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Creation Vs. Evolution
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So which do you believe in? Why? And can you back up your claim? I may poke my nose into this debate later. ^^ NOTE: As the mods have said before, keep this friendly. I really don't like seeing people bashing each other. It's not nice. And it's not polite. Use common sense.

01-14-2011 at 2:43 AM
although he called it his "hypothesis of the primeval atom". a quote from your own post stating what i already said. its a educated guess NOT fact.

01-14-2011 at 2:37 AM
Lmao, Clay. <br /><center><img src=http://knowyourmeme.com/system/icons/206/original/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster.jpg?1241373617><br><br><br />Why is there no flying spaghetti monster?<br /><br />Here is flying spaghetti monster!</center><br />

My AP US History teacher actually used the flying spaghetti monster in a demonstration about religion.
Made me so proud.
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2011-01-13 18:39:49 by #9181

01-14-2011 at 2:29 AM
<b>Religion:</b> <i>When you can't think of an explanation for something, it's the work of a man in the sky. Where did that man come from?.... well I can't explain that.</i>

01-14-2011 at 2:19 AM
Our universe is thought to have begun as an infinitesimally small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense, something - a singularity. Where did it come from? We don't know. Why did it appear? We don't know.<br /><br /><a href=" http://www.big-bang-theory.com/"> source first paragraph they don't know </a>

What exisisted prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation.
<a href="http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/bigbang.htm"> Second source of there not knowing where it came form.

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2011-01-13 18:34:11 by #8362

01-14-2011 at 2:15 AM
"They have no idea where the matter came from that created our solar system no clue"<br /><br />Umm, actually.<br /><a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang>Hot. Gas.</a>

01-14-2011 at 2:12 AM
thats what i said the people who make these hypothesis are just that PEOPLE and people can be wrong. its PROVEN they can be wrong there just people, it happends, is there a possibility that they can be wrong yet again? YES it is. They have no idea where the matter came from that created our solar system no clue. they have a educated guess (a hypothesis) on how it happend but cant prove it. they cant.

01-14-2011 at 1:55 AM
How come when a disaster is avoided, it's "god's work" and a "miracle" yet when they happen, nobody has any explanation except "nature's a B"<br />:D
<b>@Jambers:</b><i>"o no we messed up and put the bones back tougher in the wrong order, it never did exist" but people where taught that it did, because science SAID it did.</i>
That was an honest mistake, that wasn't brainwashing and warping children into believing this long-necked dino existed. It was a mistake and some bones were jumbled up. You ever put together an animal skeleton?
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2011-01-13 17:57:14 by #5484

01-13-2011 at 10:53 PM
interesting fangdeer, maybe she should have recurched that first.

01-13-2011 at 6:18 PM
I'm just gonna leave this here:<br /><a href=http://api.ning.com/files/ZWspYqpxd8R8lTFnKUJhwF7LBzLeomFx-Nu0pYbV0visEZceQPV2v-zFcl6pV3HIk4ziR1jduT4xlnz9eHIoGevDEKEudSp7/facebooksunearth.jpg?width=483&height=555>Clicky.</a><br /><br />I saw this a while ago and it's been in my mind for the last few posts on here and I finally got around to looking it up.

01-13-2011 at 6:02 PM
@ Nitrous yes I believe the chances of hitting the lottery are very slim, you are more liable to get struck by lightning that to hit the lottery. Taking the fact that that is MORE true, than false, isn't it possible that a higher being had a hand in it? Lets get real here people how many of us have been struck by lighting? Really if you have I would like to know if you ever got struck again? Maybe the first time was a fluke, but for it to have happend 9 times?? Really your going to sit there and say "yes and theres no possible way that a "god" had a hand in it"? really? How many people hit the lottery 2 times? And as for the one degree one way or the other, check the source. I did provide it. IF it had been 1 degree hotter the earth would have been a black hole, if it had been one degree colder the earth would have been a black hole. And thats science! Now I'm a Cristian, do I believe EVERYTHING the bible says? No give me a break, 7 days isn't enough time. It just isn't. I prefer to take science and apply it to what the bible says and cross reference it. As for Science being true in all things its proven that its just not, people have mentioned dinosaurs on here, theres one very long necked dinosaur I'm sure you know the one I'm talking about, everyone in my generation grew up thinking it existed because science said it DID, then about 5 years ago said "o no we messed up and put the bones back tougher in the wrong order, it never did exist" but people where taught that it did, because science SAID it did. You have to remember that the people making all these theory's are just men and women like us. They don't know for sure how things happend and there is no way for them to check and make sure that what they clam to be true IS true besides what other men and women just like us have all ready said or "proved" to be true. <br><br> <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory"> Definition of the word THEORY </a> <br> Please be sure to take the ENTIRE meaning not just the parts you like. What we are debating is not a Theory it is in fact a hypothesis what could have happend not a for sure has happend because there is no real way of knowing and testing it to make it a Theory<br><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothesis"> Definition of Hypothesis </a> <br><br>And another thing we have more in common with pigs than monkeys, DNA wise AND organ wise, don't believe me I'll get you a source. We transplant harts from PIGS into PEOPLE because of all the similarities, if we are just a another sub species of a older primate, then why can't we use monkey harts? Or ape harts? Wouldn't they have evolved to just about the same state as us by now? But no we use pigs, we are CLOSER to pigs if you want to use a bases of DNA, and origins. <br><br> <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/3347664/Breakthrough-in-animal-spare-part-transplants-for-humans.html"> Proof of Pig Hart Transplants To Humans </a> Just thought I would mention that because of things said on page 9 and 8. I just got done reading ALL of the posts.
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2011-01-13 10:09:57 by #8362

01-13-2011 at 3:50 PM
Jambers. In our own solar system, it happened NINE times. Nine planets (counting Pluto). Ours just happened to be hospitable enough for life. <br /><br />I'm really not seeing this "one degree" theory. Your chances of winning the lottery are incredibly minuscule, yet people win, and they probably had roughly the same chance to do so as you did.

01-13-2011 at 5:46 AM
I believe there is a god and i base that on the sientific fact i have listed before, something had to have a hand in that i meen just one degree and nothing would be here, JUST ONE! what are the chances of it being the perfect time, the perfect tempachure? and i know my spelling is off right now, sorry about that. its 1 in the morning and i dont fell like spell checking lol. But my point stands, i dont belive in like a big brother always looking over your shoulder takeing down every mean thing you say, hes got better things to do

01-13-2011 at 4:05 AM
Whenever I come in here, I want to quote the Sassy Gay Friend: Eve episode.>.> /off topic<br /><br />But I wanted to add that my zoology course is wrapping up right now. And all of our units have had a ton of focus on evolution. And honestly? The proof for it is so overwhelming that I don't see how anyone can't believe in it. It just makes sense to see how these evolunationary relationships are put together.

01-13-2011 at 4:00 AM
All i can say is Evolution Evolution Evolution!<br />I do not believe that some guy created us in 7 days..

01-13-2011 at 3:40 AM
Well, what you have to think about is yes, the Earth its self may be old, but the universe? Oh my gosh. I'll never forget, my teacher did a demonstration with us she had a black ribbon with a white spot at the end about an inch long. She had one of my friends hold one end, and then walked all the way across the soccer field. <br /><br />She said "The white spot represents how long earth has been here. The black is how long the galaxy has been here."<br /><br />It was a matter of chance and it happened. But considering the unstable state of our galaxy at the time, it was bound to happen. <br /><br />And if that could happen to us, imagine other galaxies. The complexity of the universe never ceases to astound me, but I'm not resorting to a "higher power" as an explaination. What if extra terrestrial beings do exist? It's possible I suppose, not inside our own galaxy, but who's to say it couldn't have happened again, or even before us?<br /><br />Would they be a work of this "god"?
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2011-01-12 19:40:21 by #9181

01-13-2011 at 3:01 AM
Okay heres a proven fact in what I am saying I'll even list a source for you. As I said before I believe there IS someone out there looking and making big decisions but I don't believe its that big brother theory everyone seems to think I CAN have it both ways and science even backs up my ideas of what happend with this statement.<br><br><br />In 1965, Radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin (-454.765 degree Fahrenheit, -270.425 degree Celsius) Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) which pervades the observable universe.<br /><br />MEANING one degree in one direction or the other there would be no "primeval ooze" because there would be no planet for it to sit on. It would have become a black hole instead. Hence no us. Meaning that that other Theory would never come into effect ether, if there is no planet, there is no life. <br /><br />On a side note, please remember to end your tags. Your entire post is a link and I don't think you meant to do that :)<br /><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_microwave_background_radiation"><br />SOURCE under Features paragraph 1 </a> i DID have a different source here at one time i have since then found a better source. if you wish to see HOW this relates read the entire artical.
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2011-01-13 11:29:55 by #8362

01-13-2011 at 12:00 AM
<b>@Jambers</b><br /><br />"one way or the other there would be no us, no "life" on this planet after the big bang."<br /><br />Why not? <br />Darwinism has pretty much been proven. <br /><a href=http://www.clarku.edu/~piltdown/map_receptionfav/darwintheoryproved.html>The Missing Link Found</a>.<br /><br />We evolved from primeval ooze. Fact. <br /><br />Creatonalists cannot believe in dinosaurs. The bible does not mention dinosaurs, and claims Earth is only a few thousand years old.<br /><br />So even though we have *proof* they existed MILLIONS to BILLIONS of years before us, people continue to reject it ever happened. <br /><br />Illogical. Wrong. <br /><br />And Buddy...carbon dating is pretty accurate. It proves the Earth is older than the bible claims. <br />

As for Super: "science cannot prove anything"

Umm, actually. Science proves <b>everything</b>.

Have you ever heard that saying "Religion was created to pacify the stupid"?
I'm not saying I think everyone who's religious is stupid. What I'm saying is, if you can't understand the concept and -facts- of how things happened, well...I can't fix that.

Humans found the path to sentience first. We are not alone. This is no longer as simple as chimps using tools. Dolphins are capable of metacognition and the concepts of religion and the future. The neo cortex of a dolphin absolutely blows a human's out of the water. Dolphins have their own language. Not just communication through body language or clicks or noises. They have an actual language as we do. Oh yeah, they understand the concept of mirrors, as well. That's self awareness.

<a href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJeIdVX0Nqg>Video On Dolphin Intelligence</a>.

How can you explain that?

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2011-01-12 19:32:54 by #9181
2011-01-12 16:27:49 by #9181

01-12-2011 at 9:56 PM
Evolution.<br /><br />Evidence for evolution and related things: Tons<br /><br />Evidence that God created everything and nothing has since changed: Negative.<br /><br />;)

12-30-2010 at 4:12 PM
"<br />The age of rocks is usually determined by radioactive (or radiometric) dating. Some elements are radioactive and gradually convert from one isotope to another. For example, uranium 238 (238U) will gradually convert to lead (206Pb). It will do this at a constant rate. The rate is described as a half-life of the isotope in question. This is the period of time it takes for half the atoms of 238U to convert to lead. For this particular element, the half-life is 4.47 billion years and uranium/lead dating is useful for rocks between 1 million and 4.5 billion years (as luck would have it!)." <br /><br />Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_can_they_tell_the_earth_is_4.5_billion_years_old#ixzz19iMjaxJb<br /><br />That is supposed proof of the age of the Earth. But they can only guess how long it takes for that to happen to the rocks.

12-30-2010 at 4:30 AM
ok the way i see it yes there is a God, but i dont think its a God that is always there and pokeing his nose into things constently not the big brother looking over your shoulder deal everyone seems to say exsists. Why do i believe there is a God, well its quite simple 1 degree one way or the other there would be no us, no "life" on this planet after the big bang.


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