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Snivy14's advert:
dogs for sale in my unkenneled section

[ x vote for us to earn $800 each day ]


Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Apr 24, 2024
at the top of the dog page (next to kennel / dog name) you will find a "DOG-V2" link.

This is not finished, but I'm releasing now for testing purposes.

In particular I think you will find that the skill training to be particularly useful.

Let me know what you think, with any comments or suggestions, so I can get it fixed the way you want it!

page no longer refreshes for most things, including image refreshing, and skills

when finished, this will apply also to equipment (will automatically refresh)

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dog tags finished.
accidents finished.

Posted on 04-26-2024 at 1:14 PM

Easter Slots!

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Apr 20, 2024
Easter Slots are now live!

You can find it in the Life tab underneath games(trials).

For a little while, as well, you can find it in the Welcome
Back panel (where your profile is).

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