could sell for 10k or a bone or do a trade of items for it...
im molly's side. so you need a rebirth?
i have one on my side account if you want it. i have no need for it
awesome! thanks so much!
Sorry. I'm new with the site but I did read all the rules over again. Thank You. ~ DJ
Sorry. I'm new with the site but I did read all the rules over again. Thank You. ~ DJ
*loves on*
thank you so much! do you by any chance be able to max a 1.5k tp gsd for me? i wouldn't mind being put on waiting list(:
sending x3 thanks again for taking her
alright 66ho mucwill it be.. i also got three skills maxed on her.
Me too! I'm pretty hungry XD
We shall see X3
Haha I hope it doesn't dissappoint X3
I look forward to seeing them! =D
I'm sure they will! ^-^
I think you're progressing really well! ^-^ Just keep working at it <3
I wish I could show you the better spot patterns I did but those are a surprise XD
None of the animals are done as of this point since we will be redoing all of them. XD
okay, message when you can take her :)
hmm... do you take bones?
Okay, can you put Evalye on your waiting list, how much will her traning cost?
Do you happen to have a spot open on your waiting list for traning?
Why wouldn't you be excited? LOL :) I am
Nothing much, just school... sigh :) Lol wish we had a march break!
Im good, it's nice to hear from you <3 :) How's the maxing coming these days? Getting busier each day?
O great! I will send one right over!! :D Thank you!
thank you!!
Hey :) How's it going, havent talked to you in a while :) I missed you!!!
Awesome! And Thank you <3
Lookeh at this corgi pup I got from the little today she's interesting and I am trying to keep pups that are not the usual ones I own xD
Yeeees *o*
She's interesting *o*
They are adorable! I especially like Sable Legend. <3 What does #127101 look like when older :o
Thank you <3
Okay, sent :)
Great, shall I send her over now?
Alrighty. I'm fine with that. I was just thinking if I could get her maxed shortly, she could be one of my trial dogs.
:) ok bye now
Have fun with HOMEWORK yea!
Have fun with HOMEWORK yea!
Yeah :) Hey well I need to decorate my profile, but I'll chat later with you, k? :) Talk to you in a little, good luck with the homework bye Oracle
Luv ya
Luv ya
Right?!? I usually don't like small dogs, but he's cute :D
I will send you a link to his pic, he's a jack russel/ chi-chi/ min pin mix. He's a trouble maker :)
Sending link
Sending link
Um... hmmm forgot the name lol, but yeah... It's about an hour away from us. If I remember it, I will tell you.. lol :P
You have a handful of things to do, jeez. My weekend plans aren't affected. I have NO homework, and I am going to eat tomorrow. We are going out to a restraunt :) Yum! Today all I probably will do is go for a walk, and chill out with my family. I will probably go over my Aunt's house later and see her fat lil cute dog. SO yeah, good luck with all of the homework, it's annoying I know ;D
Good, and you? :) You seem so busy :)
Hi :)
Hi, can you max my 6342.41 TP dog for 25.3k ala cash? :D
Yep to visit family :3
*returns the snugs*
Ok, I'll send her over, k? =D
Lol! XD So, it's the little girl then?
Awesome! Thank You! And go right ahead with the breeding :P
Haha. xD
Aha, that makes sense. xD
I really like the last pup. :D
I really like the last pup. :D
Snoweh, apparently, today is blind xD I can't find the pups. :C Can you link me to them? Sorry for the huge fail aha
(: Thank yewwwww.
No butter though. No butter with cheese and honey.
Yes, even better with.... honey! <3
Lol. XD Only cheese could.... Oh my goodness I have extra sharp cheddar! :DDD This and bread will taste great! XD
Lol yeeeessss. <3 *stuffs bread into mouth* Isss ish ummy. Um num num.....
Sound yummy. o3o
3 *noms her bread and butter* Italian herb with butter is yummy!
Lol. XD
Language arts... it is about identifying the predicate noun or pronoun
Hello! I was hoping you could hlep me with a little home work?
They're prettyful! <3
Yay! -goes to get her-
ok was i pay you please send him to 19530. She is a friend of mine in real life and i want her to have him
ok how much was it again?
<3 No probs. ^-^
No problem :)
No problem <3
<333 :D
Yay, thanks!
Okay, thatd be great!
I have some over 1k, some under, how about my new puppy, Keeper, she has 480 tp
Party Puppiez told me you offer maxing services? I see a waiting list on your profile, I was wondering how long (time-wise) it might be if I were to be added now?
oh and Party Puppiez wanted me to relay a message, "I love you" :P
oh and Party Puppiez wanted me to relay a message, "I love you" :P
Lol, that would be awesome to see. XD Go squirrels take over the world! Or at least your campus. >.>
<3 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) <3
Thanks Wild. <3
Your welcome! :) <3
Your Welcome Oracle :-)
If you insist, luff! <3
Mmk. <3 By the way, you don't have to pay the full 25 bones. Anywhere between 20-25 is fine - as long as I can afford a copy. ^^
O: If you want one, I can throw in another order for you. I have an issue open, and I can just post on that.
Thanks! <33 I'm glad you like it! :D
Oh yeah. Defiantly making him. XD Thanks Wild.
Could you do me a favor and put BOM on him so I can see what he looks like as an adult?
I don't mind, I own a few inbred dogs myself.
Awesome okay, :) I'll do some pup tests.
Sorry wild, I thanks that back. He's inbred. Would you mind messaging me with his coat details though?
It was just specifically that puppy because of his coat. Are you sure? I can offer 10K for him.
Are you willing to sell any of those aussie pups? :)
Hey wild. Are you going to be selling the puppy that I will mention below? If so, just name your price, I'd love to have him.
Will do! They had beautiful predicts,so I'm crossing my fingers! :)
Hey :)
<333 If you want to! ;D
I know D= Ah well maybe eventually XD
But they need small pink collar :<
Like they have small blue and green and red XD
Like they have small blue and green and red XD
Haha No problem X3 I want to make another custom Sheltie XD
Thanks :)
Life's good ^-^ School's hectic though XD
thanks cause i most likly will forget x3
thanks ^^ when ever you have time to train the one on the waiting list just message me to let me know ^^
Haha! That's actually why I revived her. I had forgotten about the dearest and realized just how rare she is. 0.0 Needless to say, Ghostie got a Whistle pretty fast. XDDD Wish ghost Aussie pups could still be bred though. =/ I'm trying to track down the other pup that Black asked about. (Secret reason, so if yu're reading this Black I'm not saying) but I think you can catch my drift Wild. I really want to find it. (I'll message you why)
Hiya Wild! Go look in mah keeeeenel. <3 the second dog in the ungrouped list. =D
Thanks! :)
kay :D
Totally brah xD
I was all like ":O WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!"
That was a nice moment in chat e___e
lol I wish you luck, I end up getting glitches but lots of times crazy ones with my corgis xD
ok great! can i send you the user id of the person to get him and when he is done ill pay you let them know about him, and you send him there?
Ha, nah, I get a sick pleasure out of buying them. That's why there's nothing for a dollar in the shops. :P
Wild the black glitch sheltie pup turned out to be very blue smooth-ish glitch click
I'm in your shop, buyin your trash.
No prob! My sessions are barely used anyways. XD
Well if you insist! :P I need a balloon for Cupid please! :D
I have 1 on auction right now, but I hadn't planned on ordering another any time soon. Though it is possible I may come across another CA that I'd be willing to trade one for. Right now there are only 3 in existence and I really didn't want to add a ton to the game...that's why I put it up on auction instead of in my user shop. (the set autobuy price was to ensure that more users got to bid if they wanted, instead of having it purchased immediately) If I do ever order another, I will let you know :) I tried to message everyone who was interested in it yesterday, but I think I may have forgotten a few people >< Thats why I made the advert.
Your welcome! No needed, I like to help people max their dogs if possible! :D
Enjoy! :D
Thank you! c: And I'll send it over!
I'll send it over, if you want it! c:
It's fine with me if you take it for free c: I got it from Cupid's Corridor, so basically I got it for free, too! :D
Are you in need of rebirths? o: /pokes your status/
I have one I will offer to you for free, if you want! (:
I have one I will offer to you for free, if you want! (:
Wild what's your username in howrse :P I would like to add you :)
Sent her. <3
Welcome :D
Welcome :D
Yay! Ok :D You had the male correct? Well.. You had the 700TP. Cx
No room ? D:
Want your Aussie C:
No thank you :) You have such cheap prices
Keep it :) and ok :)
Ok sending bruiser, can i send dewey too?
Thanks, whenever you can I'd like to get thumper and another maxed :) Thanks again for your rockin services :D
Ouch :( No worries on the delay :) I hope you can get it fixed though so you can keep doing your cool art :)
Im back :) huggles :)
I have a pink pap. (: but the green on it is too dark and ugly..
I can't find a green and pink Pap though .T_T
I can't find a green and pink Pap though .T_T
Purty Pups
Haha, scribble me when day are born?
Good, how are you? C:
heya Wildy xD
<3 I'm having a really good day. ^^ I don't know why... o.e But i am!
Ahah, best things ever :P
Lol! I switched to contacts in 5th grade (3-4 years ago) I couldn't stand the way they felt behind my ears :P
So...they chew on it. XD That is hilarious.
Oh do I use this shop reader. xD
Wow, that's pretty cool. Thank you!
Got a question for you though. How much would this thing be worth? (If I decide to sell that is. XD)
I feel bad for bragging now. XD I want to give you all nice things, for being so nice anyway.
I like mascara. C: But the base and stuff is only for when I break out pretty bad.
...speaking of food.... I need supper... foooooood :p
Nighty huggles :)
Nighty huggles :)
ROFL I know...can you tell I have food on da brain too? :p hehehe
hehe Im tired too...'doesnt believe the innocent look, but then Im not innocent either' :p giggles :)
....flings some of her special magic cooooookies :p
....flings some of her special magic cooooookies :p
What? :p Are you teasing me now? gigglesnortz :p
...flings magic chocolate teddy bears! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee :p
...flings magic chocolate teddy bears! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee :p
Ok, thank you so much :) huggles :)
hehe Thanks :) I have another litter on the way :)
(: I LOVE being clean, but I really hate that I have to do something to be dirty. :T Like my make up. o.o Ew.
Lol I actualy was searching randomly through stores and found it :P
They had theirs prices 15. I was like >:0 NO.
They had theirs prices 15. I was like >:0 NO.
WHy thank you, <3
:o Someone BEAT my Kitsune price! Now it's 14 bones... o.e
:o Someone BEAT my Kitsune price! Now it's 14 bones... o.e
Lol! I'm so happy. o.o Almost at 1mil. kfsg :D:D
BORED. but good other that. C:
still good. :D <3
yeah i was trying to max her but i was also trainning about three other lower TP dogs at the time and she just wasn't getting enought TS
Her name is Fuyu no wandārando. she has 1924TP and i've amlomst maxed her first skill,which is her highest
awesome, i will send her over now? thank you so much! :D
lol yeah they a bit of disappointment. I will wait for them to grow to see what kind of glitches they turn out to be I have room on the account not worry about one of my dogs running away XD
i waswondering if you can train another dog when you can.i don't mind having to wait at all.. please message me back if you thanks :3
Thanks. (: How are you?
I missed that whole last part of it...
Ok. So. I sold my caffeinated brownies (250k) I got a Magical rubber ball from explore (Roughly 150-180k if I sell it) ANDDD. I still have my Kitsune and the Background... I really hope they all sell. C:
I missed that whole last part of it...
Ok. So. I sold my caffeinated brownies (250k) I got a Magical rubber ball from explore (Roughly 150-180k if I sell it) ANDDD. I still have my Kitsune and the Background... I really hope they all sell. C:
I know, It's in the cash boutique. I'm such a bad spelling right now. o.e
They are,100k,If i was an Admin i would of demanded Foundies of Aussies were given out.
I have 150k now i have to spend it on a Maxed 300tp Aussie when i could buy a Maxed 500tp One.
Thank you,Now i need a female.^^
Sent :)
Could you send it first i will will post the dog biscuit from the wishlist on your page.
Whats the payment again?
Lol. :P Mine was a little cheap phone at first, but because I've taken very good care of my things ('Cept my other phone...) I got rewarded. :P
Lol. XD My dad works a LOT.... I have to pay for it myself, but it's worth it. far less likely to break (I don't drop this often, and that phone was the only important thing I'd ever lost.. like, ever. x3)
Actually someone else brought it into Verison, and they're like, this aint yours. T_T Or whatever, and they explained that it was in the bleachers at the high school. Ehehe. I got it back... But I has an iPhone now, so I don't need it :P
Actually someone else brought it into Verison, and they're like, this aint yours. T_T Or whatever, and they explained that it was in the bleachers at the high school. Ehehe. I got it back... But I has an iPhone now, so I don't need it :P
LOL. XD Well My LA teacher is crazy, we have 2 minutes to change classes, and because she is somehow at the other end of the building, we have to pack our book bags, grab our stuff, AND make a 2 minute walk to the other side. We can be 1 minute late. That's it. Or else we get lunch detention for a week. T_T You can find us sprinting down the hallway for our lives. (: I see we have similar problems. :P
I'm glad they returned it too... I lost my phone once. I actually found it a year later. It was at the Bleachers by the high school :P
I'm glad they returned it too... I lost my phone once. I actually found it a year later. It was at the Bleachers by the high school :P
Mhm! SO how are you?
Well it'd be 19 bones I earn... XD
Just as long as it sells. XD I have it 50k less than in the main shop, and 4 bones. And if my Kitsune sells.. /Parties hard
LOL. I'm reeaaallly surprised I got it. XD I was like- O.O WHOA.
I'm hoping to make some money off it... I'm so broke right now. :T
I'm hoping to make some money off it... I'm so broke right now. :T
Well I got the Stag RE. :D
I also got the Temperate forest BG :o
I also got the Temperate forest BG :o
Hm/ Alright. Well thanks anyway. ^^
Gotten anything good from Explore?
Gotten anything good from Explore?
Ok :)
Ya, I thought about it... I guess I understand. I'll live through it, and I can garuntee it won't happen again.
Will a fine keep me from becoming a newbie helper? I know that there are some things that prevent it, I've just never known it before.
Will a fine keep me from becoming a newbie helper? I know that there are some things that prevent it, I've just never known it before.
ill send it now
Thank you :)
I got fined. I guess I see why, but because it happened SO long ago when my brother made their accounts, I'm curious why they did it now...It was for selling them dogs.... >> I suppose I see where it comes from. But why NOW? o.o
Can I send over bruiser and thumper? :D
I missed the dino part, I dunno how. XD
He said that because we were friends he wanted to do something nice. And he's like well I don't want the dino that much. Wild can have it :D And I'm like... Ok. I get to chat in scribble to though .o.o
He said that because we were friends he wanted to do something nice. And he's like well I don't want the dino that much. Wild can have it :D And I'm like... Ok. I get to chat in scribble to though .o.o
Ehehehe. C:
Sweet, but as most brothers are, little evil things.... Well.. Whatever. :P The worst he did tonight was get finger prints all over my lap top screen. o.e
Night Wild! See you tomorrow!
Sweet, but as most brothers are, little evil things.... Well.. Whatever. :P The worst he did tonight was get finger prints all over my lap top screen. o.e
Night Wild! See you tomorrow!
Yup yup! Jak555(Jack) and ColinTehTerrier(Colin)
Little buggers. :P but as sweet as could be. Jack has no intention on breeding and dogs. And training is work. XD He just wants the dogs. :P
BUT FOR REAL. HE GOT A CROSS FOX. (Caps abuse... I should cut that out)
Little buggers. :P but as sweet as could be. Jack has no intention on breeding and dogs. And training is work. XD He just wants the dogs. :P
BUT FOR REAL. HE GOT A CROSS FOX. (Caps abuse... I should cut that out)
(Ehehe. You're silly :P)
oh thank you Wild! that'd be amazing! please enjoy your dino!
oh thank you Wild! that'd be amazing! please enjoy your dino!
((Lol. You know Maggie. XD As in.. Pap.. I don't know what you prefer to call me. o.e Uhm... I'm the impatient one. :P 9432))
of course! you seem very nice. and i think you'd get better use out of it then me. he'd just sit on my dog forever!
of course! you seem very nice. and i think you'd get better use out of it then me. he'd just sit on my dog forever!
would you like the dino? i know he gives energy and i don't plan on training any of my dogs. i just want them for show and love. i wouldn't miss him one bit. (:
((HI IT'S MAGGIE. He got a Red Cross Fox. o.o I don't know how he did it. but he managed to get something that rare. Ok. Bai. He has like 2 more minutes before i get back on my account. :P))
((HI IT'S MAGGIE. He got a Red Cross Fox. o.o I don't know how he did it. but he managed to get something that rare. Ok. Bai. He has like 2 more minutes before i get back on my account. :P))
mabe xD ill talk to you later, Wild! Thanks a lot!!!
I'm supposed to be folding laundry, but I can do that in bed. I have to go to sleep soon too
Actually, I measured wrong. Now it says 97.1
I just took my temp, it's 98.1. My mom just left earlier to she's not here
the pale skin and the appetite fluctuations. My mom just thinks I'm over dramatizing it, but it really hurts. I'm going through one now :S
Ok, so lately, if I eat a little cheezburger from McDonalds I get sick, if I eat candy at all I get sick. When I get sick I get queezy and very faint, and I cry because it hurts so much. I start shaking really badly and get cold flashes
No. >:(
Care to share? XD I lost it all when I was 5. :P
Lol. Maggie lacks that. C:
Hm. I'll probably Junkyard it. I've been trying to sell this stupid Kitsune for weeks. >> I mean for real? What does one DO with a Kitsune?! I know what it does BTW, but I don't want it. >> It's the cheapest on Ala too. :T I mean, Somone bought the HIGHEST priced, but not mine?!?! FOR REALS.
Oh, so he's trash? XD Jk jk... I don't really want him. o.e Would he sell for bones you think.. I really need bones. >>
Lol. I got a Goldbar Chinchilla... WHatever that does. o.e
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my! :o
No cupcakes. ): Those were nice things those. ^^
No cupcakes. ): Those were nice things those. ^^
If you'd like to have Drummer's daughter I'll be happy to give her to you. If you're concerned about her being retired/pounded, that won't happen. I think she's gorgeous, but I put her up for sale because I promised myself I'd only keep 1 from the litter ^^
Lol. C: Same
Thanks your so sweet and amazing at training <3 I owe you a tip and a gift ;)
lol cool! I just might send a request I want to be surprised! And yes if you like too :D
yes but they weren't links xDD Stretched my webpage quiet a bit >_- XD
Lol .XD Agreed!
I like it. :D
/Hug hug hug !!<3
:D :D :D
Thanks and good job :) I appreciate it, send back spots when he's ready :) maybe I will send some others when you can handle it :D
She's almost Maxed wild! :D
thank you i think i would like to be on the waiting list
lol, You can have Thor if you like and sure! I have been trying to find a mate for Neytiri for a while...and sadly I had neglected my side account again o3o;;;; wolfy bad D:
Blue sheltie? Nyteri? :>
Plain, yes. But very pretty too! Nothing I'm particularyly interested in. But congrats on the litter. (Especially Aesop!)
ok great! thanks so much
ok great! sending him now
hello i saw that you do train if it true do you have a slot open? i have a capped dog that i would like to max and i done the math it will come out to be 35,999.64 but ill pay 36,999
thank you for your time
thank you for your time
One of their TPs is high anyway. x3 The others is a lower sort. Dancing is going with Homeward.. Not sure about the other.
One of their TPs is high anyway. x3 The others is a lower sort. Dancing is going with Homeward.. Not sure about the other.
Fairly large. :S Money wasted on training dogs I don't want.
Fly was training two aussies for me, it's been 5, 6, maybe 7 months now and they aren't trained. I forgot at the 2nd month at least. So now I'm trapped with money spent and wasted. when I get them back I won't have room, and I can't just pound/retire them. I spent a BUNCH of money, their TPs are rather high...
Homeward is actually thinking of buying them though... So..o.e
Fly was training two aussies for me, it's been 5, 6, maybe 7 months now and they aren't trained. I forgot at the 2nd month at least. So now I'm trapped with money spent and wasted. when I get them back I won't have room, and I can't just pound/retire them. I spent a BUNCH of money, their TPs are rather high...
Homeward is actually thinking of buying them though... So..o.e
Thank you for telling me!
awesome, thank you so much!(:
thanks ^^
your welcome :D... do you know anyone who has a high TP corgi for stud?
i'll send her and the money
heard you have space. How much will it be?
hello, i was just wondering if i can be put on the waiting list for you to train a 900TP and 2kTP dog?
Thank you!! <3 <3 <3
Ok, i have one. I will see if i can borrow a friends
I saw Wolfheart's and Sashabelle's predicts and they were amazing!!! When she goes into heat next I will send a request! Do you mind using a chance with them?
I Love him though.So yes we have a deal.
ok great! =) let me know when you can take him
yes please i would love to get his training done. how much will i owe you?
Yeah although i hope its in her first heat since i cant wait 6 days.
gaston please
do you have a training slot open?
no problem. i have ts i dont need, so i just have been useing them
5 Months close to 6 months so about 6-7 days.
Little missy is 50% Trained but i have no timestop to stop her aging while he catches up so by the time she goes into heat she has pups.
okay although i am Inpatient!cant help that though,sorry
Is the dog maxed yet?
I can't wait to see some of your linearts!!
I can't wait to see some of your linearts!!
thanks ^^
alright i can wait..i would board but no roo x.x
thanks..are you free for another? a GSD with 390TP..
Mhm. ^^
I decided to only keep them for Luff. <33
Hehehe. C:
Oh me too >>>
He looks more like a Mango than a Tango.. :D
Yyayayaa :D
Thank you for helping. <3
oh okay, i'll send the money over now, thank you so much! <3
how much would it be again? i can pay now if you'd like(:
Thank you Wild. <3 I fell asleep at 3 last night, but I tried it this morning and I feel better. ^^ Still hurts, but I feel way better. ^^
hi, im santapaws' alt, i sent the dog over, thank you so much!
aw... Well still :S
Oh dear gosh I can;t sleep. >> My ear is starting to hurt and my throat still hurts... Meh ;_;
Oh dear gosh I can;t sleep. >> My ear is starting to hurt and my throat still hurts... Meh ;_;
D: Awww. <3 I'm so sorry!
Aww thanks!
Yup thank you! Did you want the refund for tomorrow?
Are you ever going to sell her ? Just curious. and do you have any pap studs that ARE NOT related to Crystal?
Your side account is full and I have to send the dogs back today as I'm not sure I'll be around tomorrow and I'm running out of kennel space lol.
I managed to send some back to your side but not all.
I managed to send some back to your side but not all.
C: So what's up?
i would love that you train him for me!(: let me know whaen i can send him over!
i havent got my husky maxed yet :P he's on my alt, not on this account. if you cant take him, its fine though (:
Meh :S
Huh. Wonder what's going on.. :S
I don't have a hope in the world that I'll be able to afford one - recently unemployed IRL so no more bones for me lol. If you happen to get one and are willing to lease it out for a day at a time just let me know!
Ohhh. XD Pixi is still there. <3
Hai, are your Paps over/underweight by a LOT?? me and Crev were exploring, and we have some highly odd weights occurring, only in Paps... Like Esmerelda has 2 lbs, but is 70 months. But some of my other paps are in the forties.. They're all fed the same thing/
Hai, are your Paps over/underweight by a LOT?? me and Crev were exploring, and we have some highly odd weights occurring, only in Paps... Like Esmerelda has 2 lbs, but is 70 months. But some of my other paps are in the forties.. They're all fed the same thing/
o.o ?? My Puppeh...?
Good job :) Good luck!
How are my dogs coming?
Oh it's fine =) I just couldn't remember xD
You don't happen to have a chance do you? Looking to lease from someone reliable =)
You don't happen to have a chance do you? Looking to lease from someone reliable =)
lol thank you.
I'll sure hold onto the MDB but if its not done by then,i'm watching you ^^
sure thank you?that would be fair.
thatsalot for me too much,i need a 100=200 tp on since i have no time to train.
Aussie too,although tp,if too high i cant max.
what about a mll?
any,hopefully male?
possibly one aussie for it?
yeah,would you trade something for it?
do you need a magic dog biscuit
Yay! I can't wait. <3
Lol, I guess your right :P Mine always obsesses about how she's scared she looks bad or she fails at something.. Meh.
Oh dear gosh those are almost worse. My best friend is the sweetest person in the world.. But she freaks out and obsesses over EVERYTHING. I love her to pieces, but sometimes.. o.e
Teenagers. >> Some people I just wanna smack them into place :T
Hey there, I was just wondering what the date was that you were picking up your dogs =)
XP People.
I will have to look them up. Im looking for one kind of like the one i picked up for the Pound Project, the blue color, but i was thinking since there arnt a lot of them id just start from foundies and work up from there.
Lol- Just dump the drama in the trash can and it'd be a whole lot more fun :P
Lol. XD I'm still in Middle school, so my classes started roughly two hours ago :P
/shakes head
Scrambled eggs with sausage is defiantly yummy. C:
What are you up to?
Scrambled eggs with sausage is defiantly yummy. C:
What are you up to?
Eating Breakfast, being sick. :C
Wheee. C:
Would you look at that. A Kitten Oracle (Or Kitten for short)!
Yeah I'll submit an issue. I never knew he was in my shop haha.
hahah xD
Yeah (: Idk what would happen is someone would buy it lol. It's not an item technically and I don't have the dog anymore haha.
Nah platinum :P And okay. I'll have then for when you need them. They are able to be placed together too. They are on like an angle position thing so they kinda sit next to each other.
Haha oh wow
o.O It doesn't even show up in my shop when I look at it haha.
It was a dog I had on here. Lol. I've only seen the name come up when I mass handle stock.
Naw, I don't think they meant to post it like that and kill chat. :P
hehe yep :) I just got on & just answered it :) huggles :)
This one For MistleKoi (#115112)
Yay! <3 Digit is beautiful. Hmm... I can't decide between Fidgeting Raven and Ghost`s Fudge... ohh... urm... I think I'd like Ghost`s Fudge, I just dig her calico markings. XD
Eek! They're all so adorable! <3 Are you going to sell any?
Alrighty and if you need SS jtsu tak a look at my log And i also got the eath messages (i delete it becuase i neeed to clean out my box)
should i report or you and witch Part of hte hub
Should we report or jsut be happy we got it fixed
Maybe its a Bug.... Thats Strange
What items did she have on
I wanted hte white but if you like that one you cahae r or one of hte blackups
Thansk! Would you like one for hte trouble i cuased of her dieing on her wayoer
It sai she died after i sent her and she isnt in my cemetary.....
Did you get your dog back becuae it says i sent it but it says the dog died on my log also Im a bit confused.....
Welcome. ^^
Hehe! ^.^ No problem, luff. <3
My second Pap litter was born. I don't need any more females, and they were ALL females!!! >_< You can have any of them. (: They're lovely, just not what I need ATM.
And thank you SO much!! I am going to look through some predicts now. :o
My second Pap litter was born. I don't need any more females, and they were ALL females!!! >_< You can have any of them. (: They're lovely, just not what I need ATM.
And thank you SO much!! I am going to look through some predicts now. :o
Are you available to train another dog?
True, but I don't allow my brother to charge me rent... I just look after his cats and do up his house for him instead. xD
Only a part share this time, I owned the last one. XD
No, I'm living in his house. XD I'll be moving not too far away so I can still visit him easily, somewhere in Lincolnshire. =)
At the moment he will be my sixth, but two of those cats are my brother's, so they won't be coming with me when I buy a new house.
Thanks Ill be sending hte money now :)
thanks so much! and yes i cant wait to have my boy back =)
xD Not really, Ocicats come from Abyssinian's so they're still allowed in out crosses. (though in this case the girl refused to like any of the Abby males she was pared with, so the breeder thought there was something wrong with her, put her to one of her Oci males.. and bam! a litter straight away! XD) ^^ I have Abbys and Ocis already, I love them! They are by far my favourite breeds and I couldn't imagine my life without at least a Silver oci and a usual Abby around. He's a little boy, and he'll be in honour of my last male Abby. <3 (even if he's only half! XD)
She is Fine she is a beuaty i love black and white :) How much will it cost to rent her :)
Thank you and she doesnt need to e in heat i have a Heat cookie :)
Hey wild, Clawz is maxed and should be breed Able by today do you think i can "Rent or Borrow" one of your females? I can borrow for free or rent for a given amountt :) As long as the female is maxed and ill send her right back when she gives birth :) And if so Second gen please?
Thank You.
Thank You.
I haven't seen him yet, but I'm sure he's cute. XD He's an Abyssinian Ocicat cross. The breeder's an old friend so she's giving him to us because it was an accidental breeding. XD
xD He's one of my favorite chars.. though his markings end to change a bit. ^^; Sonas is comming slowly, but other then that I'm fine. Getting another kitten in a few weeks! <333
D'aw, and you deserve lots of hugs, too! *snugs*
That's a lot of hugs! :D <33
Yay, I love hugss. <3
Wild! Snoweh wanted to stop by to say that she loves your tag. C:
Jadyn was being a fuss batt after waking, she was hungry but I checked if she had a dirty diaper for she farted a load one when she woke up e3e
lol yeah babies can be good fart monsters the grin about XD
she grins too when she farts sometime like saying hahah
she is when she's not farting while loading her diaper xD
eeeck sorry for the horrible post I am typing with one hand for I am holding my niece lol
Sorta but haven
t been it for several months no
t been it for several months no
No new doodles, life is getting in the way of my arts lol my second niece was born last Friday so I have been helping out with her. I would doodle something tonight but I am watching her for a few hours tonight (yays!) 8D
Tomorrow I will try to draw something for I will have more free time :>
Tomorrow I will try to draw something for I will have more free time :>
Ill have an extra 100-something bones leftover.
I'm hoping to do the same with this account. I'll be donating soon and ill get 450 bones. Spending it all on this account. Buying slots (spending 200 bones on) And 3 perks (45 bones) And a forever upgrade (75 bones)
i wish I had this account :P
i wish I had this account :P
Does Wild have any bones? I need some x3
Does Wild have any bones? I need some x3
Thank you :3
I am sending now :3
Sure ill pay 18k :3
How much :3
Yeah haha i make no money trialing -sniff- I barly have any good trial dogs except frozen beuaty And yeah its enough plus if i make a CC ill get more f i make one people will buy i just dont kow witch effect to do
Yeah but i can eventually get more it mght take a while since i cant donate but iv saved up quite a bit so far i have about 4mill and 500k I had 5 million but No i jsut had to go and spen it and im 5 bones away from havin 200 again so im doing good plus i have hte chance and a bunch of other things and im thnking of making a CC
Alrighty if you say so :) Would you like anything i have some bones i can spare and some ala cash :3
Sounds fair and are you sure ? I can buy uyou some if you like
Once he's Maxed if you mean my ZoiXP and if you want another MDB ill buy you one just ask :3
I love all your females so any would be fine :3
I am trying to get a caped Zoi it will take time but im up for hte challenge, And i love Zois to I dont know why I have Clawz My Zebra Zoi who will be bred to but dont have a mate for him
Oh wow is she a Beauty
Your very welcome i have no use for them :3 just happy someone else can enjoy it
I be sending something on your wishlist :3
Cute, I am glad she has a good home and thank you for adopting her
Who would you be breeding her with :3 And That's fine Just an offer :3 I know she will have a great home
Alrighty and if you want i can max her for free for you :) i hae a 3+ energy compaion i can buy an auto feeder if needed and i have the perk and scholar collar and if i need to buy anything else i can
She is cute ill be sure to stop by whe she has pups maybe i can adopt one and Beuatiful Name for her she is Adorable thank you for giving her a home
I sent an thats great! Ill be sure to check on her in a few days to see her full image And ts fine i dont need anything jsut a loving home is fine for me :3
Yeah i will either retire the rest who dont get homes with someone i know or who is trustworthy and wont ruin my lines will be retire And you can have it for free ill send the pup now
I don't Know honestly becuase of her colors and i Must be careful becuase I know people sell the pups an someone who doent max their dog buys and bree them and ruines my lines ( know you max your dog:3 but someone else if you sell the puppies might not)
What would you pay becuase its from New lines Custom parents If needed ill use a BOM on it for a minute and what would you offer if i were to sell it
Yep no problem!!!
Yep extension should be fine =) What is the new date?
Oh, thanks for notifying me! -stumbles off to post-
It is it is!
Don't worry its a washable c:
/flips hair
I know I know, don't get to crazy. /signs Wild's forhead
I know I know, don't get to crazy. /signs Wild's forhead
No need for it so yeah ^.^
Haha! Sorry for teh poof, got hungry and then read some ghost stories. :3
\"I remember feeling low and I remember feeling low and I remember all the feelings and the day they stooped... We are, we are all innocent, we are all innocent, we are, we are all inocent, we are, we are. We are all innocent, we are, we are.\"
\"You\'re gonna leave \'m all in awe, awe, awe! Boom, boom, boom, even brighter than the moon!\" Lol, Firework. X3
\"You\'re gonna leave \'m all in awe, awe, awe! Boom, boom, boom, even brighter than the moon!\" Lol, Firework. X3
Lol! Man, music is awesome. X3
Lol I love their \"Little Lion Man\" =D
He\'s an awesome singer, isn\'t he? I\'m onto \"drops of jupiter\" by Train now. =)
Lol! Now it\'s \"I\'m already there\" by Lonestar. =)
Jump then Fall by Taylor Swift..... lol I listen to all kinds of stuff. X3
Oh, sorry! *takes off hat and Wild and huggles you*
Nope, you\'re mine now! =D *Pulls a hat on and walks around with your head sticking out*
I, Shunkadunk of Alacritysim, hereby claim you, Wild Oracle, as my friend. Teeheehee, you can\'t escape!
I really dont mind what you send me ;)
XD :) Thank you :) If you ever need something / borrow like Scholar collar or heat cookie message me cause I have some :)
You dont need to ;) XD
I bought one for 1 bone and sent it to you :)
OH do you want me to buy you one? And send it to you??
Oh, dear D: So are you missing a pegasus or do you have an extra? XD
That pony sure does get some wily ideas sometimes.
That pony sure does get some wily ideas sometimes.
So why do you need 14 rebirths ??
Thank you a bunch :)
Okay. ^^
I did, coat info is hidden. :p
oh well she is out of heat now so when she is back in heat i will come back ^-^
allright then
it should be two but i have friends that play this game and sometimes thay come over and we play on here so if there are more people on my IP adress that would be why.
ok but im not deleting it because my friend who created this account gave it to me so im using it as my side account =)
How do you delete your acount? :!!
A few of my children ran away, so I went to find them. >:C Snow hide-and-seek, apparently.
A few of my children ran away, so I went to find them. >:C Snow hide-and-seek, apparently.
o: That was me!
*noms kitty*
Kittykat. o3o Nom
Kittykat. o3o Nom
I dun get it.
Wow. Caps abuse. o3o
Dun kill me for that. D:
Wow. Caps abuse. o3o
Dun kill me for that. D:
....wait wat
....wait wat
I have senses of humor.
A fox\'s sixth scent.
A fox\'s sixth scent.
>:U xD
At least a hint ? ;A;
At least a hint ? ;A;
Noooooo ;A;
xD Finee. :p
xD Finee. :p
zomg spam of the !!!!! xDD
Okay. :D Sending background~
Okay. :D Sending background~
Sure, why not. I have so many. xD
Uhh, dunno. xD
I have 4. ;u; Help me...
I have 4. ;u; Help me...
its okay and thanks :3
i\'m going ahead and sending the corgi customs and the 1200k to train them :3
do you mind training two at a time?
okay :3. i\'ll send them one at at time if that helps.
well i\'m behing on trainning and i have some customs that need maxed. two corgis and a german.Basic done on all them already
are your trainning services opean?
awesome, thank you so much! let me know when you can take him!(:
hello(: is there any chance that you could max a 1000+ TP male husky for me? i wouldnt mind being on the waiting list as i take forever to max my dogs since i only have 16TS/day :/
Okay, I have a foundie for you to max :)
sounds great to me, ill send the money over now. then switch accounts and send the pup over. :) thank you!
No i did find a trainer for him, but i do have a 609 tp dog that i could use maxed if you have any spots open, id be happy to take it.. and if you can get it done fast ill pay 10k extra..
Yay thank you! Are you willing to train another one of my dogs?
Thank you very much! :)
Nah I played games and now got 2k
Ok one second. Ill have the money only got 800 on me it was my budget
Could you train my dog he has 700± TP
Thank you so much! ^^
alright sent present over to you!
alright coming right over!
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so would you like any of the other ones?
pups are born! hey for helpin me with this you can choose one of the pups if you like!
You\'re very welcome!
Hey there, tried to send your dogs back to your side but it said that you are out of dog slots, let me know what you want me to do =)
Sorry. Just one last question. If I draw fanart, am I not allowed to post it in, say, my profile?
Could you possibly tell me where to find them?
Oh. Once again, I\'m very sorry. Newbie is showing o.O
So what\'s the difference?
Yay! Thank you so much. <333
I love the fact that she looks exactly like my boy, Blake. Are you willing to sell her, then?
If you ever decide you want to sell #9867, please let me know. I\'d be happy to pay much more than what you paid for it.
I was working on it(: It\'s empty now
Would a schollar collar help? I can take it off Rose
When can i get back my papillion?
Uhmm, there's none that I really like. But, I will take the pure white one!
Not anymore ^^
Opps. Let me turn them on now. ^^ Is it too late? You already gone?
Thank you. :P
Alright. May I take my pick?
Alright. May I take my pick?
Ok send them over
ok thanks for telling me
alright thats fine. thanks for telling me
Thank you!
Okay,the pups are here :) You can take your pick if you want one. :)
No problem! -playfully tosses popcorn at Wild-
-passes popcorn bowl-
Pffft there's not need to sneak just join :P
I rented it from the Block Buster box lol
I rented it from the Block Buster box lol
I will have to check my e-mail after dinner and movie I rented Kung Fu Panda 2 soooo might watch it like four times tonight <3
lol thank you <3 I sent you a reply a moment ago :P
No problem. His price is $500. May I have the female's ID please?
Thanks! I might have to sell some to make room but I'll keep one. Send me a message when the pups are born so I can turn on dog transfers ^^
I like pup pa
Cute! Can I see one more predict?
Hey, I'm on my side. Just pair her with any corgi that has bi-colored eyes or is green and/or red glitched. ^^
lol yeah, mine doesn't even stay charged I have to have it plugged in if I want to use the darn thing. It's old, a goooood eight years. I am getting a new laptop this month possibly next week. The one I have now my parents are going to buy it from me XD
Good night Wild! I was coming back before you left but google chrome went kaput so I had to restart my laptop :x
ok great! =)
Uh, yeah, why?
LOL. YES. :D I ammmm!!
Lol. XD
Thanks, I've got to re-decorate him *runs off*
We should! I especially like this boy:
Nope, the extra is your's. :)
Can't wait!
yay! I have inspired!
Well, my mascotts are Rocky and Toby, which is what I told Mizz to draw on the banner she's making. Rocky's a derp dog, and Toby's really smart (That's how I imagine them) so I told her that Rocky should be all derpy on one side and on the other should be Toby with a 'what is that crazy pooch doing?' look on his face xD
I definitely dont wanna lose him! Can I maybe see a WIP on the banner :D Im super excited!
Ha, puppies (although cute) are the problem! If i get too much and they grow out of the puppy kennel (which my cata is in) they might all run away!
If you'd like, you can take her :3
thanks so much! Probably wont get back, Made the mistake of telling everyone in chat I bought more dog slots xD
Really? Thanks! I'll put the banners both on my profile! One at the top and one at the bottom :P
I'd love that! But I can't spend my money on commissions, it all goes towards feeding the dogs. I get lots of donations, that's really the only way I can afford to keep it running.
Thanks, but Mizz Claus is handling it :)
Nope ^_^ Think of it as a tip :3
:D sounds great, ill send him and the money now :) thank you SO so much :)
Hi there, would you by chance have any open training slots for a 674 TP dog? :)
okay, I'll send him now and the money :)
One is 700 and one is 1060
Thank you so much! Would you like to train another one of my dogs?
Lol, yeah, but aren't all fridays? C:
Been better. :P Wbu??
Ya. x3
So excited to see my dogs fully maxed! And to see their puppies! *jumps up an down in seat* XD
I know! I love her xP Xy has her brother too
Hahah yep! SHe was a lovely gift from Aussie <3
Awesom! I'm excited to breed her and trial her
Trust me, they are crazy little buggers. x3
Lol, I believe brothers are often amusing. x3
Hahaha okay, since shes such a monster, you may use the fox xP
Done! Let me know as soon as you are ready for her xP <3 and you can use my Fox if you need to I have skunks
Okay perhaps a better question...what would you charge for Peak? xP
Hey Wild, what do you charge for training?
xD Now that's mean.
Meh. I just hope, despite everything I say about my ex being a jerk, that he didn't cash that check. Don't wish that kind of hell on anyone. Though if he did, and he used it to "make up" for the fines he probably had to pay for filing his taxes with me as a dependent when he shouldn't have... then I won't feel sorry for what he gets.
Because the IRS decided to send my tax return to my ex, instead of the address I listed as my current address, and now it's going to take another 6 weeks to get an answer as to what happened and when I can expect a new one. :(
None this year yet. :T but last year, I think the most exciting thing, was an xbox, even though my brothers play it more than I. XP
Thank you!!!! :D
What did I get where?? X3
xD Just get me some 2011 christmas items. xD
I'm missing New Years too!! sjkhgsklghsjk.
I'm missing New Years too!! sjkhgsklghsjk.
lol yeah, I am looking for a JRT's now. Some are nice just trying to make sure I get a lowish TP so it wouldn't take long to max -stares at kennel-
lol agreed, I might just find Carlyle a new mate and sale Abigail >.>
Thanks <3 they are cute but again none catch my eye :/
Don't forget to feed Crystal and Lulu!
Lol. x3 Ya, not Ala, That I'm sad about too, I already missed blackfriday, and thanksgiving, and now I'll have to miss christmas too!
Oh dear me. x3
Oh dear me. x3
Because we are going to Aruba, don't get me wrong, sounds fun! But we won't be home for Christmas, no tree, no cell or wifi, maybe no TV, so I can't even wish anyone merry Christmas... I'm just so sad. ):
zSent it just now. Thanks for maxing them :)
Ok. Do I send the money now or after you've maxed them?
How long will you keep Crystal and Lulu?
You should try it now.It's gotten REALLY boring since my best friend hasn't been online for forever.My sis won't go on and it's no fun with her anyway.Im Lord Sweep II on it.Sorry it's quite new and not fully updated,hard to get used to also.In a year it may be up and running perfectly.
Did you try my Dog RP website?
Heh yeah
Babysit and train my friend's dogs :P
Ugh,my boyfriend has an excuse that will no longer work to go out of the house now.He has he has to do his homework,usually he's talking to his friends or playing video games.His little sister Makalyn sucks!She's just like mine.Dawson really hates her.
Ugh,my boyfriend has an excuse that will no longer work to go out of the house now.He has he has to do his homework,usually he's talking to his friends or playing video games.His little sister Makalyn sucks!She's just like mine.Dawson really hates her.
Heh heh.I tried that already XD Im starting to work.
That's what I've been trying.Im have 14 dollars and my little sis stole 3 last night.It sucks.
She doesn't want me to get a husky for me and she completely lied saying she would get me one but spent all the money on crap.Sounds like him right?Sometimes I feel like Captain Hook WOULD be better.
Me neither lol I just tossed the timewatch on Abigail keheheh
He looks like Pan too.Ugh,my mom is like the adult version of Peter Pan before he goes to Neverland again.
Oh! And I will be having more JRT pups tomorrow the latest :D
Thank you so very much <333
Meh- I want Thanksgiving back, I don't want Christmas to come this year. ):
Lol, very! :D
ok thats fine. thanks for training them
ok both dogs are sent and i paid for both from my side.
ok and it would be Kiara from my side her tp is 600+
can i send my 1k+ male, and maybe a dog from my side?
I'm in a good mood for some reason
do you have an open space to train?
Ah- I seee.(:
Well thank you!! She is LOVELY! (:
Well thank you!! She is LOVELY! (:
thanks :3 i'll send her now
Haha I can reserve him if you would like xD
I was actually hopin he would go to somone I knew :P He is one of my favs.
I was actually hopin he would go to somone I knew :P He is one of my favs.
xD I really shouldn't, sorry. He is still unbred and I know some people like that in a dog. Perhaps buy him when you get payed this week ;P
i know. takes a while.
thanks. When your done with specklemoon i'll send the oit and the money. you really are a help. i'm trying to get bones to get a trainers perk but its not working well.i have almost maxed Greysplash on my own though.
okay :3 also...if you want to but you don't have to since you have helped me so much already. i have a 450.57TP pit on my side that needs maxing, this is the last one i swear...
Oh she's a darling! (: If it's alright with you, that is fine. <3 my wifi has been being a jerk to me lately, have had trouble getting on. ):
alright i'll send it now
Thank you so much -snuggles-
Yay, thank you so much!
AWESOME! Thank yoooou!
ok thanks! I just know my friend will love him. he is a surpirse
ok =)
ok when could you take it? Ive had a pup from my litter that i want to max and give to a friend
Your welcome :) Your name was the first I saw when I jumped to the Give page
But at least yours still works Dx
My tab just had to break. I'm really pissed <_<
how much would it be for you to max a 4k+ tp pup?
oh. for ask how much it would be to max Specklemoon
Ah, ok. ^^
Wild? Did I offend you?
Yup. =| Will you do me a huge favor and just check out my shop, see if there's anything you might justify buying? I need 12 bones to get my custom and I only have one now. You don't have to, just checking.
Cool! My kitten's being grumpy today because he got fixed yesterday.... lol!
Thanks <3 they are cute but none are what I expected I am going to breed the pair again soon ^o^
$600 right? and can you take the 1k + yet or a husky from my side?
I have a lot of rl pets.... here's my list.
-3 big white ones
Faolan's at the vet's getting fixed right now.... I've been fretting since we dropped him off lol! I can't wait to bring him home. Do you have any pets? I'm sorry you don't have a doggy. D:
-3 big white ones
Faolan's at the vet's getting fixed right now.... I've been fretting since we dropped him off lol! I can't wait to bring him home. Do you have any pets? I'm sorry you don't have a doggy. D:
Alright, go ahead and message me. :) Sorry.
Oops. Sorry about that. Lemme empty it out and I'll scribble you when there is room. So sorry.
i can't send her. no slots open
okay :3 i'll send her
Lol. XD I have a friend with boxer, and I'd rather be one of those.... lol!
I took that breed test on your page. I'm a bulldog. I feel like I'm crowdig you.... o.0 I'm not am I?
=D I's glad you are my frieeeend. I was worried I didn't have anyone good to send tg gifts to!
In other words you're my new favorite friend! =D You've helped me out quite a bit and I really appreciate that!
If I send you an autumn bg, will you send me one? =D
ok great! thanks!!
Not much interested in the pups. You're free to sell them, retire them, keep them all, etc. :)
Thanks, Oracle. :)
Oh! Alright. Just wanted ot be sure the pups weren't given off without me knowing
I think I accepted your request for Pas De Ligness and they successfully bred. Had she given birth yet? Or was their breed unsuccessful? I forgot :B
ok Great! i sent the money
Oh silly side accoounts- Why you torture us?
Oh dear. XDD
lol yeah, I love the skeleton dye <3
The fade effect makes him look like he is see through or an x-ray went wrong XD
The fade effect makes him look like he is see through or an x-ray went wrong XD
Oh goh. XD My side is where I keep all my unmixed/Not wanting to age
Yeah- I need to max some of mine as well... OH.
I jst remembred, my side account has a few paps...
And yes. C:
I jst remembred, my side account has a few paps...
And yes. C:
I got a copy! Stuffed it in my shop! /Off to advertise. x3
Daw. <3 Thank you. C: Iwas thinking about combining some of my lines... (Half my lines)
Daw, you don't have to. That's very sweet though. C:
Thaaaaaaank yooooou!
I wish. :T Jack got a 6k Pap, and I'm out of hope. >_> I can hardly finish maxing my 3k, Much less GET a mate for my dogs without inbreeding. DX
*o* reeeeally!? Okay *sends Prince over* 8D
Kk- Thanks!
Kk <3 how do you get it again? Under mod or newbie helper?
Alright. C: i am going to go and buy a copy- and go out to advertise. x3
Hehe, thanks! <3 I am deciding on a price, I was told 7-10 bones... So I am thinking about 8?
*claps* Congrats on maxing two doggies! I finally maxed a few dogs a few days ago. All they need was a few clicks XD
That would be awesome that'll help me train faster if you'll dump some TS here and there on Carlyle lol I am trying to starve me dogs at least a certain few for once they get too like 8 hunger I will dump agility affair down their throats yay for energy 8D
That would be awesome that'll help me train faster if you'll dump some TS here and there on Carlyle lol I am trying to starve me dogs at least a certain few for once they get too like 8 hunger I will dump agility affair down their throats yay for energy 8D
Sleeping fox.C:
Sleeping fox.C:
lol when I get Carlyle maxed, I got a few skills maxed alrighty just going slow for I have lots of other dogs who I want to get maxed also like my corgis o3o
HI! C: I made a new CA. :D
Do you max train other people's dogs?
thanks for maxing sootcloud
can you train another?
Sent her shes a brown GSD
Ok thanks!
Ok let me know when i can send one over. one has a tp of 1000+ and the other is like 300+
ok ill send her over. Its my halloween aussie
Hello i am new and heard that you are a good trainer would you train my dogs for me?
sent thanks a bunch! Would you be able to take one last one?
*slobbers in fox kisses* <3
Don't worry. I still love you. c:
Don't worry. I still love you. c:
Yooouuu xD
Yooouuu xD
thank-you so much :)
XD that ok,I dont mind :)
I know, I made a mistake in sending breeding requests because she couldn't breed...thank you for your time :)
ok how much?
Night! <3
Oh dear. XD Trivk or treating... i got... Pumpkins, and infections. >_>
Daw. ): I got everything up to the Skull, which I didn't want. :P
Lol. x3 I'm out of points, but I really don't want any items... >_> So. I'm good
Lol. XD I just bought a ton of Capes... o.o
Blah- i know right? I've had to TP his Profile already because he attacked me so often. >>
it's beginning to creep me out.
it's beginning to creep me out.
Lol. x3 Thanks, staying out of chat, Clayton is going to eat me, >_>
And Oh yeah. Perfect. I have no idea what it's here for.
And Oh yeah. Perfect. I have no idea what it's here for.
Oh dear. ): Well I am hoping to stay a survivor for a while, Zombies scare the living life out of me. :C
OMG. There is a helicopter flying around our neighborhood. o.o
OMG. There is a helicopter flying around our neighborhood. o.o
Yeah. :T Stupid 8th grade girls. >_<
You're a Zombie now? 8C /Slinks away
You're a Zombie now? 8C /Slinks away
Ya! The whole time (I was with a group of my friends) we spent driving in a golf cart overcrowded with people to find everyones boyfriend... I ws the loner.
Sorry I haev alot of important mail.
No. ):
Lol. XD Back from Trick-or-treating.... I am FROZEN.
Ugh, I know right?? I just finished a project... >_>
xD Homeworkkkk... Blaahh... >_>
u have alot of dogs! lolz X3
Lol. x3 S what's uppp? /Boredness. >_>
She's pretty. :D And your BFF has a nice skill in pretty names. XD I just couldn't remember it off the top of my head
Ooooooo!!! :o
They are all pretty!! I like the first one- I believe the name starts with an F?
They are all pretty!! I like the first one- I believe the name starts with an F?
Lol!! XD
Been better, but good. :D Working on a project for Sco. Studies, (writing a kiddie book. C:) and then later today going over to a friend of mines church. >:3
Been better, but good. :D Working on a project for Sco. Studies, (writing a kiddie book. C:) and then later today going over to a friend of mines church. >:3
How are you? C:
Hello there!! :D
yes please. ill pay you from here as well. thanks
The users of Alacrity are interested in assisting with updating AlacritySim's Wiki page. While the Wiki is a valuable resource to old and new players alike, many of us have noticed that several pages have unfortunately fallen behind and either contain information that is no longer relevant to Alacrity's current site or are lacking in vital information. I've started a thread in the Suggestion Forum and could use your support! If you know of others who would be interested in contributing to/supporting this thread, please pass this message along! <3
The thread can be found here: OPERATION UPDATE: AlacritySim Wiki!
I encourage you to read the original post, as it fully explains our goals for OPERATION UPDATE and contains guidelines on how to keep the thread from becoming too cluttered. We really need the support and positive suggestions of Ala staffers to reach our goal.
Many hands make the work lighter.
Thank you!
~Ionic (#17844)
The users of Alacrity are interested in assisting with updating AlacritySim's Wiki page. While the Wiki is a valuable resource to old and new players alike, many of us have noticed that several pages have unfortunately fallen behind and either contain information that is no longer relevant to Alacrity's current site or are lacking in vital information. I've started a thread in the Suggestion Forum and could use your support! If you know of others who would be interested in contributing to/supporting this thread, please pass this message along! <3
The thread can be found here: OPERATION UPDATE: AlacritySim Wiki!
I encourage you to read the original post, as it fully explains our goals for OPERATION UPDATE and contains guidelines on how to keep the thread from becoming too cluttered. We really need the support and positive suggestions of Ala staffers to reach our goal.
Many hands make the work lighter.
Thank you!
~Ionic (#17844)
Lo.. XD Same here!
You've rifled through The Wild Living Oracle 's goodies and pull out:
and then... Fleas.... >_> x3
and then... Fleas.... >_> x3
OMG- YES!! <3
You've rifled through The Wild Living Oracle 's goodies and pull out:
Red Knee Tarantula Plush.
You've rifled through The Wild Living Oracle 's goodies and pull out:
Red Knee Tarantula Plush.
xD Tested all day. >_> but good other than that!
Gonna hit the hay, goodnight!!
Gonna hit the hay, goodnight!!
Yep! Ao whats up?
Ah. D: I see... My brothers might find it, but I honestly am going to possibly get my iPhone to get the little appy thing...
Oh dear. >_> I want to share all my thought ith the world, I NEED to get them out, or I explode... I was 10 when my grandparents died, and kept a journal. I still have it, granted it's only been 3 years, but still. It helped so much
Lol. x3 I still haven't been diary shopping, Ala is my ranting place for now. XP People here are too nice. C:
Yesh. :T I'm a bit ticked... Ranting around in chat. o3o
Lol, I just really want to play it. :T I found out about a free version they sell,(sell??) but it sorta isn't working... I just wondered if it worked for anyone else. DX
Hum num. Kk. :P
Hey- have you ever heard of Minecraft? o.o
Hey- have you ever heard of Minecraft? o.o
i'll send her :3 how much will it be
can you train Sootcloud?
Oh, thanks anyway~ <3 ^-^
Oracle~ Do you have a chance I can rent? :3
thanks do you want me to send another?
this is texas on my side i sent you an aussie male.
ok ill send you the money for her then log into my side and send you one
ok how much? and would you be able to take on another from my side? the tp is lower
Hey, I just wanted to remind you that I am still holding the high-Tp Husky for you. :)
It's this game. I've given up even trying to clean them out.
Tell me when you do ;D I'm getting my fursona!:D well I'm heading to bed now... Night!!
Lol xD you have one?
Lol thank you c: I've wanted a CC for a while...: I jut get off track, but I'm staying true to my goal this time!J
Wlepes and thanked!:D I have decided what I am going to save up for- long term of course. I really need to straighten out my ala money... I'm going to buy my ustom pair, and then begin to save up for a custom companion(50 bones) while this is going on, with my actual ala cash, I will be saving up to buy a rejuvenator for myself, and a leopard... O3o totally LONBGGG term
Lol xD I'm still trying to save uptown customs Dx have 9 bones- good luck with yours zD
Oh my. May I gobble her down with a side of adorableness?<3 he is simple adorable! Did you get him from the pound?:3
Jepsogekspco d OMG which one??;) Sorry for te little crazies- I love Aussies *0*
I got 2 bones
Okay, I will write in her name that she is hold for you and that you have to pay 11k left. :)
Okay, that would be 22k. :) How shall we handle it with the payment? Half now and half when buying?
K! I will send the bone!
No problem. if you need more, Katie has auctions on the bottom of the bone auctions for 50k
Okay. I'll send.
I can sell you a bone...?
I just have 1 bone.
Oh, okay. Haha, I can sell you my bone on my main account for just 50k if you still need them.
Are you paying 50k per bone? Or 50k for 2 bones?
Board? Sorry, my english is not very good. ^^' You mean you wanna buy one and I shall hold it for one week? That would be the price + 2k.
Alrighty, thank you soo much! :)
Ugh- Hate that stuff. DX
:P So what's up?
Yes. :D Maybe Boo will produce some nice glitch puppies, too!
Ooh, that's awesome!
I know right? ;o
Whoa, Wild! xD *has, like NO bones whatsoever.*
thanks :3
:D I want some hot chocolate....
Oh dear. XD
There you are! ^-^
Hope the pups turn out well. :3
Hope the pups turn out well. :3
The breeding wasn't successful, so I gave you your money back.
Hey Oracle. I apologize, but the breeding didn't take unfortunately. Want to send the request again? I'll be glad to refund you. Once again, sorry that nothing resulted this time. >:/
UGH! Me too! In PE today, I just about fell asleep while doing the exercises twice! My friend kept on shaking my shoulder to keep me from it. :P SO glad to be home again.
Mine was quite crazy as well. XP
How are youu?
How are youu?
ok thanks for the update
okay :3 i'll send her now and the money
Heeeyyy! :D
i mean skyspirit
spritcloud first. then mabye sootcloud after that
Lol! XD Woot Woot! :D
And congrats!! <3
And congrats!! <3
Thanks! <3
/Happy Dance. :D
I'm so excited to max my little Esmerelda!
/Happy Dance. :D
I'm so excited to max my little Esmerelda!
Hi Oracle! I'd be happy to set up a breeding with you. Grayheart is maxed, but his son Guardian isn't just yet. I'm working on him though. :)
:ooo Ooo! When the pups are born- tell me! <3 :)
And alright! :D
And alright! :D
Jacks up for stud too I believe. XP I can always put it at 1 too if you want me to. :3 /Flops
Lol. XD
Lol. <3 She's pretty. ;D
Yeah, I'm needing some, all my paps are going to become inbred if I don't start
Yeah, I'm needing some, all my paps are going to become inbred if I don't start
But uh- now- i need to find foundiess... Nowww. >_<
WHOOP! Broke the 3k barrier for Paps! <3 BOOYA. <3
The gray one I am keeping, actually. ;D
The gray one I am keeping, actually. ;D
thanks :3 i was wondering if you can train another.. i have three unmaxed dogs that i'm not trainning because i'm trying to max greysplash
Pups born- they weren't as I hoped. only one was as glitches as the predicts said they would be, but that is fine. ^^
Well I'm so stinker sleepy- i'll be off! G'night! Be sure to scribble you later!
Well I'm so stinker sleepy- i'll be off! G'night! Be sure to scribble you later!
Lol- I dunno- I just wait impatiently in hope that I'll have a handful of messages soon. o3o
I believe so- Amazing may be in two days though
Oh boy!! <3 Pixi is due tomorrow I think.. JHaven't calculated completely.
I need to look when mine are born. XP
And wheee! :D Puppies! <3
And wheee! :D Puppies! <3
o3o I want the pups to be born already! Sooo tired of waiting. D:
o3o I want the pups to be born already! Sooo tired of waiting. D:
Cute!! <333
I think I've only had Paps recently. XD
I think I've only had Paps recently. XD
Yup! Who are your two?
2 as well! Pixi and Amazing Grace! Amazing Grace with have a 3k litter. :P
Oh dear gosh. DX Stupid stuff. Adv. is my class.. BLAH.
Meh- I want Pixi to have her pups already!!
Meh- I want Pixi to have her pups already!!
Blah- /flop
I hate math/ :T
I hate math/ :T
<3 It's not that he get's in the way- he's just SOO excited. x3
Oh-- Late replied, my doggie is on my lap, he is excited to be on a chair that is pulled up tp a table--... even though this table is a small poker table in the basement, and no food is here. >_>
Lol. x3 I tend to do that as well. D:
Thanks. <3
One of these days I wanna see one of your works!
One of these days I wanna see one of your works!
x3 <3 My brand new laptop, is also already filled with doodles. :P EX.
Needed that for a friend, figured I'd toss the link elsewhere.
Needed that for a friend, figured I'd toss the link elsewhere.
Lol. X3 I've killed so many trees with my paper doodles. ;_;
Lol. XD I am happy to say that 3/9 sketchbooks I own are filled up. :P
I'm totally getting a corgeh calander XD
that corgeh is ridiculously cute <3
I hope they turn out to be glitches!
And thanks! <3 Oh, they do sort of look alike. o: Grey Leopard is a bit lighter, though. He's lovely. <3
And thanks! <3 Oh, they do sort of look alike. o: Grey Leopard is a bit lighter, though. He's lovely. <3
Well I have asked to join 3 times and havent been answered yet. It's been about 3 months and my last join in was about 1 week ago
Lol! Very much! :) Love drawing. <3
Ya. D: And that's getting me headed towards an artist. XP
How long did it take for you to get onto Felis Fire?
Yeah- that'd be where I'd go mad. D: I get so upset when I watch animal planet cops with my brothers and all the abused animals, I could;t bare seeing all the poor animals, or putting one down..... I thought about being like the secretary, but I'd hardly get any doggie/animal time.. So.. >_<
When I was younger, my lifelong dream was to be a vet, but as I got older it just turned into a dog owner... I would still love to be a vet, but I cannot stand sad stuff, and I would hate to be a vet or work at a shelter and see all those poor sad dogs... I dunno if i could handle it... /Sensitive
Oj dear. XD I'm in multiple adv. classes, I absorb everything. :P I keep thinking i should do something with my doggie knowledge, but I do not know what. :P
AKC- fun fun, never read that before... Any good? /Doggie info..
AKC- fun fun, never read that before... Any good? /Doggie info..
*pokie pokie pokies*
<3 I sorta did a ton of research on a ton of dogs, wen I decided I wanted my own dog, learned a lot. :P It was halfway for nothing, considering my mom still said no. >_>
Hehe you too! and what about the horsie price?
I suggest a Rat Terrier, or an Aussie. :) I have a Rattie myself, and he i the sweetest thing ever, when riled up he's crazy! But they don't need but a living room, and a backyard or a few walks weekly. :P
Aussies are far more active, which is one reason i want one. They have minimum health issues, and need a large backyard or walks once or twice a day, and attach to one person easily. :P /Smart Maggie
Aussies are far more active, which is one reason i want one. They have minimum health issues, and need a large backyard or walks once or twice a day, and attach to one person easily. :P /Smart Maggie
Ausssssies <3 I want a aussie in RL, so I started them on Ala... Definetlly not the same, but as close as I can get
Awesome. ;) You have 2 messages.
Computerized Horse I know i want at least 1 of...
Do you have examples of the other two?
Do you have examples of the other two?
Lol. x3 Well not THAT much, but at least 20. >_< Plus some ptties and aussies... And... Ya- you get it. :P
Awesome! :D and ooo! Fun! If you ever need Pap ideas, tell me, i have about 700 on my desktop, waiting to be created, both glitch and naturals a like. XD
xD "Matooor". Haha I haven't watched that movie in AGES! <3
So, um, about those horses... How much? ;)
So, um, about those horses... How much? ;)
Ok- Maybe Idea. XP... I have two, actually... Maybe three.
Jack with Pixi, breed with one of your second gens, and we can just continue out the line front there. <3
Jack with one of your customs, and continue the line.... And stuff
Or Jack with any other dog. x3
Jack with Pixi, breed with one of your second gens, and we can just continue out the line front there. <3
Jack with one of your customs, and continue the line.... And stuff
Or Jack with any other dog. x3
Buttons on your shorts.
Get it? "so" buttons on your shorts?
I know, lame, but my dad says it all the time. xD
Get it? "so" buttons on your shorts?
I know, lame, but my dad says it all the time. xD
That would be so cool! Thank you! :)
That's totally opposite of my schedule! 8D
That would be great, Wild! <3
Yeah, totally! =P
Haha, sooo, how's the Leo drawing going?
Haha, sooo, how's the Leo drawing going?
=D Now I just need to get my textboxes code from Cord. *Unknowingly deleted them.* xD
WOW, Oracle that's REALLY good! <3 I will have to order some from you, once I get my profile orginized!
Oh. xD I knew, I'd seen it on your profile! <3
So DO you have any examples?
So DO you have any examples?
OOoooh, I might have to invest inn that. Do you have any examples?
Hahaha, wow! Well I might have to order some from you! Can you do them on the computer??
LOL awesome. xD
LOL awesome. xD
<3 =O You have experince drawing horsies?
tis is XD
Well, I just issue hub'd it again, but yes, both times, an admin handled it and both times, nothinig came up :/
First it was 80 sessions, then 120, but luckily I walked away with only 38 missing this time
First it was 80 sessions, then 120, but luckily I walked away with only 38 missing this time
2 times before this, I lost a number of training sessions when i was offline.
What happens is, my account trains dogs ONCE, but all of the dogs are dogs that are being trained at that exact moment, and the value for how much the dog was trained never shows up
What happens is, my account trains dogs ONCE, but all of the dogs are dogs that are being trained at that exact moment, and the value for how much the dog was trained never shows up
your welcome.... AGGHHHHH The glitch strikes again D8<
<3 *Squeeze hug*
*Stalks Wild* <3 I miss seeing you.
i am not hayleigh11292000 please my side is spotbabycupcake please stop its not hayleigh11292000
Okay, he's up for stud. (:
Okay, I'll put Peeker up for stud! Does 6k sound like a good price? I'm not sure, since the glitches are fairly rare, but I can't guarantee any glitches. ^^;
By the way, if you use a bandana on the pups while they have their pup images, the glitches won't show. You have to wait until they are 4 months old to see if they actually have the glitch. ^^;
By the way, if you use a bandana on the pups while they have their pup images, the glitches won't show. You have to wait until they are 4 months old to see if they actually have the glitch. ^^;
Oh, yes you can, Wild. (: I dunno if any glitches will be produced, though, it's a chance.
*sent stud request to Masked Wolf <3 :)
Cool, just message me the link!
after please..and ill go ahead and send you a 700+ female pittie
ok thats great =) do you care which one i send you first?
depending on the price yes please. how much do you charge? i have two 700+ tp dogs and a 400tp with some training. you dont have to take em all =)
do you max dogs?
Sorry about that !
Just put my transfer back on (:
Thanks for much for maxing her, I appreciate it a lot.
Just put my transfer back on (:
Thanks for much for maxing her, I appreciate it a lot.
Okay thanks. Haha I at first I was like "What the crap why hasn't Oracle responded!!!" And now I know what you are/were having computer troubles. D8 I totally understand.
Heyyyyyy how's the Leo drawing comin?
Xd i coudn't remember if i paid you or not. i'll so ahead and end brindlespash and the money
thanks^^ how much do i owe you and can you still max Brindlesplash for me?
Wild I have a story to tell you. xD
Before I tell you, in our class we have a ticket's a good system, not bad. xD Just not to get you confused because tickets are in the story.
So here's the story. :p
Anyway, in LA today we corrected a small story. The teacher asked how many errors there were. A few students said 6 and 7 and I said 8....which was right. x3
So I went up to get my ticket(since the teacher said whoever got it right gets one) and as I go up one of my class mates says, "How come she's always right ?" xD
It made me think of what you said. xD <3
Before I tell you, in our class we have a ticket's a good system, not bad. xD Just not to get you confused because tickets are in the story.
So here's the story. :p
Anyway, in LA today we corrected a small story. The teacher asked how many errors there were. A few students said 6 and 7 and I said 8....which was right. x3
So I went up to get my ticket(since the teacher said whoever got it right gets one) and as I go up one of my class mates says, "How come she's always right ?" xD
It made me think of what you said. xD <3
Alright, Thanks!
Cause it's totally not obvious that my kennel only contains huskies. XD
@_@ I'll remember that. They'll still get upset at me. xD Even if I direly want to just retire them.
That's great to hear :-)
Thank you so much for doing this for me, I really appreciate it.
Thank you so much for doing this for me, I really appreciate it.
Alright. Just message me when you are done.
That would be great! Do you think his price is okay?
That's fine! xD Whichever is easiest for you.
*Stalks Wild and watches for Leo picture.* xD
How's Wolf doing?
Awww <3 It doesn't have to be perfect!
LOL <3
Why so?
Why so?
*Stalks* How's the drawing goin?
oh lol, thanks! I finished that assignemt. =)
Hey how do dogs become immortal??
uhhh.... What had I asked again? ^v^ I forgot..... sorry!
Sorry! I'll move themn now.... try to message me in one minute though! Thanks!
Great (:
so 1200 ala cash correct?
so 1200 ala cash correct?
That would be great (:
Let me know when you would be able to take her.
Let me know when you would be able to take her.
Hello (:
How much would it cost to have you train in the TP range of 600?
How much would it cost to have you train in the TP range of 600?
Hehe that would work.
surprisingly, save from a few lame colors, even the ones bred to untrained moms turned out ok - I was looking for lower TP pups just not this way. Funny though, never had so many pups at once (not counting breeding error testers)
surprisingly, save from a few lame colors, even the ones bred to untrained moms turned out ok - I was looking for lower TP pups just not this way. Funny though, never had so many pups at once (not counting breeding error testers)
What exactly, do they look like?
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a breeding for Badger, as soon as my bitch go's into heat? It'll be very soon, and Badger is soooooooooo handsome.
ok thanks
Shelby and Silvers moon
hey can you take two dogs of mine they are maxed and i know cause they have a low tp that noone will buy so do you want them?
Awesome your welcome :D
ok sent puppy double check and make sure that was the right one..Thanks working
OK I have him on hold for you..He was the brown male pup with green eyes right? Working
I do 24hr reservations...
no..........close though..........but now that i think of it i kinda changed my mind mabe in the future
Hey wild. i was wondering if you would like to breed my male Rocky his TP is high as you can see >> TP: 607.15 and your female brozoi Pianist (#24263). :)
Spotted donkey copy is 10 bones, Somali donkey is 8 bones, and Grey-dun donkey is 6 bones.
The pups were born =)
Must have been mistakenly removed. I'll put it up. :}
Hey could I ask you a qestion?
Bought 8D
Thank you <33
Thank you <33
2k is fine :D put him up for sale and I snatch him up 8D
sent the money : )
well Im keeping them as pets :)
That's alright for me. c:
I'll send the money over!
I'll send the money over!
*squeal* I'll take him then. :D
How much is he ? c:
How much is he ? c:
D: Aww.
But I also like #70794. c:
But I also like #70794. c:
Sorry for the double post xD
Newborn Puppy (#70786) is a major cutie :O
Newborn Puppy (#70786) is a major cutie :O
Lol. I got it the second it posted, but I put the warning in messages instead of on the chat :P
awesome!(#70790) 70793 are the pups I want :)
Nice! :D
I love #70786. <3 May I adopt him, or were you gonna keep him ?
I love #70786. <3 May I adopt him, or were you gonna keep him ?
lol awesome! I can't wait <333
Hey its ok! You were just doing your job! xD
wow you sure sell out of your horses fast:) I don't have any bones but when i get some I would love your saddle bred ca:)
There you are, one fluffy red fox. Thank you for the bones and have a happy 4th of july^^
Whoops. Forgot yesterday was Saturday x.x. Its been a rough week haha. You can have it when ever you want. I'm not to concerned with up-front payments.
Thanks so much! I have her situated here once again, and she will be having her first litter being maxed :3 I'm hoping the pups get her gorgeous looks, as she is my favorite look as in color and eyes. I have bred her to my August Genesis... the pups should look alot like my most recent litter ( all at the bottom of my profile ) but could possibly have blue eyes. Thanks again for maxing her for me! If you are ever interested in a pup of mine, please feel to scribble and let me know! For you, he/she would be free :3
I'm so excited to be bringing her home! I sent the 5k, you should have a message informing you :3 Thanks so much for doing this for me! I have my dog transfer set to yes and an available slot. Again, thank you so much :D
I now have one in my inventory. I can send it to you when ever you want^^
One costs 6 bones. :)
I don't have any for sale right now but I can order one for you if you'd like.
That's great :D I just got back from camp today, sorry for not responding to your last scribble. I can't wait to have her over here again! :P
Hi, I bought the dog Princess o from you, and I just dont have the time to train her right now and the space in my kennel is limited and you told me if I was to sell her to sell her back to you. She is maxed out in 1 subject and half way in another. Im not sure if your going to pay for the training or if you just want her back.
xx Shadow
xx Shadow
It's up! I'll try to stick around...but theres like no connection here
OOokay I guess I can then XP
If you think I should XP I just set it high to filter out the pointelss requests
It has been for today since three friends wanted to breed to him XP
Umm, since Bronco is neutured. How do you get a male that isn't neutured?? Thanks!
Sure. Sending over.
I may. Just make an offer. (:
Where? O_O There's none on this mac. O_O
Yup I have an SD card :o
How could I upload it? No camera cordddddd D=
What, take a picture with photo booth on here? That would make it backwards :O
The Photo would be backwards, wouldn't it? :O
No scanner here :/
Darnesss hehehehehe -eye twitch >:D
Lol. Not really. :-(
Oh, Lucky
hat is A Lot! How Did you Come up with 183 Bones or that Money?
Woah .... How many Dog Slots do you Have?
have not sold the pups yet, message if you still would like them.
Okay =3
he He, True.
Lol, Thank You For Joining all my Ollie Competitions X3
Tha vaccinate all buttons?! :D -flails- I know!!! <3
no, still accepting offers
Can I get #65865? I'll still pay 5k.
I'll pay 5k for one of the glitches corgi pups. :3
lmao Ok.
That sounds awesome :D
On my page :3
Thank you for making it <3
Thank you for making it <3
O.o Haha.
If I get a litter of 4 I'll be sure to send one over. :D Would you like a male or female, if there is both?
If I get a litter of 4 I'll be sure to send one over. :D Would you like a male or female, if there is both?
Don't know what's bad about it, but I'll just use tilted instead.
That's better. :)
Is coked considered a bad word? I put it like "co.coked" and it worked.
Hey, something's wrong with my status. It's supposed to be "headroostered" but it keeps showing up as "headroostered" with no space or anything. No matter how many times I update it.
I sent the cookie back:)
How'd she get enough energy?
Yay! I'll send the heat cookie back now. :)
Since when did ala make the "decor galore" section in the main stores? If it was always there, I wasn't aware of it. O.o
It's summer for me. :)
I guess we'll be waiting? I'll keep checking on her. Will you be on around then? I'll scribble you when she gets energy. 1 point!
Man, she must not want to be bred! Well, how long does it take for her to get up to at least .1 hunger?
She has full health so I don't think I can. :(
Do we really have to wait until she's hungry again?? O.o :(
Now it's just teasing me. O.o ANd she's full, and115 health, so there's no way to get 1 more energy.
Oh my gosh, she actually has 74/75 energy! 1 away from 75!!!
I fed her 3 times with super dog chow. 21 energy, she has enough now, I think:)
Oh crap! lizzie needs 75 energy to breed and only has 52!!! I'll find whatever I can to give her ore energy. And I'll send back the heat cookie when she's pregnant!
CAuse corgi pups are adorable!
Okay. :) Then I'll pay the stud fee and send the cookie back:) You don't want any of the puppies if there are more than 1, do you?
And also, thanks for training her and maxing out more skills again:)
I think heat cookies make you wait? IDK how they work, but she'll go into heat soon I think.
I gave it to her but she's not in heat yet. I think we have to wait until the next 30 min interval?
Do you want to do it now or another day? And I promise I'll send it back as soon as she's in heat/pregnant
Really? You'd lend me a heat cookie? That'sd be great if you could. They're re-useable, right? So you could still use it again?
When is the next time she'll go into heat?
She's fully maxed! But we have to wait until she goes into heat again.
Wait, which dog of yours did I request studding for? Sorry, it's been awhile, and you have alot of dogs. :)
I maxed her out in one more stat. I'm maxing another dog, lucy, with the really high TP! I get 20 sessions. a day. I'll do ten clicks on both dogs each day! :) Thank you so much for maxing her in two skills!
Thank you so much! :)
I gotta sell SandStorm. Downsizing. >.<
That's wonderful! Only 45% left and she'll be maxed :D I can't thank you enough ;)
You can have them =) i'm quite covering dogs right now xD
aww well at least they are still cute =P
orry computce went out for two days and the internet didnt work
Aww! I see them! I only wanted one. Could I have this one? 61958
Really? :D
Are you still interested in the pup that I am holding for you? If not, I understand. I'm just checking in :)
It's ok Wild. But how long will it be like this? Or do I just have to change it?
Wow, i love the horse you have on your profile! =D
Thanks! :D
Ok. :) Oh, how do I accept the request?
Just one, thanks. :)
Are you currently breeding? Could my Ringo breed with your pet (id) 33338? Thanks.
xD fail!
Haha, I tossed you the toad =P
Hey :D Just came to check up on Rain :3 She seems like she's doing well, wow, already at 37%! Thanks for doing this for me, I would've taken forever >.<
xD wow
No problem. Just let me know when you're ready!
61142, 61143, and 61144 are available if you'd like one I can put him or her up for sale for 1,000. :)
0.0 What kinds?
Very gawgess :)
*Ala Pets xD
ikr!! Ama pers are so cute :3
Yes,many xD
How many pets do you have? 0.0
i cant understand how yours is only 10... i have to go but we can chat later ok? Bye ;)
Wow really? He has to 4 or 5 shots a day and he pokes his finger with a needle to see his blood sugar...i think thats it
You mean your count/blood sugar is always around 6 or 7? his is always around 100
Haha he cant either xD i think he has type one too, he was thinking about the pump but he's good with the shots so he stuck to it
OMG your a dibetic? Im unually on for him but this is his account and he is a dibetic too! What type are you?
Wow, Rain is doing so well with her training :D Thanks so much for doing this for me! :D
Will ya a a a maybe I should send it in message form...
I have a major favor to ask ya'
we are havin pizza!
XD I'm eatting dinner so I'm busy eating not thinking about what to put
X3 soooo.... erm hi!
^_^ it's true...
can i change imawesomepup to a side account
you remind me of one of my foopet friends, wolfy... I miss wolfy...
yup... thats why I was all like XD haha I got them on there now
Yup, I waited almost 2 hours and only put 3-4 on ala
YAY!!! I got them to load!
X3 my pics are takeing forever to get on photobucket!!!
Yuppie it was nommy
No... My mom wouldn't let me, she said it would make to much of a mess and told me that what ever I messed up I'd be paying for... lets just say I bought pumpkin pie...
Yes but I planted the seed to late so the pumpkins where there after hallaween and before christmas so we didn't have any use for them...
it was one vine that stretched about 7 foot wide and 12 feet long and it gave me 19 pumpkins!
I don't kill'm on porpuse! it isn't like I go around stomping on them and squishing them onto the ground! but I see your point... the only plants I ever got to grow were a single pumpkin seed that took over out yard and morning glories that are now growing wild all over the place...
I like flowers but... Hehe I kill them T_T
X3 yup! I wish there was like white roses or something like that in the shops for larkspur... (larksrup is a type of white flower)
hehe and thank you ^_^ *is verry proud of doggies*
get fly to exsplain it....
get fly to exsplain it....
The Game, sorry.... I had to say it...
I'm fine, you?
Thanks :D Same to you, you have gorgeous dogs ;)
I thought so... I might end up investing some real money into this game in the future when I have some to spare ;) I would love all the advantages of an upgraded account :)
How do you get a trainer perk? I'd love to know, lol :P I would love a scolar collar, but they are all so exspensive ( not to mention sell only for bones ) so I can never afford one. So yeah... I guess I'll have to stick with the long way to do things :P
Wow! You work fast! one day and you've already gotten her 1st skill up to 27 O.o I've been training Grace Like Rain for over a month and still haven't maxed any of her skills :P
hehe yea...
one day to late* ... I hate this keybored
when you get the chance listin to skillet monster(growl version), hero, and awake and alive, oh and one day to laye... those are my favs from them...
linkin park? or Skillet?
No I didn't
A siberian husky
A siberian husky
Random Question: Do you like nickleback or matchbox 20?
Thanks :p
Ok, thanks so much! :D
I just found a dog to breed with kokomo...
whats up?
whats up?
Oh ok :D I'm sending her over, should I send the money now or when she's done before you send her back? Just let me know, I'm happy to oblige :) How long do you think she should take? Just looking forward to the day I bring her back ;)
5,000 is fine for me :) Just let me know when you could take her and I'll send her over right away :) Trying to be a little more responsable and max before breeding :)
Hello :) I was wondering how much you charge to max a dog? I was looking to get Rain Song maxed as she is too perfect to waste breeding without being maxed... Thanks! WinterWolves-
well if you max 2 dogs for me its worth at least one bone
alright =] once you finsh these ones i'll get you your dragon and then i'll send you more pups and every once an a while i'll send over a bone for helping
lots but you dont have to its fine
alright XD good thing few more dogs have to be trained i dont have any bones or extram dragons at the moment
thanks =] did i pay you or what i forgot what the agreement was
<33 Thank yooouuu! I lub you guys :D
Awesome, thanks!!! -goes to fiddle with custom tool-
Hello, I saw your Calla Lily was purple and I'm trying to make a purple custom to go with my blue one, do you think you could help me out with what the code is for purple?
:) Okay send you the 1K
-wait- could i send you the 1K and you send me the dog to player 11059? :) thanks!
:) okay! thanks!
oh ok! :)
I love splatter Paint Wolf! :) So beautiful! How much would she be??
what do you think i should name her?
Thanks Wild!! :D
:) sure thing!
:) thanks!
when Wolfheart X Inverse breeds i totally want a to buy a puppy! :)
Thankies, dear.
Hee. *snugs back* <333
I did pay :) And you can keep every bit of it <3
yes please
my brother made another account he finally decided to stop can you freeze this account i wish to take his he finally stoped i might quit entways so please freeze this one
Awesome :D Thanks for letting me know <3
it won't let me
can i go ahead and change my side account
ok thanks
ok and can i change my side account now
oh i thought i was on my borzoi shelter thank you so much for helping and i wanna put a photo like you know yours ius a black and white cat but i don't know how to change mine
and my brother can'tr make morea at least for awhile
what about borzoiu breeder please don't tell me you froze that
yes but i think he is offline now
no not this one or the Borzoi shelter the other ones i would like you to freeze are 9329 and 9356 that would be it thank you
thyank you i will have more by 6:00 pm
got two accounts for now the ID :
thank you so much thought i can't thank you enought
i need to get the paper he wrote them down on i get home at about 6:00 i will message you with the id's then thank you so much
my brother made some accounts that he didn't want so he gave them to me i don't know how to delete them
xD I have lame pets xD Thanks for looking though!
Could I get the floating hearts or silk bow? C:
Sorry for slow replies. I was in and out of work there. It worked this time. (:
Bah, it still says she's too weak. D:
It said she was too weak. Her health is at 33 so that would be it. :/
I would like a heart balloon. You?
No I like helping my friends! You don't have to pay me back!
Oh, and no copies, please. :3
Oh and when you make the CA, can you call it Karmen?
Thanks. :)
Thank you. I hope I make a nice addition to the team. <3
Thank you!!
thank you :D
Thanks! :D
Thats cool! i love your trick or treat thing!
Your messages are full, but anyway, thanks so much =D What kind of companions are you offering for the prize?
Thanks. I am wondering what might be the reason I did not get the verification email. I sure can use that money. And the person who referred me wants their point, too.
Ok. Thanks.
Where is a good place to get my first dog?
Where is a good place to get my first dog?
No need. He's a great little guy!
O.O that's it?
Sure. How much do you want for him? :D
Scooby Doo or Millo, I'd love one of them <3 by the way, Alleyme1015 is my side, this is my main account. (: So I'd buy one of them on here.
They're [the pups] going to be beautiful. I'd be happy to have one. :D
Oh, agree. I'm not particularly a Beezy Madden fan. XD.
I think so, because two of the European riders got ahead of him? The Swiss one, maybe? Not sure, I was too ticked and gave up before watching the final placings, rofl. XD.
Yup. Both on Sat/Sun. I was so sad when he lost his stirrup on Sunday. He would have won. :[
<3 your status!
No problem. l3
no problem :)
thanks! :D
And now....It's even less empty! XD
No problem. I don't believe in empty scribble walls. XD
-gasp!- Another person with no scribbles!
Welcome to WildOracle (#1383)'s profile.
currently: So many dogs >.> *Glares at side account*
Last Seen: 6:28 PM on 12-16-2023, played for 843 days
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Side account:
What am I doing?

MDBs needed = 12
Where do you want to find me other than Ala?
Howrse - S.V.H.
Felisfire - WildOracle
Lioden - WildOracle
DeviantArt - WildOracle
Dogs in training for other players: (Closed for now)
Price is 4x TP + extra for companions, ect...
Waiting list
Breeding notes
Shadow Rayne *Husky Breeder* (#11367) - Akira
CA`s for other players:
Playful Kitty - Shunky (#6200)
White Rearing Percheron - The AlaPoker (#11694)
Leopard - Warrior
Fox - Nelly
CA Repairs:
TP Records
German Shepherd:
1. Rumour Has It (TP: 8999.9)
2. Hesitation (TP: 3504.64)
3. Optimal (TP: 3483.04)
1. Fanindra + Alexandrite (TP: 2067.83)
2. Anedra (TP: 2065.63)
3. Ferris (TP:2063.43)
Jack Russell Terrier:
1. Temperature (TP: 895.06)
2. Magical Temptation (TP: 890.26)
3. Dusted With Envy (TP: 887.86)
1. Regal Gem (TP: 1372.50)
2. Sapphire Crown (TP: 1371.40)
3. Garnet (TP: 1369.20)
Border Collie:
1. Riction (TP: 3885.20)
2. Running Decision (TP: 3881.60)
3. Rounded Decree (TP: 3879.20)
Australian Shepherd:
1. Parimi (TP:6123.11)
2. Mufasa (TP: 927.69)
3. Mirtle (TP: 922.89) + Koko (TP: 922.89)
Pembroke Welsh Corgi:
1. Endless Wait (TP: 3311.48)
2. Banjo (TP: 753.86)
3. Bass + Drumming Song (TP: 745.46)
Shetland Sheepdog:
1. Colosseum (TP: 1318.95)
2. Wraithful Colasy (TP: 1317.75)
3. Gaelic Storm (TP: 1314.15)
Siberian Husky:
1. Quotient (TP: 3298.19)
2. Flourine (TP: 812.34)
3. Memories (TP: 811.14)
American Pitbull Terrier:
1. Free Falling (TP: 800.18)
2. Warlord (TP: 749.45)
3. Outlaw's View (TP: 678.73)
Catahoula Cur:
1. Meadow Lark (TP: 1170.32)
2. Requiem Of A Dream (TP: 806.85)
3. Purity (TP: 712.62)
Shiba Inu:
1. Kamakaize (TP: 691.98)
2. Surabi (TP: 540.21)
3. Kyoto Star (TP: 332.00)
Signs and Codes for the kennel!
Anything in front of the dog's name indicates the training status, whether the dog is fixed, pregnant or if the dog has been bred before by me.
Φ = Never been bred by me (most likely never has been bred)
β = Pregnant
ϖ = Skills training
δ = Basic Training
μ = Untrained
Ϫ = Spayed/Neutered
Nothing means the dog is maxed and has been bred by me!
Anything after the dog's name indicates the lineage of the stock parents in my kennels so I know who is related to whom.
[ϔ] = Mother or father not from my kennel ex: [Љ x ϔ]
[Ϣ] = Wolfheart
[Љ] = Bella
Maxed Studs for Stud!!! All $500 Look in my Maxed kennel :) All my maxed dogs are there! Every breed! Naturals, Glitches and Ghosts:)
Females must be maxed!!!! Females can be requested for breeding but the males must also be maxed!!!
***My older dogs do die but they can be resurrected if anyone wishes to breed to them as they are all maxed and I often resurrect a bunch of them myself:P
Featured Stud: Macbeth

My Fursona Mystery :D

My custom accessories (Copies can be ordered):

American Saddlebred

Custom Accessories done for other players:
Rearing Wild Stallion - Jazzy (#13065)

Art done by other players for me 8D

This was done by Larthy <3

Clawsie (#253) <3

Saluna <3
CA's to buy (if I'm lucky XD):
Gypsy Vanner
Ferra Nova
Leaf Dragon
Plague Raptor Attack
Rott`n Puppy
Ruby the Pug
Ghost Stallion
Anything by Hel or Xy and Maggs
displaying the first 10 unkenneled dogs...
Dogs Put Down: 0 | Dogs Died In Care:
260 | Training Sessions: 748
Dogs in "WildOracle Kennels"

Preview | Name | Breed | Age | Gender |
Newborn Puppy (#434294)
![]() |
Papillon | 12.09 months | female | |
Newborn Puppy (TP 478) (#434241)
![]() |
Papillon | 13.02 months | female |