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Creation Vs. Evolution
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So which do you believe in? Why? And can you back up your claim? I may poke my nose into this debate later. ^^ NOTE: As the mods have said before, keep this friendly. I really don't like seeing people bashing each other. It's not nice. And it's not polite. Use common sense.

03-23-2011 at 7:51 AM
Evolution is a theory though, not a fact. Though there is evidence of evolution, it is still considered theory.

03-23-2011 at 7:06 AM
I don't believe in either. A person with a scientific, skeptic mind doesn't hold beliefs; they know facts. Evolution is fact. The end.

03-23-2011 at 5:10 AM
Kiinndd of off-topic but I never understood the whole "all gays will go to hell!!" mentality, and the hatred of gays from religious people.... so what if he or she is going to hell? How does that effect the religious person? It's obvious the religious person doesn't care or like the homosexual one.. so why would they care? [<i>This is a serious question, something I've been wondering for a long time</i>]

03-23-2011 at 2:31 AM
I'm the same way. That's why I try so much to annoy my stepmom. Because she has that attitude. I used to like her, and then I found out she was one of those people who thinks that she is right, no matter what, and if you don't agree with her, you are most likely going to hell. Half the time I just try to annoy her, because it feels good to go against her.<br /> <br /> I think part of it is the younger you are, the more likely you are to just blindly follow what people say. I mean, I watched this thing about kids of the Westboro Baptist Church, and the young kids just listen without question, and one of the older girls (21) questioned what they said and got kicked out. Her parents told her younger siblings she was going to Hell, and they immediately sided with them.<br /> <br /> ...Bit off-topic.>.>

03-23-2011 at 2:23 AM
"if my parents ordered me to bow to them and fully submit myself to their will, or else they would condemn me to eternal torment, I'd want nothing to do with them."<br /> <br /> /THANK YOU/! >.&lt; Nothing drives me more insane than that "bow to me" mentality...

03-23-2011 at 12:30 AM
I'm not gonna realllly get involved cause I was raised strictly anti-bible, and that will probably uhhhh.. effect my posts, but I've noticed the same thing, Carni. <br>Threatening children with bad things to get them to convert. It kind of reminds me of PeTA and their childrens' comic books, telling them that their lifestyle of eating/wearing X,Y,Z is bad, and if they don't stop, they're killing animals!!<br>sad, imo.<br><b>EDIT:</b> or to change my entire life/lifestyle because of fear of something that I don't even know will happen or if it CAN happen. It just reaks of paranoia/fear based faith to me.
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2011-03-22 17:32:02 by #5484

03-22-2011 at 7:44 PM
Ashfoot, passive aggressively threatening everyone with Hell (which is exactly what you just did, whether that was your intention or not), only proves your religion is entirely fear-based and encouraging of ignorance.<br /> <br /> And Sierra, if you are not an expert on the Bible, do not fully understand it, have not read it all the way through and done research to understand what you're reading, you probably shouldn't be throwing out quotes or even putting any stock into the book as a cornerpiece of your religion.<br /> <br /> Too often I see Christians who swear by their faith, but don't even read their Bibles and fully comprehend what's in them. If they did, and didn't twist the words around to mean what they want it to mean, I don't think Christianity would be as popular as it is.<br /> <br /> You're promised heaven, so long as you bow down to God "the Father." I don't know about you, but if my parents ordered me to bow to them and fully submit myself to their will, or else they would condemn me to eternal torment, I'd want nothing to do with them.<br /> <br /> Please, if you do nothing else, watch the youtube series I linked you to. It's very gentle and drawn-out, and will not just be an aggressive attack on your religion. It will reference many books and sources you can go to yourself to double check the information presented.

03-22-2011 at 4:53 AM
"god has predicted the fucher befor it happend!"<br /> <br /> Then how come nothing the bible predicted has come true? <br /> Also, maybe you don't know anything about evolution is because you can't spell it.<br /> <br /> <a href=http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110312143515AACcIYG>This "Bible Predictions" BS Was Asked About On Yahoo Answers.</a><br /> <br /> "That being said, the bible was rewritten plenty of times throughout history. It is possible that while events had already occured, the writters would switch the wording of an event that came close to the actual event that happened to one that actually happened.<br /> <br /> Another guess is that the bible is pretty vague on many different topics. It has been proven throughout history that someone with enough literature skills can twist the meaning of the bible for any purpose at all. "<br /> <br /> The bible has "predicted" the dates of the end of the world on multiple occasions. ALl of which have been wrong.<br /> That's right, WRONG.
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2011-03-21 21:57:35 by #9181
2011-03-21 21:54:37 by #9181

03-22-2011 at 4:45 AM
i beleave that eveloshon is NOT real! (no afence) the bible is the truth! god has predicted the fucher befor it happend! god is our ruler even though he may not show you the way he is like a pat you can chose to take that path or the one to hell so think about what your doing! befor you do it! <br /> <br /> things we dont know may occor later or things we dont understand we will soon know in heaven <br /> <br /> **i hope to see you there!**
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2011-03-21 21:48:39 by #6213

03-22-2011 at 4:02 AM
Sierra:<br /> <br /> I welcome the fact you have such a strong belief in a higher power. There is nothing wrong with doing so. However, you need to learn to balance that belief with accepting the facts of the world around you and not condemning others for not sharing those beliefs.<br /> <br /> I was raised catholic by a strongly involved catholic family. I have a respect for religion even though I do not prescribe to it's current incarnations. I have my own beliefs in gods that have nothing to do with this argument.<br /> <br /> Like you I once took everything my church, parents and those around me said as truth. I could quote the bible strongly, and still can.<br /> <br /> I just ask that you learn, like so many christians and other religious people, to learn to balance science and your beliefs. As well as things that are outside your belief structure, as I suspect that your particular brand of religion is conservative enough.<br /> <br /> Science has done a lot, it has given you the technology you're currently using, it helped you be born healthy, it keeps you warm every night as you go to sleep. Evolution is integral in science, as it's taught us so much about the human body, diseases, and other such things. <br /> <br /> Religion and evolution do not have to be mutually exclusive, you can happily have both. There are many scientists who are christian and who believe in evolution. It is just the simple realization that god facilitated evolution himself.<br /> <br /> I would also ask that you examine the bible more closely yourself. Jesus himself did not follow the ways that his religion set forth completely, he realized that there were fallacies in religion. He celebrated his faith and at the same time, took a step away from living every single teaching because he knew not all were correct. He accepted women of ill repute and hated tax men into his life. He loved everyone and accepted everyone's right to their own selves and beliefs. You can follow closely in his footsteps by doing the same, celebrating god, jesus and your beliefs, as well as realizing that there are truths that even your religious leaders do not accept and loving everyone who comes into your life without pitying them for not believing the same as you. Jesus did it, so can you.<br /> <br /> I think it's fantastic you will talk to your family about things, however I would recommend that you know where they get their facts from and be wary of certain books that may be given you. There are books out there that some write that twist the truth, including mentioning carbon dating is wrong. Instead I would seek out accredited scientific magazines and books, perhaps have a discussion with your science teacher, and learn more. <br /> <br /> ::<br /> <br /> I do not believe in evolution. Now, before people get uptight about that, I don't think anyone can "believe" in evolution because it is not something that is faith based, but rather fact based. The facts are present, so I know it is true. <br /> <br /> I have my beliefs, which are rather limited as I realize in all probability there is nothing out there, but I like the idea of the gods.

03-22-2011 at 3:10 AM
"As for the “Why is their starving children in Africa if there is a God” question, that’s simple. When sin entered the world it brought with it all these problems from disease to hunger to murder and so on. "<br /> <br /> Seems to be a rather serious implication that these people are at fault...<br /> <br /> As for your age, at this point I don't take it as a valid excuse.<br /> <br /> My step mother was raised Catholic, dragged my step siblings and I to church every Sunday from the time I was 10 to 14. I in particular had a completely unexplained revulsion for these services. My father shared my distaste and would hurry us out the door as soon as he could.<br /> <br /> They sent me to the youth program, where they quickly tried to brainwash us into believing that "god was everywhere", showing us movies or book excerpts and applying it to some christian belief or bible verse. They told us what music we could and couldn't listen to, which literature and things were "sinful". Disgusting. This church had been non-denominational, it didn't teach of any individual sect of christianity. My step mother found a "better" church eventually, following Baptist teachings. <br /> <br /> By this point I already had realized what crap christianity was. <br /> <br /> I'll never forget the last time I stepped foot in a church. The pastor stood up, approached the podium, and said this word for word: "When you go to the polls to vote, be sure to remember god's word. Stop the murder that is going on in this country, the murder that is abortion." He continued on to bash gay marriage, and promote the christian agenda in politics. I was shocked.<br /> <br /> I silently stood, and walked down the center isle towards the doors. I never looked back. This was back in 2008, right before the Presidential election. <br /> <br /> I am now 17. Obviously before your age I had figured out the hatred and bigotry such a religion promotes. <br /> <br /> My question to you is simply this: <b>why</b>?<br /> <br /> Why would a person ever willingly choose to be under the constant thumb of someone who in according to your teachings is capable of serious punishment? <br /> <br /> Why would a person ever willingly choose to be subordinate to a will that is not their own? You certainly would not drop to your knees and kiss the feet of another man because a book (and a highly contradictory one at that) was written about him.<br /> <i>Why would you ever do it for someone who we have absolutely no proof exists or has any influence in anything that has ever happened or that you have ever done?</i><br /> <br /> This is how I feel: <b>no one man, woman, child or theoretical god has authority over me, they never could. I exist, I matter, I am inferior to no one. I am free. I live, and as such I have the right to pursue the life I wish to live. I may go where I please, I may learn of the world without fear, I may develop my own views or morality, politics, and interests. I am free to view worldly cultures without saying "My god is better. My god is right." My mind is open. I have the capacity to appreciate the complexity of nature and accept the beauty of how things changed and evolved, and how infinitely expansive the universe is. I do not say "god did it," and turn away. This inspires me to dream, and to dream inspires me to act. I do not rely on the non-existant hand of "god" to carry society to a better place. That is in the hands of the individual. The power of a person is limitless. A god demonizes and destroys that power, saying "You are not worthy. Only I am."</b>
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2011-03-21 20:13:07 by #9181

03-22-2011 at 2:32 AM
This part doesn't make sense to me: <i>"God knows what he’s doing, and we cannot comprehend it no matter how hard we think. It would be like an ant trying to understand a human; we don’t have the capacity to comprehend it."</i><br /> An ant doesn't need to understand a human, it just knows <i>"omg that thing is trying to kill me. rruunnn!!!"</i> Though this is probably off-topic.. I apologize.

03-21-2011 at 11:57 PM
Hey, sorry I’ve been gone a while. I’m no bible expert here, but I just want to quote something from my previous post. To be honest my family is on vacation and I didn’t really get a chance to read all this. I also apologize if you all think I’m absolutely horrible for stating my view of things, No I do not put blame “that everyone in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Darfur, the Congo, Somalia, Uganda, Liberia and every single citizen of various countries worldwide are at fault because of a corrupt government or unfortunate environmental factors” I don’t think I said that anywhere in my post and certainly didn’t intend it, forgive me for not going deeper as I’m very short on time. Anyway, I’m actually fourteen will be fifteen in a month, =) and so yes I am young, I don’t have answers for everything but I promise all of you someday I’ll be able to defend my religious views much better. I’ve only had fifteen years. I have mind to drag my dad down here and maybe I will when we get home. I guess I just want to say I’ll be back if I’m not banned for causing some world war or something ;) I really think this is a great challenge for me and when I get to sit down and actually look at all you have said I will have allot of questions to ask my family and friends! Thank you for sharing with me your opinions, please don’t think I’m a horrible person, I’m really not. Ok, so here’s my quote: <br /> <br /> "God knows what he’s doing, and we cannot comprehend it no matter how hard we think. It would be like an ant trying to understand a human; we don’t have the capacity to comprehend it."<br /> <br /> And Nitrous: I’m really sorry you took that as what I meant in my post, I should have worded it WAY differently if someone can take that much offence on it. I hope you don’t just draw conclusions of how disgusting I am. I didn’t mean to get anyone upset. <br />
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2011-03-21 17:01:14 by #10879
2011-03-21 16:59:18 by #10879

03-21-2011 at 10:49 PM
http://www.project-reason.org/bibleContra_big.pdf<br /> <br /> Thought I'd drop this here. It's a PDF file that links every contradiction in the Bible.<br /> <br /> Just gonna leave that there now.

03-21-2011 at 8:07 AM
Leviticus 15:19-20<br /> Leviticus 19:27<br /> Ephesians 5:4<br /> <br /> things that made me laugh

03-21-2011 at 5:11 AM
Sierra, there is so much you do not know about the Bible, it's origins, the vast contradictions within it (for instance, Judas apparently died two entirely different deaths in two different books in the bible), and the manipulations and brainwashing techniques that have been fine tuned over the years to blind you to truth. I'm going to link you to a couple things, and if you really are confident in the things you believe, you won't be afraid to look at them, and watch the video series all the way through. I want you to cross-reference.<br /> <br /> If you refuse to look, grasp, and do your best to understand the information I am about to put in front of you, then you need to ask yourself why you refuse to do it. Is it because you're afraid of finding out your convictions are based in falacy and don't want to admit that maybe, just maybe, your blind faith is exactly that; blind? Or is it because anything that is not "of God and for God" is automatically sinful and not worth your attention, with would be a belief that only encourages ignorance and encourages you to turn a blind eye to everything that is not included in the lessons that have been spoonfed to you, and you have swallowed without question.<br /> <br /> I was raised by a traveling minister for a mother and a pastor for a father. I grew up in an environment heavily saturated in the Christian religion, and through personal experience and research, and seeking truth, I do not parrot the teachings I grew up with.<br /> <br /> I don't say this to attack you or condemn you. I believed strongly like you did, once. I was ignorant of truth, and I shunned anything that flew in the face of my faith because I had accepted it at face value.<br /> <br /> Just like I used to believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause. <br /> <br /> I only ask that you review the information I give you. Do not skip over it, don't ignore it and stick your fingers in your ears and keep the blinders on your eyes.<br /> <br /> The book you base your faith on was first written by Polytheists. They believed in several gods. The copy of the bible you have now is heavily edited and revised, and if you do the research into its origins, you'll find that many of the men who wrote it, wrote their parts for political gain and control.<br /> <br /> Don't forget; the Bible's teachings say that if God tells you to kill your child, you must do it without question. If God orders you to kill your fellow man, you must do it without question. It promotes incest and murder, so long as it's in the name of your God. It promotes hatred and persecution of your fellow man. Shellfish are an abomination to consume. Being born homosexual and being in love with a same-gendered person is considered filthy and horrible, and worthy of death.<br /> <br /> To believe in the Bible, and uphold the Christian faith, you don't get to pick and choose which values you keep and discard. You don't get to overlook the biggotry, and the very dangerous shroud that has been pulled over your eyes. <br /> <br /> I, for one, truly hope you take something from this post and the links I'm sharing with you. It's your decision. Pit your faith against facts. Don't be afraid.<br /> <br /> A series in several parts (please watch them all in order, it's a bit long, but the information here is invaluable): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOmSYHzeoNA&feature=related<br /> <br /> A bar graph showing a tally of deaths accredited to God and Satan, taken directly from information in the Bible: http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/abacaxigod.jpg<br /> <br /> A fully notated/referenced line graph connecting several contradictions in the Bible: http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Atheism/Images/BibleContradictions-ReasonProject.png<br /> <br /> A very powerful and honest narrative of one man's experiences with scientific truth (Warning: some language): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6w2M50_Xdk&feature=player_embedded
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2011-03-20 22:19:34 by #66
2011-03-20 22:14:28 by #66

03-21-2011 at 4:32 AM
Sierra, your implications are blindingly horrible and I could actually <i>feel</i> my faith in humanity die a little more. At least I assume that's what that sudden miasma of combined sadness, disappointment, and incredulity was.<br /> <br /> I thought it was already dead, actually.<br /> <br /> "There is more proof that Jesus walked the earth than there is George Washington was the first American president, that’s not false statistics either."<br /> <br /> Either stop stating sheer lies as fact or <i>give me your proof.</i> All of it. <b>Give me all of it.</b><br /> <br /> Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that <b>a man</b> called Jesus Christ did not walk the earth. I'm suggesting that no son of an all-powerful deity walked the earth.
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2011-03-20 21:32:36 by #4246

03-18-2011 at 2:47 AM
I believe in evolution. And I think we can see the slightest examples of evolution in dog breeds, the vast varieties. And a test was done and concluded all dog's genetics are by far connected to the Grey Wolf than any other canine.<br /> <br /> It's amazing how a Grey Wolf can go to a Great Dane or a Dachshund through years of selectively breeding for a purpose.<br /> <br /> <br /> And I think natural selection plays a huge role in evolution. When things changed and one species started to suffer the ones with traits better adapted to living in the environment lived.

03-18-2011 at 1:46 AM
Sierra, I personally found your post incredibly ignorant and racist. You basically just stated that everyone in Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Darfur, the Congo, Somalia, Uganda, Liberia and every single citizen of various countries worldwide are at <b>fault</b> because of a corrupt government or unfortunate environmental factors? How disgusting of you! This is exactly the ego-centric, self righteous type of thinking that's typical of uneducated Christian followers. <br /> <br /> Also, your comment about carbon dating is wrong. A few thousand? Try roughly 45 million. <br /> <br /> I hope one day, when you're not 11 years old, you'll grow up and realize how utterly flawed your logic is.
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2011-03-17 18:47:06 by #9181

03-18-2011 at 1:17 AM
Actually, evolution makes perfect sense. I mean, maybe it's because we talked about it a ton in my Zoology class, but there is a lot of proof for it and it makes perfect sense. I don't really have time to explain in detail the theory of evolution or bring up the TON of evidence, because I should be writing a paper right now.>.><br /> <br /> But, I am willing to come back later with links and explanations when I actually have time.<br /> <br /> What doesn't make any sense to me is the Christian God or the Bible. There are just WAY too many contradictions to make any sense. There's actually this thing online where some guy went through and found every contradiction ion the Bible and linked them together. And just...WOW. There were a lot. But I digress.


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