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Snivy14's advert:
dogs for sale in my unkenneled section

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Easter Event preparation

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Mar 27, 2024
2x Easter Egg Hunt Tokens are now being added to any handlers inventory who has logged in within the last 4 hours.

These will be used to play the easter egg hunt mini event being added

more details will follow!

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Hey hey! Let me know once the bugs fixed! Just hopped on for the day and I'm up to 10 😅
Posted on 03-28-2024 at 11:46 AM

found it the bug, thanks!
Posted on 03-28-2024 at 3:19 AM

Thanks for heads up, I'll keep an eye on it!
Posted on 03-28-2024 at 3:14 AM

some polls coming up

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Mar 20, 2024
A few polls coming up over the next couple weeks, please be sure to vote, so I know what is most important to you for me to fix.

I was a little surprised about the results. so I'm gonna work split time improving the existing systems, as well as new features.

Since the vote is roughly even, I will work on modest features first in order to accommodate time for systems work.

So, first things first, which systems need work, and if you have something in particular, drop a line in the comments here about what you need fixed,

-There is a lot of upward progress we can make on existing systems. in terms of usability for all. so after we can get an idea of what systems are most important, I can make more detailed polls for what in particular needs fixing.

New game features polls are coming next, so I can get an idea about what everyone wants the most next.

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Oo yeah I have 12 in my inventory. Started out as 10
Posted on 03-29-2024 at 12:09 AM

profile fixes

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Mar 15, 2024
Some players with custom profile css have issues displaying dogs etc

This is tied to changing the opacity, particularly on the #banner and #main.

alter opacity on these layers interferes with the modal dialog functionality, probably due to the specificity of the selector being used (#<id> is very specific).

I am investigating this, howeer if you want a quick fix for your profile, disable any opacity references with a // (comment) in front of the opacity.

I will release a tool kit and add hooks to the profile so that you can skin your profile to your specific needs shortly!

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if you need help with your profile, I will be happy to fix it and show you what I did. just message me!
Posted on 03-15-2024 at 12:02 PM


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