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Creation Vs. Evolution
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So which do you believe in? Why? And can you back up your claim? I may poke my nose into this debate later. ^^ NOTE: As the mods have said before, keep this friendly. I really don't like seeing people bashing each other. It's not nice. And it's not polite. Use common sense.

01-16-2011 at 7:05 AM
Your views clash though. It doesn't make sense.

01-15-2011 at 11:13 PM
i believe in both to a point. i believe that there is a god, and he put into motion the big bang then backed off and let nature take its corse with evolution. i dont believe the earth was created in 7 days, i dont believe thats possible at all. does that make sence ☣Клейтон☣ i think ive said what i believe like 5 or 6 times and was told that my ideas just didnt stack up because evolushion has proof and there is no proof that there is a god. even though i support the evolution Theory. so ive basicly been laughing as people try and prove evolution (witch i alredy believe) and tell me im still wrong.

01-15-2011 at 10:01 PM
The problem is also we messed with the circle of life(to steal from Lion King).<br /><br />Humans moved onto the land and killed off the natural predators of the herbavores leaving them to breed unchecked. Which in turn causes them to over populate and destroy the land and then they starve to death. In a working system the predators kill off the sick and old leaving the strong to survive through times of little(winter, drought) and spread their strong genes to future generations!

01-15-2011 at 9:45 PM
<b>this is your 2nd warning. Please remember to stay friendly when discussing your POV on a topic. If this continues the way it is going things will have to be delt with.</b>

01-15-2011 at 8:50 AM
Jambers, I don't understand what your stance is. One minute you're supporting the bible and religion and the next minute you're supporting the people who don't believe in religion??

01-15-2011 at 6:20 AM
But no one here is currently talking about God or creationism, I don't think.>.> So, we don't have answers to that. Although, with my God and Goddess, I have a belief that they can't interfere with life on earth anymore. They set the earth in motion and now they can't interfere with it. Minor gods can affect events and people, but they can't change the landscape of the earth. But I believe in evolution, so...this still isn't really anything to do with going on.>>

01-15-2011 at 6:16 AM
well according to people who believe strickly in crashisim it isnt, 7 days right? wheres the extra land to feed the starveing animals with drindleing recorces the bible says god loves so much.

01-15-2011 at 3:45 AM
Religion is entirely built up on FAITH. <br />The definition of FAITH is as such:<br /><br /><i>–noun<br />1.<br />confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another's ability.<br />2.<br /><b>belief that is not based on proof</b>: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.</i><br /><br />Take that as you will.<br>

<b>Jambers:</b><i> i dont rember scientests artifishaly insmanateing a bunch of wild deer.</i><br>Scientists DO artificially inseminate animal species whose populations are dwindling. Giant Pandas are a perfect example. <br>Scientists ALSO put wild animals on birth control if their populations are out of control.
edit history
2011-01-14 19:50:17 by #5484
2011-01-14 19:49:52 by #5484

01-15-2011 at 2:46 AM
jambers is gramatically inspirational.

01-15-2011 at 2:35 AM
I don't believe in god. What's your point?

01-15-2011 at 1:37 AM
ok that makes more sence, but if this "god" loves all people and animals then wouldn't he have o i don't know, done something about it? it took 7 days to build the earth right? cant he just call up more land and salve the issue?

01-15-2011 at 1:23 AM
We didn't cause them to over breed. We built on their territory so their range could no longer sustain the population.

01-15-2011 at 1:10 AM
how did we cause the over breeding of deer in the wild Nitrous? i dont rember scientests artifishaly insmanateing a bunch of wild deer.

01-14-2011 at 6:40 PM
<b> Please remember to remain friendly, everyone. This debate is starting to tread a thin line between a debate and a fight. </b><br />Thanks!

01-14-2011 at 6:37 PM
Actually, that is nature working perfectly. Nature is not nice or kind. Nature is, essentially, survival of the fittest at it's essence. In zoology, we referred to it as a race to survive or something similar. That's how nature is supposed to work. The weak ones die, while the strong ones live. They don't even have to be that advanced to survive, depending on the enviroment. It's all up to finding an adaptation that works and keeping it.

01-14-2011 at 6:34 PM
Because of human intervention, Jambers. We caused it because we essentially grew out of nature and forgot to conserve it.

01-14-2011 at 6:33 PM
Right but the way i see it, starveing to death is not "nature working perfectly"

01-14-2011 at 6:04 PM
That is <i>after</i> human intervention, Jambers. If left to their own devices, the deer that starved would, of course, die, and the stronger ones would live. Thus, natural selection.<br /><br />Not really an appropriate example for something like this.

01-14-2011 at 5:15 PM
Nature doesn't always work out perfectly, animals breed and breed and breed until they have nothing around to eat and then starve to death. How is that nature working perfectly? Example? The common Deer here in Michigan, they reach record numbers and there just isn't enough food to support them, hunters go out and do them a favor by shooting them before they starve to death. If "god" loves everything he created don't you think he should protect what he loves? But no they die. Evolution is proven, animals ether change and adapt or they die out. <br><br>And as for the whole having "faith" thing its hard to have faith in something that allows people to die, Tribes in Africa don't name there children until there 1st birthday because death in ifants is so high they don't believe the children have soles until they reach that age, no furnal is done, nothing, they just throw them out like yesterdays garbage. Where is "god" in that? Or are you going to say god has a plan for everything and everyone? Those are the worst words a parent can hear when barring there kid. There plans to help that child grow, to love and nurture it to the best of there abilitys where not good enough?

01-14-2011 at 3:59 PM
"This year I'm taking biology, and no matter which angle you look a things in nature, they always work out so perfectly. Nature can't just throw up random stuff and expect it all to turn out well"<br /><br />Actually, that's -exactly- how the theory of evolution works. Animals that weren't suited to "work perfectly" in nature either adapted or died out. You *should* learn about Darwin's trip to the Galapagos where different turtles on different islands had begun to have varying neck lengths depending on where they were. The turtles with longer necks were the ones that had to retrieve their food from higher places. The ones who lived on islands that had food closer to the ground did not develop the same adaptation.

<br /><br />We wouldn't have evolved into what we are today just randomly without some extent of naturalistic harmony. Hence the food chain, niches and ecosystems.
edit history
2011-01-14 08:04:44 by #9181


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