Abortion #2!!!!!!
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This is the Exact same thing i wrote on my first post on the first abortion thread, i copied and pasted. you can copy and paste your replies as well until we catch up you can just repost your overall opinion or sum up everything that you said on the first one, now for the love of all that is good, if this gets closed like the other one, i'll be mad as hell. let that be a warning. i will not tolerate anything but the upmost respectable behaviour. That's Right ;) now read on, if you haven't already

now i understand that this may be a little touchy for some people i DoN'T want to step on anyones toes or upset people so please keep that in mind when replying. im kind of stuck in the middle. because i believe that people need to accept the *cringes* consequences. if you have sex, you should accept the consequence of possibly becoming pregnant. murder is also a great defense against it. However, there are Many gray areas, or acceptions. maybe the fetus will be born with a serious illness or defect that the family is unable to bear, whether it be finicially or emotionally or they don't want to do that to a child, but maybe the child wouldn't have minded theres no way to tell until it grows up and tells us its feelings on its handicapped life. maybe its seriously endangering the mother. then it would be understandable. if it waswhoa there, then it's not fair. because murder is horrible, but she was frankly *Forced* to 'accept' the possible consequence of getting pregnant against her will. a lot of mothers do it because it's inconvient or they doubt their parental abilities. inconviency is a poor excuse, but who am i to say so? those situations Vary Greatly. but i think (Almost) every woman has what it takes to be a decent mother. no mother is perfect, and i believe that it's very considerate in a way, not wanting the child to have a bad mother. but lifes about learning, maybe the mother needed to learn how to be a mother. However, i am aware of the Strain it puts on the country if a child is abandoned or orphaned, but sadly maybe the right way isn't always the easiest. lastly i want to say i know how many mothers are here on this site, and please know i have full respect for your choices and i hope this topic doesn't offend you in the least bit, and i hope other members remember to be sensitive on this touchy subject in order to prevent someone's feelings getting hurt.

06-11-2011 at 5:26 AM
It will be one in time. It isn't yet. That's the key point. The would-be mother is already alive and already has hopes, dreams and goals. At that point in pregnancy, the fetus has no feelings, nervous system, emotions or thoughts. It feels and thinks nothing. I think that a life that is already here is more important than one that isn't yet.

06-11-2011 at 5:17 AM
doesn't it matter that it WILL be a human life though????

06-11-2011 at 5:15 AM
Well, might as well sum up my beliefs real quick, even though I'm sure everyone knows them.<br /> <br /> I'm pro-choice, because a fetus is not a baby. At the point that the baby can survive outside the womb, that's when the cut off point for abortion should be. Late term abortions should only be legal in the case of saving the mother's life. Uh...yeah. Pretty sure that's it. Also, I disagree completely with the whole adoption argument. Our adoption system is freaking horrible. The end.>.>


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