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Snivy14's advert:
dogs for sale in my unkenneled section

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4th of July Summer Event!

Posted by

Sin Vraal
(#18687) on Jul 03, 2024

We are pleased to announce the 4th of July Independence Day Summer event!

The event shall run for the duration of the summer until Labor Day (September 2). The shop will remain open a little while longer, as will a slot machine (similar to Easter) for those who came late but still want event items.

To participate in the event, click on the games (trials) link. Then select “2024 4th of July BBQ Hunt” for the rules.

To join a game, under the games menu, click appropriate game type!

The event currency are popsicles. Every 4 hours, 3 popsicles are distributed to any players logging in within the last 4 hours. To check your balance, just click on the event store found in the instructions.

This event was a rather large technical update. I'm going to spare you the page clutter from now on by training myself to post in admin updates like I should be!

For update details: click here.
For upcoming features: click here

Happy Independence Day!

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I'm deleting the comments in this thread as its clearly going to go nowhere positive. Your welcome to message me about it if you want to discuss it.

Dogs and accessories will always be hand crafted, as well as anything else we can craft by hand will take priority to AI generated art.

Otherwise, Seasonal event art stays as is, until artists become available to produce additional content.

Posted on 07-8-2024 at 7:28 AM

July Monthly Shop

Posted by

(#29063) on Jul 01, 2024
I have changed the monthly shop for July.

Albino Ball Python
Caramel Ball Python
Clown Fish
Green Tree Python
Mandarin Fish
Moorish Idol
Muddy Puppy
Paradox Ball Python
Shamed Kitten
Shamed Puppy
Shaped Hedges
Unapologetic Fox
White Hen
White Picket Fence
White Rooster

July 2013 Monthly Bag

Box Turtle
Nibbling Mice

Congo River Background
Coral River Background
Summer Valley Background

Free claimable for upgraded account is July 2013 Monthly Bag!

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Posted on 07-1-2024 at 2:11 PM

Doberman Puppy

Posted by

(#29063) on Jun 23, 2024
Hello everyone! The amazing Seafaeral #36780 has been working on the Doberman for us. They also did the scottie. But we are having trouble deciding which version of Dobie puppy to go with so we would like input from everyone.

Just let us know which one you like the best!

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I love both but 1 stands out to me, 2 kinda reminds me of the Dane pup a little.
Posted on 06-25-2024 at 6:39 PM

Posted on 06-25-2024 at 9:33 AM

Wow. This makes me feel better! I could not decide which so I asked Bobbie to post a poll. The poll is tied! 😂 I’m not crazy after all!
Posted on 06-24-2024 at 11:47 AM


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